75 consumer goods is not slow by any means and is going to need a lot of projects that are not even visible yet. Meanwhile given current trends that cap goods will be eaten as we expand our projects means to keep a small surplus we need to expand our cap goods.
I mean cap goods aren't really all that needed and 20 is plenty enough. People have been waiting too long and trying to keep on enforcing more rationing will let a dominant FMP win because no one wants to ration earthly decadence anymore.
I mean cap goods aren't really all that needed and 20 is plenty enough. People have been waiting too long and trying to keep on enforcing more rationing will let a dominant FMP win because no one wants to ration earthly decadence anymore.
75 is not a FMP win in the least. We have done 12 consumer good so far, 75 is over 6 times what we do (and more likely we end around 80).
[] Plan All-Around Buy-In without dice locking and no grants v75
-[] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[] 20 points - A somewhat higher goal, and one that should handle the majority of potentially capital goods intensive projects, it is something where getting it through should be simple, but will make few people happy.
-[] 75 points - A somewhat ambitious goal for the plan, it is aimed to produce small surpluses across many fields of consumer goods, ready for activities that can improve quality of life. While it will require some substantial effort from the treasury to make the goal, but it is overall both achievable and relatively politically popular
-[] 30 points - While GDI is currently running a marginal surplus, increasing food availability and running a more substantial surplus is something that would be generally popular, if not particularly praiseworthy.
-[] Free Market Party +12 votes
--[] Take at least 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[] Construct at least 2 MARV fleets
--[] Build at least 6 military goods factories
-[] Hawks +1 votes
--[] Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
--[] Build at least eight military goods factories. (Apollo, Rapier, Zone Suit, Shell Plant)
-[] United Yellow List +10 votes
--[] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
--[] Complete three phases of shell factories.
-[] Developmentalists +50 votes
--[] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[] Increase abatement by 30 points
--[] Increase abatement by 40 points
--[] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
--[] Increase GDI income by at least 400
-[] Socialist Party +2 votes
--[] Complete at least 2 arcology programs, either Blue Zone or Yellow Zone

75 is not a FMP win in the least. We have done 12 consumer good so far, 75 is over 6 times what we do (and more likely we end around 80).
I mean not really 90 is actually an achievable goal since we already pumped up a service industry to give more consumer goods which we do actually track. Grants can be another one but that would take some time when we have enough income and it would mostly be industrial first.
I mean not really 90 is actually an achievable goal since we already pumped up a service industry to give more consumer goods which we do actually track. Grants can be another one but that would take some time when we have enough income and it would mostly be industrial first.
90 locks us into no flexibility, more so if we take other large demands to secure votes. Which means if any problems develop we are going to either have to not fully address it or we fail goals. Including boston we have around 45 consumer goods, further projects are only going to be more expensive. And if we are doing boston we are already hitting close to 30 on cap goods. So going 90 and using 90 in promises is a case of over promising and locking us into a plan with very little deviation if we want it to pass.
61 is a bare majority. I think 81 is a better goal to shoot for( 1 vote over 2/3) . Bonus points if we make at least one promise to every party.

Remember, there is a narrative underlying the math, and we aren't running a robot Technocracy, so when political tides turn and we say "but we did the math and it all works out!" I doubt we'll get a free pass.

I'm a bit dubious of taking the middle ground on every goal. The top options in each category are pretty ridiculous to be honest, so I'd probably take a political hit on the Cap or Food so we have more leeway in our budget. The first few quarter are going to be Abatement/Economy like mad to bring our budget back up to the 400s so quarterly promises probably aren't great either, as we'll miss the first few easily, or not miss them but hamstring our early economy. I'm sure we can easily hit the 30/45 resource targets for the military if you average our plan spending, but forcing it quarterly I'm not sure.

