EDIT: Maybe the reason she's living with them is due to Serenity wanting to live in Japan out of curiosity and a liking of the culture (and yeah, around this time that's actually not an uncommon trend, particularly by those of American and European descent). Or maybe she lived in a village somewhere in Israel (canonically the Hassan-i-Sabah lived in and operated out of the Middle East, and I'm choosing Israel as that's where their Holy City, Jerusalem, is located) until her close family passed away, and Archer was the only relative she and her family knew of outside of their village?
With the mountaintop Alamut Castle in historic Persia being the site of the Nizari Isma'ili state I think, taking the real-world history of Hassan-i-Sabbah the man and the Order of Assassins into account, that Iran would be more likely than Israel.

But of course, we all know the truth.
They were both adopted. by Homura.
Why don't you roll the die and tell me what the odds are yourself?
How about you (Slayer) roll a D20 then, to be more specific? The higher it is, the more likely Homura and Serenity were seen by someone that goes to Mitakihara (maybe it could even be Homura's teacher, Saotome Kazuko, if it's high enough?).
Check my post again. The odds were in Homura's favor...this time! (Lol jk)
Day 38 Chapter 1

The broken corpse of the blonde girl lays before you, blood staining her uniform, her Soul Gem shattered in a frame that hangs barely attached to her injured head. Try as you might, you find that you cannot stop the tremors wracking your body.
"I'll keep going, then," Madoka says, trying to offer comfort with her voice, despite knowing that none can reach you.
"But... Tomoe-san just died..."
Madoka stares at you, a look of determination on her face. "That's exactly why." High above, far, far above the darkened rainclouds, the ominous figure looms over the city, laughing maniacally, as the slight "tick-tock" of its geared undercarriage echoes to infinity with each rotation. "Walpurgisnacht still needs to be stopped... And I'm the only one left."
"It's impossible!" you scream, as tears cloud your vision. "You can't win! Let's run away together! Nobody would blame you if you did!"
"Homura-chan..." Madoka's smile - your one source of joy in this world since the death of your parents - fails to alleviate your sadness, even as she offers it to you tenfold in warmth. "I'm so happy that you and I became friends. It's a point of pride for me, that I was able to rescue you. I think it's so great that I got to become a magical girl."
You can barely stand to watch now, and only the faint whisper of your words "No... Don't go," escapes your mouth as Madoka vanishes from your sight.
"Good-bye, Homura-chan!"

You open your eyes in an unfamiliar living room, the darkness of the city outside streaming in through the cracks in the drawn curtains. You can feel that your breathing is ragged, and the feelings of dread which penetrated your whole body as you dreamed lingers in your mind. "What was that?" you ask yourself. That was no witch you've ever seen in this city so far. You could feel its power radiating outwards across the city, even from its distant position among the heavens. Walpurgisnacht... That was what Madoka called it. Then, that was a vision from your master's memories.

If that was Walpurgisnacht, then you fear for what is to come. *Thud* "What was that?" That was the same sound you heard in your dream; but then that would mean... *Thud* "Minako?" An unfamiliar voice calls from just beyond the door, and your mind finally rests at ease. It's not Walpurgisnacht; it's just one of Minako's neighbors. "Minako, are you there?"

This isn't your apartment, so you make no move to answer the door; fortunately, you don't have to, as the banging and the calling has roused Minako from her slumber. Dressed in last night's clothes and with her hair still looking slept-in, she answers the door. "What do you want, Hiroshi?" she asks, in a tone that says she'd rather be doing anything else than speaking to the man outside her apartment.

From your position on the couch, you can just barely see this "Hiroshi" character that has earned Minako's ire; he's shorter than her by a few centimeters, with an rather average-looking face and one centimeter too much at his waistline. "I was worried about you. I saw a man go into your apartment last night, but he never came out. I wanted to know if you were alright."

Oh. You think you know who this guy is.

You''d love to be able to see Minako's face as she responds to Hiroshi, saying "Oh, him?" With a "come hither" wiggle of her finger, she beckons you to join her at the door. "Hiroshi, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Archer." Minako's arm snakes around your waist as she calls you her boyfriend; and that smug look of satisfaction that crosses her face the instant Hiroshi's heart sinks is both priceless and more than a little terrifying. "Archer, this is Hiroshi, my downstairs neighbor I was telling you about last night."

