Given we need to build at least 12 of the things and have 5 turns to do it in we need 2-3 done per turn to complete the plan goal.
That doesn't answer the question of whether we have the capacity to do so. Normally you would ramp these things up, not shift up a few gears when your engine isn't warmed up yet.

I also doubt that we are just rolling out Homesteading to complete the target. At some point we are going to need cities.
I have concerns about ordering two whole rounds of Lunar Homesteads in one quarter.
Do we even have enough qualified people to rush these out?
Well, we're committed to finishing twelve rounds in five quarters, so I guess we're gonna find out the hard way!

That doesn't answer the question of whether we have the capacity to do so. Normally you would ramp these things up, not shift up a few gears when your engine isn't warmed up yet.
What do you think we spent 2064Q2 and 'Q3 doing? One phase per turn, that's what.

The good news is, the Treasury has been planning this for a long time, and we've spent at least a couple of turns doing preliminary work after many turns of prep work to make the project available. I'm optimistic.
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The treasury isn't going to put people in faulty air sealed buildings on the moon instead it's likely just to postpone some stuff if needed, like the park not having any trees yet or the public arcade not having any fancy wallpapers and stuff etc.
[] Plan Space Space Space Space All Your Space are Belong to Us
-[] Infrastructure 5 dice +27
--[] Karachi Planned City (Phase 1+2+3) 0/345 4 dice 80R 77%
--[] Drone Logistical Integration 145/240 1 die 15R 47%
-[] Heavy Industry 5 dice +34
--[] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 29/270 1 die 20R 1/3rd completed
--[] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 1+2) 0/270 3 dice 90R 51%
--[] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 0/150 1 die 25R 1%
-[] Light and Chemical Industry 4 dice +29
--[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 3 dice 90R 3/8 median
--[] Factory Automation Programs (New) 75/280 1 die 15R 1/3 median
-[] Agriculture 6 dice +29
--[] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 2) 579/790 3 dice 15R 89%
--[] Vertical Farming Projects (Stage 5) 78/215 1 die 15R 1%
--[] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 3 + 4) 95/340 2 dice 30R 2%
-[] Tiberium 7 dice +39
--[] Red Zone Containment Lines (Stage 6) 54/180 2 dice 50R 99%
--[] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes Phase 2 (Updated) 78/180 1 die 20R 57%
--[] Red Zone Energy Refits (Phase 1) 0/265 3 dice 75R 71%
--[] Forgotten Experimentation 188/260 1 die 30R 97%
-[] Orbital 7/7 dice 6 free die +34 Erewhon+1 AA die
--[] Assembler Bay 0/255 3 dice 40R 80%
--[] Experimental Crops Bay (Stage 1) 0/255 2 dice+1AA die 40R 35%
--[] High Efficiency Void Crops Bay 0/210 2 dice 40R 31%
--[] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 3+4+5) 217/500 6 dice Erewhon 210R 69%
-[] Services 4/4 dice +35
--[] Fifth Generation Electronic Video Assistants 152/200 1 die 40R 100%
--[] Rage Engine Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 25R 89%
--[] Projected Hardlight Development (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 100%
--[] Naquada Ring Experiments 0/80 1 die 50R 89%
-[] Military 6/6 dice 1 AA dice +31
--[] Military Logistics Drone Network (Phase 1) (new) 0/200 1 die 20R 1/2.5 median
--[] Military Particle Beam Development (Tech) 81/100 1 AA die 20R ~100%
--[] Next-Generation Armored Vehicles 77/160 1 die 30R 75%
--[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 1) 260/285 3 dice 60R 100%
--[] Phased Plasma Weapons Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 15R 85%
-[] Bureaucracy
--[]2 AA dice
[] Plan No Sleep to Karachi
-[] Infra (5 dice +27 + AA + Erewhon, 150R)
-[] Karachi Planned City (Phase 1+2+3) 0/345 3 Infra + 2 Tib dice 100R ~96%
-[] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 2) 33/150 1 die + Erewhon 20R 82%
-[] Drone Logistical Integration 145/240 1 die + AA 30R 96%