On the other hand, making the promise forces our hand so voters stop compromising on mil development. Hmm. Not sure.
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I'd say it's far more logical to promise less and do more unexpectedly. Because by making less promises and freeing up actions, more choices would exist and dice allocations can be adjusted as needed depending on the situation, while making people happy from seeing something they never expected to be done for them.

Otherwise, if simply giving more promises give nothing useful in turn, then there is no point to making more promises other than attempting to lock in actions by forcing more goals upon the rest of the plan than needed.
Because I have to hope there's a Pizza Party somewhere in the mass of Independents. Or maybe in the Developmentalists.
Overpromises a bit, and I intend to do more for the Hawks than this says, but their promises were the most restrictive.

[X]Plan Courting the Pizza Party
-[X] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[X] 20 points - A somewhat higher goal, and one that should handle the majority of potentially capital goods intensive projects, it is something where getting it through should be simple, but will make few people happy.
-[X] 75 points - A somewhat ambitious goal for the plan, it is aimed to produce small surpluses across many fields of consumer goods, ready for activities that can improve quality of life. While it will require some substantial effort from the treasury to make the goal, but it is overall both achievable and relatively politically popular
-[X] 45 points - A somewhat higher goal, providing substantial increases in food production is one of the means towards being able to provide not just a living supply towards the GDI population, but also increase stockpiles and begin feeding people beyond the initiative's direct control. (+5 PS)
-[X] Free Market Party +12 votes
--[X] Take at least 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[X] Construct at least 2 MARV fleets
--[X] Build at least 6 military goods factories
-[X] Hawks +1 votes
--[X] Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
--[X] Build at least eight military goods factories. (Apollo, Rapier, Zone Suit, Shell Plant)
-[X] United Yellow List +10 votes
--[X] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
--[X] Complete three phases of shell factories.
-[X] Developmentalists +50 votes
--[X] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[X] Take 45 points of Food
--[X] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
--[X] Increase GDI processing limit by at least 1000
--[X] Increase GDI income by at least 400
-[X] Starbound Party +2 votes
--[X] Complete at least three phases of Space Stations
-[X] Socialist Party +2 votes
--[X] Complete at least 2 arcology programs, either Blue Zone or Yellow Zone

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[X]Plan Courting the Pizza Party

I agree with this. Primarily because food. The simplest bedrock of consumerism is things to literally consume. And getting food into people not currently under our direct control, helps with aiming towards getting them under our control later. Or, at least having them not be hostile.
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[X] Plan: Preparing for the future
-[X] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[X] 30 points - While 30 points of Capital Goods production is an expensive proposition, aiming towards a surplus while also at least preparing to take many of the refits is a tempting proposition for many in the Initiative (+5 PS)
-[X] 60 points - A substantial wave of new and restored consumer goods production, either through grants, factories, or some combination of the two, is estimated to be enough to meet both indicated and unindicated demand, although those estimates may well be conservative (-5 PS)
-[X] 45 points - A somewhat higher goal, providing substantial increases in food production is one of the means towards being able to provide not just a living supply towards the GDI population, but also increase stockpiles and begin feeding people beyond the initiative's direct control. (+5 PS)
-[X] Free Market Party (1/2/3/4) (12 votes)
--[X] Construct at least 2 MARV fleets
--[X] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
--[X] Increase GDI income by at least 600 points.
-[X] Hawks (2/4/6/8) (1 votes)
--[X] Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
--[X] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
-[X] United Yellow List (1/2) (7 votes)
--[X] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
-[X] Developmentalists (3/5/7) (50 votes)
--[X] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
--[X] Take 45 points of Food
--[X] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
--[X] Increase GDI processing limit by at least 1000
--[X] Increase GDI income by at least 400

At overall -5 in PS and 70 votes, this is the plan that hits the capital goods thing that almost everyone seems to want. My thoughts are that if almost every party can see the importance of capital goods in the near future, then it's a good reason to invest in it.

