Well, all I really know about Heavy Industry project sequencing is that it's very controversial for very good reasons. I'm seriously tempted to bow out of even trying to propose a plan seriously in 2063Q4 because of just how lively I expect that debate to be.

Maybe something like Boston with our normal HI dice and throw some free dice for Fusion/Repulsor during that?
In my opinion, trying to do repulsor factories and North Boston on a large scale at the same time (not counting things like slow-walking a nearly completed project while the bulk of the dice start a new one) is just asking for both projects to be delayed.

Well we have to do RZ MARV's anyways for more Inhibitors to get unlocked later, on top of the fact Orbital is basically forked between Columbia Bays, Shala, Shala Bays, and some other stuff, so space mining isn't as easy to fit in as you'd think.
It's not that moon mines are easy or a good idea.

It's that they're easier and a better idea than Blue Zone MARVs.

Because you just proposed that we build eighteen of the things. That's going to require significant Free dice investment. If we're already committed to investing Free dice in a 275-Progress project anyway, we might as well invest in one that pays 20 RpT (like a moon mine) instead of 10 RpT (like a MARV hub).

Of course, investing in any of a variety of other Tiberium projects would be a much better idea.

Red Zone MARVs are an entirely different situation and consideration. But Blue Zone MARVs are just a bad choice for solving the problem we now face.
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Maybe something like Boston with our normal HI dice and throw some free dice for Fusion/Repulsor during that?
well we kinda need to put 2 dice a turn on fusion to keep up with our decommissioning and new energy needs. not much choice here.

and it doesnt really make sense to split boston and another major non-fusion project. focusing on one at a time nets us the outputs of the projects on average earlier.

if we just put 3 dice a turn into boston it takes ~7 turns. putting the free dice we would spend on that other project into boston instead nets us about 96 cap goods in the reserve that we would otherwise not have.

and we really cant afford to delay boston exactly because it is so big @bigking321. otherwise we will probably be forced to spend significant amounts of freed dice to complete our plan commitments instead of having the option to shift if something comes up.

all that said, of course alloys 5 comes first. but then boston needs priority.
and we really cant afford to delay boston exactly because it is so big @bigking321. otherwise we will probably be forced to spend significant amounts of freed dice to complete our plan commitments instead of having the option to shift if something comes up.

all that said, of course alloys 5 comes first. but then boston needs priority.
We've been spending Free dice on Heavy Industry throughout the Plan so far, and I don't see any reason to stop now, truthfully.
Once Alloys 5 is done, Boston 5 is only going to need around 20 dice to complete. That is only 1 year with modest free dice investment.
The reason I want to prioritize North Boston completion over doing any more than one non-trivial HI project after Alloys phase 5: AI research. The sooner we get it done, the sooner we get siblings for Erewhon, which means more fun AI, and mechanically, more dice. (Also, enough CapGoods to cover a lot of fun projects.)

Now, we need to balance pushing for that with 2nd Gen CCF, so I am thinking probably an average of 2 Free Dice on HI and 2 on Orbital, to ensure we can meet our goals there. Not a hard and fast rule, but a decent guideline, I think.
It's very likely to get edited to deal with SADN Phase 4 in the meantime but I don't have the numbers on that yet, so I'm free to dream.

o_O The numbers for SADN Phase 4 were already posted:

[ ] Strategic Area Defense Networks (Phase 2)
Expanding the program to some selection of GDI's more vulnerable primary cities, locations like New York, Tokyo, and other strategic crossroads of global production, logistics, and population for the Initiative, will both defend against the potential for terror attacks, and protect critical infrastructure and governmental resources.
(Progress 285/285: 20 resources per die) (-1 Energy) (Projected: 2 quarters to begin, 6 quarters to complete)
(Progress 445/320: 20 resources per die) (-1 Energy) (Projected: 2 quarters to begin, 6 quarters to complete)
(Progress 125/365: 20 resources per die) (-2 Energy, -1 STUs) (Projected: 2 quarters to begin, 6 quarters to complete) [82, 72, 8 38, 58, 62, 44]

We're at 125/365 to Phase 4 being completed.