"Hi," you say.

"Oh. He-hello."

Do you
[ ] Wrap your arm around Minako's waist
[ ] Kiss Minako in front of Hiroshi
[ ] Squeeze Minako's butt
[ ] Other (write-in)
[ ] Take this outside and T-pose to assert your dominance over Hiroshi until he gets it

You'll make breakfast when this is dealt with. [ ] What do you talk about over breakfast?
-[ ] to Minako
-[ ] to Kirika

After breakfast, do you
[ ] Walk Minako to her morning shift
[ ] Stay to give Kirika some extra help
[ ] Go home and make breakfast for Homura
[ ] Other (write-in)

Friday, 22 April 2011

Major objectives:
- Maintain your relationships with Kaname Madoka, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi, and Tomoe Mami
- Go on another date with your girlfriend some time in the near future
- Try to cultivate a better relationship with Sakura Kyoko
- Try to figure out just how you want to view Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika in the future; you've gotten closer to them and you don't know what to do
- Try and integrate Nagatsuki Miyuki and Saber into the Holy Sextet as best as you can before Walpurgisnacht arrives
- Further your knowledge of Rune thaumaturgy and practice your chosen Rune
- Further your knowledge of Reinforcement thaumaturgy under the tutelage of Archer
- Help your non-Puella Magi friends gain enough personal power to fend off minor threats, at least
- Prevent Kaname Madoka and Miki Sayaka from contracting and becoming Puella Magi
- Figure out a way to more reliably locate the Incubator in order to nip any problems from it in the bud
- Find out some way to ward off the Incubator from Kaname Madoka; maybe your teammates could help you with that?
- Make sure that none of the Shirome girls meet an untimely demise
- Try to help out Miyuki with her drinking problem if you can
- Defeat the Witch known as Walpurgisnacht
- Investigate, identify, and prevent the occurrence of the event that caused a fundamental force of this universe to be twice overwritten
- Protect Homura from harm in this unusually dangerous loop and from being taken advantage of by the denizens of the Moonlit World
- Further Homura's skills in Magecraft, now that she has mastered the fundamentals of Projection
- Aid Homura in coordinating her allies so that they stand a better chance of defeating the various threats plaguing the city
- Be a good dad to Homura
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[x] Wrap your arm around Minako's waist
-[x] Ask him how long exactly he was watching.

[x] Walk Minako to her morning shift

Don't know what to talk about. *shrug*
[X] Plan Archer; Cook, Counter Guardian, and Tutor with a splash of Hero of Justice
-[X] Wrap your arm around Minako's waist
-[X] What do you talk about over breakfast?
--[X] to Minako
---[X] getting the layout of her new schedule so you know approximately when you're tutoring her and Kirika and when her free time is so that you could take her out on that movie date
---[X] about when a good time would be for you to take Minako out shopping to show her the general things she should be buying (e.g. fresh veggies, non-frozen foods, etc.), all while being frugal of course
---[X] exchanging interesting stories, like you visiting the famous landmarks of London and how some of those landmarks (such as the British Museum) are owned by and connected to (via underground tunnels) the super secret Mages Association (which may or may not interest Kirika too)
--[X] to Kirika
---[X] asking her what the powerhouse of the cell is to see if she retained any of the knowledge you were teaching her
----[X] After all, the quicker she can bring herself up to snuff in her academics the quicker she could spend most of her time with Oriko, so you're going to make sure to help that come to fruition (subtly encouraging her to accept your extra help)
-[X] Stay to give Kirika some extra help

The best way Archer could possibly endear himself more in Minako's eyes between the base options given is to help the most important person to her succeed in life, as much as Minako would probably enjoy Archer walking her to work. Maybe next time, though. Oh if only there were more than one Emiya Shirou, wouldn't that be nice? :V
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[X] Plan Archer; Cook, Counter Guardian, and Tutor with a splash of Hero of Justice

Enetious carrying this quest.

Sorry for not being as active in voting as i should.
Ah, yes, that would be nice; but those other Emiya Shirous wouldn't care about Minako or Kirika the same way ours does.
Ah, but you're forgetting one important thing... reincarnation memory shenanigans. And knowing Emiya Shirou, you can bet that he'll fight himself enough for such fresh experiences to bleed through! /s :V
[X] Plan Archer; Cook, Counter Guardian, and Tutor with a splash of Hero of Justice

Enetious carrying this quest.

