The two we have (will be getting, since they're not ready for deployment) slow down the mutation rate, and slow growth... so, yeah, Kane getting worried by that, especially if we can also put pressure on his other levers (military strength relative to NOD, and population IN SPAAAACE as the big ones), definitely would make sense.So we now need only five such technologies! The bar we need to clear is lower! SCORE!
But yeah, I get you. On the other hand, that makes it sound like we can develop a Tiberium Partial Control Network (henceforth known as the TpCN). Which would be something recognizable as a half-assed and inadequate TCN.
If we can pull that off, then maybe Kane may actually have reason to worry that we could finish the whole job without him, or at least get close enough that he loses a lot of the leverage he has from possession of the Tacitus. He may be incentivized to come to the table sooner, while he still has a lot to offer us, rather than later. So that's something.
One of the things I am hoping for is more background data on the TCN, to be able to actually understand it, and also to get the best version we can.