-[] HI (5 dice +34, 130R)
-[] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 29/270 2 dice 40R 3%
-[] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 1+2) 0/270 3 dice 90R 51%

-[] LCI (4 dice +29, 90R)
-[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 2 dice 60R
-[] Factory Automation Programs 75/280 2 dice 30R 16%

-[] Agri (6 dice +29 60R)
-[] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 2) 579/790 3 dice 15R 89%
-[] Vertical Farming Projects (Stage 5) 78/215 3 dice 45R ~100%

-[] Tib (7 dice + 2 free +39 190R)
-[] 2 Tib dice allocated to Karachi
-[] Deep Red Zone Tiberium Glacier Mining (Stage 5) 47/190 2 dice 60R 96%
-[] Xenotech Tiberium Processing Plants (Stage 3) 45/300 2 dice 60R
-[] Liquid Tiberium Power Cell Deployment (Phase 3) 4/125 2 dice 40R 100%
-[] Forgotten Experimentation 198/260 1 die 30R 99%

-[] Orb (7 dice + 2 free +34 250R)
-[] High Efficiency Void Crops Bay 0/210 2 dice 40R 31%
-[] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 3+4+5) 217/750? 7 dice 210R 92%

-[] Serv (4 dice +35, 115R)
-[] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
-[] Projected Hardlight Development (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 100%
-[] Naquada Ring Experiments 0/80 1 die 50R 89%

-[] Mil (6 dice + 2 free +31 + AA 185R)
-[] Military Particle Beam Development (Tech) 81/100 1 AA die 20R
-[] Thunderbolt II Missile Development (Platform) (Munitions) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
-[] Next-Generation Armored Vehicles 77/160 1 die 30R 75%
-[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 2) 260/285 3 dice 60R 100%
-[] Governor-A Deployment (Refits) 126/350 2 dice 40R 6%
-[] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Deployment 0/240 1 die 20R

-[] Bur (4 dice +29)
-[] Administrative Assistance (Mil) 2 dice
-[] Administrative Assistance (Infra) 2 dice

Since it apparently is the season for entirely-too-preliminary plans:

[]Plan This Fucking Rock
-[]Infrastructure 5 dice +27 120R
--[] Karachi Planned City (Phase 1+2+3) 0/345 5 Infra Dice, 1 Tib Die 120R 100%
-[]Heavy Industry 5 dice +34 110R
--[] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 5) 29/270 3 dice 60R 79%
--[] Microfusion Cell Laboratories 0/150 2 dice 50R 94%
-[]Light and Chemical Industry 4 dice +29 90R
--[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 2 dice 60R
--[] Factory Automation Programs (New) 75/280 2 dice 30R 16%
-[]Agriculture 6 dice +29 65R
--[] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 2) 579/790 3 dice 15R 89%
--[] Vertical Farming Projects (Stage 5) 78/215 2 dice 30R 91%
--[] Dairy Ranches (Phase 3) 98/180 1 die 20R 73%
-[]Tiberium 7 dice +4 Free Dice +39 300R
--[] 1 die to Karachi
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 1) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 2) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 3) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 5) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 6) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 8) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 10) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 11) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (Blue Zone 12) 0/75 1 die 30R 92%
--[] Forgotten Experimentation 188/260 1 die 30R 97%
-[]Orbital 7 dice + 2 Free Dice +34 250R
--[] Assembler Bay 0/255 2 dice 40R 2%
--[] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 3+4+5) 217/750 7 dice 210R 92.4%
-[]Services 4 dice +35 140R
--[] Fifth Generation Electronic Video Assistants 152/200 1 die 40R 100%
--[] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) 85/270 2 dice 50R 53%
--[] Naquada Ring Experiments (New) 0/80 1 die 50R 89%
-[]Military 6 dice +31
--[] Military Particle Beam Development (Tech) 81/100 1 AA die 20R ~99%
--[] Advanced Articulation Systems (Tech) 0/60 1 die 15R 99%
--[] Thunderbolt II Missile Development (Platform) (Munitions) 0/60 1 AA die 15R ~99%
--[] Next-Generation Armored Vehicles 77/160 1 die 30R 81%
--[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 1+2) 260/570 3 dice 60R 9%
--[] Phased Plasma Weapons Development (Tech) 0/80 1 die 15R 85%
-[]Bureaucracy 4 dice +29
--[] Administrative Assistance: Military Particle Beam Development, Thunderbolt II Missile Development
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1220/1595 R budget
105->96 Political Support