But when thinking more about it, it makes sense since the rebuilding of the economy has only barely begun after being resuscitated from basically dead. That means a significant amount of highly important projects in the future will all need Capital goods to be built, which makes Capital goods the choice to invest in the future long-term over simply pleasing the people a bit more in the short term.

The reason the Abatement promises were cut is due to how many options to gain resources might not focus enough on it, and there are too many other promises to risk for an abatement target at this time. It would be nice if it can be achieved anyways, but it's not a major concern and shouldn't be added to promise when votes are sufficient already.

[X] Plan Less Promise More Action
-[X] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[X] 20 points - A somewhat higher goal, and one that should handle the majority of potentially capital goods intensive projects, it is something where getting it through should be simple, but will make few people happy.
-[X] 75 points - A somewhat ambitious goal for the plan, it is aimed to produce small surpluses across many fields of consumer goods, ready for activities that can improve quality of life. While it will require some substantial effort from the treasury to make the goal, but it is overall both achievable and relatively politically popular
-[X] 45 points - A somewhat higher goal, providing substantial increases in food production is one of the means towards being able to provide not just a living supply towards the GDI population, but also increase stockpiles and begin feeding people beyond the initiative's direct control. (+5 PS)
-[X] Free Market Party (1/2/3/4) (3 votes)
--[X] Construct at least 2 MARV fleets
--[X] Take at least 75 points of Consumer Goods
-[X] Hawks (2/4/6/8) (1 votes)
--[X] Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
--[X] Complete at least five deployment programs (Wolverine Deployment, Point Defense Refit, etc)
-[X] United Yellow List (1/2) (7 votes)
--[X] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
-[X] Developmentalists (3/5/7) (50 votes)
--[X] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[X] Take 45 points of Food
--[X] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
--[X] Increase GDI processing limit by at least 1000
--[X] Increase GDI income by at least 400

At -5 PS and 61 votes, this is the minimal promises plan that both excludes the Capital goods promise and includes the 75 consumer goods promise, since it seems to be a favored option for many people.

The point of this plan is to focus on minimizing obligations to fulfill and free up actions for other goals that aren't as locked in, not even the 600 income if people think they don't have the dices and time for it. The deployment plan for the Hawks is also actually useful in the long run if more resources were diverted to actually placate the military's worries and give them the help they need, especially when developments for the deployments were already done, and would be wasted if not actually utilized. The only major commitment is Food at 45, but I think that can be done relatively much easier than the other options for even more factories and consumer goods.

Basically, it's the plan for any voters that are unsure about needing to commit to anything too much in other than making sure people are well fed and happy at least. But overall I'd call it the weaker plan for truly developing the future.
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Honestly, right now I'm liking the look of of Pizza Party because it hits the three 'strongly desire' aims I have. Namely, getting some MARV fleets deployed because I feel like we're strongly undervaluing how useful they will be seeing as we've not unlocked the 'capstone' project for any of them that does the actual effects yet, as well as getting the Starbound and Socialist Independents on-board.

As mentioned above, I think that we're going to be cursing ourselves for ignoring the MARVs once we see what they can do, at least for the Red Zone versions at the worst. The Starbound Party's goal of three phases of Space Stations works very well because we all know that we're going to need a comprehensive orbital set up ready to start evacuating humanity to whenever Tiberium does mutate and utterly screw us over even harder. After all, we've already had one mutation roll happen and the only reason we didn't see anything happen is because we got rolled a 10 which was the only result that wouldn't have any mutation happen. As for the Socialists... I just think that's an easily achieved goal that's going to be very useful going into the future.

