I dunno. Kane has a body count higher than Stalin, Hitler and Polpot combined. In terms of percentage points, of all people killed out of a total population, his is more than twice the Khmer Rouge in terms of "genocidal monster".

Keep in mind that billions would have died whether or not Kane existed. The arrival of Tiberium set that in motion. Look at climate change and the shit going on IRL.

Tiberium would have been spread all over the place even without Nod due to how damn valuable and money printer it was. Even without Nod someone would have figured out how to make ALL THE MONEY off of Tiberium due to its ability to leech minerals and resources, and that would set in motion events that would lead to world wars no matter what as various ambitious nations seek Tiberium as a way to build up power and clash with other nations doing the same thing.

Without Nod, instead of there being only two sides, there could conceivably have been half a dozen or more warring sides seeking to control Tiberium and subsequently livable land as Tiberium spreads and Red Zones become a thing. It would be utter chaos.

Edit: Not trying to white wash Nod or Kane, but the moment Tiberium arrived on Earth, many people were on borrowed time regardless.
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Didn't Legion get told by Kane that GDI experimentation with the Tacitus would destabilize it enough to cause its destruction in the near future if GDI continued?

Because that would mean GDI lost the war with Kane the moment Tratos, the original mutant translator of the Tacitus, got killed by CABAL.
Which means nearly every timeline where the Tacitus didn't get taken back by Kane that timeline Earth got eventually overrun by Tiberium because GDI in its carelessness destroyed its ticket for the TCN.
I mean, it's not outside the question that Kane was bullshitting. :p
I mean, it's not outside the question that Kane was bullshitting. :p
He was telling this fact to LEGION. Why would he bullshit someone who very shortly would be connected to the Tacitus anyway and find out it's integrity state, damaged or not damaged.

Considering that the Tacitus nearly blew up in Kane's hand in the final cutscene of KW, I don't think he was bullshitting in that particular instance.
Welp. Does this mean we could have gotten a GM announcement in Turn 2055 or so that the Tacitus melted down if we had managed to hold onto it?! If true would we have gotten the TCN out of it before it did so?
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Because that would mean GDI lost the war with Kane the moment Tratos, the original mutant translator of the Tacitus, got killed by CABAL.
To be fair, Firestorm ended with Boudreau extracting "millions of teraquads of readable data" from the Tacitus. It's implied that this was what allowed Blue Zones to even exist in the first place: TS Earth was pretty much 100% Yellow/Red Zone save for the arctic, and FS stated that Earth's atmosphere will be toxic to humans in a year if Tiberium keeps growing at this rate.

KW downplayed how much success she had though, so GDI was back to banging their head against the Tacitus and hoping it works.
Why I am not surprised? I hate it when people developing a franchise start shilling for the monster big bad.
It be hilarious if this happens. Especially if the options possible are all militaristic towards the Citadel at that point. It'd be meta as heck as players try to wrangle it.
Well...the Citadel is a trap by omnicidal cyber-squids.
Which means it would be four times...aka pretty much a law of the cosmos.
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I remember running across a quest here that crossed C&C over with Enterprise-era Star Trek. The Klingons, Vulcans, and other surviving species were allied together, trying to slug it out with the Scrin, and GDI got the NX-02 Columbia crossing time/universes to show them how to spaceship/lead their early fleet. :)
Found it! Turns out GDI were instead allied with the Guardian war robots of a deceased-by-Tib/Scrin OC species, while looking to see if the Trek species existed. Definitely had the NX-02 joining us.

Looks like the current leading plan of Plan Sister Cities and Air Power Alt Military even has a die for that anti-stealth development I've been jonesing for. Soon we'll be coming for your stealth artillery and stealth bases, tib-junkies! :drevil:
Oh dear, more godawful Mass Effect fanon tripe despite only being distantly, tangentially relevant to the current quest. Unless the QM decides on a different followup crossover, in which case It's not relevant at all.

But this should only take a minute, so...

The genophage:

1- only normalized krogan breeding rates to something that wouldn't flood all of known space within a few generations. The Krogan decline afterward is entirely on them for continuing to be hyper aggressive murder lizards instead of adapting.

