Alright, so before I get to writing the vote, I want to know what you guys want our Mystic Code to do, and what you think it should look like in order to best obtain the desired result.
Alright, so before I get to writing the vote, I want to know what you guys want our Mystic Code to do, and what you think it should look like in order to best obtain the desired result.
Uhhh, I'm guessing Homura managed to make one under Bazett's tutelage, then? That's great, certainly more than I expected out of the training session! Hm, let's see...

Well, considering her current Runic capabilities, she can't really do much in ways of versatility, so let's shore up one of her weaknesses with what we can do that isn't just making one of her mundane bombs effective again, shall we? I propose a glove that flash-freezes anything on contact (while it's actively being supplied with magical energy) that isn't the glove itself with an Isa Rune, along with an Inguz Rune to store as much magical energy in the glove that Homura's current level in Inguz and the glove itself as a material would allow (which probably won't be much, but might as well) to help supply the Isa Rune with magical energy.
Well, considering her current Runic capabilities, she can't really do much in ways of versatility, so let's shore up one of her weaknesses with what we can do that isn't just making one of her mundane bombs effective again, shall we? I propose a glove that flash-freezes anything on contact (while it's actively being supplied with magical energy) that isn't the glove itself with an Isa Rune, along with an Inguz Rune to store as much magical energy in the glove that Homura's current level in Inguz and the glove itself as a material would allow (which probably won't be much, but might as well) to help supply the Isa Rune with magical energy.
A problem I see with that is what happens if we forget we're supplying it with magical energy and we go to touch something we don't want frozen? It's not a bad idea, but I think, if we can manage it, a conscious desire to active the imbued effect would be better than an automatic "if [contact] when [mana] then [freeze]" where the chance of forgetting if we've got magical energy going into it or not in the heat of battle is a real possibility.

Also, if we're taking Homura's current capabilities into consideration, then wouldn't it be better to start her off with a Mystic Code that uses only one rune?
A problem I see with that is what happens if we forget we're supplying it with magical energy and we go to touch something we don't want frozen? It's not a bad idea, but I think, if we can manage it, a conscious desire to active the imbued effect would be better than an automatic "if [contact] when [mana] then [freeze]" where the chance of forgetting if we've got magical energy going into it or not in the heat of battle is a real possibility.

Also, if we're taking Homura's current capabilities into consideration, then wouldn't it be better to start her off with a Mystic Code that uses only one rune?
Eh, I was assuming that one has to very consciously run magical energy through it, but eh, the conscious desire thing works too. Also just do it without the Inguz Rune then; to be fair you weren't exactly forthcoming about Homura's current progress in Runic Mystic Code crafting (both due to IC and OOC reasons), so I just went off of what was previously discussed. Good to know her current capabilities, then. :p
Eh, I was assuming that one has to very consciously run magical energy through it, but eh, the conscious desire thing works too. Also just do it without the Inguz Rune then; to be fair you weren't exactly forthcoming about Homura's current progress in Runic Mystic Code crafting (both due to IC and OOC reasons), so I just went off of what was previously discussed. Good to know her current capabilities, then.
Well, so far only Kirika has actually figured out how to make two runes work in tandem at the same time, so I figure I'll make it a little easier on all of us and say that Homura should still be starting with just one; and if you're ever in doubt about what Homura can do and I, for one reason or another, can't provide an answer, just remember what has Rin and Bazett so frustrated with her- She knows and has access to the highest caliber of magic, but has 0 clue about basic magecraft concepts outside of what Archer teaches her.