I'm not sold on the +45 Points of Food promise, but when you consider that narratively it means we're able to feed some of the Yellow Zone population which aren't under our control and also that just getting toe Phase 2 of Shala Station gets knocks out most of the promise to Starbound whilst also making progress to the food goal... Well, it's something that I think will be more achievable than getting +30 Capital Goods at the same time as we're pushing Consumer Goods as hard as we can during the first two years of the plan.
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A thought about abatement. If tiberium mutates enough, it could make fulfilling an abatement goal literally impossible. We got lucky with the previous tiberium mutation roll and it is unlikely our luck will hold when the next mutation roll comes.
Yeah. I'm hesitant to promise much more abatement. Besides, we're already at the point where blue zones gradually expand to meet red zones in the middle, which is frankly a good scenario for GDI in that it gives us more habitable, easily controlled land while squeezing Nod into very inhospitable terrain where they can no longer sustain mass armies.

Oh boy oh boy, is there a moratorium?

Eh, here's a plan that does the minimum.

[] Straight 30 (aka number go up)
I'm pretty sure this plan would trip us up over the requirements to spend on military dice early in the plan. Maybe not, I guess?

Under Promise. Over Deliver.
If we don't have the formal promise, we're gonna constantly have people popping up and saying "no we don't actually need to do this though" in greater numbers. Or "we're on track to hit +30 by the end of the Plan like we promised, what more do they want" and then acting surprised and outraged that the Free Market Party goes on the rampage when the election comes around.

So in the end 60 wasn't even the minimum of the consumer goods thing. That makes it pretty clear it's not really as big of a concern as people keep harping on about if it's still a moderate option overall.
This is outright false.

You are, again, failing to distinguish between Political Support in the legislature and public opinion. The PS cost of 60 consumer goods is modest because our Developmentalist allies are hopeful that they can, with difficulty, hold their seats in the legislature at that level of consumer goods production. At 30 consumer goods, our political support takes a huge hit because our allied legislators are effectively being hung out to dry- they're realistically only going to win re-election if we over-deliver on that promise.

The two-layered system here, of needing simultaneously to appease the legislature and to give the people what they want, is important.

Meanwhile, taking the MARV fleets directly contributes to both income and abatement since it's going to be a byproduct of what the MARV is built to do. Lots of synergy possible here with MARV, income and abatement.

The food, capital goods, and the military factories also look to be good options, since food is one way to sate people's appetites for consumer goods while being useful for enhancing both general health and strategic reserves, while the capital goods are going to be needed one way or another for much of the future economic expansions anyways. The Capital goods one is especially important since ALL THREE of the FMP, Hawks AND Developmentalist wants 30 for their votes, which is sweet since it's basically buy 1-get-2 free.
Hopefully... but capital goods production tends to be associated with very expensive factories. Not sure what will happen.

Alright it looks like people already have the basics covered, so this is a little bit of a meme but I still think entirely doable tbh. We only need 61 votes, sure, but squeaking something as major as the entire planet's budget through the legislature by one single vote feels a little hairy. So I made a plan that gets damn near everybody on board, and I think it's even actually technically accomplishable since a lot of the promises overlap with each other. At least if we fuck it up the entire Parliament is going down with us for signing on to it lol.

If it's too much for people (it might well be honestly) the cap goods goal can step down from 30 points to 20 points as well as rejiggering the Hawk promises to be less ambitious. It loses us 25 votes but that still leaves it at a very comfortable 82 votes. Not quite the near-unanimity I wanted but still a clear show of support.

I just really don't like trying to scrape by on exactly 61 votes or a similar low number, kinda the same logic I had back during the Washington Conference. Sure, mechanically, we can get by on just the barest amount of support possible, but having a Parliament that actually believes in us across party lines is a nice narrative safety blanket to have for when trouble inevitably pops up. If we ram it through Parliament by just teaming up with our favorite politicians and getting the bare minimum votes possible while telling the rest to get fucked, us and our friends are really easy political targets in the elections if (statistically over 8 turns it's more of a when) we get a nat 1 on something between now and then.