2- was the alternative to literal genocide. Because despite being a footnote in the modern lexicon, what we know of the Krogan Rebellions paints a very grim picture.

Is irrelevant because it was the equivalent of a minor boarder dispute to the Turians that the Alliance committed half their total armada to counter, and they know it.

The only reason humanity is as "important" as they are in canon is because they're bluffing their asses off. As we already knew due to population (trillions serviced by individual comm buoys vs billions of humans), military commitment (trying to land grab like a galactic power stretched their patrols and defenses too thin, they couldn't even meet the minimum commitment to the Citadel Defense Fleet and probably would have voided their Council seat), and pre-first-contact gear and equipment (explicitly called museum pieces, known FTL speed of 0.14ly/day, and even that much was only possible because of the literal "how to uplift primitives: for dummies" cache they were sitting on).

Oh, also, because it was confirmed in Andromeda when the Alliance high command ordered the SAM project shut down, because the Alliance couldn't afford too much scrutiny, because they were trying to get as many concessions from the Council as possible before they realized the depths of their bluffing.

So... yeah. If the cost of entry into galactic society was to grin and bear the initial fuckup, the Alliance was going to grin for all they were worth.

Finally, and this is something @Ithillid should be aware of, the FCW itself was later explained to have been kicked off by a hidden Reaper cultist (the commander in charge of the partol) and his stooges. More level heads on that patrol would have avoided the whole thing completely. So I will be very disappointed if we're somehow made to jump through this old hoop for some reason.

I mean, unless NOD or the Initiative First nutjobs kick something like it off.

Was entirely their own fault and continues to be entirely their own fault.

More on that here:


Quarians and the Citadel (Mass Effect)

EDIT in case it wasn't clear: I think everyone basically agrees the Quarians' situation sucks. Nobody should have to live like that. But this thread is about determining if they are or are not self-sabotaging and if it's their own issues keeping them the way they are, or if it's all the...

Because I made a thread exactly for this purpose: collecting sources and evidence that the Quarians shit their own bed and continue to lie in it all on their own, no Citadel intervention required.

Was already dealt with as far as the Council could take it.

Look, I know the games like to present the Council as the prime leaders of the galaxy. I know the Mass Effect fandumb ate that shit right up.

I also know all of Mass Effect 3 made it extremely clear they were essentially the Space!UN, with no actual authority on galactic politics if their big three members weren't willing to back them up.

So unless the pirates and slavers were stupid enough to move against the Citadel Defense Fleet directly, or unless they presented vulnerable enough targets for the SPECTREs to deal with, the best the Council themselves could do was sanction the Batarians to hell and kick them off the Citadel. Which they did. Anything more than that is up to individual member nations and weather they were willing to go to war.

And I don't know if you noticed, but we don't go to war over real life slave rings either, much as we probably should.

Spies gonna spy. The Salarians are just better at it than anyone else. If you have an issue with that, git gud.

Again, this is backed primarily by social convention and the implicit threat of the big three on the Council. If a SPECTRE dies doing something stupid, that's on them.

Really, if they were as big an issue as you're trying to paint them, the STG would be totally unnecessary. Who needs a spy agency when you have agents that can literally claim they're allowed to do whatever they want if they get caught?

See also: Shepard Plays With Red Tape On Noveria, Mass Effect 1.

So I fairly disassembled all your arguments, but here I'd like to re-refer you to the First Contact War segment.

If not for them bluffing through their teeth, humanity would be largely irrelevant at the galactic scale.

What they want or don't want is irrelevant.

They do that anyway, though. GDI being GDI.

I'd also like to point out that unless we get trans-dimensional portals involved, this is likely a fusion universe. Which means aaaaall of Mass Effect history, from the Leviathans and Reapers (if they even exist) to the Protheans and the modern species, evolved and advanced in a universe where early 2000s Earth was developing ion cannons and man portable laser weapons. Seriously, aside from maybe material purity and availability, you can't blame that on tiberium.

What exactly makes you think nutty super-science is restricted to humans?

