The themes of this quest are "broken people fixing one another" and "found family". The theme of the sequel will be "what does it mean to be a witch?" and you're free to take that to mean that what you will.
Doppels? Timetraveling Homulily/Homucifer? This entire quest is an illusion created by Homura during Rebellion?
Doppels? Timetraveling Homulily/Homucifer? This entire quest is an illusion created by Homura during Rebellion?
I mean, at the start of the quest Alaya did give Archer the quest to find out how the universe was rewritten twice over. That means it Madoka Magica canon already happened. This is probably just an alternate timeline to that, and since Alaya sent a Counter Guardian and all that it's very unlikely that this quest is an illusion. Let's hope that Homucifer doesn't get that bright idea of timeline hopping though, shall we? *shudders*

EDIT: Normally I would say that the Counter Force would have culled Homucifer's timeline, except there's the whole issue of it being controlled first by Madokami and now Homucifer, which may prevent the Counter Force from doing so.
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Which child depends on your vote.
And our child for today is... Sayaka! That's right, vote now and your vote will help keep Sayaka safe for another day!
A vote a day keeps Gachaisnacht away!
Actually, it's the complete opposite. Each vote brings us one post closer to the final day. Which, while regrettable that this quest will one day come to an end, is no reason to keep it held up for a lack of votes.
Twist my arm why don't ya!
Day 38 Chapter 3
[X] No deal

"Okay Archer, here's the deal- If you can convince mom to let me stay with Oriko full-time again, I'll agree to let you date my mom, and I'll call you dad from now on. How's that? Do we have a deal?"

"You're quite the cheeky little girl," you say to Kirika, as she lays out the terms of her 'deal' with you. "What makes you so confident I'll say yes?"

Kirika cracks a mischievous grin, saying "Because if you make me happy, you'll make my mom happy too," as she approaches you; then, as if to give you a taste of what's to come, she wraps her arms around you and says "And because you're the best daddy ever." Oh, wow. This girl is good. You'll have to bust out all the stops if you want to come out on top.

"Well, when you put it like that," you say, pausing a moment to enjoy the look on Kirika's face, as though she thinks she's won. "How can I say no?"

"Really? You mean it?" At your words, Kirika tightens her grip on you, saying "Oh, thank you thank you thank you! You really are the best daddy ever!"

Now that you have Kirika in checkmate, you unleash your secret weapon, and say "Let's get studying then. After all, the only way to convince your mother is to do better in school."

Your words bring with them a sudden and immediate result. Kirika pulls away from you in disgust, as though you were a disgusting bag full of garbage left on the side of the road. "You tricked me," she says, her voice dripping with venom like you haven't heard since she and Mikuni were still your enemies. "Fine, be that way. But just so you know, I'm not ever going to call you dad, not even if you and mom get married; you hear me?"

That's fine by you; as of right now, it's no skin off your back if Kirika never calls you dad. Heck, you rarely called your own father dad. "Your mother trusted me to take care of you and make sure you got the help you needed to succeed in school, and I'm going to do that, even if it makes you hate me."

"Good, because I do!" Now if that isn't the most typical, teenage girl response you've ever heard.

You know she doesn't mean that; or at least you hope she doesn't mean that. But clearly, appealing to her mother won't bring you a victory in this fight. Instead, you'll have to appeal to the one person that Kirika holds above all others. "How would Mikuni feel if I let you take a pass on improving your grades in order to spend time with her?" It's slight, but you can tell from Kirika's face that you've won. You just have to press the attack enough for her to admit it to herself. "If all you do with your time is spend it with her, or thinking about her, don't you think she'd feel responsible for letting your grades slip? I know you miss her, and I know she must miss you just the same, but I bet that if you were to ask her, she'd be agreeing with your mother and I." Oh gods above, you really do sound like her father right now. "In fact, since you defer to Mikuni to do all your thinking for you, I think when you go to see her after dinner tonight you and she should have a conversation about what she wants from you in this situation."

Kirika pouts, and pouts, and "If you keep pouting, your face is going to get stuck like that." Your words do nothing to stop Kirika from pouting. But despite that, she still pulls up a chair at the table, and relents as you get her books out. "Now, I noticed last night that you had the most trouble with geometry, so that's where I'm going to focus most of my efforts."

"Did you enjoy your sleepover with the Kures?"

The kitchen smells of eggs and toast; nothing too fancy, but with Archer still not back yet the task of making breakfast has fallen to you, and your skills are nowhere up to par with those of your father, so simple is must be. "Minako tried multiple times to seduce me this morning." Oh my; that certainly sounds exciting. "But aside from that? Yeah, it was nice spending some time with her and Kirika; and speaking of Kirika, I'm sticking around to give her a bit more help with her studies before she heads off to school, so don't wait up for me."