[] Plan All Aboard
[] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
Capital Goods
[] 30 points - While 30 points of Capital Goods production is an expensive proposition, aiming towards a surplus while also at least preparing to take many of the refits is a tempting proposition for many in the Initiative (+5 PS)
Consumer Goods
[] 75 points - A somewhat ambitious goal for the plan, it is aimed to produce small surpluses across many fields of consumer goods, ready for activities that can improve quality of life. While it will require some substantial effort from the treasury to make the goal, but it is overall both achievable and relatively politically popular
[] 30 points - While GDI is currently running a marginal surplus, increasing food availability and running a more substantial surplus is something that would be generally popular, if not particularly praiseworthy.

(You must take at least 61 votes worth of promises from any coalition)
Status of the Parties
(strong support, weak support, weak opposition, strong opposition)
Free Market Party: 19 Seats (1; 2; 9; 7)
Hawks: 31 Seats (1; 5; 18: 6)
United Yellow List: 10 Seats (7; 3; 0; 0)
Independents: 7 Seats (0; 4; 2; 1)
Developmentalists: 53 Seats (34; 16; 3; 0)
  • Free Market Party (1/2/3/4)
    • [ ] Take at least 75 points of Consumer Goods
    • [ ] Construct at least 2 MARV fleets
    • [ ] Build at least 6 military goods factories
    • [ ] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
  • Hawks (2/4/6/8)
    • [ ]Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
    • [ ] Spend at least two dice or 30 resources (whichever is less) on military projects every quarter
    • [ ] Spend at least three dice or 45 resources (whichever is less) on military projects every quarter
    • [ ] Build at least eight military goods factories. (Apollo, Rapier, Zone Suit, Shell Plant)
    • [ ] Complete at least five deployment programs (Wolverine Deployment, Point Defense Refit, etc)
    • [ ] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
  • United Yellow List (1/2)
    • [ ] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
    • [ ] Complete three phases of shell factories.
  • Developmentalists (3/5/7)
    • [ ] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
    • [ ] Increase abatement by 30 points
    • [ ] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
    • [ ] Increase GDI income by at least 400
    • [ ] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
  • Independents (listed by number of votes)
    • Starbound Party (2)
      • [ ] Complete at least three phases of Space Stations
    • Socialist Party (2)
      • [ ] Complete at least 2 arcology programs, either Blue Zone or Yellow Zone
Total votes: 107
I think this plan pushes too far with the commitment for military spending. I'd rather cut the Hawks' "three dice per turn" promise and one of the others.

[] Plan Screw You Corpos
-[] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[] 10 points - A smaller commitment would be able to handle many of the projects that need further infusions of capital goods. While more than enough to solve the ongoing crisis, it is not enough to provide for continuing expansions of major factory complexes. (-10 PS)
-[] 90 points - A substantially ambitious plan, a full 90 point development would bring back not only prewar luxuries, but also bring many of those luxuries into the yellow zones. While it would inherently define the plan, it is also something that should be popular across much of the political spectrum (+5 PS)
-[] 30 points - While GDI is currently running a marginal surplus, increasing food availability and running a more substantial surplus is something that would be generally popular, if not particularly praiseworthy.
-[] Hawks +6 votes
--[] Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
--[] Spend at least two dice or 30 resources (whichever is less) on military projects every quarter
--[] Build at least eight military goods factories. (Apollo, Rapier, Zone Suit, Shell Plant)
--[] Complete at least five deployment programs (Wolverine Deployment, Point Defense Refit, etc)
-[] United Yellow List +10 votes
--[] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
--[] Complete three phases of shell factories.
-[] Developmentalists +50 votes
--[] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[] Take 90 points of Consumer Goods
--[] Increase abatement by 30 points
--[] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
--[] Increase GDI income by at least 400
-[] Consumer Party +2 votes
--[] Take at least 90 points of Consumer Goods
-[] Socialist Party +2 votes
--[] Complete at least 2 arcology programs, either Blue Zone or Yellow Zone

Total: 70/61 votes.