Also, the Tiberium asteroid was the fork between Tib and Red Alert, which is its own brand of nutty super-science. It would be cool to see something come of that.

That's... capitalism. You just described capitalism. And it only gets that bad in late stage, zero-or-minimal restriction free market economy, like certain modern day countries we shouldn't name here to avoid real life politics. Given proper oversight and restrictions, it makes a passable economic model.

But, yeah, most of our population is YZers, who got shafted pretty hard by capitalist GDI.

The only thing I take issue with is the "enforced inequality" bit. Beyond the typical issues with economic stratification in a capitalist society, wherein poverty actively makes it harder to get out of poverty, nobody is forced to live badly. And those issues are, again, endemic to the capitalist model, not the Citadel in particular.

Oh boy this is a hot take and normally I'd argue with it, but as you said this is only tangetially relevant if we go to Mass Effect after this quest (@Ithillid please start a new quest for the space continuation if you do it) so I'll argue with your takes if and when that happens, but there is one important thing to point out since most people don't know this:

Just as the Klingons from Star Trek started as a USSR expy the Quarians started as a Tinker expy which is actually a name that encompasses three different ethnic groups: one Romani, one Scottish Gaelic and one Irish Gaelic.
But issue is miniaturization,tuberium seems a incredibly energy dense source of energy,so you could easily feed lasers,energy fields,vehicles,space ships etc with little space and weigth wasted

Wich makes ideal for space and for military because tonnage matters a lot when it comes to rockets,soldier gear and vehicles

Would not mettalic hydrogen be the same or better?
Helios Thruster Module
Intended for next-generation fighter craft, the Heed Industries Helios Thruster Module propulsion system far outpaces the typical liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen reactions that power a frigate's maneuvering thrusters. By using metastable metallic hydrogen, the Helios boasts a fuel that burns at far greater efficiency than liquid H2/O2. Navigators can execute the numerous small course corrections inherent to any long-distance travel without fear of exhausting the ship's fuel supplies. This net gain extends to forward impulse as well: a ship powered by antiprotons can coast temporarily using the Helios to reach an inferior but highly sustainable speed. Such efficiency lowers antiproton consumption, a constant concern for any warship
Citadel warships, which use the substance in their thrusters, can frequently be seen docking

Codex/Ships and Vehicles

The technologies of space travel and surface mobility. Faster-than-light drives use element zero cores to reduce the mass of a ship, allowing higher rates of acceleration. This effectively raises the speed of light within the mass effect field, allowing high speed travel with negligible...
Also IRL we can make mettalic hydrogen althought it stayes stable for around an nanosecond. And GDI in this timeline is much more advanced an mettalic hydrogen production needs the same tech as fusion. And GDI has semi-stable fusion.
And in case we can just buy from The citadel.
I have the feeling no matter what happens Kane will use the situation to the fullest to achieve whatever plans he makes in his shiny polished head.

Well yeah that is by definition what Kain is.

Farewell Letter From a Friend
Secretary Granger's Last Day of Work, Early Afternoon

Doctor James Granger, formerly Treasury Secretary of the Global Defense Initiative, walked into his home with a sigh somewhere between relief and regret. These last several years had been long and difficult, but also rewarding. He felt he'd done at least a little bit of good, working in the midst of the grinding gears of GDI's bureaucracy. He heard his wife moving around in her studio; this was probably the earliest he'd been home since starting the job.

Technically, his "last day" had been yesterday. That had been the mid-morning official ceremony, the fancy supper ceremony giving him a strange trophy-thing to put on a shelf, and a chance for his beloved to wear one of her fancy dresses. Today, though, had been the true passing of the torch. Lots of handing over secure paperwork files and folders, deactivating and activating clearance codes, signing TOP SECRET-level NDAs, and all the other hundred things you do when handing over reigns of one of the two most powerful and influential pieces of the entire Initiative.

His wife's voice drifted out of the studio; she'd heard him come home but was apparently in the midst of painting. "You have a card on the counter, dear! It came in the mail. The envelope was nice, so I left it be. We can tuck it with the others when you've read it!"

