Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

Without Echo of Peace Summit would take 4472 Damage, after her I Shall Not Fall ability procs that's 2236 Damage. Leaving just 224 Health for Solid Core to accidentally blast. Which is what I wrote, even though Echo of Peace should have left Summit with much more Health at that point, enough to survive that bit of friendly fire. :V
Did you take into account Insurmountable Gap? :V
You say potato I say patato. The end result is pretty much the same.
No actually. One can be recovered from this this setting. The other can't.

Slight but importance difference.

Though some obliteration does occur IIRC.

Will do. Let me finish moving some stuff around on the first page.
Supremacy: Apparently is nullifies a victim's affinity bonuses or something unless it has the Rule affinity. technical information insufficient.
Supremacy negates all an opponent's defensive abilities that don't fall under either outright damage reduction like INDESCRUCTIBLE CORE's 99%, Red Rose's 20% (Recursive), No Longer Human's 50%, or an ability that directly targets one of the Affinities for the attack.

Only the Rule Affinity can get Supremacy.

"Saves from Death" are also canceled.

Vampire: Health steal. technical information insufficient.
50% damage caused is regenerated as Health. If an enemy is killed by an attack with this ability, remove one Body Damage Modifier.

Limitless: Infinite supply of summoned weapon. Allows engaging multiple targets simultaneously. technical information insufficient.
Can summon an endless supply of their given weapon. Opponents can pick up discarded weapons for a damage boost based off the original wielder's to use against them if they have the skills as seen in Steel Gear. Similar can apply to allies as well, letting the owner of this ability to equip weaker allies with superior weapons.

Starslayer: Allows an attack to bypass Morality barriers up to star-stream level, damage multiplier unknown. Super Ability.
Star-Stream has a x100,000 multiplier.

Spell-Cancel: Cancels active magic use it contacts.

Spell-Stop: Improved form of Spell-Cancel. technical information insufficient.

Dispel: Improved form of Spell-Stop. technical information insufficient.

Grand Dispel: Improved form of Dispel. technical information insufficient.
Spell-Cancel's effect ceases once contact is lost.

Spell-Stop is just like Spell-Cancel, but it permanently removes buffs and debuffs.

Dispel activates an AOE pulse that removes magical effects in your immediate area.

Grand-Dispel renders magic use in an area impossible for the round.

Any I missed?
Supremacy negates all an opponent's defensive abilities that don't fall under either outright damage reduction like INDESCRUCTIBLE CORE's 99%, Red Rose's 20% (Recursive), No Longer Human's 50%, or an ability that directly targets one of the Affinities for the attack.

Only the Rule Affinity can get Supremacy.

"Saves from Death" are also canceled.

50% damage caused is regenerated as Health. If an enemy is killed by an attack with this ability, remove one Body Damage Modifier.

Can summon an endless supply of their given weapon. Opponents can pick up discarded weapons for a damage boost based off the original wielder's to use against them if they have the skills as seen in Steel Gear. Similar can apply to allies as well, letting the owner of this ability to equip weaker allies with superior weapons.

Star-Stream has a x100,000 multiplier.

Spell-Cancel's effect ceases once contact is lost.

Spell-Stop is just like Spell-Cancel, but it permanently removes buffs and debuffs.

Dispel activates an AOE pulse that removes magical effects in your immediate area.

Grand-Dispel renders magic use in an area impossible for the round.

Any I missed?
So if it's AOE, but only negates spells that are in the process of being cast (like what my sheet from earlier today had), would it be Spell-Cancel or Dispel?
Crystalwatcher's Dice Roller
*Brock Jones*
Ummm, Crys?
Oh good GODS no! The Brock Jones Online Die Roller has a bad random-number generator. It both forces even probabilities across multiple rolls and it's "stringy".
I haven't heard good things about this roller. is reliable from what I know, though.

Edit: important note that this is hearsay, so I can't guarantee accuracy.
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@LostDeviljho, I've found the explanations for two more Abilities.

Total Devastation:
Total Devastation is a Divine Enitity-only ability. And even then it's mostly regulated to the really high tiers like Cosmos.

When the spell/weapon is used, the general area pretty much ceases to exist. It doesn't rearrange the scenery, it doesn't skullfuck reality into submission, the general area just stops and poofs away in a puff of 'fuck this shit, I'm out'. Mechanics wise? It allows the user to bypass conceptual defenses and enforce permanent conceptual change in a given area.

Evolution of Warfare:
Heaven and the Elven Empire are the most technologically advanced groups outside Humanity in the LDC. And for the last 8,000 years, they've used swords, spears, and arrows. Humanity used those for less than a third of that time before moving on to bigger and better weapons. Think on that.

The long-winded explanation?

Evolution of Warfare is the ability to identify cause-and-effect and apply it to combat. Whenever the holder comes across something new, they are capable of rapidly gaining a workable understanding of whatever it is and applying it to various things. Gunpowder for example: Elves have known of it's existence for roughly a hundred years now but they have yet to move past "it explodes when exposed to flame". A human took a look at it, and went "I can use that." Eleven hundred years later we're doing shit that's scaring Divine Beings.

Or, in simple words: the scientific theory. We're capable of a thought process that no other species in the LDC is capable of despite numerous dumb-down explanations we've given about it. They haven't worked it out yet regardless.
*Brock Jones*
Ummm, Crys?

I haven't heard good things about this roller. is reliable from what I know, though.