Sorry for not being as active in voting as i should.
As long as you're here, that's all that matters.
Ah, but you're forgetting one important thing... reincarnation memory shenanigans. And knowing Emiya Shirou, you can bet that he'll fight himself enough for such fresh experiences to bleed through!
But what's Shirou fighting himself over this time? Whether Minako stays with Mitakihara Archer or joins the Fuyuki harem?
Day 38 Chapter 2
[X] Plan Archer; Cook, Counter Guardian, and Tutor with a splash of Hero of Justice

"Hiroshi, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Archer." Minako's arm snakes around your waist as she calls you her boyfriend; and that smug look of satisfaction that crosses her face the instant Hiroshi's heart sinks is both priceless and more than a little terrifying. "Archer, this is Hiroshi, my downstairs neighbor I was telling you about last night."

"Hi," you say, as your arm finds its place around Minako's waist in mimicry of her own motion. Short of you carrying her when she was too drunk to walk home by herself, this is the most intimate contact you've had with Minako thus far. She feels warm, and soft, and being this close to her, you can smell the light scent of slept-in sweat in her hair. This is nice.

"Oh." Hiroshi looks absolutely devastated that his hopeless and creepy affections for Minako have now been officially dashed, and he sheepishly says "He-hello. It's n-nice to meet you."


"Alright," Minako says, breaking her arm's hold on your waist as she brings her hands around and claps once. "Well, Hiroshi, it was sweet of you to be concerned for me, but as you can see, I'm as safe as can be. Now, I hate to kick you out-" Something tells you that's a lie. "-but I need to eat breakfast before I head off to work; so, goodbye." Minako gives an obviously fake smile to Hiroshi as she closes the door on him. Waiting a few seconds more until the sound of his footsteps can be heard going down the stairs, she sighs, turning to you to say "Gods above, he's such a creep. Was he really watching my apartment for the entire night?" Minako shudders, and you internally debate the merits of hugging her, and whether your touch would calm her or be unwanted. "Just thinking about it makes me feel so dirty; I need to take a shower."

Thanks to your ability to phase into spirit form, you don't need to take a shower. Your clothes, however, should probably still go through the wash, as at least your shirt, that you can smell, has the same slept-in scent as Minako's clothes. Minako approaches, and you don't like that look on her face leans in close, whispering into your ear in a sultry tone "Kirika's still asleep. We could take our showers together, if you'd like."

"While I'm sure you'd enjoy that, I have to decline," you say, taking a few steps backwards and away from the woman before you. "I have to make breakfast, don't I?" You smile for Minako, hoping to disarm her aggressive eying of your body. "You go take your shower. I'll have something cooked up by the time you're done."

Minako feigns a look of hurt as you reject her advances. "Alright," she says, putting a bit of extra sway in her hips as she turns to head towards the bathroom. "But if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

You nod, thoroughly intent to not keep that in mind, as you check the fridge to once again survey the damage. With the leftover eggs and vegetables you brought for Wednesday's dinner still present, omelettes are looking like today's breakfast. You shrug; it's quick, tasty, and there's enough vegetables to make it filling enough to get Minako and Kirika through until lunchtime.

About ten minutes into cooking breakfast, you hear the sound of a door creaking behind you. You make the decision not to turn, thinking it might be Minako exiting the bathroom and not wanting to give in to her advances, until you hear a sleepy and decidedly not Minako voice ask "What smells good?"

"Vegetable omelettes, sleepyhead" you say to Kirika, who looks every bit as slept-in as her mother did. "Didn't think you'd be awake for awhile, actually. What's got you up so early?"

"Oriko always wakes me up with the smell of breakfast." Kirika lets out a yawn, taking a seat at the kitchen table as she says " I thought you were her until I remembered where I was."

The muffled sound of water in the distance falls silent, and you hear another door open as Minako exits the bathroom wearing her fuzzy bathrobe, and carrying yesterday's clothes in her left hand. Seeing her daughter awake, she stops, leaning over to kiss Kirika on the cheek. "Morning pumpkin."

