1220/1595 R budget
105->96 Political Support
6/6 Free dice
(1 Tiberium, 3 Orbital, 1 Services, 1 Military)
[] Draft Plan Attempting to Start Karachi
-[] Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, +27 bonus, 135 R)
--[] Drone Logistical Integration 145/240 (1 die, 15 R) (47% chance)
--[] Karachi Planned City (Phase 1+2+3) 0/345 (4 dice + 2 Tib, 120 R) (100% chance Phase 3)
---[] All costs for the project are being accounted here, none in Tiberium
---[] Since Phase 3 is as far as we can get in one turn, this is good enough. This SHOULD catapult us about halfway to Phase 4, letting us handily clear it in 2065Q1 and clear the project with a strong effort in Q2, or worst case "tap" it to completion in Q3. Major setbacks during the landing operations may force us to invest more heavily in this project, but we'll at least have made a good start.
-[] Heavy Industry (5/5 Dice, +34 bonus, 140 R)
--[] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 1+2) 0/270 (3 dice, 90 R) (Phase 1, 51% Phase 2)
--[] Microfusion Cell Laboratories (2 dice, 50 R) (94% chance)
-[] Light Industry (4/4 Dice + Erewhon!, +29 bonus, 105 R)
--[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 (2 dice, 60 R) (2/8 median)
--[] Factory Automation Programs 75/280 (2+E dice, 45 R) (72% chance)
---[] NOTE TO SELF: In next draft, take Erewhon off this project, giving us a 16% chance, but minimizing chance of critfails. No rush.
-[] Agriculture (6/6 dice, +29 bonus, 60 R)
--[] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 2) 579/790 (3 dice, 15 R) (89% chance)
--[] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 3) 95/165 (1 die, 15 R) (92% chance)
--[] Vertical Farming Projects (Stage 5) 78/215 (2 dice, 30 R) (91% chance)
-[] Tiberium (7/7 dice + 1 Free Die, +39 bonus, 160 R)
--[] Karachi Planned City (Phase 1+2+3) (2 dice, see Infrastructure)
--[] Deep Red Zone Tiberium Glacier Mining (Stage 5) 47/190 (2 dice, 60 R) (97% chance)
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-1 Europe) 0/75 (1 die, 30 R) (92% chance)
---[] (+1 PS)
--[] Forgotten Experimentation 188/260 (1 die, 30 R) (97% chance)
---[] (-5 PS)
--[] Liquid Tiberium Power Cell Deployment (Phase 3) 4/125 (2 dice, 40 R) (100% Phase 3, 4% Phase 4)
---[] (-10 PS, possibly -20 if Phase 4 completes, very unlikely)
-[] Orbital (7/7 Dice + 3 Free dice, +34 bonus, 270 R)
--[] Assembler Bay 0/255 (3 dice, 60 R) (80% chance)
--[] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 3+4+5) 217/750 (7 dice, 210 R) (Phase 3+4, 92% Phase 5)
---[] This is, quite simply, the scale of dice expenditure we need in order to complete the space population target. If we spend less than seven dice on this project this turn, we are building up a deficit we will have to make up for on a future turn by spending eight or more dice. I believe that building up such a deficit would be a bad idea.
---[] I am nevertheless planning to complete the assembler bay with Free dice.
-[] Services (4/4 Dice + 1 Free die, +35 bonus, 190 R)
--[] Fifth Generation Electronic Video Assistants 152/200 (1 die, 40 R) (100% chance)
--[] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) (2 dice, 50 R) 85/270 (53% chance)
--[] Naquada Ring Experiments 0/80 (2 dice, 100 R) (100% chance)
---[] NOTE TO SELF: In next draft, make this 1+E dice. It still has something like a 99.8% chance of completion.
---[] Find something else for the spare Service die to do, or move the Free die elsewhere. Unsure where?
-[] Military (6/6 Dice + 1 Free die + AA die, +31 bonus, 130 R)
--[] Military Particle Beam Development 81/100 (AA die, 20 R) (97% chance)
--[] Next Generation Armored Vehicles 77/160 (1 die, 30 R) (81% chance)
--[] Phased Plasma Weapons Development 0/80 (1 die, 15 R) (85% chance)
--[] Tib Core Missile Seeker Analysis 0/60 (1 die, 5 R) (99% chance)
--[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 1+2) 260/570 (3 dice, 60 R) (Phase 1, 9% Phase 2)
---[] Again, this is the scale of investment required to get the project done in a reasonable amount of time. It's going to take about eleven dice to finish this thing, and we don't want to still be working on it in 2065Q4, so three dice per turn is a necessary average level of investment. We have plenty of other military priorities that are desirable, or even required, but none that are urgent by comparison. This is the big rock we need to get out of our way in 2065, so we should start moving it now.
-[] Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus, -30 RpT)
--[] Administrative Assistance: Particle Beam Development
--[] Hand Off Capital Goods to Market (10 Capital Goods)
--[] Transfer Funds to the General Pool (30 RpT) (+5 PS)