Double crit fails can turn the entire quest around. The last time we got hit by one, we got locked out of all RZ mining because ZOCOM ate a massive ambush. Sure, normally a double crit fail isn't worth worrying about. But a double crit fail on a highly dangerous research project involving the manipulation of Tiberium itself? That could turn into a regional scale disaster.

More importantly, there's a 1/10,000 chance I get to tell everyone "I told you so." Do you really want to take that chance? :V

:wtf: What:

[ ] Red Zone Border Offensives (Stage 2)
With the Initiative now controlling significant stretches of territory along the edges of Red Zones, it is high time to begin exploiting them for their resources. While it will be expensive to do so, this kind of work can both fuel an economic boom, and push back the Red Zones while expanding GDI control.
(Progress 250/250: 25 resources per die) (Additional income trickle [30 resources]) (3 points of Red Zone Mitigation) (+2 Energy)
(Progress 250/250: 25 resources per die) (Additional income trickle [25 resources]) (3 points of Red Zone Mitigation) (+2 Energy)
(Progress 93/250: 25 resources per die) (Additional income trickle [15-35 resources]) (3 points of Red Zone Mitigation) (+2 Energy) [92, 32, 94, 45, 39]
Income 2d5: [4, 3] = +55 RpT

GDI forces, not content with last quarter's drives, have expanded the offensives, pushing hard in California and Europe, while in Australia, preparations have begun, but were held in base, their operations directors calling a halt before the offensive had even begun in a desperate effort to slow the immense bleeding that the widespread offensives were causing, even as tiberium advanced elsewhere.

The work is hard, fighting deep in the blasted plains. Great fissures have cracked open in the earth, spewing forth rains of liquid tiberium, geysers erupt in salvo and serial, some sending sprays a hundred meters into the air as pressurized liquid bursts forth in grand profusion. A squad in a bad place can be showered by liquid tiberium, and even the most tiberium resistant materials known to the Initiative, besides the T-Glass widely used in viewports, is consumed in a matter of hours. Entire platoons at a time are rendered ineffective as they try to push the front, meter by painstaking meter, further down the nearly two thousand kilometer stretch of hell marked to be taken in the offensive.

In the wastes, eruptions of visceroids are not common, but every few days, a roving pod encounters Initiative forces, and in many cases attacks. With over a dozen attacks in the last month of operations at the Chicago front alone, the Deep Red is apparently home to wildlife long thought near extinct, although in nowhere near the numbers indicated by the historical records.

In Europe, the conditions are even worse. The mountainous Balkans are hard terrain, a reason for short barreled mountain guns, not because the guns were good, but because they were the only artillery that could be hauled up sheer mountain faces. Avalanches are common, as mining efforts cause collapse after collapse, especially as the Initiative has to painstakingly reshape the surface for every meter advanced, cutting roads into and through mountains, breaking through into a valley or plain, before having to set forth once more up those harsh faces. Once more, attacks are common, mutated creatures boiling out of holes to attack the miners.

In one instance, the Lupkov pass became a choke point for Initiative operations, with a full battalion of ZOCOM and a substantial force of miners having pushed through, but then collapsing mountains blocked the pass substantially trapping them on the other side. A five day struggle ensued, while the cut off force attempted to mine back through the pass while fighting off tiberium and creatures on every side. Unfortunately, their last transmission was that the final defensive line had fallen and that they were out of ammunition and supplies, even with Pacifiers having maintained a constant barrage in support to their front. A last ditch effort to land supplies via OSRCT drop pods saw the ion storm overhead blow the pods over 20 kilometers off-course, spelling doom for the last survivors.