Edit: important note that this is hearsay, so I can't guarantee accuracy.
I use it, because so far it's been reliable and at the time I couldn't really find any other online dice roller that let me set my own dice above 999.

Also, I've never had any real chance to play any kind of table-top RPG so standard "RPG Rules" don't tend to make much sense to me.

EDIT: Closing voting in a bit to start working on the update. Please have any last minute votes and omakes in by then, thank you.
I use it, because so far it's been reliable and at the time I couldn't really find any other online dice roller that let me set my own dice above 999.

Also, I've never had any real chance to play any kind of table-top RPG so standard "RPG Rules" don't tend to make much sense to me.
Roleplaying Dice Roller · Rolz

Good roller, no issues I know about. Allows up to 10,000 dice with up 18 digits in sides per roll.
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Roleplaying Dice Roller · Rolz

Good roller, no issues I know about. Allows up to 10,000 dice with up 18 digits in sides per roll.
The fuck?

Standard RPG Rules associated with table top RPGs like DnD and 40k. A number of quests I follow but don't participate in follow them.

So, we've met nine of the Top 10 Magical Girls in the story, and two of Gaia's 3 WEAPONs. Who wants to guess on what her third weapon is like?
Wouldn't mind hearing these.

I'm guessing Zack Fair.
Would have been funny as hell if I thought of it at the time I was making them.
We know she's the Aerith expy, but nothing beyond that. She hasn't come up in the workshop.
Wait a minute.

Could we have shut down Blue Sky with speaking in Communion?

Its deadly within a foot, but she can hear us so she'd be KO'ed along with everyone...well, if Gehaburn wasn't helping with rage out anyway.

On the other hand we might have killed everyone present if we yelled [STOP] in that rage[/STOP]
Canon Slayer Abilities
Affinity No. of Owners Pwners
Rule 9 Kingslayer
Fire 5 Fireslayer
Time 6 Timeslayer
Space 5 Voidslayer
Machinery 2 MECHAslayer
Happiness 1 Happyslayer
Fairy Tale 1 Fairyslayer
End 3 Endslayer
Honor 1 Honorslayer
Courage 2 Courageslayer
Null 1 Nullslayer
Magic 9 Mageslayer
Insanity 2 Crazyslayer
Technology 1 Technoslayer
Mind 3 Mindslayer
Annihilation 2 Destroyerslayer
Evil 1 Evilslayer
Lightning 2 Lightningslayer
Destruction 3 Destructionslayer
Metal 4 Metalslayer
Protection 4 Shieldslayer
Dimension 1 Dimensionslayer
Delusion 1 Delusionslayer
Animal 2 Animalslayer
Change 2 Changeslayer
Record 1 Recordslayer
Improve 1 Ambitionslayer
Death 7 Deathslayer
Blood 3 Bloodslayer
Silence 1 Silenceslayer
Darkness 4 Darkslayer
Prediction 2 Futureslayer
Information 1 Infoslayer
Fear 2 Fearslayer
Body 2 Bodyslayer
Life 7 Lifeslayer
Justice 2 Justiceslayer
Spirit 2 Spiritslayer
Illusion 1 Mirageslayer
Grace 2 Graceslayer
Ruin 1 Ruinslayer
Horror 3 Horrorslayer
Skill 1 Skillslayer
Speed 1 Speedslayer
Echo 1 Echoslayer
Inevitability 1 Fateslayer
Iron 1 Ironslayer
Faith 3 Faithslayer
Water 2 Aquaslayer
Companionship 2 Friendslayer
Hope 1 Hopeslayer
Excellence 1 Excelslayer
Sol 1 Solslayer
Love 1 Loveslayer
Survival 1 Roachslayer
Luna 3 Moonslayer
Dragon 2 Dragonslayer
Library 3 Bookslayer
Despair 4 Dispairslayer
Summoning 1 Summonslayer
Summer 1 Summerslayer
Winter 1 Winterslayer
Beast 1 Beastslayer
Order 2 Orderslayer
Passion 1 Passionslayer
Force 2 Forceslayer
Holy 2 Saintslayer
Heat 1 Heatslayer
Cold 1 Chillslayer
Creation 1 Creationslayer
Air 1 Breathslayer
Chaos 1 Chaosslayer
Earth 1 Earthslayer
Judgement 2 Judgeslayer
Wind 2 Windslayer
Decay 2 Rotslayer
Battle 1 Battleslayer
Rage 2 Rageslayer
Infinity 1 Infinitslayer
Will 2 Willslayer
Velocity 3 Motionslayer
Murder 1 Murderslayer
Concealment 1 Ninjaslayer
Hatred 1 Hateslayer
Discovery 1 Lostslayer
Implacable 1 Undetteredslayer
Deception 1 Lieslayer
Food 1 Chefslayer
Sun 1 Sunslayer
Wrapping 1 Giftslayer
Storage 1 Boxslayer
Dream 1 Dreamslayer
Sacrifice 1 Martyrslayer
Fate 1 Destinyslayer
Sin 1 Sinslayer
Music 1 Museslayer
Pride 1 Egoslayer
Fury 1 Angerslayer
Dominance 1 Masterslayer
Ice 1 Frozenslayer
Industry 1 Factoryslayer
Ribbons 1 Ribbonslayer
Keyblade 1 Keyslayer
Emotion 1 Heartslayer
Savagery 1 Savageslayer
Oddity 1 Funhouseslayer
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