Also, this was something that just occurred to me- Transportation and ease of access. If our Code is a glove, then we have to take it off whenever we're not using it, put it back on when we want to use it, etc, and it's very conspicuous being that it's only one glove. So what I was thinking is that, instead of a glove, what if it were something smaller, like a ring or a bracelet? That way, we can just leave it on whenever, not have to bother with taking it off and putting it on, and it's way less conspicuous even if we're wearing it in broad daylight.
Also, this was something that just occurred to me- Transportation and ease of access. If our Code is a glove, then we have to take it off whenever we're not using it, put it back on when we want to use it, etc, and it's very conspicuous being that it's only one glove. So what I was thinking is that, instead of a glove, what if it were something smaller, like a ring or a bracelet? That way, we can just leave it on whenever, not have to bother with taking it off and putting it on, and it's way less conspicuous even if we're wearing it in broad daylight.
Oh, if Homura isn't going to have to physically push a ring/bracelet at a target to flash freeze it, and it instead just allows her to full-sale flash-freeze whatever she's touching, then yeah definitely go for a bracelet (not a ring, as connotations)! :D
I don't think there's any connotations we have to be concerned about. It isn't as though she has to wear a ring on the finger you're thinking of. She's got eight other perfectly good fingers that are free and are also not that one. Plus, not sure how important this is, but a ring has an overall slightly smaller snag chance than a bracelet... And, now that I say this, I'm surprised that more mages don't make Mystic Codes in the shape of rings, because they're so damn inconspicuous.
I don't think there's any connotations we have to be concerned about. It isn't as though she has to wear a ring on the finger you're thinking of. She's got eight other perfectly good fingers that are free and are also not that one. Plus, not sure how important this is, but a ring has an overall slightly smaller snag chance than a bracelet... And, now that I say this, I'm surprised that more mages don't make Mystic Codes in the shape of rings, because they're so damn inconspicuous.
Alright, ring it is. :)
So, we realize that it hasn't been long since our last care package, however we felt that it didn't really include all that much for a supposed not!wedding gift. So here's some more goodies on top of that!

So first up is the magical Russian sword Kladenets, otherwise known as the "Self Swinging Sword". What it does is rather simple; it fights one's battles for the wielder, regardless of their previous proficiency in the blade, with the skill of a master swordsman. Not so useful for you who can recreate the history and experiences of your blades, however it's great for handing off to people who could use the protection like Homura or her friends for close-quarters situations.

Here's Thailand's Sword of Victory, which is basically just Caliburn but it shoots lightning instead. Great if you're looking to take advantage of an elemental weakness to lightning, or if you just want to call down lightning from the heavens by calling out it's true name instead of the standard Cali-blast you get with Caliburn. Definitely powerful in it's own right as an analogue to the Sword in the Stone, and that most certainly applies to it's lightning which could call down seven simultaneous strikes wherever you wish for them to strike when used.

This is Ascalon, the sword of Saint George. This sword is a B-rank Noble Phantasm that is completely invincible, full-stop, and by reversing it's protective power it instead becomes a sword that pierces through any kind of armor. So basically you could use it as a more magical energy-efficient Durindana when projecting it as an arrow.

Here's the sword given to Huangdi by Jiutian Xuannü, Kunwu. This is a sword that is Anti-Divine, Anti-Beast, and it grants the wielder massive resistance if not outright immunity to magical attacks from evil-aligned foes. Not much else to it though.

Here's Huàyǐng, a branch that morphed into a sword in the hands of Zhuānxū. It has the power to manipulate and control the classical chinese elements (fire, earth, metal, water, wood) with ease, and it also has the ability to control animals.

And finally, Svefnthorn. It's not a weapon or armament, but rather something more like a Rune or a Curse that could be projected onto your weapons to make those hit by them fall into a deep sleep. A nice non-lethal alternative, in case you ever need it and can figure it out appropriately.
Alright, ring it is.
I don't mean to make it sound like I'm pressuring you or leading you into a certain outcome with this; there were just so many possibilities as to where this could go that I just need a starting point, and it was only once I had an idea of where to start that I could actually go the picking apart and smoothing out I needed to do to come up with something that struck that "yeah, this works" chord.
I don't mean to make it sound like I'm pressuring you or leading you into a certain outcome with this; there were just so many possibilities as to where this could go that I just need a starting point, and it was only once I had an idea of where to start that I could actually go the picking apart and smoothing out I needed to do to come up with something that struck that "yeah, this works" chord.
Oh don't worry, it's fine, I see it more as you explaining away things that Bazett would be instructing Homura on in the first place without having to do a bunch of mini-updates; in this case the fact that a ring would probably be a better idea than a bracelet for making this Mystic Code. :)
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Day 37 Chapter 12
[X] Plan Runic Mystic Codes 101

"Alright, let's get back on track," McRemitz-san says. "Runic Mystic Codes. Show me what you've managed to get done so far."

"Well, that's the problem," you say, recalling your poor showing last night. "I... Don't actually know what a Mystic Code is supposed to look like, so for all the practice I did last night I don't think I actually managed to make anything I can show you; and you've already seen what I can do with Isa normally."

"Hm, yes I see... That is going to be a problem for you, isn't it? Fortunately, you happen to be in luck." You do? "See, a Mystic Code made from a rune is fundamentally different from most Mystic Codes, in that the rune itself is functionally the Mystic Code."