"Mom, go get dressed!" Kirika shouts, pushing her mother away. "I can see your boobs through that thing!" Quickly, you turn your head back to the task of making breastfast breakfast, before Minako has the chance to do anything which might distract you and thus burn the omelettes. Yes, that's the one you're going with. Minako emerges from her room shortly after, changed into her Lawson's uniform shirt and the black pants that hug the curvature of her butt really tightly, which you try to ignore as you spend the remaining few minutes you need to finish up breakfast.

"Get'em while they're hot!"

Mother and daughter Kure do just that, taking their omelettes from you and digging in as soon as they've been served. You take your time, making sure you're nice and settled into your seat before taking your first bite. "So, now that you've quit your night shift, what's your schedule looking like?" you ask Minako.

"Same as it was the last time I told you my schedule," Minako responds. "Just, now when I get home after my day shift, I don't have to go out again."

Good, you think. "Then that means I'll be able to tutor you any day of the week now, and won't have to limit myself to just two nights each week." You'll still be limited with the nights in which you can tutor Kirika, however.

Minako smiles, and in a coy tone adds "That also means you won't have to work as hard finding nights to take me out."

"You're right. Preferably soon, I'd like to go out grocery shopping with you so we can start filling your fridge up with real food." When Minako pouts, you remind her that you do in fact know what she meant by her words, and say "And of course, we can figure out when a good night would be for us to go out to the movies, or something."

Minako smiles again and gods above, is she beautiful when she smiles, and says "Well, since I don't have to work on Sundays, tomorrow night would be perfect for us to go out and have some fun." You feel an object, which you quickly identify as her foot, rubbing itself along the length of your leg from under the table. Kirika, who can see her mother doing this, tries desperately to pretend like she can't.

"Yes, going grocery shopping and putting some real food in your fridge would be fun," you say, preferring not to rise to Minako's playfulness and fearing for what might happen if she were to find out you've done so despite your efforts. Hoping to change the subject away from something which might get you discovered, you say "So, I spent a good portion of my youth studying in London, and it's amazing how much goes on where people don't normally think to look. A lot of really famous landmarks, like the British Museum, the Clocktower, places like that, are actually owned by a secret cabal of mages." You glance around the table, hoping to gauge the interest level of your audience by the looks on their faces. Crickets. "I just thought that you might be interested to know, that's all, seeing as there's a real-life magical girl in the family."

Alright, that was a pretty poor showing, but at least it's gotten Minako to stop stroking your leg with her foot. You'll take that as a win. "Now," you say, this time looking exclusively at Kirika. "Can you tell me what the powerhouse of the cell is?"

"Now? At breakfast?" Kirika asks. "Do I have to?" Minako shoots her daughter a dirty look, and you nod; yes, she has to do this right now. "Ugh, fine. It's the mita-whatever-you-call-it."

"Mitochondria," you say. "Sounds like last night's lesson didn't stick as well as I'd have liked it to." Minako, having finished breakfast and with the time on the clock showing near to six, gets up from the table and drops her plate into the sink. "I think I'll stay behind and give Kirika a little extra help before it's time for school."

Minako smiles, saying "Thanks," as she returns to the table just long enough to give Kirika a kiss goodbye. "Mommy's got to go to work now, so you be a good girl for Archer, okay?"

Kirika, still looking none too enthused at the prospect of having to pay any amount of time into her studies, huffs and puffs, but still reciprocates her mother's love, hugging Minako as she says "Don't worry about a thing. I'll be good; promise." Unfortunately, the instant Minako is out the door, her attitude changes, and she says "Okay Archer, here's the deal- If you can convince mom to let me stay with Oriko full-time again, I'll agree to let you date my mom, and I'll call you dad from now on. How's that? Do we have a deal?"

[ ] Deal
[ ] No deal
[ ] No deal, and Minako will be hearing about this at lunch​
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[X] No deal
-[X] "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, DaveKirika." Ask her what she thinks Mikuni "for the greater good" Oriko would think if you allowed her to take a pass from improving her grades by being distracted by Oriko all the time? Wouldn't Oriko blame herself for her being the reason that Kirika is unable to improve her academics, if they theoretically went down that route? You'd bet that despite the loneliness that Oriko must be going through by being seperated from her lover, that she would agree with you and Minako on this. In fact, Kirika should probably have a talk with her girlfriend about this directly in order to find out what Oriko actually wants from her, and what she doesn't want Kirika to do at her own expense.

