Lightwhispers - I'm torn. Your reply to me is correct and relevant, but my read of Shard's post conflicts with what my reading of your post says to me about how you read Shard's post. In lieu of reacting with an insightful or like on a post that has elements I strongly disagree with, or not reacting with an insightful or like to a post that makes mention of a relevant factor I left out of my post, I make this post. And give a hug.

A hug and explanation-post combo seems my best bet :/.
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@Ithillid , I have a question.

What would we have to do, or what could we have done, to create a situation in which we could have a grant that gets us a Capital Goods trickle?

I'm curious.

The bar is so low it touches ground.
And yet, people trip over it while attempting to pass over it.

By market I mean system of distribution where it matters more if you have money, then if you have need.
Under a sufficiently aggressive wealth-redistributing government that provides universal income, the desires the market is incentivized to fulfill will tend to converge towards "needs first, widespread optional desires second, narrow optional desires third."

The core objective of the market socialist project would necessarily be to force the market to converge on this condition, by removing concentrations of wealth, and by removing any means of obtaining wealth that do not involve genuinely catering to a widespread need.

It matters little if a famous football player is overpaid because there are fifty million people each willing to spend one dollar a year to keep him working. It matters much more if a corporate lobbyist is overpaid because there is ONE person willing to spend merely five million dollars a year to keep him working.

My assertion: if those who think in bigoted ways, and who have spent decades with bigoted thought-modes and worldviews were to be placed in a situation where those beliefs were challenged in a way that they can not avoid or disregard then one of two main things would happen:

1. Their minds would break, or
2. They will compartmentalise for a while, and eventually they will (without noticing it happening) wake up one day and realise that they believe 'previous outgroup has many different types of people' and will extend to that outgroup a similar level of charitable assumptions that the bigot extended to their ingroup.

Example: an islamophobe is put next to a muslim family in a new arcology and due to circumstances they interact over time. Years later the bigot wakes up and realises that their neighbours are just people trying to live their lives and also they work extra shifts the sonic fencing factories.

My read of your your post is that it treats at bigotry as if it is foundational. I assert that bigotry is a result/expression of something more fundamental, and that if circumstance were changed so that a person's bigotry against any given outgroup were to be undermined, that person who is used to looking at the world in that way will find a new outgroup.
Hrrrrm. That's a fair point. The same person who would have been in the Klan in the American Deep South will, if he is evacuated to a Blue Zone and living with a racially mixed community for ten years until the racial prejudices wear down under the sheer weight of society around him, may well relax on that prejudice, only to find a new one.

So. The newness of the yellow/blue zone divide resulted in it being marginally harder to get people to passively accept/not notice anti yellow zone bigotry, sure.

I assert that with NoD attacks, and where the recruitment base is, and how the GDI approached yellow zones before this quest started, that this 'new well' is currently, after the 'duration of the average adult's lifetime', about 60-95% as impactful as our IRL 'deep wells'.

Syncretism/transference is thing, and it's easy when the actual point is to have an easily conceptualise 'group' to blame, and I think what group a given bigot hates is (over the course of a few years) influenced by if that person feels like they might be able to take actions that 'stop'/'frustrate'/harm who they see as foes.[1]

Basically; a large portion of Institute First supporters are going to feel more strongly about yellow zoners than they do about Nod/Kane.
Because they don't really feel like they can do anything about Kane, and they don't think Kane and Nod's core membership are really "their problem," but they do see the Yellow Zoners as a group that they can do something about, or as the 'sheeple, evil subvariant' who give Kane his power in the first place?

You do have a good point, here and overall.

Although I think you kind of missed what I was getting at, which may well be my fault in the first place. What I was trying to get at was that I don't expect all of GDI society to be as passively cooperative in promoting Initiative First's agenda as would be the case in a world where the Blue/Yellow Zone divide had existed for a hundred years and there were widespread rumors equivalent to the "race science" in our own history and so on.

It's not about the motivations of Initiative First's actual core supporters, it's about their potential for expansion. I think most Blue Zoners only went along with policies that excluded the Yellow Zones in the wake of Tib War Two because the world had come very close to ending, and they were shocked and in a bunker mentality. The people who for whatever reason must be bigots to answer whatever demons drive them? They found a new way to be bigoted in the form of the Blue/Yellow divide. But I think a lot of people just tacitly accepted "we have to concentrate on protecting what we've got" as a valid narrative, which Ozawa and his ilk presumably managed to promote with some success. And they never caught the weakened version of the Blue/Yellow bigotry themselves.