He turned and saw the envelope. It was high-quality paper, something that showed the sender cared. When he picked it up, he could tell there was slight texture to it; typically a sign it was all or mostly natural paper rather than the smooth synthetic stuff used for the "average" cards and books these days. Bit of an off-white color, slightly old-style printing. All very tasteful. No return address on the envelope, though. Odd, but not unheard of; the postage was first-class so it was clearly sent through GDI's Postal Service.

Dr. Granger flipped it over and found the envelope sealed with what looked to be some sort of candle wax; a couple of bits had flaked off of the rim, but the symbol in the center was still clearly there. It was almost like a 7, but with the vertical line being at nearly a right angle; there were two smaller, unconnected marks parallel to the top bar. Nothing else. He raised an eyebrow, then shrugged as he broke the seal. Probably a fellow academic; they were all "weirdos" according to his wife, and some like the "old ways" of marking their letters and such. He'd had to stop doodling green crystals in the corners of official letters within a week of getting his Secretary position; didn't go over well with folks in the Treasury, it seemed. He pulled out the letter within; also thick, high-quality paper. This one was probably a keeper.

To Doctor James Granger,
Treasury Secretary (Ret.), Global Defense Initiative,

Dr. Granger, I must admit to being a long-term admirer of your work. I recognize that you have likely endured more hours of glowing, empty praise from people who barely understand what you do, or who are only giving you mouth-flaps to appease their electorates or subordinates, than you know what to do with. Your critics have been isolated to the fringes of GDI's most extreme parliamentary parties, disgruntled military members, and the various leadership of NOD cursing the fact that you haven't helped drive GDI into the ground.

Still, you have accomplished much. Please do not dismiss that praise, dear Doctor. You came into the Department of the Treasury, an outsider to politics, bureaucracy, and money-wrangling. Your background and education gave you an appreciation for the dangers Tiberium presented, but also the opportunities. And beyond that, you made the decision to do more than simply consume the green death-rock; you chose to use much of what you produced to better the lives of every citizen of the world you could. Very, very few men or women in your position would have done the same. Most would likely have poured it all into the military, or at best focused on securing the borders of existing Blue Zones.

But not you. You built up all levels of infrastructure. You build housing in nearly obscene amounts, for a seemingly endless stream of refugees. You enlarged and hardened every apparatus of government in such a way as to not only make it effective now, but make it effective for generations to come. That, my good doctor, is a truly rare gift.

You have opened your arms to the outcasts of the Brotherhood of NOD, a move unthinkable to almost anyone else. You have revitalized every layer of industry across the globe. You have equipped the military to beat back the forces of NOD at every turn. You have advanced the sciences of giving food, water, and medicine to the people in new and astounding ways.

In short, you have made life better, in an objectively measurable way, for any and every person you possibly could.
Could things have gone better? Likely.
Could you have 'done something more'? Perhaps.
But you did what you could with what you had. And that, Dr. Granger, is no mean feat.

I am truly sorry to hear that you are retiring, but it is understandable. I hope that you find some measure of peace and relaxation now, and that you can rest easy knowing you've done good work while paving the way for your successor to do good work as well. Your name should go down in history as one of the greatest humanitarians in existence, and someone who did the most for the sake of all mankind.

I would like to think and hope we could, one day, sit down for a chat face to face, over some tea, or perhaps stronger drinks. I think I could secure a bottle of 2025 Ponzi Pinot Gris for the occasion; their 2022 is delightful, and I've taken to understand 2025 is the peak of their product. Your 2033 is a pale shadow in comparison; definitely a better choice to use it for cooking.

Until the day we might share a word, a table, and a toast, I bid you to have a peaceful life. Gentle be the breeze upon your back, and soft the sand beneath your feet.

