[X] Plan Homura Talks With A Pretty Cool Dude
"How are you liking your time in the modern world?"
With the wind whipping against your face at quite literal lightning speeds, you aren't sure if Rider heard your question. Crammed into his chariot beside you are Tomoe-san, taking the breakneck pace of the chariot ride with all the poise and dignity with which she faces all of life's hardships, and Kyouko, who looks like she's about to vomit the contents of her dinner down onto some poor unlucky pedestrian's head. "What?" Rider shouts back at you. "Did you say something?"
"I said, how are you liking your time in the modern world?"
"Oh! It's alright, I guess! Bit different from the last time I was summoned; everything's shinier and more tech-ey! Kind of boring, though; not too many good fights, especially since we're not in a proper War! Caster's been a good sparring partner, but I'd really like someone that can fight me and not look bored about it, you know?"
"If you could find someone like that, would you want to stick around the way Archer does?"
"Maybe; depends on how good they are! Why; you got someone in mind?"
"Archer tells me that McRemitz-san's Lancer servant is pretty tough! I'm sure he'd be willing to spar with you if you asked him!"
At the speed with which Rider's chariot breaks as he parks it outside of your apartment, you're certain that without your inhuman body your neck would have shattered. "Well then, why don't I ask him myself?"
Given that Rider did take the time and effort to bring you back to Mitakihara, you suppose you can afford him the chance to speak with the other Lancer. But first, "Give me just a moment," there's something else you need to take care of. Both of your hands are clenched so tightly around your takeout bag that prying one of them free to reach for your key is an effort worthy of recording your name to the Throne of Heroes in and of itself, but you manage it. You hope Assassin likes what you've brought her.
Assassin didn't have much to say when you contacted her to ask what she'd like you to bring back for her. "All of the food I ate in life was for sustenance," she said to you when you tried to show her the menu through your eyes. "Eating for the enjoyment of a food's taste is something new to me. I shall let you decide what is fitting." In the end, you settled on bringing back a slice of blueberry pie and a brownie from the pastry selection at the counter.
"Assassin, I've got your food!"
"I am in the living room!" You carry yourself to the living room, to find a rather comfortable-looking Assassin sitting on one of your couches as she browses the internet on your laptop. Wearing a black hoodie with big fuzzy cat ears sticking out of the top of the hood, she almost looks like a normal girl, with her unnatural ashen skin being the only indicator that she isn't. "Welcome home, master," she says, smiling as you approach with her food. "Did you enjoy your time with your friends?"
"It was productive," you reply. Presenting your poisonous servant with her food, you say "Here you go. You didn't give me much to go on, so I got you a slice of blueberry pie and a chocolate brownie. I hope you enjoy them."
Assassin nods, and sets your laptop aside as she opens up the takeout bag. You try not to stand over her shoulder too much as she takes her first bite of the pie. "This is quite good," she says. "It is sweet, and just a little bit tart. I think I rather like this." You smile, glad to hear that your choice was a good one. "Will we be touching tonight, master?"
"We will, but there's something I have to take care of first," you say. Not only do you have a muscled Greek hero waiting for you, but you also want to speak to McRemitz-san while he is speaking with her servant. "I don't know what time I'll be back, but I will be back, and I'll make sure we have time to touch when I return."
Assassin nods, saying "I will await your return then, master," as you turn to leave. "Thank you for the sweets."
You exit your apartment, but when you step outside you see no sign of Rider, his chariot, or his other passengers. Did he give up waiting and go back home with his master and Tomoe-san? However, just as you are about to give up on Rider, a peal of lightning splits the sky as Rider returns. "You were taking awhile," he says, dismounting from his chariot, and donned in more conservative and less servant-apparent attire. "So I thought I'd bring my master and her friend home so they weren't waiting around."
You nod, and silently lead Rider upstairs to McRemitz-san's apartment. You don't hear anything going on inside, but it's still a few seconds longer that you have to wait between when you announce yourself with a knock and a call of "Landlord" and when McRemitz-san answers the door. Her sleeveless shirt shows off more than just her prosthetic arm, her hair is messy, and she smells faintly of sweat. Was she exercising, sparring with Lancer, or something which you don't want to think about.
"I didn't think we were being too loud," McRemitz-san says as she opens the door for you. "Is there a problem?"
"Not at all," you say, hoping that what she and her Lancer were keeping quiet wasn't what you don't want to thin kit was. "Actually... I was wondering if you'd be willing to give me some pointers on using my rune to create a Mystic Code. This is... Very new, to me, and since I know you have experience with runes I thought I'd ask you for some advice, if that's alright with you."
McRemitz-san nods her head, gesturing with her thumb for you to join her inside. "It's going to be tricky to help you out, since I'm really only versed in the modern runes, but I'll do my best to help you if I can; and if not, Lancer knows the old runes and should be able to help you."
"Speaking of Lancer," you say, gesturing for Rider to follow you. "Rider was hoping to speak with him, if that's alright."
"Oh." McRemitz-san whistles, calling out "Cú, you've got a visitor!"
"A visitor? For me?" Lancer emerges from the living room without a shirt. It's still not looking good for what you're hoping the pair weren't doing. He stops when he sees you, but stops short of addressing you when you introduce him to Rider. "Well, this is a surprise. Can't say I was expecting to see you stopping by here. What brings you around?"
"This one said you were pretty tough, said I should speak with you about you and I maybe doing some sparring." You can't tell whether it's Rider or McRemitz-san's Lancer that has the cockier smile right now. "That is, unless you're too chicken to fight me."
"I hope you'll put up more of a fight then that little girl who called herself Assassin."
"That was you, huh? Well, in that case I guess I should thank you for the assist." Tension sits in the air for a few seconds, before Rider and Lancer break, greeting one another with a handshake so hearty you could feel the flesh of their palms meeting from several meters away. "What are you doing tomorrow night?"
"If you're free, sparring with you. How's the park at midnight sound?"
"Sounds better than sitting on my ass all night. You're on!"
With confident smiles on both of their faces, Rider parts ways with Lancer and makes his exit. Well, that was certainly the most masculine thing you think you've ever experienced. "Alright, let's get back on track," McRemitz-san says as she leads you into the living room. Without the hologram generator that makes your living room appear to be a blank white circle, the upstairs living room is much smaller, cozier, more lived in, with only a single normal couch and two chairs surrounding a square table, as opposed to your own elaborate setup. "Runic Mystic Codes. Show me what you've managed to get done so far."
"Well, that's the problem," you say, recalling your poor showing last night. "I... Don't actually know what a Mystic Code is supposed to look like, so for all the practice I did last night I don't think I actually managed to make anything I can show you; and you've already seen what I can do with Isa normally."
"Hm, yes I see... That is going to be a problem for you, isn't it?"
[ ] Wat do?