6/6 Free dice
(1 Tiberium, 3 Orbital, 1 Services, 1 Military)

[] Draft Plan Attempting to Start Karachi

-[] Infrastructure (5/5 Dice, +27 bonus, 135 R)
--[] Drone Logistical Integration 145/240 (1 die, 15 R) (47% chance)
--[] Karachi Planned City (Phase 1+2+3) 0/345 (4 dice + 2 Tib, 120 R) (100% chance Phase 3)
---[] All costs for the project are being accounted here, none in Tiberium
---[] Since Phase 3 is as far as we can get in one turn, this is good enough. This SHOULD catapult us about halfway to Phase 4, letting us handily clear it in 2065Q1 and clear the project with a strong effort in Q2, or worst case "tap" it to completion in Q3. Major setbacks during the landing operations may force us to invest more heavily in this project, but we'll at least have made a good start.

-[] Heavy Industry (5/5 Dice, +34 bonus, 140 R)
--[] Aberdeen Isolinear Fabricator (Phase 1+2) 0/270 (3 dice, 90 R) (Phase 1, 51% Phase 2)
--[] Microfusion Cell Laboratories (2 dice, 50 R) (94% chance)

-[] Light Industry (4/4 Dice + Erewhon!, +29 bonus, 105 R)
--[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 5) 483/1140 (2 dice, 60 R) (2/8 median)
--[] Factory Automation Programs 75/280 (2+E dice, 45 R) (72% chance)
---[] NOTE TO SELF: In next draft, take Erewhon off this project, giving us a 16% chance, but minimizing chance of critfails. No rush.

-[] Agriculture (6/6 dice, +29 bonus, 60 R)
--[] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 2) 579/790 (3 dice, 15 R) (89% chance)
--[] Spider Cotton Plantations (Phase 3) 95/165 (1 die, 15 R) (92% chance)
--[] Vertical Farming Projects (Stage 5) 78/215 (2 dice, 30 R) (91% chance)

-[] Tiberium (7/7 dice + 1 Free Die, +39 bonus, 160 R)
--[] Karachi Planned City (Phase 1+2+3) (2 dice, see Infrastructure)
--[] Deep Red Zone Tiberium Glacier Mining (Stage 5) 47/190 (2 dice, 60 R) (97% chance)
--[] Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment (BZ-1 Europe) 0/75 (1 die, 30 R) (92% chance)
---[] (+1 PS)
--[] Forgotten Experimentation 188/260 (1 die, 30 R) (97% chance)
---[] (-5 PS)
--[] Liquid Tiberium Power Cell Deployment (Phase 3) 4/125 (2 dice, 40 R) (100% Phase 3, 4% Phase 4)
---[] (-10 PS, possibly -20 if Phase 4 completes, very unlikely)

-[] Orbital (7/7 Dice + 3 Free dice, +34 bonus, 270 R)
--[] Assembler Bay 0/255 (3 dice, 60 R) (80% chance)
--[] Lunar Homesteading (Phase 3+4+5) 217/750 (7 dice, 210 R) (Phase 3+4, 92% Phase 5)
---[] This is, quite simply, the scale of dice expenditure we need in order to complete the space population target. If we spend less than seven dice on this project this turn, we are building up a deficit we will have to make up for on a future turn by spending eight or more dice. I believe that building up such a deficit would be a bad idea.
---[] I am nevertheless planning to complete the assembler bay with Free dice.