"Before Granger, we passed through Red Zones, fought them where we could, but mostly it was about recon, security, finding the safe routes and avoiding the worst of it. Now, Intelligence and recon said it was bad, but there is bad, and then there is the Deep Red. It is deeply alien, and angry. I never thought rocks could be angry before."
  • Lt. Harry Sims, ZOCOM

[ ] Deep Red Zone Tiberium Glacier Mining (Stage 1)
Deep in the Red Zones, Tiberium glaciers are some of the most dense concentrations of Tiberium available. With GDI able to put its railheads directly next to Tiberium mines, these are some of the fastest ways to surge Tiberium production from a single site.
(Progress 250/250: 30 resources per die) (-3 Logistics, +2 Energy) (additional income trickle [90 Resources]) (2 points of Red Zone Mitigation)
(Progress 250/250: 30 resources per die) (-3 Logistics, +2 Energy) (additional income trickle [80 Resources]) (2 points of Red Zone Mitigation)
(Progress 250/250: 30 resources per die) (-3 Logistics, +2 Energy) (additional income trickle [90 Resources]) (2 points of Red Zone Mitigation)
(Progress 28/250: 30 resources per die) (-3 Logistics, +2 Energy) (additional income trickle [60-90 Resources]) (2 points of Red Zone Mitigation) [93, 53, 48, 58, 93, 34, Natural 1, 3, 53]
Income 3d7: [7, 5, 7] = +260 RpT

The deep glacier mines are alien, alienating places. The bases are set on stilts, jutting out over titanic seas of glowing green. While in many red zones, Tiberium has overtaken the remnants of human settlement, trees and walls still standing, haunting markers of what has been lost, here in the deep red, every trace of civilization, every landmark, every reminder that this had once been a part of earth has been wiped away.

The entire goal of the project has been this: drives to secure and build up mines upon some of the largest and richest Tiberium glaciers in the world. It has paid off magnificently, but the cost has been tremendous. Each such glacier needs a dedicated rail line-and in some cases a highway as well. Each glacier mine is erected in a harsh and alien environment, but new tools claimed from alien claws now claw at the dangers. Spikes earth the energy of Ion Storms, directing it into sonic emitters almost constantly. T-glass gleams upon surfaces, and tendrils pluck the green and blue crystals from the workfaces. MARV chassis are required to support the largest of excavators, removing crumbled overburden and debris, as smaller harvesters drive into the gaps thus opened. Each harvester may have a useful life measured in weeks or even just days, before it must be cut off it's undercarriage and the contaminated bits shipped off to be recycled or scrapped entirely. All of this is underwritten by the tremendous productivity of these mines. Ten point five percent of all of GDI's tiberium income now flows from these three clustered sources in Slovakia, Wyoming, and Iowa.

The glaciers under attack fight back in their own ways. Tiberium intrusions into the Deep Glacier Mining Zones are almost a daily affair, and the glaciers seem to grow back before the eyes of the workers, regenerating fresh cyrstal mass into each opened cut. ZOCOM has been able to trace that some of this mass is pulled from nearby tiberium fields, which in turn slow the growth of other fields in an attempt to replenish themselves via subterranean veins. This effect cascades across hundreds of thousands of kilometers, slowing tiberium growth in a vast area.

But GDI's resources are not so unlimited as those of Tiberium. The Lupkov Pass incident, where ion-storms and rapid Tiberium upheaval trapped a thousand men and women, is the pinnacle of tragedy, and by the time relief forces broke through, there were no survivors. Even if not for Lupkov, replacements for materials in many areas consumed in deep red zones are dangerously lower than the consumption rate. While GDI can up-scale production and has existing stockpiles that can last for up to a year, ZOCOM has sent a hasty message back up the chain calling for a halt to all further Deep Red Zone expansion until they can sort out all the problems.

It was us using 14 Dice on the Deep Red Zones and rolling a single Nat 1 that resulted in that. Maybe the 3 we rolled also counted, but then the 4 Dice that rolled around 93 also counted.

Our failure rate depends on if we roll a Nat 1 yes, but also how many Dice we are spending on a single project, where the project is done, how much infrastructure we have for supporting the project in question, how much political pressure the project is under, how high is the ceiling for doing work on the project, so expertise and limited Dice number, and what sort of technology is needed for the project ranging from breaktrough tech to basic stuff everyone is familiar with.

In the case of the Enhanced Tiberium Spikes we are dealing with second generation breaktrough tech that is under the highest of political pressures and will cost us a maximum of 3 Dice in Tiberium where our infrastructure is the most built up out of all of our departments and where we specialize as an organization.

We can roll 2 Die there and not increase the risk.
This is a bit of how I'd budget Military dice this turn.