"Amy's already been fed, and I'm making breakfast for myself and Assassin."

"That's my girl."
From the scent of things, breakfast is just about done. "Now, since I know she's bound to forget if I just let her go off and do her own thing, can you make sure to remind Kirika to have a talk with Mikuni about her grades later tonight? Or better yet, if you're planning on getting together with the rest of the team, can you bring it up while the two of them are together?"

"Assassin, breakfast is ready!" you call out, your words punctuated by the near-instantaneous appearance of your servant which sends Amy scampering away. "I'll do my best to remember to bring it up over dinner, but you might have to remind yourself."

"Alright. I'll let you go and have breakfast, then."

With that, you terminate your connection to Archer and serve a simple breakfast for yourself and your servant. You wait for Assassin to take the first bite before asking "How is it?"

"It is good." Assassin eats as one who has not for several days. "I am glad that my master can also make such delicious food."

It's really one of the simplest things you could have made, but you'll take the compliment regardless. "I'm glad to hear that," you say, as you allow yourself to eat as well. Bringing your toast up to your mouth, the new addition to your left index finger catches the kitchen lightbulb, giving off a dull silver-blue glow. Carving such tiny runes into the metal was no easy feat; the amount of Reinforcement you needed to apply to your stencil to ensure it could withstand the extreme cold, combined with the actual effort required to drop the metal to a cold enough temperature in order to weaken the places where you needed to chisel was far more taxing to your mana supply than you had anticipated, costing you a Grief Seed you hadn't meant to spend in the process. It's a good thing you've found a way to reuse Grief Seeds. Then, despite being exhausted through being drained of so much mana, you still needed to perform the actual chiseling out of your runic inscription. It was tedious, tiresome work, and having not yet tested it for yourself, you have no idea if you've even done it correctly.

Still, if it does work as intended, then all the more power to you for having gained a new skill; and one which you can teach to your allies to enhance their own abilities, to boot.

[ ] Wat do?​
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[x] Braid your hair before you head to school.
SVS already vetoed that option when I last brought it up, so I up the wager with this. :V
[jk] Put your hair into twintails with ribbons before you head to school

[X] Plan Proposal
-[X] Let Assassin tag along with you in spirit form, as to get her more used to the city and the layout of your school (the school in case of emergencies)
-[X] Start walking to to school and talk to
--[X] Madoka
---[X] about tonight's dinner
----[X] Relay the Kaname home phone number to Archer, in case he wants to coordinate with Madoka's Dad while everyone's at school
-----[X] (Archer) Roger roger, do that and combine forces to create an (un)holy fusion of culinary expertise while everyone's at school
----[X] *while you're in range of Sayaka* Remark to her that you can't wait to see what culinary masterpieces that'll be present at the dinner tonight, what with both of their Dads being there
--[X] Sayaka
---[X] *before you and Madoka meet up with Sayaka and Hitomi, put your new ring on your ring finger* claiming that Madoka has finally decided to propose to you and you said yes, showing off your snazzy new ring
----[X] *pause* inform her and Hitomi that it was a jokethough you wish it wasn't, and explain to everyone what the ring does and how you made it last night, while replacing it back on its proper finger
---[X] asking her about an update on Kyoko's antics
--[X] Hitomi
---[X] asking her about an update on her current Magecraft progress since they last practiced together, and if she needs any help from Archer

Agh, and my foolproof plan to get Minako's schedule has failed! Now I had to spend some time using SV's search function looking for it.

Speaking of, question SVS. From the passage I found, it seems like Minako is working at her main office job seven days a week. Is that accurate?

EDIT: Madoka did indeed already give Homura her home phone number, so edited accordingly.
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--[X] Madoka
---[X] about tonight's dinner, and if she could give you her home phone number so that you could relay it to Archer for reasons
I believe Madoka already gave us her home phone number, back when we first got our phone. Either that, or she gave it to us soon after. I may be mistaken, as it has been a year and a half since Madoka went with us to get our phone. You can check if you feel like trawling through the first few months of questing, or not.
Speaking of, question SVS. From the passage I found, it seems like Minako is working at her main office job seven days a week. Is that accurate?
Six, with Sundays off. Previously, the only shift she had to work on Sundays was her night shift, but now that she's not working nights anymore she has Sundays completely free.
I believe Madoka already gave us her home phone number, back when we first got our phone. Either that, or she gave it to us soon after. I may be mistaken, as it has been a year and a half since Madoka went with us to get our phone. You can check if you feel like trawling through the first few months of questing, or not.
Hm, looking back, Homura has "Madoka's number". I assumed that that meant her cell phone number, though can we assume that she gave Homura her home phone number as well?
"Really? You mean it?" At your words, Kirika tightens her grip on you, saying "Oh, thank you thank you thank you! You really are the best daddy ever!"

