Right, time for another one of these. Doing it like this so it doesn't artificially inflate the word count on the chapter.
1. Yamamoto and his supposed incompetence.
First and foremost, this is an issue. Midway was stupid on many fronts and one can hardly argue this, However, Pearl is not the same case. Yamamoto, from what I've been reading, was convinced this was the only way to gain Japan a chance to negotiate a peace. Not win, he knew that was impossible. However, he believed that it would give enough time to make the Americans agree to Japanese gains instead of steamrolling them under superior numbers. He made a misstep with the whole 'surprise attack' thing...but then, did he want a
surprise attack?
From what I've read, no, not really. Yamamoto wanted a declaration of war to reach the President before the attack. Just an hour or so before it, mind you, so that there was no time to prepare for it. But he didn't want a full surprise. Say what you will, but Yamamoto did at least understand that a complete surprise attack was a bad idea. He never intended- from what I've read -for that. He wanted the proper procedure, even if it came too late for any American preparations for the attack. Wanting complete
operational surprise is different from complete
strategic surprise.
Of course, one can easily make the argument that he was still being naive at best. There is little material difference to the one attacked if they are warned right before being attacked, compared to no warning. Roosevelt certainly would take that argument. This is the real flaw in the Pearl plan, from the top to the bottom.
Not going to argue Midway until I've had a chance to reread
Shattered Sword again.
2. Redesigning ships
Not really going to happen. Modernizations will be different (hello Hood) but nothing outlandish, TBH. Maybe
and this is a big maybe the Essex-design will get an angled deck early.
Midway almost certainly is. Beyond that? Not likely at all.
Montana isn't getting built. Full stop. The same reasons we ditched them IRL still apply here. At best, you may see Kentucky or Illinois completed and even that isn't a given by any means. Depends on how things go. As for the Germans...Seydlitz is finished as a cruiser and Graf
may get further along. Italian planes or German planes, the main issue is getting the funding and if you can convince Hitler. Neither is a given, even with where Schreiber is at this point. Especially since he won't push his luck too far.
I'm not even going into capturing a ship. That isn't going to happen unless something seriously funky goes on, like
Hornet being abandoned while still salvageable (
insert plug to snip thread here). It's just not something that happens in modern times.
Was a war warning even issued? I was kinda hoping for some more FDR stuff, but I understand that Sky has time constraints, and can't write everything.
a. Yes, it was issued.
b. I would have loved more FDR, but honestly, it would have felt like filler to me. Outside the Atlantic Conference, anyway, and we
are getting that as a flashback later on.
4. Japanese 'getting off easy' at the end of the war.
This is a topic I'd
really rather not get into. One can make the argument they got off easier than they maybe should have...but then, they were occupied for years. Firebombed into oblivion. Nuked twice. Lost literally
all of their overseas holdings. Reduced to an American vassal, basically, until the economic miracles. Did the leadership get off easy? Sure. The fact that people can still argue that the Japanese are trying to sweet talk what they did or erase it completely (KC itself is guilty of apologism, which is why I prefer the
idea more than the
execution most of the time). One can also argue they suffered enough, and that what is going on today is similar to- just an example -Confederate apologism and revisionism in America. Not every nation can be Germany and completely scrub away their past without forgetting why they outlawed the bad things.
But then, Germany suffered a
lot to get to that point.
Regardless, that is not an argument I want in this thread. Full stop. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I don't want to get into arguments like that. Obviously bad historical things will be noted as such in story. Beyond that, please don't bring it up. And if you do,
be respectful about it. All I ask.
And finally:
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Link to the server. I am crashing now, though, so I won't be around tonight. Please don't burn the place down while I'm sleeping and/or at the school.