[ ] Military
-[ ] Strategic Area Defense Networks (Phase 2) (Progress 125/365: 40R 2D) (-2 Energy, -1 STUs)
[ ] Island-Class Assault Ship Deployment (Progress 0/155: 50R 2D) (-2 Labor, -1 Capital Goods)
[ ] Infantry Recon Support Drone Deployment (Progress 0/170: 20R 2D) (-1 Energy)
[ ] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Development (Tech) (Progress 0/80 20R 1D)

Note these are not final numbers, as I don't think the latest discounts have been factored in. Still, they should all work for my purposes.

I'm not totally sure we want the last phase of SADN right now, as the big push behind it was wanting it ready for Karachi, which it is. But it's a plan goal, so might as well try for it. And as we're not in a rush, slow walking it seems fine. Islands before Sharks, as they need less progress and the last round of Alloys is unlikely to make much difference for them at this point. Sharks could stand to wait til that ladt phase happens, and the Navy wants both regardless. Recon Drones for ZOCOM, for a bit more of a pick-me-up. And finally, USGVs for the Talon project. In addition to filling two plan goals, I'm also hoping it could lead to something useful for ZOCOM. Plus it allows for those last discounts to come into effect for the big prototype MARV.

This is just the base Military allotment. If 2 Free Dice were available, I'd also be doing Stealth Disrupters.
I'm not totally sure we want the last phase of SADN right now, as the big push behind it was wanting it ready for Karachi, which it is.
Having the Phase 4 sites at least partially completed by Karachi time will definitely help with damage mitigation if al-Isfahani actually does decide to go nuclear. It may not do everything it could if the sites were fully online, but you don't have to shoot down many thermonuclear-tipped cruise missiles for a weapon system to turn out to be worth the investment.
If we finish SADN 4 fast, could it convince al-Isfahani to negotiate?

His only real chance to do anything against GDI are nukes, with SADN fully deployed he doesn't have any real way of hurting us.

He might drop nukes on Ground Forces, but he can't hurt us strategically.
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If we finish SADN 4 fast, could it convince al-Isfahani to negotiate?
No idea. Probably a good idea to wrap up the project as best we can anyway.

His only real chance to do anything against GDI are nukes, with SADN fully deployed he doesn't have any real way of hurting us.

He might drop nukes on Ground Forces, but he can't hurt us strategically.
First, nuclear attacks against Ground Force could cause enough Ground Force casualties to do a lot of damage in its own right, as could nuclear attacks on our staging areas and logistics within the Karachi region that are not covered by fixed SADN defenses. Enough to make conquering that land hurt a lot more.

Second, the SADN systems have never been tested against a full-scale attack by what he's got; he may not expect them to work reliably to keep everything out, and he may be right.

Third, even Phase 4 won't be universal omni-coverage of all targets.

Fourth, even a nuke defense that's 99% effective can mean that SOME nukes get through, and it doesn't take many for the death toll to really rack up.
we have a massive reserve of Cap goods we can dip into should the need arise
While technically true, it won't look good if we have to.
There is also a problem where we are quite vulnerable to having huge Cap Goods shortfalls from a single attack, with no quick way to address this.
Should all out war happen again, we will be losing those factories faster than we can rebuild them. This is why parliament wants to build up a huge reserve asap.
New Q3 2063 Preliminary plan inspired by the discussions in thread:

- Rails, Shuttles and Housing Refits,

- 5 Dice on Alloys and 2 Die on Fusion Plans,

- 2 Die on Reykjavik and 2 Die on Bergen because of a persuivasive argument,

- 2 Die on Lab Meat Deployment because I want that done as soon as able and the rest on Reforestation Prep,

- Doing Enhanced Tiberium Spikes because the Spikes are now urgently needed, building a phase of new Processing Plants because we will need them by the end of the plan and they give us breathing room now, a Phase Each of Border Offensives and Coordinated Abatement because we can do it all this turn,

- Life Support Development with a slow rolled Columbia finish so Shala can catch up and a Hospital Bay on the side so that our workers in space don't need to deal with reentry over injuries now that we have autodocs,

- Autodoc Deployment has 3 Dice in case it is needed and then finishing off Universities,

- An AA Dice goes here on Railgun Munition Factories to save us a turn or two before we can have Inferno Gel. SADN Phase 4 gets 3 Dice so it probably finishes next turn. Also does Unmanned Vehicles, Infantry Support Drones and Stealth Disruptors Deployment.

