[X] Plan Supermajority

@Ithillid For the requirement 'Build at least 6 military factories;, for those factories that have multiple phases (like the Shell Plants) does each Phase count as a factory?

Also will you have progress updates of our plan goals included in our Turns?
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Ok I toned down All Aboard to be a lot more sane, the Hawks are pissed but ironically the Free Market Party still like it despite our rocky relationship. The Hawks still get plenty though, and everyone who supports Granger gets enough to keep them happy which seems like a decent rule of thumb for keeping them liking us even if the opposition members aren't satisfied. Support from every party (except 3 Indie seats but they're Indies nobody cares about them), achievable goals, and it passes Parliament with a cross-aisle supermajority so we've got that narrative safety blanket when shit starts to go wrong.

Pizza Party is pretty fine, if my plan doesn't get any traction I'll vote for it, I think locking ourselves in to doing 1000 points of processing when we're probably not going to get anywhere near 1000 points of income is kinda annoying and I'd prefer our Tiberium promises be for immediately useful abatement not useful-next-decade refining capacity but it's ultimately not that big a deal just one of my minor quibbles. Also worried about leaving the Hawks out in the cold, long term I want to get them back on our side, but not worried enough to stop me from voting for it if necessary.

Focused Promises is a little too focused for my tastes although it's really not that bad either I just prefer passing by a larger margin than 6 votes. 30 points of cap goods is going to be pricey, too, I'm not totally 100% sure we can pull it off alongside military spending and 75 points of consumer goods. I mean we probably can, I put that exact combo in my original plan draft after all, but I'm not SURE and having the flexibility to not need those extra 10 points would be nice when something else inevitably comes up.

[X] Plan Supermajority
-[X] 30% budget (265 RpT, -10 PS)
-[X] 20 points (capital goods)
-[X] 75 points (consumer goods)
-[X] 30 points (food)
-[X] Free Market Party +12 votes
--[X] Take at least 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[X] Construct at least 2 MARV fleets
--[X] Build at least 6 military goods factories
-[X] Hawks +6 votes
--[X] Construct at least 3 MARV fleets
--[X] Spend at least two dice or 30 resources (whichever is less) on military projects every quarter
--[X] Build at least eight military goods factories. (Apollo, Rapier, Zone Suit, Shell Plant)
--[X] Complete at least five deployment programs (Wolverine Deployment, Point Defense Refit, etc)
-[X] United Yellow List +10 votes
--[X] Complete Yellow Zone Industrial Sectors
--[X] Complete three phases of shell factories.
-[X] Developmentalists +50 votes
--[X] Take 75 points of Consumer Goods
--[X] Increase abatement by 30 points
--[X] Increase abatement by 40 points
--[X] Finish all remaining schooling projects (Technical Schools, Childcare and Preschool, and Educational Multimedia)
--[X] Increase GDI income by at least 400
-[X] Starbound Party +2 votes
--[X] Complete at least three phases of Space Stations
-[X] Socialist Party +2 votes
--[X] Complete at least 2 arcology programs, either Blue Zone or Yellow Zone
Total votes: 82 (simple majority = 61, 2/3rds supermajority = 80)
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Alright it looks like people already have the basics covered, so this is a little bit of a meme but I still think entirely doable tbh. We only need 61 votes, sure, but squeaking something as major as the entire planet's budget through the legislature by one single vote feels a little hairy. So I made a plan that gets damn near everybody on board, and I think it's even actually technically accomplishable since a lot of the promises overlap with each other. At least if we fuck it up the entire Parliament is going down with us for signing on to it lol.

Bloody hell, @Crazycryodude , you are aptly named, you are crazy! You took a look at this very difficult task that was handed to Treasury, and was like 'ok, but what if we take on even more?'. :V

However, after a bit of reflection, and your new plan, I must say I think this is might be a good attitude for a democracy - we are meant to be governing for everyone. I think I'm persuaded your new plan is doable.

[X] Plan Supermajority
[X] Plan Supermajority

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I am not going searching. What is being done with the other 70% of the budget that we don't get, where is that being spent? I don't see any changes in numbers from chapter to chapter on what that 70% is going towards.
[X] Plan Supermajority

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I am not going searching. What is being done with the other 70% of the budget that we don't get, where is that being spent? I don't see any changes in numbers from chapter to chapter on what that 70% is going towards.
The rest of the government exists too. It goes towards the military branches, social programs, public offices, the GDI postal service and other stuff not under the umbrella of the treasury.
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I am not going searching. What is being done with the other 70% of the budget that we don't get, where is that being spent? I don't see any changes in numbers from chapter to chapter on what that 70% is going towards.
As BOTcommander says, the 70% of the original budget we didn't get was going towards the rest of the government, with the majority likely going to the military thanks to just coming out of the Third Tiberium War. But now we're going to have a massively increased amount of resources going towards all the other government departments which are positively salivating over what all those resources means they can do.

I mean, it's not entirely a negative the income redistribution because it means that if any of the other parts of the government did something that gained income, when the redistribution time came we'd get a part of that. Unfortunately the Treasury is in charge of the parts of the government that produce almost all the resources so it's extremely unlikely we'll ever see that gain outweigh what we lose. At least until the tax base recovers and drastically improves but at that point you end up with the political issue of tax rates and for all I know, we're also the government department in charge of collecting the taxes.

Changing votes:
[X] Plan Supermajority
[X] Plan Courting the Pizza Party
[X] Plan Pizza with Hawk Meat
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Just to shill the Pizza Party, it's looking like there will be projects to turn Food surpluses into Consumer Goods. (As in: pizza. Or pie. Not cake, though. That's a lie.)

Preliminary description (Ithillid likes to tease and get feedback on likely projects):
Ithillid on Discord said:
[ ] Agricultural Processing Plants (Phase 1)
Food preservation and processing have always been part of human civilization. While GDI has a number of substantial plants already available, there are few of them available to meet the current food surplus. While there will be some amount of wastage, it will convert basic foods into more desirable products.
(Progress 0/200: 10 resources per die) (+++ Consumer Goods, -- Food, - Energy)
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@Ithillid For the requirement 'Build at least 6 military factories;, for those factories that have multiple phases (like the Shell Plants) does each Phase count as a factory?
Also will you have progress updates of our plan goals included in our Turns?
You will.
Preliminary description (Ithillid likes to tease and get feedback on likely projects):
Mostly I post these to get reactions. If I give a thing where people are going "That is terrible" and it is not meant to be terrible, I can change it. If they read it wrong, I can change it. The goal is to get some feedback in the days before I post an update.
Pizza Party is pretty fine, if my plan doesn't get any traction I'll vote for it, I think locking ourselves in to doing 1000 points of processing when we're probably not going to get anywhere near 1000 points of income is kinda annoying and I'd prefer our Tiberium promises be for immediately useful abatement not useful-next-decade refining capacity but it's ultimately not that big a deal just one of my minor quibbles. Also worried about leaving the Hawks out in the cold, long term I want to get them back on our side, but not worried enough to stop me from voting for it if necessary.
Thanks - I mostly wanted to provide a plan that didn't center on abatement, largely because I do hope to get over 500 new income from Tiberium. That will require a lot of glacier mining and other abatement-light Tiberium options, which may not be ideal, but will give us a lot of ability to activate all dice. And I would have put more promises towards the Hawks, but they don't *quite* fit with my ideas.