Now that you have Kirika in checkmate, you unleash your secret weapon, and say "Let's get studying then. After all, the only way to convince your mother is to do better in school."
It's slight, but you can tell from Kirika's face that you've won.

[x] enetious
Day 38 Chapter 4
[X] Plan Proposal


Your morning could last for hours, but for you, morning never truly begins until after you've gotten your first glimpse of Madoka's beautiful smile. She races towards you, tightly wrapping her arms around you as she asks "Are you excited for dinner tonight?"

"Yes, I am," you reply, receiving Madoka's embrace as you return your own affections in kind. "Has your father given any sort of indication as to what he's thinking of making for us?"

Madoka's short pink pigtails shake as her head wags back and forth, and she says "Nope! It's going to be a mystery!"

"Is this your girlfriend?" The voice of Assassin, whom you had invited to join you on your walk to school, intrudes into your mind. Following beside you in spirit form, Assassin can neither be seen or touched, nor can she poison anyone you care about - you hope that to be the case - but she can still learn more about the layout of the city; in particular, the way to and from the school, in case an emergency requires her presence.

"Yes. This is Kaname Madoka, the girl that I love." For added emphasis, you tighten your arms' embrace of Madoka.

"I see. I am... Happy for you, master. She is very cute."

"She's more than cute. She's... Perfect."
You smile, hugging Madoka once more before releasing her back into the wild, as the two of you take the other's hand. Now, "Archer, if you're free, there's something I need you to take care of" You rattle off the phone number of the Kaname residence, and tell Archer "In case you want to corrdinate with Kaname Tomohisa regarding tonight's dinner."

"I'll see what he's thinking, and if there's anything I can do to help if he needs it."

"Hey," you say to Madoka, as you lean in close to whisper in her ear "How would you like to help me play a little trick on Sayaka?" Madoka smiles and nods her head, and as you whisper the details of your plan to her, you find yourself unable to stop the smirk on your face from spreading.

Sayaka will be meeting you soon.

Let's see if she finds this as funny as you do.

"Hey! Madoka! Homura!" And there she is, right on schedule. "What's up?"

The smirk on Madoka's face matches your own and gods above does she look absolutely beautiful with that devious smirk on her face. The two of you return Sayaka's greeting with one of your own, waving for the blue-haired girl as she and Hitomi approach. "Oh, nothing," you say, holding your suspense close to the chest as your words go in for the kill. Casually, as though it were the simplest thing in the world, you display the newest addition to your hand, temporarily moved to a different finger, and you say "Just that, well, Madoka decided to propose to me. I said yes, of course. We're set to be married next year."

Hitomi's face goes as white as a sheet, while Sayaka's is turned a brilliant scarlet. "What?" is their unanimous response.

You try your best to hold your composure upon seeing their faces; in the end, Madoka is the one to break the illusion. "Just kidding!" Oh, but if only you weren't.

"We thought it would be funny to play a prank on you," you say to Sayaka. "Since you're always teasing us about our relationship, we thought we'd finally found a way to get back at you." Your slide your Mystic Code off of your ring finger, and return it to its proper finger as you say "This isn't an engagement ring at all; it's actually a Mystic Code I made last night."

Suddenly, colour returns to Hitomi's face, and she stares at the ring intently. "I should have known you'd figure out who to make one before I did," she says, without any trace of spite or jealousy towards you for having beaten her to it. "Could you tell me about it, if you don't mind me asking?"

You nod, seeing no reason not to share what you've learned. "I haven't had the chance to test it out yet, but if I've done it correctly, if I pulse a little mana into this ring, it should be able to freeze objects on contact." You bring your hand up higher, so that Hitomi doesn't have to lean over to stare at your ring. "Making it was a lot harder than I anticipated, though. First, I had to make a stencil with my rune arranged in the right pattern to create the effect I wanted, and then I had to Reincforce that stencil so it could withstand extreme temperatures. Then, I had to use my rune to subject the stenciled area to extreme cold, in order to weaken the metal so I could chisel out the stenciled areas."