- Both another transfer of funds to InOps and a round of Consumer Goods Trade to see how that works in actual practice.

[ ] Plan Logistical Orbit v3.4:
-[ ] Infrastructure (5/5 Dice +27 bonus) 80 Resources:
--[ ] Rail Network Construction Campaigns (Phase 6) 1/260 15 RpD, 3 Dice = 45 R 42% ADC 55
--[ ] Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 2) 159/220 25 RpD, 1 Die = 25 R 82% DC 19
--[ ] Postwar Housing Refits (Phase 1) 114/160 10 RpD, 1 Die = 10 R 97% DC 4
-[ ] Heavy Industry (5/5 Dice + 2 Free Die +34 bonus) 240 Resources:
--[ ] U-Series Alloy Foundries (Phase 5) 136/485 40 RpD, 5 Dice = 200 R 91% ADC 33
--[ ] Second Generation Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 2) 263/305 20 RpD, 2 Die = 40 R 100% ADC 1
-[ ] Light and Chemical Industry (4/4 Dice +29 bonus) 100 Resources:
--[ ] Reykjavik Myomer Macrospinner (Phase 5) 883/1100 20 RpD, 2 Die = 40 R 17% ADC 72
--[ ] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 4) 235/640? 30 RpD, 2 Die = 60 R 2/6 Median ADC N/A
-[ ] Agriculture (6/6 Dice +29 bonus) 50? Resources:
--[ ] Reforestation Campaign Preparations (Phase 1) 252/815 5 RpD, 4 Dice = 20 R 4/8 Median ADC N/A
--[ ] Laboratory Meat Deployment 0/??? 15? RpD, 2 Die = 30? R ???% ADC ???
-[ ] Tiberium (7/7 Dice +39 bonus) 185 Resources 10 Political Support:
--[ ] Red Zone Border Offensives (Stage 5) 158/210 25 RpD, 1 Die = 25 R 100% DC 1
--[ ] IHG Tiberium Processing Plants (Stage 1) 0/160 35 RpD, 2 Die = 70 R 79% ADC 34
--[ ] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes (Platform) 0/180 20 RpD -5 PSpD, 2 Die = 40 R -10 PS 72% ADC 39
--[ ] Coordinated Abatement Programs (Phase 1) 82/190 25 RpD, 2 Die = 50 R 99% ADC 8
-[ ] Orbital (7/7 Dice +3 Free Dice + Erewhon +34 bonus) 230 Resources:
--[ ] GDSS Columbia (Phase 5) (Updated) 643/1030 20 RpD, 3 Dice + Erewhon Die = 80 R 18% ADC 64
--[ ] Columbia Hospital Bay 0/315 20 RpD, 3 Dice = 60 R 28% ADC 61
--[ ] GDSS Shala (Phase 4) 486/520/1485? 20 RpD, 3 Dice = 60 R 100%/ 3/12 Median ADC 1/ N/A
--[ ] Life Support Processor Development 0/80 30 RpD, 1 Die = 30 R 75% DC 26
-[ ] Services (4/4 Dice +35 bonus) 105 Resources:
--[ ] Autodoc Systems Deployment 0/??? 30 RpD, 3 Dice = 90 R ???% ADC ???
--[ ] University Program Updates 137/250 15 RpD, 1 Die = 15 R 38% DC 63
-[ ] Military (7/7 Dice +1 Free Die + AA Die +31 bonus) 140 Resources:
--[ ] Strategic Area Defense Networks (Phase 4) 125/365 20 RpD, 3 Dice = 60 R 65% ADC 44
--[ ] Infantry Recon Support Drone Deployment 0/160? 10 RpD, 2 Die = 20 R 67% ADC 42
--[ ] Railgun Munitions Factories (Phase 3) (Munitions) 50/165? 10 RpD, 1 AA Die = 10 R 51% DC 50
--[ ] Stealth Disruptor Deployment 0/180? 15 RpD, 2 Die = 30 R 49% ADC 52
--[ ] Unmanned Support Ground Vehicle Development (Tech) 0/80 20 RpD, 1 Die = 20 R 72% DC 28
-[ ] Bureaucracy (4/4 Dice +29 bonus) 60 R:
--[ ] Transfer Funding to InOps 60 RpT
--[ ] Trade Programs -5 PS per Action taken
---[ ] Sell Consumer Goods: +5 Resources per Turn, -10 Consumer Goods
--[ ] Administrative Assistance Railgun Munitions Factories 2 Die
-[ ] Total Cost: 80+240+100+50?+185+230+105+140+60 = 1190?/1225
- Doing Enhanced Tiberium Spikes because the Spikes are now urgently needed, building a phase of new Processing Plants because we will need them by the end of the plan and they give us breathing room now, a Phase Each of Border Offensives and Coordinated Abatement because we can do it all this turn,
I am against this , we are trying to abet Tiberium not make it grow , Tib cultivation for profit is how half the planet became a red zone , if anything I am wandering if we have the option to instead Tib growth enhancers into the spikes then why can't we do the opposite and install tiberium inhibitors for massive abetment gains instead ?
I'm curious, has anyone run the numbers on STU/die/R? I'm guessing super glaciers are our best option to quickly get more STUs, but how does other projects stack up? Particualry, how does refinery refits and refinery construction stack up to more mining?
I am against this , we are trying to abet Tiberium not make it grow , Tib cultivation for profit is how half the planet became a red zone , if anything I am wandering if we have the option to instead Tib growth enhancers into the spikes then why can't we do the opposite and install tiberium inhibitors for massive abetment gains instead ?

