[X] Plan Archer; Cook, Counter Guardian, and Tutor with a splash of Hero of Justice
"Hiroshi, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Archer." Minako's arm snakes around your waist as she calls you her boyfriend; and that smug look of satisfaction that crosses her face the instant Hiroshi's heart sinks is both priceless and more than a little terrifying. "Archer, this is Hiroshi, my downstairs neighbor I was telling you about last night."
"Hi," you say, as your arm finds its place around Minako's waist in mimicry of her own motion. Short of you carrying her when she was too drunk to walk home by herself, this is the most intimate contact you've had with Minako thus far. She feels warm, and soft, and being this close to her, you can smell the light scent of slept-in sweat in her hair. This is nice.
"Oh." Hiroshi looks absolutely devastated that his hopeless and creepy affections for Minako have now been officially dashed, and he sheepishly says "He-hello. It's n-nice to meet you."
"Alright," Minako says, breaking her arm's hold on your waist as she brings her hands around and claps once. "Well, Hiroshi, it was sweet of you to be concerned for me, but as you can see, I'm as safe as can be. Now, I hate to kick you out-" Something tells you that's a lie. "-but I need to eat breakfast before I head off to work; so, goodbye." Minako gives an obviously fake smile to Hiroshi as she closes the door on him. Waiting a few seconds more until the sound of his footsteps can be heard going down the stairs, she sighs, turning to you to say "Gods above, he's such a creep. Was he really watching my apartment for the entire night?" Minako shudders, and you internally debate the merits of hugging her, and whether your touch would calm her or be unwanted. "Just thinking about it makes me feel so dirty; I need to take a shower."
Thanks to your ability to phase into spirit form, you don't need to take a shower. Your clothes, however, should probably still go through the wash, as at least your shirt, that you can smell, has the same slept-in scent as Minako's clothes. Minako approaches, and you don't like that look on her face leans in close, whispering into your ear in a sultry tone "Kirika's still asleep. We could take our showers together, if you'd like."
"While I'm sure you'd enjoy that, I have to decline," you say, taking a few steps backwards and away from the woman before you. "I have to make breakfast, don't I?" You smile for Minako, hoping to disarm her aggressive eying of your body. "You go take your shower. I'll have something cooked up by the time you're done."
Minako feigns a look of hurt as you reject her advances. "Alright," she says, putting a bit of extra sway in her hips as she turns to head towards the bathroom. "But if you change your mind, you know where to find me."
You nod, thoroughly intent to not keep that in mind, as you check the fridge to once again survey the damage. With the leftover eggs and vegetables you brought for Wednesday's dinner still present, omelettes are looking like today's breakfast. You shrug; it's quick, tasty, and there's enough vegetables to make it filling enough to get Minako and Kirika through until lunchtime.
About ten minutes into cooking breakfast, you hear the sound of a door creaking behind you. You make the decision not to turn, thinking it might be Minako exiting the bathroom and not wanting to give in to her advances, until you hear a sleepy and decidedly not Minako voice ask "What smells good?"
"Vegetable omelettes, sleepyhead" you say to Kirika, who looks every bit as slept-in as her mother did. "Didn't think you'd be awake for awhile, actually. What's got you up so early?"
"Oriko always wakes me up with the smell of breakfast." Kirika lets out a yawn, taking a seat at the kitchen table as she says " I thought you were her until I remembered where I was."
The muffled sound of water in the distance falls silent, and you hear another door open as Minako exits the bathroom wearing her fuzzy bathrobe, and carrying yesterday's clothes in her left hand. Seeing her daughter awake, she stops, leaning over to kiss Kirika on the cheek. "Morning pumpkin."
"Mom, go get dressed!" Kirika shouts, pushing her mother away. "I can see your boobs through that thing!" Quickly, you turn your head back to the task of making breastfast breakfast, before Minako has the chance to do anything which might distract you and thus burn the omelettes. Yes, that's the one you're going with. Minako emerges from her room shortly after, changed into her Lawson's uniform shirt and the black pants that hug the curvature of her butt really tightly, which you try to ignore as you spend the remaining few minutes you need to finish up breakfast.
"Get'em while they're hot!"
Mother and daughter Kure do just that, taking their omelettes from you and digging in as soon as they've been served. You take your time, making sure you're nice and settled into your seat before taking your first bite. "So, now that you've quit your night shift, what's your schedule looking like?" you ask Minako.
"Same as it was the last time I told you my schedule," Minako responds. "Just, now when I get home after my day shift, I don't have to go out again."
Good, you think. "Then that means I'll be able to tutor you any day of the week now, and won't have to limit myself to just two nights each week." You'll still be limited with the nights in which you can tutor Kirika, however.
Minako smiles, and in a coy tone adds "That also means you won't have to work as hard finding nights to take me out."
"You're right. Preferably soon, I'd like to go out grocery shopping with you so we can start filling your fridge up with real food." When Minako pouts, you remind her that you do in fact know what she meant by her words, and say "And of course, we can figure out when a good night would be for us to go out to the movies, or something."
Minako smiles again and gods above, is she beautiful when she smiles, and says "Well, since I don't have to work on Sundays, tomorrow night would be perfect for us to go out and have some fun." You feel an object, which you quickly identify as her foot, rubbing itself along the length of your leg from under the table. Kirika, who can see her mother doing this, tries desperately to pretend like she can't.
"Yes, going grocery shopping and putting some real food in your fridge would be fun," you say, preferring not to rise to Minako's playfulness and fearing for what might happen if she were to find out you've done so despite your efforts. Hoping to change the subject away from something which might get you discovered, you say "So, I spent a good portion of my youth studying in London, and it's amazing how much goes on where people don't normally think to look. A lot of really famous landmarks, like the British Museum, the Clocktower, places like that, are actually owned by a secret cabal of mages." You glance around the table, hoping to gauge the interest level of your audience by the looks on their faces. Crickets. "I just thought that you might be interested to know, that's all, seeing as there's a real-life magical girl in the family."
Alright, that was a pretty poor showing, but at least it's gotten Minako to stop stroking your leg with her foot. You'll take that as a win. "Now," you say, this time looking exclusively at Kirika. "Can you tell me what the powerhouse of the cell is?"
"Now? At breakfast?" Kirika asks. "Do I have to?" Minako shoots her daughter a dirty look, and you nod; yes, she has to do this right now. "Ugh, fine. It's the mita-whatever-you-call-it."
"Mitochondria," you say. "Sounds like last night's lesson didn't stick as well as I'd have liked it to." Minako, having finished breakfast and with the time on the clock showing near to six, gets up from the table and drops her plate into the sink. "I think I'll stay behind and give Kirika a little extra help before it's time for school."
Minako smiles, saying "Thanks," as she returns to the table just long enough to give Kirika a kiss goodbye. "Mommy's got to go to work now, so you be a good girl for Archer, okay?"
Kirika, still looking none too enthused at the prospect of having to pay any amount of time into her studies, huffs and puffs, but still reciprocates her mother's love, hugging Minako as she says "Don't worry about a thing. I'll be good; promise." Unfortunately, the instant Minako is out the door, her attitude changes, and she says "Okay Archer, here's the deal- If you can convince mom to let me stay with Oriko full-time again, I'll agree to let you date my mom, and I'll call you dad from now on. How's that? Do we have a deal?"
[ ] Deal
[ ] No deal
[ ] No deal, and Minako will be hearing about this at lunch