"If it were that easy, I don't think I'd be here asking you for advice," you say. "At least, it doesn't feel like it's that easy."

"I did say functionally, didn't I?" McRemitz-san has you there. "I'll try to make this make as much sense to a beginner as possible. See, with most other types of Mystic Codes, it's the item itself, with whatever magical energy is stored within, that works to enact whatever effect it's been recorded to perform; and it's the same with runes, where the application of magical energy causes the rune to perform the desired effect. However, the difference between my runes and your runes, outside of the functional power difference between the two, is that you draw your rune in the air like so-" McRemitz-san motions with her finger, as though she were drawing a rune into the air the way you do. "-whereas the runes I used are inscribed onto various objects."

You jump back as McRemitz-san's prosthetic arm opens up, with every expectation that her sword of light is about to lunge forward; but it never does. Instead, "If you'll take a look at the internals of my arm, you'll see that it's got all kinds of runes inscribed inside it." McRemitz-san flexes her arm, and the silver plating collapses back into its closed position as she says "Those runes, when I pulse a bit of magical energy into them, are programmed to activate the Claíomh Solais; and unlike your rune, where you have to draw it in the air every time you wish to activate it, because I have them inscribed into my arm they're always right there whenever I need them. There is a versatility trade-off to this, in that once you've programmed an effect into your Mystic Code, that's it; it'll do that one thing and that one thing only."

Though you nod your head, having no trouble understanding what McRemitz-san is saying to you, "That only answers part of my question. While I appreciate the information, I still don't know what a Mystic Code is supposed to look like."

"Anything," McRemitz-san says. "A Mystic Code's appearance is usually defined by its purpose in some way, but strictly speaking it can be anything you want. My arm is a Mystic Code. My suits are Mystic Codes; so are my gloves and my shoes. Your Mystic Code can be whatever you want it to be. Just focus on programming the effect you want at the point of the Mystic Code's creation, and the rest will come naturally."

You sit in silence, letting McRemitz-san's words sink in as you contemplate what would be something you might want to consistently be able to enact through the use of your rune. Your arrows cover much of your offensive requirements, and for general-purpose freezing your ability to draw Isa in the air is more than capable. So what is left for you to want to achieve?

... Perhaps there's something you can do to shore up your lack of a close-range option, now that your access to Kirika is limited.
"You mentioned that your gloves are Mystic Codes, correct?" you ask; McRemitz-san nods. "I was thinking I might want something like that, where once activated, I can enact a flash-freezing effect on whatever I'm touching."

McRemitz-san nods her head, and says "You know what effect you want to enact, and you know what your want your Mystic Code to be. That's a good start, but I think I see a problem. For starters, it would look pretty weird if you were just wearing a single glove around all the time. That means you either have to deal with taking it off and putting it back on every time you want to use it, which means more chances to lose it or forget to put it on; or you have to deal with looking like either a weirdo or a Michael Jackson impersonator, neither of which is very inconspicuous. When I go out, nobody notices because I'm wearing two gloves, and I don't have to be concerned with whether I've forgotten to put them on or not because I never leave without them when I'm on a mission; and since you haven't had the time to build up the habit of always doing 'X' to ensure that you've got your Mystic Code with you when you need it, I'd recommend something you do have a habit it."

While you think of things which you have a habit of doing, McRemitz-san's eyes trail up and down your body. "Like that ring of yours," she says. "You put that on every day, and take it off every night to sleep, right?" You nod, remembering how McRemitz-san thought that your ring marked you as belonging to some kind of mage's cult when she first arrived. "If you made another ring your Mystic Code, you'd already have that habit built up, and as an added bonus it would be a lot more inconspicuous."

You stare at the ring to which your soul is bound; it shouldn't be too hard to get in the habit of wearing a second ring, would it? Though... "I worry about the connotations of another ring," you say, remembering how Madoka thought you were meaning to speak with her about marriage when you were fiddling with your ring while talking to her the other day. "Perhaps a bracelet would be better?"

McRemitz-san shakes her head, saying "You've still got eight other fingers you can wear a ring on, if you're afraid of the connotations; and besides, a ring has a slightly smaller chance of snagging than a bracelet does; and if it does snag at worst you're only losing the finger, and not the entire hand." Your eyes dart to McRemitz-san's prosthetic arm, which flexes into a fist before returning to neutral. She would know all about that, wouldn't she? "Trust me, even if you can get it replaced, that kind of thing isn't something you should be taking lightly."