But Ozawa and friends made this happen (and, probably, co-opted the Hawk Party) by promoting propaganda that connected "exclude the Yellow Zoners" and "this is what we need to be safe," in a population that craved safety and strength regardless of whether it was activated by bigotry or not.

With Granger opening up a path to security and strength that includes the Yellow Zones, I think IF will find it hard to win many more supporters purely on the strength of resentment against good things happening in the Yellow Zones.

The market is a tool/framework. A business is a tool. What FMP supporters care about is ownership, the power that comes from that, and how that power might be bent towards accumulating more power.

The average Market Socialist voter is more likely to be 'pro business' in idealised terms, than any given FMP voter.

Fact: Nothing is forever.
People who advocate for Market Socialism as system; for view it as their actual 'end-goal', as a thing to aim for and a system worth maintaining because they believe it to be the best system possible for us confuse me.
As someone who does not like competitive business, our species' (general) current conception of "ownership", or when people/individuals have power over others, fuck appeasing the FMP for the sake of appeasing them.

I'd say they can suck a bag of dicks, but a lot of people like sucking dicks so: no! The FMP can't have any dick bags. Those go to the non-FMP people that want them.
1) Advocates for market socialism generally don't believe that there is a practical condition of affairs in which a complex economy can be organized without a market, except at grave loss of efficiency. The proposition appears to be that on the one hand, by effectively abolishing individual ownership of the means of production, one can eliminate the vast majority of oppression that comes from having a market on the grounds that the oppression comes from the ownership, not from the market. And on the other hand, that economic inefficiency can itself be a form of oppression, in that people can be in effect "oppressed" by the circumstances of material scarcity just as surely as they can be oppressed by being a wage-laborer. And, furthermore, they may argue that the practical realistic alternative to market socialism (assuming private capitalism is off the table) is a command economy, which then becomes state capitalism and replicates many of the abuses of the capitalist system in some form, as the USSR demonstrated.

2) I don't think there's anyone actually participating here who desires to appease the FMP for its own sake. However, the idea of confusing and weakening their support structure by creating a viable alternative that can do what they say they want without actually pursuing their agenda? That is widely appealing. Beat the bastards at their own game. And indeed we did that, we did that exact thing and that is why the FMP calved off a giant party of market socialists and faded into a weak opposition fringe. Because the market socialists are the former members of the FMP who cared more about the FMP's nominal goals than about laissez-faire capitalist ideology. As such, they are mostly comfortable with Treasury existing as it is now, and are quite comfortable with megacorporations and billionaires not existing... But they may wish to slightly alter Treasury's policies to transition Treasury to act more in the role of oversight for the economy, and less in the role of managing it. Notably the Market Socialists are not capitalism's friend, though they may not be Treasury's friend at all times.

3) The great majority of people who would like one don't want a whole bagful, I think. While it is not a taste I share, so I can't comment from personal knowledge, I imagine that a bagful would be an embarrassment of riches. And, I suppose, as per my comments to Shard, arguably something to be subject to progressive taxation... :p
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By market I mean system of distribution where it matters more if you have money, then if you have need.

good,we are ensuring we are giving people basic needs like,food,water,entertainment,housing etc,and secundary ones like videogames too

there is already an state founded alternative to the market in pretty much everything,or is being developed
people that are currently engaging on the market are doing it not because some major external pressure

but because they actually find the products and services done by the market more fitting to the demand/prefferences they have than the ones done in bulk by the state
now,on how we could answer to this,on one side we could nationalize said assets and assimilate their quality (but anger the people working on said buisness as they are esentially being punished by taking away their project for esentially doing things ''too well'') or increase the efficiency and quality of the goods and services offered by the state

plus,the things currently done by the market are luxury goods (videogames,designer clothes,movies,series),and some high tech and specialized light industry (think tech companies making computers or cellphones)

rather than vital things (food,water,energy,housing,healthcare)

like ''30 people put a lemonade buisness'' doesnt scream sheer evil to me,wich is the kind of buisness we are mostly dealing with
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good,we are ensuring we are giving people basic needs like,food,water,entertainment,housing etc,and secundary ones like videogames too

there is already an state founded alternative to the market in pretty much everything,or is being developed
people that are currently engaging on the market are doing it not because some major external pressure

plus,the things currently done by the market are luxury goods (videogames,designer clothes,movies,series) rather than vital things (food,water,energy,housing,healthcare)

but because they actually find the products and services done by the market more fitting to the ones done by the state,to wich we could nationalize said assets and assimilate their quality (but anger the people working on said buisness as they are esentially being punished by taken away their project for doing things too well) or increase the efficiency and quality of the goods and services offered by the state

like ''30 people put a lemonade buisness'' doesnt scream sheer evil to me,wich is the kind of buisness we are mostly dealing with
I uh, I don't think anyone's been talking about nationalization of small businesses? And when we do have options to expand into further markets, which I very much support, we're making our own systems, again, not nationalizing. There's nothing worth nationalizing at this point anyway.