:wtf:o_O 👇

One thing that GDI has discovered is that the first generation of the inhibitors was actually marginally counterproductive. A Tiberium Accelerator has a threefold function. First, speeding the growth of Tiberium. Second, drawing subsurface Tiberium towards it. Third, they actually offer some degree of manual control over where the Tiberium spreads. By essentially plugging the thing in backwards, while it does mean that Tiberium growth was slowed, it also pushed it away, primarily down into the ground. While not a difficult thing to fix, and solutions are already in place, it is a noticeable flaw in GDI's attempts to make use of Visitor technology to combat the threat of Tiberium.

The Enhanced Tiberium Spikes:

[ ] Enhanced Harvest Tiberium Spikes (Platform)
Developing a model of Tiberium Spike that not only harvests Tiberium but also marginally speeds its growth is a quite radical idea. Based on GDI's work with the Tiberium Inhibitor and experience with the Scrin's Growth Accelerators, it would substantially increase the throughput, but at the risk of spreading Tiberium more quickly.
(Progress 0/180: 20 resources per die) (-5 Political Support per die) (MS)

Are now worth doing to study the internal mechanism of the Growth Accelerators so we can understand what parts to plug in backwards and what parts to leave as they are so Tiberium isn't pushed further underground by our inhibitors.
[X] Red Zone Tiberium Harvesting (Phase 7)
With the Saarland project complete, GDI's planners have tagged Northern Italy as the next Red Zone to be targeted. While previous efforts have focused on the shin of the boot, this one aims to cross the Alps, and drive south. While an eventual linkup with the penetrations near Rome have been proposed, those are in effect fantasies of planners with too much time on their hands.
(Progress 130/130: 25 resources per die) (additional income trickle [10-20 Resources]) (1 point of Red Zone Mitigation) (Nat 1)

The military expeditions in front of the work crews pushing south have faced disaster as the Brotherhood of NOD has come in force. Driving south across the Italian Alps, GDI's forward forces were unknowingly pushing into a salient. With the Brotherhood warned by infiltrators in the Tiberium operations section, they had quietly amassed forces in the region. Hit on both flanks in the early hours of September 19, the unit was cut off, and quickly ran out of ammunition. With the artillery expending the entirety of their ammunition in the first half hour of the combat, and the armored component unable to effectively maneuver in the narrow confines of the mountain valleys, GDI forces were broken up and destroyed piecemeal over the course of the day. While some elements have straggled in over the course of the next few days, the military has called a halt to further deep penetration operations into the Red Zones, pending assurance that this will not cause more lives to be thrown away in pursuit of filling the Treasury's coffers.