"Alright," you say. "A ring it is, then."

[ ] Wat do?
Er... what's the 'Wat do?' for, if you don't mind me asking?
If there's anything we want to add to our scheduled talk with Bazett, or change, or if there's something else going on we want to address but haven't.

But mostly it's there because I was at a good place to stop and thought that making a break and adding our conversation in a second section would mess up the pacing.
[X] Plan Where Bazett Becomes A Sensei
-[X] Try to get to know McRemitz-san and her Lancer more
--[X] Ask McRemitz-san how things have been since she's had Lancer relinquished back to her, and if things are going well for her and Lancer
--[X] Do they have any hobbies outside of work? You know that her Lancer probably like fishing considering the last time you encountered him, but what about McRemitz-san? Reciprocate accordingly.
--[X] Ask Lancer about his relationship with Archer, and how they know each other
---[X] When it's brought up, ask about Archer Prime and how the other copy of your adoptive father is doing in his own life
----[X] If Archer legally becomes your father at some point in the future, would that make Archer Prime your father as well?
-[X] Thank McRemitz-sensei for all the help she's given you, and ask her if there's anything that you could help her out with whether it be about the Moonlit World or as her technical landlord

[] Try to figure out how your supposed to engrave your rune on ring.

It's a valid question.
Easy. Just flash-freeze it onto the ring to the point that it burns itself into it; Homura's Isa Rune can reach absolute zero at its peak, so just getting anywhere near it in order to do that with normal usage shouldn't be a problem. Heck, if necessary Homura could make a stencil to do it in conjunction with the previous method by carefully cutting out a part of a piece of paper in the relevant shape of Isa and then reinforcing it.
Easy. Just flash-freeze it onto the ring to the point that it burns itself into it; Homura's Isa Rune can reach absolute zero at its peak, so just getting anywhere near it in order to do that with normal usage shouldn't be a problem. Heck, if necessary Homura could make a stencil to do it in conjunction with the previous method by carefully cutting out a part of a piece of paper in the relevant shape of Isa and then reinforcing it.

I don't think that quite works that way. Both using absolute zero to engrave something and a piece of paper, even being reinforced, being able to endure said absolute zero.
----[X] If Archer legally becomes your father at some point in the future, would that make Archer Prime your father as well?
If Archer and Minako have a kid together, will that make Shirou Prime a father?
Easy. Just flash-freeze it onto the ring to the point that it burns itself into it; Homura's Isa Rune can reach absolute zero at its peak, so just getting anywhere near it in order to do that with normal usage shouldn't be a problem. Heck, if necessary Homura could make a stencil to do it in conjunction with the previous method by carefully cutting out a part of a piece of paper in the relevant shape of Isa and then reinforcing it.
I don't think that quite works that way. Both using absolute zero to engrave something and a piece of paper, even being reinforced, being able to endure said absolute zero.
Echooing this sentiment, as I've never heard of using extreme cold to engrave something, not to mention the cost of mana we would require to make it work, assuming it's even possible; as again, I've never heard of extreme cold etching being a thing before.
I don't think that quite works that way. Both using absolute zero to engrave something and a piece of paper, even being reinforced, being able to endure said absolute zero.
Echooing this sentiment, as I've never heard of using extreme cold to engrave something, not to mention the cost of mana we would require to make it work, assuming it's even possible; as again, I've never heard of extreme cold etching being a thing before.
I didn't say she'd be doing it at absolute zero, just that she could get near it to do it. It costs vastly less energy that way. And yeah, near absolute zero definitely can do that, albeit not by necessarily 'burning' it but by compromising the structural integrity of the steel in question (the more carbon in it, the more brittle the affected area will become), allowing one to easily chisel out the affected area with a knife or something without worry of destroying anything outside of that, assuming the flash of low temperature was focused and brief enough not to compromise the entire ring. Admittedly, not as easy as I'd previously assumed. Honestly, it'd probably be much easier for Homura to try out Alteration Magecraft in order to etch it onto there (as I'm not sure if Bazett or Archer could do it since they technically don't have access to the Rune), as Alteration is the intermediary step between Reinforcement and Projection Magecraft anyways (both of which Homura's pretty good at).