"I see." Hitomi continues to stare at your ring with eyes enchanted. "If it's not too much trouble, do you think you could help me to figure out how to make one of my own? I still haven't made much progress in deciphering Tohsaka-san's book, I'm afraid to say, and I could really use the help."

"I'm surprised," you say, hoping Hitomi won't take your words the wrong way. "You're usually so studious. Has one book really gotten the better of you?"

"I don't think you'd be saying that if you were in my shoes, Akemi-san. For a supposed beginner tome, it makes more than a few assumptions about the reader's existing knowledge, as though it expects me to already know concepts I could only know if I had been raised in a mage family."

"I suspect that is, in fact, the case," you say. "First generation mages like yourself probably aren't common enough for there to be dedicated magecraft instruction just for people like you." When it looks like your words have ruffled Hitomi's feathers the wrong way, you add "That being said, I'm sure Archer would be more than happy to offer his advice if you need it." And perhaps McRemitz-san as well. She was the one who helped you to figure out your own Mystic Code problem, after all.

"... So, Sayaka-chan, have you heard anything from Kyouko-chan since last time?"

While you and Hitomi were talking about magecraft, Madoka and Sayaka were apparently talking about relationships. And apparently, "Believe it or not, she actually called me earlier this morning; said she was sorry about inviting herself over without asking, and wanted to know if there was anything else I wanted to do instead." Kyouko took your advice to heart, it seems. "So, we're going to try going to the movies again tonight, and if that doesn't pan out we're going to head back to my place for videogames and pizza."

You smile to yourself; some combination of your words, and likely more than a little prodding from Tomoe-san after the fact, has managed to pay off. "What are you smiling about?" Hitomi asks.

"Oh, nothing," you reply. "Just thinking about something that happened last night."

"Last night, huh?" Kirika, with Tomoe-san standing beside her, waits for your gang of four at the front gates, her arms crossed and her face marred by an unsightly frown. "Funny, I don't remember anything worth smiling about happening last night."

"Did you not enjoy it when daddy made you do your homework?"

The sullen frown on Kirika's face is instantly wiped away, replaced with an open mouth aghast. "Oh, he didn't."

"Oh, he did." You can't help but smirk as you watch Kirika squirm under the weight of her own mistake. "I'm so glad to hear that you and Archer are getting along. I just wish I could have seen it for myself."
"Do you have any idea what they're talking about?"
"The only thing you'll be seeing is my fist in your face if you don't drop it right now."
"Not in the slightest."
"Now, is that any way to speak to your sister? For heaven's sake, we're going to be having dinner together later tonight."
"Sure is funny to watch Kirika lose it, though.
"Argh!" That's all it takes for Kirika to storm off, causing Tomoe-san to break from the huddled whisper of a conversation she had been having with Sayaka and Hitomi, and to run off after her classmate. "Stupid Homura...." you hear Kirika grumble. "Makes a fool out of me in front of her friends... At least I'll get to see Oriko later tonight... "

[ ] What's your plan for the school day?
[x] [Homura] Focus on your group project.
[x] [Archer] Call Dadoka Madoka's dad so you can coordinate tonight's dinner.
-[x] Then go shopping for what you need.
[X] Plan Icy AzoLto
-[X] What's your plan for the school day?
--[X] Pay attention to class, though encourage Assassin telepathically to point out anything she's curious about so that you could explain it to her
--[X] Work on your project
--[X] Go to Lunch and talk to
---[X] Kirika
----[X] apologizing for earlier (with mirth on your face despite that), and telling her that you really do want things to work out between their families; is there perhaps anything she's ever wanted to do with a sibling growing up that she wouldn't be averse to doing now?
---[X] Assassin
----[X] asking her if she wants you to buy her any (admittedly gourmet, thanks Japanese Dubai) school lunch in particular, so that you could slip her it up on the rooftop to eat without worry of being noticed as not being a student (what with her lack of a uniform and everything)
-----[X] Talk to her telepathically about whatever she wishes to talk about while she's eating, assuming she decides to take you up on your offer
---[X] Madoka
----[X] talking about their fantasy wedding plans, and what kind of things they would want in it, what venue it would be, who'd be the bridesmaids and such, the flower girl, etc., for when it inevitably becomes legal to do so
----[X] Feed the 'doka. Be fed by the 'doka. Give into the 'doka.
---[X] Mami
----[X] about if she has any plans for the team tonight while you and the Kures and Kanames are having dinner, and if she decided to open up a bit more to her peers today
-[X] Switch perspectives to Archer

Normally I would say that the Masters of the school would detect the Servant hanging around Homura and be curious about it, however, Presence Concealment A+. Also as a side-note, found out what her previously unknown skill does, Dance of Silence B. Apparently it massively increases her instant death chance with her NP on physical contact, and it increases her debuff success rate equally making it so that her Poisoned Blade C++ skill isn't resisted even by those with resistance to poison normally and that her NP's potential NP and Skill seal have a much higher chance of occuring. Neat.