While Dr. Granger can push back, and negotiate down the military from its demand that the plan goals be completed before it will offer further support, it will require substantial political investments.

[ ] No Pushback: With the Initiative as overstretched as it is, completing all available military plan goals is a reasonable request, and one that the Treasury should be able to complete in relatively short order if concentrated upon.
[ ] Limited Pushback: The plan goals require a number of new systems be developed and deployed into GDI service. While completing all the goals is an unreasonable limitation on the Treasury's freedom of operations, it can recognize the need for military expansion (Complete 2 of 3 plan goals, -15 Political Support)
[ ] Substantial Pushback: With the Treasury searching for funding on a quarterly basis, and the Red Zones being the best place to look to increase that, the overall good of the Initiative requires substantial investment into the region. While some additional military investment is defensible, some of the expansion will have to be paid for in blood. (Complete 1 of 3 plan goals, -30 Political Support)
[X] Security Reviews
GDI has often faced problems with infiltration by the Brotherhood of Nod. A full security review of one department of operations can mitigate or discover infiltration, however it will take a significant amount of effort. (DC 60 + 1 operations die) (Tiberium) (119) (Nat 1)

Sometime shortly after the Second Tiberium War, the Brotherhood of NOD had slipped at least two cells of deep cover cyborg infiltrators into GDI's Tiberium operations. While the first cell was discovered in this security sweep, a second cell, led by a woman under the name of Eva Core, went active when the news of the former cell being captured broke. While her transmissions were intercepted, and the second cell eliminated, she was able to get out the location, equipment status, and task of the forward elements of GDI's drive into the Italian Alps, setting them up for ambush.
In autopsy, Core and her compatriots had implanted radios and other equipment, however it was clear that this had been her first transmission using that means as the signal was easily traced. While this does not mean that she did not do other damage while under cover, it is likely that the damage is extremely minimal, as she has survived dozens of previous security reviews unscathed. While InOps has no reason to believe that other Brotherhood sleeper cells exist, that is far from a certainty as shown by this event.
We voted No Pushback. So from Q3 2054 to Q2 2056, RZ Tiberium Harvesting, and by extension Glacier Mining, were locked off. That was 8 turns, or two years, or no RZ mining. (Luckily, we don't have Security Reviews to worry about anymore.)

We voted No Pushback. So from Q3 2054 to Q2 2056, RZ Tiberium Harvesting, and by extension Glacier Mining, were locked off. That was 8 turns, or two years, or no RZ mining. (Luckily, we don't have Security Reviews to worry about anymore.)

Oh that one. Forgot about that one being a double NAT 1. Well fair enough. Still worth the risk in my book so I'm going to put two Die on Enhanced Tiberium Spikes in my plan, but your concern is noted.

So if we push our departments to the grindstone if we get a NAT 1 it counts as two. Good to know.

Also we don't do security reviews, but InOps now does whenever they feel like and that means we can still roll badly on those, we just no longer lose a department Die to do one.
Ah. I see the confusion.

You seem to be talking about double nat 1s as two nat 1s on the same turn.

I think everyone else assumed you meant two nat 1s on the same project.
Only tangentially related, because it's a fun fact. But two nat 1's on the single project can be seen here:

Link to rolls post
Link to results post

That was a wild turn. Double nat 1s on Tidal Powerplants and a nat 100 on Remedial Education Programs. Scrin and Nod research tech rolls. The Battle of St. Petersburg battle rolls. The nat 100 showed that Seo was willing to play ball with Litnov's GDI reforms and she helped with some political support there. The double nat 1s completely destroyed the project which was at 154/300.

The tech rolls laid the foundation for some of our advanced techs we're still dealing with. Scrin harvesting tentacles boosted our income quite a bit. Scrin repulsor plates were first unlocked here, combined with Nod captured tech which is now our 2nd gen repulsor plates. Modern Nod laser technology was unlocked here too, allowing for things from point-defense lasers to SADN.

We're still working on unlocking the full potential of Nod lasers and Scrin repulsors to this day.