And yeah, since Homura's just about mastered independent object Reinforcement she could definitely Reinforce paper to the point that it wouldn't immediately shatter, at least not until soon after. Reinforcement can be crazy at times, as a Reinforced poster could even fend off a strike from a high-level Noble Phantasm (albeit only physically), even it shattered just afterwards.
If Archer and Minako have a kid together, will that make Shirou Prime a father?
Hm, well as Archer Prime is a combination of all three Archers from the three Fifth Holy Grail Wars, and Homura's Archer has the experiences from the three Fifth Holy Grail Wars, they're kinda the same, if only separated by some years of Archer Prime being contracted to Rin after Hollow Ataraxia. They're pretty much identical, with only very slight differences in experiences due to Hollow Ataraxia and Homura's Archer's time in Mitakihara.

EDIT: This is another reason why I initially went for a glove, as cloth is much more easier to inscribe with something than something like metal. I suppose it might be possible for Homura to carve it out carefully with a reinforced knife or something; after all, she certainly can be very careful what with her years of bomb making and all that.
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And yeah, since Homura's just about mastered independent object Reinforcement she could definitely Reinforce paper to the point that it wouldn't immediately shatter, at least not until soon after. Reinforcement can be crazy at times, as a Reinforced poster could even fend off a strike from a high-level Noble Phantasm (albeit only physically), even it shattered just afterwards.
Projection is what Homura has spent the most time on. I don't actually recall how much Reinforcement practice we've had, but I'm fairly confident that it's not enough to bring us up to the same level as our Projection.
Hm, well as Archer Prime is a combination of all three Archers from the three Fifth Holy Grail Wars, and Homura's Archer has the experiences from the three Fifth Holy Grail Wars, they're kinda the same, if only separated by some years of Archer Prime being contracted to Rin after Hollow Ataraxia. They're pretty much identical, with only very slight differences in experiences due to Hollow Ataraxia and Homura's Archer's time in Mitakihara.
Not Archer Prime, Shirou Prime. As in, Emiya Shirou, eroge protagonist, hero of justice, the bone of the sword that's penetrating the defenseless anus of Archer Prime's master and the sword in Seibah's stone, if you know what I mean. If Emiya Shirou, Archer Prime, and Archer Mitakihara all have the same DNA, on account of all being the same person, if Archer Mitakihara has a kid with Minako, will that also make Emiya Shirou a father on account of it being his DNA in the kid?
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Madoka would have summoned Galachad Galahad. Go ahead; try to find a more perfect Saber for the most perfect girl than the most perfect knight. You can't.

Hmmm... I would have picked Percival, but that's because the Fool who was a Knight has always appealed to be as the true hero of the Grail cycle (plus his origin story fits Madoka very well). Galahad is a close second though. Considering Lancelot is his father that would have made for interesting interactions.
Hmmm... I would have picked Percival, but that's because the Fool who was a Knight has always appealed to be as the true hero of the Grail cycle (plus his origin story fits Madoka very well). Galahad is a close second though. Considering Lancelot is his father that would have made for interesting interactions.
I actually forgot all about Percival until you mentioned him.
Projection is what Homura has spent the most time on. I don't actually recall how much Reinforcement practice we've had, but I'm fairly confident that it's not enough to bring us up to the same level as our Projection.
I counted 7 full training sessions for Reinforcement, assuming I didn't miss anything (which I probably did since SV's search function hates me). Could you tell us where exactly on the scale that this put Homura? We know that Homura's already started on body reinforcement with that seventh training session, anyways.
Not Archer Prime, Shirou Prime. As in, Emiya Shirou, eroge protagonist, hero of justice, the bone of the sword that's penetrating the defenseless anus of Archer Prime's master and the sword in Seibah's stone, if you know what I mean. If Emiya Shirou, Archer Prime, and Archer Mitakihara all have the same DNA, on account of all being the same person, if Archer Mitakihara has a kid with Minako, will that also make Emiya Shirou a father on account of it being his DNA in the kid?
Hm, well technically Archer would be different as a separate being due to the fact that he's intrinsically tied to the Servant system/Throne of Heroes via his skills and Mystery, making it likely that a child of his would be more powerful than one from Shirou. I would say yes genetically, but no spiritually.

Also ignore my suggestion that Homura try Alteration, that's pretty much impossible with her Dual Origin. Homura will just have to chisel it out manually carefully through the evening, which I'm betting she's capable of due to the fact that she's had to hone her skills at being careful and precise with her many years of bomb making and firearms handling.
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