Edit: Also, nationalization doesn't exactly mean firing all the workers or whatever. It's literally leaving all the workers there unless they're breaking regulations or something of that nature. What would be the point otherwise? It's the workers who made the business work, they aren't getting tossed out.
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I uh, I don't think anyone's been talking about nationalization of small businesses? And when we do have options to expand into further markets, which I very much support, we're making our own systems, again, not nationalizing. There's nothing worth nationalizing at this point anyway.

i was asnwering shard whose position is very much,any form of market is exploitative

so the ''nationalize/centralize'' solution to market everything was more an answer based on shard very specific stance rather than describing any mainstream or even niche stance of the mean of voters opinions on the quest
By market I mean system of distribution where it matters more if you have money, then if you have need.
And the general system which it seems the Market Socialists want, if they match many of the viewpoints here, is that the needs of our citizens will be met by government services, funded by Tiberium mining. The market which I want, would be pretty much for the luxury portion of the Consumer Goods economy. So, it sounds like we're pretty much in agreement other than in terminology.

Lightwhispers - I'm torn. Your reply to me is correct and relevant, but my read of Shard's post conflicts with what my reading of your post says to me about how you read Shard's post. In lieu of reacting with an insightful or like on a post that has elements I strongly disagree with, or not reacting with an insightful or like to a post that makes mention of a relevant factor I left out of my post, I make this post. And give a hug.

A hug and explanation-post combo seems my best bet :/.
The FMP can eat a bag of dildos. The Market Socialists, who I read as being of the opinion that "people should be able to make money by working, but shouldn't be exploitative", I'm okay with.
What would we have to do, or what could we have done, to create a situation in which we could have a grant that gets us a Capital Goods trickle?
The Heavy Industrial Grants would have eventually started giving Capital Goods. It would have started with things like cars and motorcycles, but then expanded into things like cargo haulers and other material that would have eased the pressure on your production. The Light Industrial grants will eventually give capital goods, but later and in smaller amounts if you decided to licence the chemical industry.
The Heavy Industrial Grants would have eventually started giving Capital Goods. It would have started with things like cars and motorcycles, but then expanded into things like cargo haulers and other material that would have eased the pressure on your production. The Light Industrial grants will eventually give capital goods, but later and in smaller amounts if you decided to licence the chemical industry.
Well, when we've built ourselves up a little more, we can start shelling out those grants.
Democratise capitalism as much as you want - the existance of market breeds oppression.
Capitalism requires the existence of Markets. Markets don't require the existence of Capitalism. Do not conflate the latter for the former.
To note: markets, unlike capitalism, do not require money to exist.
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It seems socialism is the force that has bred the most tyranny over the last few centuries. Maybe that's why the rich and powerful like it so much?
Guys... this starting to be less and less about the quest and more about politics and economic theory and making subtle and not so subtle jabs about them. We have a sub forum for that and this is not it.
While it is not likely to happen for quite some time, what do you think of GDI's desire to retake the Indian subcontinent?

India is likely one of the most populated Yellow Zones on Earth and is a massive potential pool of manpower and resources for the Brotherhood of Nod. The Republic of India was a GDI member state during the First Tiberium War but GDI has had little presence in India since India became a Yellow Zone. Now with GDI's recent expansion in military power, some are dreaming of returning India to the GDI fold and the idea of taking away the vast population and resources from Nod is tempting.

I personally feel the idea is a big risk. It seems likely GDI moving into such an important Yellow Zone will draw a lot of attention from Nod. The operation could trigger a major regional war or perhaps even the Fourth Tiberium War with Nod. Nod has had decades to entrench their influence. It would require and suck in a massive amount of GDI military assets. It would be a dramatic shift from the current strategy of slow and cautious expansion of GDI influence into the Yellow Zones from nearby Blue Zones. It would be more bloody than the current strategy and the high losses might make the campaign of choice unpopular with the GDI public. GDI is a mostly Western dominated organization and its current capital is in Britain. The Brotherhood of Nod is highly likely to bang the drum of Indian nationalist and anti-imperialist sentiment as hard as it can. GDI risks being driven back into the ocean by Nod conventional forces or being ground down by a massive insurgency.