Sincerely Yours in Utter Respect,

PS: If you call the gallery hosting your wife's works, you will find that there was a purchase two days ago, for two separate paintings. The one of that family ranch, and the other of the old Rocky Mountains. Both are simply fantastic. It was worth paying ten times their marked value; I can appreciate good art when I see it. Consider it a retirement gift.
PPS: Do not fret, the only thing in this letter is paper and ink. Poisoned letters are a think of the 14th century, dear Doctor. I really do want to wish you the best. }

The letter dropped from nerveless hands as Dr. Granger stared into space. After almost a minute, he looked down at his hands. Nothing was wrong. No blotches, no rashes. Just...his hands.
He'd go get checked out, but somehow, he knew there had been no poison. Deep in his heart, he knew it had been a sincere letter of praise and well-wishes.

Which made the empty pit in his stomach yawn all the wider.

-This is vaguely-placed timeline-wise because it's basically just "whenever Granger finishes retiring", which I assume to be a process taking a non-zero amount of time.
-There's no poison or anything. It's just a nice letter on nice paper in a nice, wax-sealed envelope. That's all it needs to be.
-He really did buy the 2 paintings for way more than they "ought" to have gone for. They're nice paintings!

People like the way Kane is portrayed here are rare in real life, but that doesn't mean they couldn't exist. I'm just curious how Kane knows that Dr. Granger cooks with his 2033 Ponzi Pinot Gris?

Also Tally so I can see which vote I want to take of the ones worth taking:
Adhoc vote count started by Dmol8 on Aug 11, 2021 at 4:20 AM, finished with 352 posts and 60 votes.