Very petty plan that deliberately doesn't take any promises from the Free Market Party, and seeks to undercut them by doing 90 Consumer Goods. :p
I'm pretty sure that some of the promises we could make to the FMP are subsets of the promises you have us making to other parties.
A thought about abatement. If tiberium mutates enough, it could make fulfilling an abatement goal literally impossible. We got lucky with the previous tiberium mutation roll and it is unlikely our luck will hold when the next mutation roll comes.
Basically I see this ending one of three ways in our favor. We get some form of the Tiberium Control Network online, everyone gets booted off the planet, or we find a incredibly powerful anti-tib super-weapon. Anything else means eventually the green rock consumes our civilization when the sonics fail.
A thought about abatement. If tiberium mutates enough, it could make fulfilling an abatement goal literally impossible. We got lucky with the previous tiberium mutation roll and it is unlikely our luck will hold when the next mutation roll comes.
Tiberium Mutation does not take away from your progress towards the Abatement goal. The Mutation makes your abatement efforts less effective, but increases in abatement still count politically.
[X] Plan Focused Promises
-[X] 30% - A small increase in the percentage is more a means of protecting some of the Treasury's gains, rather than an actual funding increase. However, with the number of new goals and projects that other departments have been raring to go for, it will require calling in a number of the Treasury's favors with other department (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[X] 30 points - While 30 points of Capital Goods production is an expensive proposition, aiming towards a surplus while also at least preparing to take many of the refits is a tempting proposition for many in the Initiative (+5 PS)
-[X] 75 points - A somewhat ambitious goal for the plan, it is aimed to produce small surpluses across many fields of consumer goods, ready for activities that can improve quality of life. While it will require some substantial effort from the treasury to make the goal, but it is overall both achievable and relatively politically popular
-[X] 30 points - While GDI is currently running a marginal surplus, increasing food availability and running a more substantial surplus is something that would be generally popular, if not particularly praiseworthy.
FMP 3 promises (12 votes)
-[X] Take at least 75 points of Consumer Goods
-[X] Build at least 6 military goods factories
-[X] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
Hawks 1 promises (0 vote)
-[X] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
UY List 1 promise (7 votes)
-[X] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
Develop 5 promises (50 votes)
-[X] Take 30 points of Capital Goods
-[X] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
-[X] Increase abatement by 30 points
-[X] Increase abatement by 40 points
-[X] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)

Votes: 69
PS: 70 -10 +5 = 65

This is not a we are only hitting these, but these are the mins I think we can hit while still keeping flexibility to respond to new events as they develop. 30 points of cap goods is the easiest of the max goals as we have 24 in projects we can currently see, and we are going to need cap good increases to offset consumer good and other projects. 75 consumer good is the min for the next 4 years, we should really hit more than that but in case NOD really ticks up or tiberium mutates (we already had a roll for this during the first plan) or we run into other issues we have room to flex to deal with those issues.
Why choose abatement or construction over income gain? At least the increase in income is guaranteed one way or another to fund the projects, and especially more if you plan to take on the Capital goods too. Or did you want to ensure the plan has military goods and abatement over easier promises?
Red zones are still expanding so we should be doing more abatement projects and 40 is less than we did this past plan. If we do hit those income increases we will also be getting the abatement goals and that gets 2 towards development. I am trying to spread the dice needed for projects over multiple categories so we have enough dice to do them as is going too heavy in one or two spots requires all free dice in that category and even then that might not work.
Red zones are still expanding so we should be doing more abatement projects and 40 is less than we did this past plan. If we do hit those income increases we will also be getting the abatement goals and that gets 2 towards development. I am trying to spread the dice needed for projects over multiple categories so we have enough dice to do them as is going too heavy in one or two spots requires all free dice in that category and even then that might not work.
Alright. At least it's still practical and useful in the long term to focus on Abatement early, since that means red zones can finally be held off from their continued encroachment. That and it's still a plan with 30 Capital too, so you got my vote.

[X] Plan Focused Promises
[X] Plan: Preparing for the future
[X] Plan Less Promise More Action