Obligatory "two updates in one day!" statement. :D
Counterpoint- "Deal, but what I'd really like from you is to make your mom turn down her flirtations by about twenty notches."
Obligatory "two updates in one day!" statement.
Now, although I didn't include this in my post, I'd also like an idea of what Archer is doing after giving Kirika her tutoring. Does he stick around until she leaves for school? And if so, what's Homura going to do for breakfast? Does Archer leave after an hour or two so he can make breakfast for Homura? What about Homura? What's her morning looking like?
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Originally, that wasn't going to be there. But when I accidentally typed "breastfast" I decided to keep it in because I thought it made sense in context.
Counterpoint- "Deal, but what I'd really like from you is to make your mom turn down her flirtations by about twenty notches."
Actually, I have an idea regarding that. The next time Homura gets a chance to interact with Minako without Archer around for a moment (probably during the Kaname family dinner), she could give her a quick talk on "being good for her Dad". Specifically she'd inform Minako that Archer is an innocent maiden, what with the talk that he gave her, and that she should probably refocus her efforts from seducing him to being his metaphorical "knight in shining armor" equivalent (aka leading him in the relationship since Archer's inexperienced, such as showing him the wonders of proper dating, and protecting his chastity from other women and all that). It's not like Archer is unused to it in any case, considering his whole deal with literally summoning a female knight in shining armor in his Grail War, of which whom he falls in love with in roughly a third of the Fate timelines.
Now, although I didn't include this in my post, I'd also like an idea of what Archer is doing after giving Kirika her tutoring. Does he stick around until she leaves for school? And if so, what's Homura going to do for breakfast? Does Archer leave after an hour or two so he can make breakfast for Homura? What about Homura? What's her morning looking like?
Archer will definitely make sure Kirika gets to school alright (or to wherever she goes to travel to school, like a bus or train), and Kirika will definitely be asked questions about him by her classmates, she'll let loose that he's dating her Mom, and then the rumor mill will go crazy in that Kirika has a new Dad despite her protests. :V

It was already voted that Homura will make scrambled eggs and toast or something equally easy (like something to do with white rice) for her and Assassin, and then we'll get a scene of Assassin being glad to eat something made for her by her beloved Master. Also checking out her cool new ring, assuming it didn't explode in Homura's face and end the quest early.
Actually, I have an idea regarding that. The next time Homura gets a chance to interact with Minako without Archer around for a moment (probably during the Kaname family dinner), she could give her a quick talk on "being good for her Dad". Specifically she'd inform Minako that Archer is an innocent maiden, what with the talk that he gave her, and that she should probably refocus her efforts from seducing him to being his metaphorical "knight in shining armor" equivalent (aka leading him in the relationship since Archer's inexperienced, such as showing him the wonders of proper dating, and protecting his chastity from other women and all that). It's not like Archer is unused to it in any case, considering his whole deal with literally summoning a female knight in shining armor in his Grail War, of which whom he falls in love with in roughly a third of the Fate timelines.
Just remember- For as much as Minako would be over the moon about a real relationship with Archer, she's been wanting to bed him from the moment they met, even before she fell in love with him, and she still doesn't 100% believe that Archer's only ever been with one woman once before. To her, she thinks she's seeing water at the end of a seven-year drought and thinks he's just playing hard to get. We'll have to actually convince her of Archer's pure and innocent maiden-ness if we want to make this plan of yours work.
Archer will definitely make sure Kirika gets to school alright (or to wherever she goes to travel to school, like a bus or train), and Kirika will definitely be asked questions about him by her classmates, she'll let loose that he's dating her Mom, and then the rumor mill will go crazy in that Kirika has a new Dad despite her protests.
But what guarantee do we have that any of Kirika's classmates will see her? Even though her mom's place is closer to school than Oriko's, it's still pretty far from the school compared to where most of the other students live. Unless Archer takes the train with Kirika to the station nearest the school, there really isn't a chance that anyone in Kirika's class or who recognises her from school would see her with Archer.
But what guarantee do we have that any of Kirika's classmates will see her? Even though her mom's place is closer to school than Oriko's, it's still pretty far from the school compared to where most of the other students live. Unless Archer takes the train with Kirika to the station nearest the school, there really isn't a chance that anyone in Kirika's class or who recognises her from school would see her with Archer.
Through the power of anime plot devices and tropes. :V