  • [X] Plan Sister Cities and Air Power Alt Military
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants, 3 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Blue Zone Microgeneration Program (Phase 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabricator (Phase 4), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (phase 3), 4 dice (80 Resources)
    -[X] Entari Deployment, 3 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development, 1 die (30 Resources)
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3), 3 dice (3 Fusion) (60 Resources)
    -[X] Fashion development houses, 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7 North (Super MARVs), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Stealth Disruptor System Development, 1 die (25 Resources)
    -[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Vladivostok), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Cooperative Focus 3 dice
    [X]Plan Energy and Enterprise
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 336/450 2 dice 20R 77%
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 1 Tib die 2 Infra die 60R 97.52%
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 150/350 3 dice 60R 70%
    -[X] Blue Zone Microgeneration Program (Phase 2) 54/120 1 die 5R 70%
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 4) 64/1200 1 die 15R
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 61/360 5 dice 100R 75%
    -[X] Perennial Aquaponics Bays (phase 2) 123/350 3 dice 30R 39%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 2 Tib dice 40R 73%
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 130/300 1 die 20R 0%
    -[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Development 0/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development 20/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 3 dice 60R 57%
    -[X] Fashion development houses 89/225 2 dice 20R 82%
    -[X] Domestic Animal Programs 0/200 2 dice 20R 30%
    -[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Tactical Airborne Laser Development 0/40 1 die 20R 91%
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 148/200 1 die 20R 79%
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Hampton Roads) 0/200 2 dice 40R 11%
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Cooperative Focus DC 80/100/120, DC 120 3 dice 97%
    [X] Plan Red Zone Lines + Predators + Unions
    -[X] Infrastructure 5/5 dice 120R
    --[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 336/450 2 dice 20R 77%
    --[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 1 Tib die 1 Infra die 40R 77%
    --[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 1 Tib die 2 Infra dice 60R 92%
    -[X] Heavy Industry 5/5 dice 90R
    --[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 150/350 3 dice 60R 70%
    --[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 4) 64/1200 2 dice 30R (2/16 median chance)
    -[X] Light and Chemical Industry 4/4 dice 80R
    --[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 61/360 4 dice 80R 36%
    -[X] Agriculture 3/3 dice 50R
    --[X] Entari Deployment 0/200 2 dice 40R 11%
    --[X] Yellow Zone Aquaponics Bays (phase 4) 44/160 1 die 10R 15%
    -[X] Tiberium 5/5 +1 free dice 90R
    --[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 130/300 2 dice 40R 65%
    --[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 5) 74/180 2 dice 50R 98%
    --[X] Chicago Planned City 1 die
    --[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City 1 die
    -[X] Orbital Industry 3/3 dice 70R
    --[X] Gravitic Drive Development 20/60 1 die 30R 91%
    --[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 2 dice 40R+ 10%
    -[X] Services 2/4 dice 20R
    --[X] Fashion development houses 89/225 2 dice 20R 82%
    -[X] Military 5/5 +4 free dice 140R
    --[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    --[X] Super MARV Reclaimator Fleet (RZ-7 North) 0/210 1 die 20R (1/3 median chance)
    --[X] Orca Refit Package Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    --[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    --[X] Remote Weapons System Deployment Predator 0/240 3 dice 30R 30%
    --[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 148/200 1 die 20R 79%
    --[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Bureaucracy 3/3 +1 free die
    --[X] Expand Union Support 4 dice 95%
    [X] Plan Mecca, Air, Enterprise and Mitigation
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2): 336/450 3 dice R 30 R 98%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 2 dice 40 R (see Tiberium for full details)
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 150/350 3 dice 60R 70%
    -[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (phase 1) 0/160 2 dice 40 R 47%
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 61/360 4 dice 80 R 36%
    -[X] Perennial Aquaponics Bays (phase 2) 123/350 3 dice 30R 39%
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 1 dice 20 R 16%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 1 dice (+2 infra) 20 R 92%
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 130/300 2 dice 40R 65%
    -[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Phase 5) 74/180 2 dice 50 R 98%
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development 20/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 3 dice 60R 57%
    -[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7 North Super MARV 0/210 3 dice 60 R 52%
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Wingman Drone Development 0/40 1 die 15 R 91%
    -[X] Tactical Airborne Laser Development 0/40 1 die 20R 91%
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 148/200 1 die 20R 79%
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Cooperative Focus 3 dice
    [X]Plan Two Cities, Infra-heavy, with Pets.
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 336/450 2 dice 20R 77%
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 1 Tib die 1 Infra die 40R 77%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 1 Tib 2 Infra dice 60R 91%
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 150/350 3 dice 60R 70%
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabrication (Phase 4) 64/1200 2 dice 30R
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 61/360 4 dice 80R 68%