-[] Services (4/4 Dice + 1 Free die, +35 bonus, 190 R)
--[] Fifth Generation Electronic Video Assistants 152/200 (1 die, 40 R) (100% chance)
--[] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 2) (2 dice, 50 R) 85/270 (53% chance)
--[] Naquada Ring Experiments 0/80 (2 dice, 100 R) (100% chance)
---[] NOTE TO SELF: In next draft, make this 1+E dice. It still has something like a 99.8% chance of completion.
---[] Find something else for the spare Service die to do, or move the Free die elsewhere. Unsure where?

-[] Military (6/6 Dice + 1 Free die + AA die, +31 bonus, 130 R)
--[] Military Particle Beam Development 81/100 (AA die, 20 R) (97% chance)
--[] Next Generation Armored Vehicles 77/160 (1 die, 30 R) (81% chance)
--[] Phased Plasma Weapons Development 0/80 (1 die, 15 R) (85% chance)
--[] Tib Core Missile Seeker Analysis 0/60 (1 die, 5 R) (99% chance)
--[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 2) (Phase 1+2) 260/570 (3 dice, 60 R) (Phase 1, 9% Phase 2)
---[] Again, this is the scale of investment required to get the project done in a reasonable amount of time. It's going to take about eleven dice to finish this thing, and we don't want to still be working on it in 2065Q4, so three dice per turn is a necessary average level of investment. We have plenty of other military priorities that are desirable, or even required, but none that are urgent by comparison. This is the big rock we need to get out of our way in 2065, so we should start moving it now.

-[] Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice, +29 bonus, -30 RpT)
--[] Administrative Assistance: Particle Beam Development
--[] Hand Off Capital Goods to Market (10 Capital Goods)
--[] Transfer Funds to the General Pool (30 RpT) (+5 PS)
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I was questioning handing off cap goods, but then I remembered the market won't get any if we don't specifically do that action since we're still stockpiling. And I guess we really don't need the funding.
I was questioning handing off cap goods, but then I remembered the market won't get any if we don't specifically do that action since we're still stockpiling. And I guess we really don't need the funding.
We really, really don't need the funding. Our reserve grows faster and faster every turn and we're outrunning our ability to spend it all, because dice only cost an average of about 20 R/die and we have about sixty dice.
With the permission of Ithillid;

So... for those wondering about what's going on with the update; Lightwhispers has been a very good snake for Ithillid with keeping track of the numbers and maintaining the array, and was allowed to pick a tech.

They went and chose, and I paraphrase, "For what Ithillid thinks would be best for maximal screaming."

Hang onto your helmets, the ride ain't over.
--[] Factory Automation Programs 75/280 (2+E dice, 45 R) (72% chance)
---[] This distribution minimizes the chance of wasting dice or having critfails. While freeing up more labor in Light Industry is important, it is not urgent; there is no immediate consequence to the project going slowly. As such, I suggest using the minimum number of dice for project completion.
The minimum number of dice is just two, with a 16% chance of completion. And the +4 Labor hardly seems worth the extra die. I would consider putting Erewhon somewhere else, say, the 2nd die on the Naquada Ring Experiments. That would have a 99.86% completion chance while freeing up a normal Services die for elsewhere.
--[] Transfer Funds to the General Pool (30 RpT) (+5 PS)
You can spend more. Last time, we transfered 60 RpT with a single die. I believe any multiple of 30 RpT is valid.
With the permission of Ithillid;

So... for those wondering about what's going on with the update; Lightwhispers has been a very good snake for Ithillid with keeping track of the numbers and maintaining the array, and was allowed to pick a tech.

They went and chose, and I paraphrase, "For what Ithillid thinks would be best for maximal screaming."

Hang onto your helmets, the ride ain't over.
@Lightwhispers You have learned well. I see the student has become the master. *bows*
With the permission of Ithillid;

So... for those wondering about what's going on with the update; Lightwhispers has been a very good snake for Ithillid with keeping track of the numbers and maintaining the array, and was allowed to pick a tech.

