[] Plan Screw You Corpos
-[] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[] 10 points - A smaller commitment would be able to handle many of the projects that need further infusions of capital goods. While more than enough to solve the ongoing crisis, it is not enough to provide for continuing expansions of major factory complexes. (-10 PS)
-[] 90 points - A substantially ambitious plan, a full 90 point development would bring back not only prewar luxuries, but also bring many of those luxuries into the yellow zones. While it would inherently define the plan, it is also something that should be popular across much of the political spectrum (+5 PS)
-[] 30 points - While GDI is currently running a marginal surplus, increasing food availability and running a more substantial surplus is something that would be generally popular, if not particularly praiseworthy.
-[] Hawks +6 votes
--[] Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
--[] Spend at least two dice or 30 resources (whichever is less) on military projects every quarter
--[] Build at least eight military goods factories. (Apollo, Rapier, Zone Suit, Shell Plant)
--[] Complete at least five deployment programs (Wolverine Deployment, Point Defense Refit, etc)
-[] United Yellow List +10 votes
--[] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
--[] Complete three phases of shell factories.
-[] Developmentalists +50 votes
--[] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[] Take 90 points of Consumer Goods
--[] Increase abatement by 30 points
--[] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
--[] Increase GDI income by at least 400
-[] Consumer Party +2 votes
--[] Take at least 90 points of Consumer Goods
-[] Socialist Party +2 votes
--[] Complete at least 2 arcology programs, either Blue Zone or Yellow Zone
Total: 70/61 votes.
Very petty plan that deliberately doesn't take any promises from the Free Market Party, and seeks to undercut them by doing 90 Consumer Goods.