    -[X] Perennial Aquaponics Bays (Stage 2) 4 dice 40R 80%
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 130/300 2 dice 40R 65%
    -[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Development 0/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development 20/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 3 dice 60R 57%
    -[X] Orbital Cleanup (Stage 5) 42/90 2 dice 20R 99%
    -[X] Fashion development houses 89/225 2 dice 20R 82%
    -[X] Domestic Animal Programs 0/200 2 dice 20R 30%
    -[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Prototype Plasma Weapons Development 0/60 1 die 25R 71%
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 148/200 1 die 20R 79%
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Cooperative Focus DC 80/100/120, DC 120 3 dice 97%
    [X] Plan Sister Cities and Air Power
    [X]Plan Cleaning the Skies
    -[X]Tidal Powers Plants (Phase 2) 3 dice 30 R
    -[X]Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 1 die 20 R
    -[X]Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 1 die 20 R
    -[X]North Boston Chip Fabricator (Phase 4) 2 dice 30 R
    -[X]Blue Zone Microgeneration Program (Phase 2) 1 die 5 R
    -[X]Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 3 dice 60 R
    -[X]Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 4 dice 80 R
    -[X]Vertical Farming Projects (Phase 2) 3 dice 45 R
    -[X]Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 2 dice 40 R
    -[X]Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 3 dice 60 R
    -[X]GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 2 dice 40 R (Fusion)
    -[X]Orbital Cleanup (Phase 5) 1 die 10 R (Fusion)
    -[X]Fashion development houses 2 dice 20 R
    -[X]Domestic Animal Programs 2 die 20 R
    -[X]Super MARV Reclamator Fleet RZ-7 N 2 dice 40 R
    -[X]Orca Refit Package Development 1 die 15 R
    -[X]Laser Point Defense Systems Development 1 die 15 R
    -[X]Governer Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 1 die 20 R
    -[X]Universal Rocket Launch System Development 1 die 15 R
    -[X]Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 1 die 15 R
    -[X]High Efficiency Heat System Development 1 die 15 R
    -[X]Tactical Airborne Laser Development 1 die 20 R
    -[X] Cooperative Focus 3 dice
    [X] Plan Tale of Three Cities
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2): 336/450 3 dice R 30 R 98%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 2 dice 40 R (see Tiberium for full details)
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 150/350 3 dice 60R 70%
    -[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (phase 1) 0/160 2 dice 40 R 47%
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 61/360 4 dice 80 R 36%
    -[X] Entari Deployment 0/200 3 dice 60R 59%
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 2 Tib dice 40R 88%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 1 dice (+2 infra) 20 R 92%
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 130/300 2 dice 40R 65%
    -[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Development 0/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 3 dice 60R 57%
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7 North Super MARV 0/210 3 dice 60 R 52%
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 148/200 1 die 20R 79%
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Ablat Plating Deployment (Stage 4) 45/200 3 dice 30R 87%
    -[X] Cooperative Focus 3 dice
    [X] Plan Sister Cities and Air Power Alt Military Inhibitor
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2), 3 dice (30 Resources)
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 1 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3), 1 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants, 3 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabricator (Phase 4), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (phase 3), 4 dice (80 Resources)
    -[X] Entari Deployment, 3 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Development, 1 die (30 Resources)
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development, 1 die (30 Resources)
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3), 3 dice (3 Fusion) (60 Resources)
    -[X] Fashion development houses, 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7 North (Super MARVs), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Stealth Disruptor System Development, 1 die (25 Resources)
    -[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Vladivostok), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Cooperative Focus 3 dice
    [X]Plan Clean it Up
    -[X]Infrastructure 5/5 60R
    --[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 336/450 4 dice 40R 99%
    --[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 1 I die 20 R 77%
    -[X]Heavy Industry 5/5 100R
    --[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 150/350 2 dice 40R 16%
    --[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (Phase 1) 0/160 3 dice 60R 90%
    -[X]Light & Chemical Industry 4/4 80R
    --[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 61/360 4 dice 80R 36%
    -[X]Agriculture 3/3 30R
    --[X] Yellow Zone Purification Facilities (Phase 1) 0/160 3 dice 30R 84%
    -[X]Tiberium 5/5 + 2 140R
    --[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 130/300 3 dice 60R 98%
    --[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 3 Tib dice 60R 99%
    --[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 1 Tib die 20R 77%
    -[X]Orbital Industry 3/3 50R
    --[X] Orbital Cleanup (Stage 5) 42/90 1 die 10R+ 83%
    --[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 2 dice 40R+ 10%
    -[X]Services 0/4 0R
    -[X]Military 5/5 + 4 175R
    --[X] Super MARV Reclaimator Fleet (RZ-7 North) 0/210 3 dice 60R 52%
    --[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    --[X] Stealth Disruptor System Development 0/40 1 die 25R 91%
    --[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    --[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards
    ---[X]Durban 148/200 1 dice 20R 79%
    ---[X]Dakar 0/200 2 dice 40R 11%
    -[X]Bureaucracy 3/3
    --[X] Cooperative Focus DC 80/100/120, DC 120 3 dice 97%
    [X] Plan Superconductor and Orca's