If GDI managed to retake India, India would likely be a massive discontented resource sink for GDI. India might been the jewel in the crown and the only profitable part of the British Empire but the British were only there to extract wealth from India's resources and people. There would be inevitable accusations that GDI would be conducting "Western Imperialism" or "building a second Raj" from the local India Yellow Zone population, Nod, and critics in the GDI Blue Zones and other Yellow Zones. GDI would have take over the governance of a war torn India and sink a lot of resources to care for the welfare of the sizeable Indian Yellow Zone population to try to take off the edge of these accusations. Additionally, it has been implied that there are considerable amount of non-GDI run tiberium abatement efforts in India as India has a mysterious lack of Red Zones for its situation. A massive war in India between GDI and Nod might disrupt these local abatement efforts.

If GDI did successfully retake the Indian subcontinent, it would deal a major blow to the resource and manpower pool of the Brotherhood of Nod while likely capturing many samples of Nod technology. But a campaign to retake India would be a massive risk and resource for GDI. Is it worth the risk? Perhaps we should focus on South America or Australia as some readers have suggested instead?
But a campaign to retake India would be a massive risk and resource for GDI. Is it worth the risk? Perhaps we should focus on South America or Australia as some readers have suggested instead?
The primary reason that India is such a tempting target is its total lack of Red Zones, with the entire subcontinent being (relatively and technically) inhabitable, and expected to remain as such for the near-future. This is important for two reasons. First is that if GDI manages to defend reclamation efforts from NOD interference, the area should remain reclaimed, meaning that it should be relatively simple to pull a New Eden and turn India into a new Blue Zone. Granted, relatively simple includes step one being the creation of two cities to serve as FOBs, but still.

Second is that the aforementioned lack of Red Zones is weird. Every other continent on Earth has at least one Red Zone that serves as a constant threat to their survival. The fact that India doesn't implies something there is preventing a Red Zone from appearing. And that is something we are very interested in.
Something I think is missing is that the yellow zones for quite a long time have been earnestly supporting Nod in its genocidal war against the GDI. You can say the GDI has been neglecting them all you like but the situation was more like the GDI was looking at the yellow zones as the rich Jews looked at Nazi facing war crime tribunes after they committed the holocaust, sure the yellow zones/Nazi's are going to die but given what they have done and what they tried to do, the general attitude was fuck em.
Something I think is missing is that the yellow zones for quite a long time have been earnestly supporting Nod in its genocidal war against the GDI. You can say the GDI has been neglecting them all you like but the situation was more like the GDI was looking at the yellow zones as the rich Jews looked at Nazi facing war crime tribunes after they committed the holocaust, sure the yellow zones/Nazi's are going to die but given what they have done and what they tried to do, the general attitude was fuck em.

It could just as easily be argued that NOD originally coalesced out of oppressed, impoverished and disadvantaged groups that were being exploited by the countries that ended up becoming the backbone of GDI, and so the result was entirely a case of GDI making a rod for their own back and then crying foul because the countries that they were stepping on suddenly had teeth. At least in Tib war 1.
It seems socialism is the force that has bred the most tyranny over the last few centuries. Maybe that's why the rich and powerful like it so much?

What? Do you even read what you write? Who are this "rich and powerful" who "like socialism"? The ones who work people to death to increase their profits? Who dismantle labour laws and social nets, who fund rassism and discrimination to divide the working class, who made entire exclusive culture consisting of hatred of poor? These rich and powerfull?!
It seems socialism is the force that has bred the most tyranny over the last few centuries. Maybe that's why the rich and powerful like it so much?
Ehhhh, socialism has only Been around in earnest for The last century and before that most places where autocractic (kingdoms, oligarcy ext.) The most Non tyranical places are generaly places where social democrats have Been in Power for a Long time.

Added, i do think we should expand into Pakistan soon in order to be able to tie The Himmalian Blue zone to rest of The world. But as someothers have pointed out that could cause aggression from Nod
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It seems socialism is the force that has bred the most tyranny over the last few centuries. Maybe that's why the rich and powerful like it so much?

Tho is important to make a difference between leftist branches

Social democrats are not so bad,but the ines overly obssesed with centralization of the economy almost always lead to economoc collapses and/or increasingly authoritarian policing to ensure everything stays centralized

The Heavy Industrial Grants would have eventually started giving Capital Goods. It would have started with things like cars and motorcycles, but then expanded into things like cargo haulers and other material that would have eased the pressure on your production. The Light Industrial grants will eventually give capital goods, but later and in smaller amounts if you decided to licence the chemical industry.