I think Homura sharing her Archer!Lunch with her friends is a given at this point, so no real need to mention it. Honestly, Sayaka might as well make it a tradition at this point.
Dance of Silence B. Apparently it massively increases her instant death chance with her NP on physical contact, and it increases her debuff success rate equally making it so that her Poisoned Blade C++ skill isn't resisted even by those with resistance to poison normally and that her NP's potential NP and Skill seal have a much higher chance of occuring. Neat.
Well, no wonder it doesn't exist, since debuffs aren't a thing and Serenity's touch is fatal unless resisted, or it's turned off through dermal shapeshifting.
I think Homura sharing her Archer!Lunch with her friends is a given at this point, so no real need to mention it. Honestly, Sayaka might as well make it a tradition at this point.
Except, Archer never made lunch, on account of he was at Minako's apartment helping Kirika study.
Oh yeah, that's right. Eh, it fits in with her buying lunch for Assassin at school anyways, as she could get her own then. I wonder if Kirika got a Archer!lunch instead?
Made from what ingredients? All Minako has in her fridge are a few veggies and a lot of leftovers. No, Kirika brought a bag of snacks and some money to buy lunch with, which in her opinion is a massive downgrade from what Oriko usually makes for her lunch.
So, just popping in to show off a snippet from F/GO that I came across that encompasses this quest perfectly, and actively confirms some things that we were simply making an assumption on before (the fact that EMIYA remembers past Grail Wars). Thought it was neat. :)
Saber Wars Revival - Episode IV: Awakening of the Universe said:
X: Also, you're mistaken about me having a dream like that. My objective is my mission. It's more a like a job. If you're looking for someone who's striving for a dream---- That would have to be Lily.

Lily: Yes? Did someone mention my dream?

Mash: By the way, Lily, your goal in life is a little different than other Servants'. For example, Mordred wanted...

X: Did you say Mordred!?

Mash: Oh, dear! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm just using her as an example! Uh, a.k.a. Mo-san had the goal of becoming king. He held onto that goal from when he was alive. However, your goal, Lily, was born after you became a Servant. Your aim is to be the ideal king. You may be born from the tale of King Arthur, but since you're an "if" separated from it... In a way, you're saying, "I am alive now." You intend to live your life from now on.

Emiya: Hmm. So, taking a position of fantasy can be a good thing. Originally, Servants only existed in Holy Grail Wars on Earth. There are no futures for them. However, under certain conditions, for example, if they are regenerated by a Spiritron computer lifeform... ... or if they remain connected with their Master after the Holy Grail War, or if they're given a new body, then things will be different. Those Servants are released from the shackles of their previous lives and become humans of that era that live now. I once heard of a happy-go-lucky Rider that was in that position... No wait, that was an Apocrypha. Well, I guess that itself is a distant "if."

Ritsuka: A Spiritron computer life?

Emiya: It's just one of those Extra things, you know. If you're really interested in it, then...

Tamamo-no-Mae: Ah-ha! My fox ears felt a prick because they caught the scent of some kind of signal. You there, Archer. What nonsense is that? This is a healthy land we're in, so talk of tales in a fantasy land is not needed here. That is to say---- If you act too clever, then I will squish you like an ant♡

Emiya: ... Ahem! Pardon me, I let my tongue slip. Please continue.

Nero: Damn you, Archer. You stole the spotlight from me, That was supposed to be my moment. However, I like that phrase! A Servant that "lives now," is it? How fascinating! It seems that I'm not one of those Servants, but Lily is one of them. I think it's good that a Servant that dreams of the now exists instead of just dreaming of memories of their past life. Basically, that means that one shapes one's own ending! Suddenly, I feel that I must support Lily!

Lily: Shape... My own ending? So if I became King, then my destiny after that... as well?

Nero: Of course! The past has been written, the future has been decided... The Heroic Spirits of the past can change nothing, much less those in the Throne of Heroes who know the future. However, as for those in the now, they can alter the past and future! Yes, because only those that live now can change the future!

Mash: --------

Lily: --------

X: --------

Tamamo-no-Mae: Hey! Hold on there, Saber! I appreciate the positive thinking, but take a look over there. Looks like some others have been caught by this crazy Singularity, so now we have some more uninvited visitors.