In all seriousness, considering public transit in Japan is largely via train and not really by car, and considering the fact that Kirika will probably be catching a train to get to school just on time, there's probably a very high chance of the train that Kirika's getting on having other students that are going to Mitakihara, or even those that leave to school early from further away locations being there by virtue of not getting off at any stop that isn't the one to easily get to school from.
Through the power of anime plot devices and tropes. :V

In all seriousness, considering public transit in Japan is largely via train and not really by car, and considering the fact that Kirika will probably be catching a train to get to school just on time, there's probably a very high chance of the train that Kirika's getting on having other students that are going to Mitakihara, or even those that leave to school early from further away locations being there by virtue of not getting off at any stop that isn't the one to easily get to school from.
No, what I'm saying is that the station Kirika has to get on at, whether she's coming from Oriko's or her mom's, is much farther north than the majority of other students attending Mitakihara JH. There's also the fact that wealth travels south in Mitakihara, and with Kirika being one of the poorest (and also thus one of the most northerly-living) students at Mitakihara, it's unlikely for another student who is familiar with her, specifically, to notice that Archer is with her. Not because they aren't taking the same train, but because Kirika is getting on at a farther north station than most other students taking the train, meaning that by the time another student has gotten on the train, Kirika will have already been on the train for a few stations prior. Heck, most of the students live close enough to the school that they can walk there, forget about taking the train.
No, what I'm saying is that the station Kirika has to get on at, whether she's coming from Oriko's or her mom's, is much farther north than the majority of other students attending Mitakihara JH. There's also the fact that wealth travels south in Mitakihara, and with Kirika being one of the poorest (and also thus one of the most northerly-living) students at Mitakihara, it's unlikely for another student who is familiar with her, specifically, to notice that Archer is with her. Not because they aren't taking the same train, but because Kirika is getting on at a farther north station than most other students taking the train, meaning that by the time another student has gotten on the train, Kirika will have already been on the train for a few stations prior. Heck, most of the students live close enough to the school that they can walk there, forget about taking the train.
Huh, good to know! Ignore that then, as that simply isn't feasible like you said. Shame, though there'll be potential moments like that in the future (maybe Minako could drag Archer along to a Parent-Teacher conference or something post-Walpurgisnacht - assuming they don't die during that fight - in the sequel, since Archer is invested in Kirika's grades improving after all).
Huh, good to know! Ignore that then, as that simply isn't feasible like you said. Shame, though there'll be potential moments like that in the future (maybe Minako could drag Archer along to a Parent-Teacher conference or something post-Walpurgisnacht - assuming they don't die during that fight - in the sequel, since Archer is invested in Kirika's grades improving after all).
I'm sure we can find other chances for us to find ways to embarrass Kirika, probably even in this quest and not the sequel like you've proposed, but this sadly isn't isn't one of them.
Hm, so @SVS, I had a thought. Are you going to be reintroducing Witches after Walpurgisnacht that have already been killed due to some of their familiars having consumed enough Humans by then to hatch into another copy of them? After all, I doubt that Oriko and Kirika bothered to hunt down their stray familiars outside of their Labyrinths while they were cleaning up the city for supplies; in fact they'd probably have left them out intentionally for the prospect of them hatching into more supplies for their crusade, at the time anyways. If not that, then it wouldn't have benefited them at all to hunt them down, since they wouldn't drop any Grief Seeds like the Witches would. 🤔
Hm, so @SVS, I had a thought. Are you going to be reintroducing Witches after Walpurgisnacht that have already been killed due to some of their familiars having consumed enough Humans by then to hatch into another copy of them? After all, I doubt that Oriko and Kirika bothered to hunt down their stray familiars outside of their Labyrinths while they were cleaning up the city for supplies; in fact they'd probably have left them out intentionally for the prospect of them hatching into more supplies for their crusade, at the time anyways. If not that, then it wouldn't have benefited them at all to hunt them down, since they wouldn't drop any Grief Seeds like the Witches would. 🤔
The themes of this quest are "broken people fixing one another" and "found family". The theme of the sequel will be "what does it mean to be a witch?" and you're free to take that to mean that what you will.