Sounds good to me at least

You have flexible markets (ome in wich small prefferences and demand change wildly and ergo make hard to have a bulk production plan)

And inflexible markets (wich are easily predicted and fit plans)

A lot of heavy industry fits the inflexible market category

Eventually we could have slme private heavy industry but it would be more of a cherry on the top than something we actually need
By market I mean system of distribution where it matters more if you have money, then if you have need.

You do understand that for most of human history need was very hard to measure properly? And that we are still bad at measuring it? Also I don't mean oh I can't tell if somebody is starving or thirsty kind of stuff. I mean the kind of stuff like I can't tell what another group of people need out of this interaction so we don't start fighting and killing each other.

It seems socialism is the force that has bred the most tyranny over the last few centuries. Maybe that's why the rich and powerful like it so much?

Can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. But I can answer both.

- Yes the rich hate socialism as it suddenly asks society to reexamine it's base principles when the rich/powerful have become rich/powerful by following those base principles so they fear they might not be rich and powerful if those change.

- As for socialism being the force that bred the most tyranny? Not really it's just a solution to the wrong problem. People thought up socialism as way of building a floor into society without bothering to check why it wasn't there.

Because socialism's assumption is that the rich tear up the floor to make themselves more rich. Instead as painful lesson after painful lesson has demonstrated it is the poor that tear up the floor of their neighbors to make themselves feel superior while also treating the payments from the rich as bonuses for their own actions.

So remove money, control and plan the economy all you want and can and people will still get exploited because the exploitation isn't about money or produce gain. It's about control. It's always been about control and it will always be about control. In fact modern day corporation earn less proportionately than they did decades ago on their own work. It's just that all the markets around the globe at this point are under the boots of various Oligopolies and as such they can ratchet up the prices more. For now.
Grooming a Successor: Part 1: Q3 2056
Grooming A Successor: Part 1: Q3 2056

The long serving Vice Secretary, Illiana Radovic has retired after decades of working her way up the ladder. However, she had no wish to actually lead the Treasury, and while invaluable in guiding Granger's hands through the last six years, has made more room in her life for cats, family, and senior football nights. In her place, James Granger has promoted Seo Thoki, jumping ranks in a clear indication that this is to be his successor.

With Seo Thoki safely ensconced in the Vice Secretary's seat, it is time for a first vital decision. How to introduce him to the greater public.

[ ] The Developmentalist Political Action Conference
While fundamentally a political statement, introducing him as one of the guest speakers at the yearly DPAC would provide a broad and sympathetic audience, and one that will wield immense power, even if the party should crumble. However, it has its flaws. Primarily, it will strongly suggest Seo is another civilian oriented candidate, one who will prioritize Tiberium science and civilian development over Military goals and needs.

[ ] Initiative Energy Summit
As the keynote speaker at the Initiative Energy Summit, Seo would be thrust into the limelight and be forced to sink or swim. However it is a Treasury controlled event and one where Seo would have nearly complete freedom to express his ideas without preconceptions. However, as a radical, some of those ideas might well show poorly upon Granger's judgement, and a poor showing here could sink him as a candidate.

[ ] GDSS Enterprise Refinery Module Opening
It would normally be customary for the Secretary to say a few words as the refinery module came online. However, by giving the honor to Seo, it would be possible to indicate him as your successor,push him into the ceremonial limelight, and gather support from the Starbound party. However, it is only a ceremonial statement, and will have low risks, but also limited scope for rewards.

[ ] Chicago Planned City
With Chicago becoming an ever more critical part of the Initiative's overall economic system, and one with a significant military presence, making the introductions in Chicago will be a mark of confidence in the military's ability to protect him, and an indication that the Initiative's newfound aggression will continue, and the high levels of funding along with it.

[ ] GDIOnline
While not a formal presentation, posting a thread on GDIOnline is one of the more unusual ways to present a successor. While this will position him as a man of the people, and potentially one of the more accessible Treasury Secretaries, it is also not going to provide him with any real penetration in the halls of power, a deficiency that he will have to work to remedy.

** One Hour Moratorium on voting **
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Uh the people who GDI abandoned and ignored for generations are definitely not the bad guys, much less basically Nazi collaborators. I dunno where the fuck that comparison came from, but the overwhelming majority of people in Yellow Zones don't really give a shit who's in charge they just want food and water and a roof and to not die from Tiberium poisoning. The minority who do have an ideological axe to grind with the GDI are that way because the only interactions they've had with GDI in the past 50 years has been either being ignored by the local resource extraction colony or watching their cousin get murdered by an air strike.

Edit: Oooooo interlude vote
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