They went and chose, and I paraphrase, "For what Ithillid thinks would be best for maximal screaming."

Hang onto your helmets, the ride ain't over.
Here's hoping for gross and potentially unethical, yet incredibly useful biotech.

That sounds like it'd get a lot of screaming.
We used to have stuff on the docket that makes willy pete look like small potatoes, but it got removed because of the in thread screaming matches about it being exceedingly toxic.
The minimum number of dice is just two, with a 16% chance of completion. And the +4 Labor hardly seems worth the extra die. I would consider putting Erewhon somewhere else, say, the 2nd die on the Naquada Ring Experiments. That would have a 99.86% completion chance while freeing up a normal Services die for elsewhere.

Actually, you're correct, you're entirely correct. First, the contradiction is something that happened because I was careless. I originally wrote the plan with Erewhon unallocated and two dice on the project, and THAT was when I wrote the comment. I then neglected to delete the comment when I put Erewhon on the task to kick the completion chance from 16% to 70% or so.

Putting Erewhon on the ring experiments is not, per your math, a bad idea at all! I normally am very hesitant about putting AA/E dice on high-cost projects where each die is expensive, because you just don't get as much "bang for your buck" out of them as you do out of a 'proper' die. But this is an exception, and I never would have thought of trying it! Great idea. Will try to remember to modify it.

You can spend more. Last time, we transfered 60 RpT with a single die. I believe any multiple of 30 RpT is valid.
I can, but I didn't feel like doing it. Among other things because I find us constantly having 100+ Political Support to be rather dull, so until we find some ways to "flare it off," I just don't see the point.

There are good reasons for Treasury to build up a large reserve of material resources and capital goods, and that does cost money, so I'm not seeing this as a bad idea. We might also want to put more money in the 'federal reserve' fund, seeing as how it's meant to stabilize the civilian economy and the civilian economy has grown a lot since we opened the fund.
I can, but I didn't feel like doing it. Among other things because I find us constantly having 100+ Political Support to be rather dull, so until we find some ways to "flare it off," I just don't see the point.
I think it's rather funny, myself. We're in the endgame, flush with cash, and won't get a reset at the end of this four-year-plan because there won't be another. Why not have so much PS, it breaks the scale? Especially if we do Wet AI Development at the same time. Seo's greatest triumph: Committing acts of true Mad Science all while the bureaucrats and politicians owe him so many blank checks, they can't even lift a finger in protest.
I think it's rather funny, myself. We're in the endgame, flush with cash, and won't get a reset at the end of this four-year-plan because there won't be another. Why not have so much PS, it breaks the scale? Especially if we do Wet AI Development at the same time. Seo's greatest triumph: Committing acts of true Mad Science all while the bureaucrats and politicians owe him so many blank checks, they can't even lift a finger in protest.
He will certainly implant the desire for mad science in the ministries culture for now on considering how much he has done.
I think it's rather funny, myself. We're in the endgame, flush with cash, and won't get a reset at the end of this four-year-plan because there won't be another. Why not have so much PS, it breaks the scale? Especially if we do Wet AI Development at the same time. Seo's greatest triumph: Committing acts of true Mad Science all while the bureaucrats and politicians owe him so many blank checks, they can't even lift a finger in protest.
I find it similarly amusing, I just like the idea of keeping Political Support in the range of 85-100 while doing it, which feels a little more 'real' than 100+. It's a personal thing, I guess.
The other bit to consider is that there's no guarantee that Transferring Funds to the General Pool will remain available.
I mean, I wouldn't think there's a reason for it to go away. The money making part of the initiative is going to keep having more money than the rest of it, so they should maintain the ability to hand it over to the rest of the money grubbers.

I'm inclined to think that the end of this quest is going to mark the end of the treasury as it currently exists. We've run up against problems where we just don't have the agility to handle them best, and the Secretary is incredibly powerful, probably too much so.