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 336/450 3 dice 30R 98%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 2 dice 40R
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants, 2 dice 40R 16%
    -[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (Phase 1) 3 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 3) 4/360 2 dice 40R
    -[X] Superconductor Foundries 0/200 2 dice 60R 11%
    -[X] Entari Deployment 0/200 2 dice 40R 11%
    -[X] Large Strategic Food Stockpile 0R
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3), 2 dice (40 Resources) 88%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4), 2 dice 40R 65%
    -[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Development 0/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development, 1 die (30 Resources)
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 2 dice 40R+ 10%
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Stealth Disruptor System Development 0/40 1 die 25R 91%
    -[X] Remote Weapons System Deployment Predator 0/240 3 dice 30R 30%
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 148/200 1 die 20R 79%
    -[X] Wartime Factory Refits (phase 1) 0/60 1 die 20R 70%
    -[X] Cooperative Focus 3 dice
    [X]Plan Cities with Clean Air
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2) 336/450 2 dice 20R 77%
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3) 225/360 1 Tib die 1 Infra die 40R 77%
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1) 0/160 1 Tib die 2 Infra dice 60R 92%
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants 150/350 3 dice 60R 70%
    -[X] Nuuk Heavy Robotics Foundry (phase 1) 0/160 2 dice 40 R 47%
    -[X] Superconductor Foundries 0/200 3 dice 90R 59%
    -[X] Entari Deployment 0/200 1 dice 20R
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4) 130/300 1 dice 20R
    -[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 5) 74/180 2 dice 50R 98%
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development 20/60 1 die 30R 91%
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3) 183/385 2 dice 40R+ 10%
    -[X] Stealth Disruptor System Development 0/40 1 die 25R 91%
    -[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Super MARV Reclaimator Fleet (RZ-7 North) 0/210 2 dice 40R 7%
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Tactical Airborne Laser Development 0/40 1 die 20R 91%
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban) 148/200 1 die 20R 79%
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development 0/40 1 die 15R 91%
    -[X] Cooperative Focus DC 80/100/120, DC 120 3 dice 97%
    [X] Plan Save Some Reserve + Unions
    [X]Plan wiggle room
    -[X] Tidal Power Plants (Phase 2), 2 dice (20 Resources)
    -[X] Rail Link Reconstruction (Phase 3), 1 dice (15 resources)
    -[X] Chicago Planned City (Phase 3), 1 infrastructure dice 1 tiberium dice (40 resources)
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 1 infrastructure dice 1 tiberium dice (40 resources)
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants, 5 dice (100 resources)
    -[X] Johannesburg Personal Robotics Factory, 4 dice (60 resources)
    -[X] Perennial Aquaponics Bays (Stage 2) , 3 dice (30 resources)
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Development, 1 dice (30 resources)
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development, 1 dice (30 resources)
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3), 2 fusion dice, (40 resources)
    -[X] Fashion development houses, 4 dice (40 resources)
    -[X] Stealth Disruptor System Development, 1 dice (25 resources)
    -[X] Zone Emergency Medical Evacuation Vehicle Development, 1 dice (10 resources)
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development, 1 dice (15 resources)
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development, 1 dice (15 resources)
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (durban) 1 dice, (20 resources)
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development, 1 dice (15 resources)
    -[X] Havoc Scout Mech Development, 1 dice (10 resources)
    -[X] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7 North Super-marv, 3 dice (60 resources)
    -[X] Cooperative Focus, 3 dice (30 political support)
    [X] Plan Prudent Planning Please
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Synchronized Cycle Fusion Plants, 3 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] Blue Zone Microgeneration Program (Phase 2), 1 die (5 Resources)
    -[X] North Boston Chip Fabricator (Phase 4), 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Johannesburg Myomer Macrospinner (phase 3), 4 dice (80 Resources)
    -[X] Tiberium Inhibitor Development, 1 die (30 Resources)
    -[X] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 5), 2 dice (50 Resources)
    -[X] Mecca/Jeddah Planned City (Phase 1), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Yellow Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 4), 2 dice (40 Resources)
    -[X] Gravitic Drive Development, 1 die (30 Resources)
    -[X] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 3), 1 die (1 Fusion) (20 Resources)
    -[X] Orbital Cleanup (Stage 5), 1 die (1 Fusion) (10 Resources)
    -[X] Fashion development houses, 1 die (10 Resources)
    -[X] Reclamator Fleet RZ-7 North (Super MARVs), 3 dice (60 Resources)
    -[X] High Efficiency Heat System Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Orca Refit Package Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Quick Maneuver Air to Air Missile Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Universal Rocket Launch System Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Durban), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Governor Class Cruiser Shipyards (Vladivostok), 1 die (20 Resources)
    -[X] Laser Point Defense Systems Development, 1 die (15 Resources)
    -[X] Cooperative Focus 3 dice
In reality trying to predict what he will do is like thinking that a cat will not do something because you said to them just not to do it could be they actually listened but also could be that they are planning or already did something else even worse.

I just...I have catboy Kane in my head now. Thanks a lot.
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[X] Plan Red Zone Lines + Predators + Unions