
Suborbital Shuttle Service 92+30+34 = 156/200
Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3) 72+88+10+85+32+23+170 = 480/160 (Phase 4) 320/160 (Phase 5) 160/160 -5 Log +18 House
Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants 67+25+93+58 = 243/300
Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 85+16+99+58 = 258/320

Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Deployment 0+22+12+58 = 92/600
Civilian Support Expansion 0+32+42+8+85+96 = 263/250 +6 ConG -1 Lab
Freeze Dried Food Plants 151+6+24 = 181/200
Agriculture Mechanization Projects (Phase 1) 0+73+55+48 = 176/150 (Phase 2) 26/250 +8 F -1 E -1 CapG
Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 38+68+34+23+72 = 235/150 (Phase 3) 85/175 +2 FiR -4 F
Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) 0+89+16+64+33+35+68+35+22+312 = 674/600 (Phase 2) 74/750 +90 RpT -1 STU
Tiberium Harvesting Claws Development 0+54+44 = 98/80

GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 102+23+91+39+93 = 348/1535
Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1) 45+37+17+52 = 151/140 (Phase 2) 11/125? +5 RpT
Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2) 276+65+26 = 367/310 (Phase 3) 57/??? +15 RpT
Professional Sports Programs 0+75+27 = 102/250
Scrin Research Institutions 0+85+90+40+72+128 = 415/400
Skywatch Telescope System 64+13+26 = 103/95
Hallucinogen Countermeasures Development 0+53+31 = 84/40
Railgun Munitions Development 38+38+31 = 107/60

Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Deployment 0+39+22+52 = 113/225
Escort Carrier Shipyards Nagoya 171+31+26 = 227/240 Finishes with a +15 Canon Omake. -5 E -2 CapG
Escort Carrier Shipyards Dublin 0+97+93+52 = 242/240 -5 E -2 CapG

Escort Carrier Shipyards New York 0+1+85+52 = 138/240 NAT 1
Conduct Economic Census 25+99+69+69+8+76 = 346 DC MAX 250 @Ithillid you forgot to designate the Erewhon Die
Security Reviews Light and Chemical Industry 82+19 = 101 DC 50

By the way, there are still active scrin/visitors out near Jupiter.

Well duh.

Good night everyone. New Preliminary plan tomorrow after I've slept on it.
By the way, there are still active scrin/visitors out near Jupiter.

Yeahhhhhhhhhh ignore all the arguing I just did for the fusion shipyard bay, I think we have very little choice besides station > AM > g-drive shipyard as our sequence now. A g-drive space navy is not negotiable all of the sudden, we probably won't even be building g-drive freighters for a while, we'll just go straight into laying down warships as soon as we have the shipyard space complete.
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By the way, there are still active scrin/visitors out near Jupiter.
Out of the frying pan...

Yeahhhhhhhhhh ignore all the arguing I just did for the fusion shipyard bay, I think we have very little choice besides station > AM > g-drive shipyard as our sequence now. A g-drive space navy is not negotiable all of the sudden, we probably won't even be building g-drive freighters for a while just going straight into laying down warships as soon as we have the shipyard space complete.
So, actually, it might not be a bad idea to have a fusion-based monitor as our first war rocket. Our G-Drive is best described as 'no' when it comes to multi-gee maneuvers.

Our initial spacy is likely to look like G-Drive tugs pulling fusion warships.
We got a double Nice(69) in the census at least, so maybe population recovery has hope after all!
I dunno. We may be seeing an increase in popular morale without a concomitant increase in pregnancy rates.

Freezers can eat me, next plans better 2 dice it, cuz its not finishing on one XD
I'm pretty sure this brings it up to the point where it finishes just on the bonuses, and we're guaranteed completion, such that even a Natural 1 has the outcome "Dr. Seo wishes on an accursed monkey's paw for the goddamn freeze-drying plants to complete already, and wishes he hadn't."

I'll check, though.

That will just result in a double critical failure.
There are other projects where having this kind of shit-tier luck would be worse.

Or we dual Nat 100 it, in which case I hate these damn dice.
I'm pretty sure we'd get actual benefits from that tho.

4% chances never happen, right up until they do. It's not common, that's obviously a tautology, but a low probability isn't the same as zero probability and trading time for low completion chances just paid off in a really tight sector. This is a good example of why we should be taking repeated shots at low completion chances when we want to save dice/resources and have the time to trade for it, rounding 4% to 0% in your head is easy and I'm guilty sometimes too but it pays to remember the difference.
Of course, the downside is that we finished two carrier yards instead of one, so now our Energy reserves are pretty low and we have to finish the next phase of fusion plants next turn or we're kind of stuck. And we're not close enough to go "lol just put one die on it and it auto-completes, either." The reward for success is more work.

Still, having that carrier yard complete was good luck in the same sense that having the freeze-drying plants continue to be the freeze-drying plants was bad luck, so good in general.

We now make 95 moon money a turn. This means we 4.7% of GDIs total resource income comes from the moon.

I think we can do better.
Okay, but first we need to develop showers and adequate bunk space for our heroic moon proletarians.

Those apartments are real nice. Means we might even be able to get an Arcology done by the end of plan
No, we should just keep spamming apartments, then hand the job off to a Bureau of Arcologies in either 2061Q4 or 2062Q1 (I vote the latter). We want to solve the Housing crisis, not build elaborate expensive luxury megascrapers for the top 30% of our population while everyone else is still squatting in the cramped grim gray commieblocks at the feet of said megascrapers.

Also, Chicago.

By the way, there are still active scrin/visitors out near Jupiter.
Figured. The operative question is "how many, and what are they up to?"

Presumably, the fact that they haven't come back to finish the job suggests that they feel a bit intimidated themselves, and the fact that they haven't called for reinforcements means that either reinforcements are not forthcoming, or are taking a very long time getting there. Since we know the Visitors can invade Earth on, like, 3-12 months' notice tops after a liquid tiberium explosion invites them over, I'm pretty sure that the Visitors around Jupiter haven't already whistled up reinforcements.

In which case we might actually be able to build up to the point of going out there to kill them.

If we have gravity-drive ships armed with suitable weaponry. We know ion cannons at least damage their spacecraft, because they did lose a few ships on the way in despite the ion cannon network being significantly attrited and caught entirely by surprise at the end of Tib War Three.

Yeahhhhhhhhhh ignore all the arguing I just did for the fusion shipyard bay, I think we have very little choice besides station > AM > g-drive shipyard as our sequence now. A g-drive space navy is not negotiable all of the sudden, we probably won't even be building g-drive freighters for a while, we'll just go straight into laying down warships as soon as we have the shipyard space complete.
Not gonna lie, part of the reason I was stumping for gravitic drive yards was because I saw this coming.

So, actually, it might not be a bad idea to have a fusion-bassed monitor as our first war rocket. Our G-Drive is best described as 'no' when it comes to multi-gee maneuvers.

Our initial spacy is likely to look like G-Drive tugs pulling fusion warships.
Problem: if the enemy shoots holes in the tugs, our actual monitors are now stranded in Jupiter orbit even if they win.
We might just have to turtle up. We need to build those last two stations.

Maybe new defense satellites or lasers or whatever. Space defense just moved way up in priority.
I guess Space Force probably has to run the numbers and give us more detail first but yeah I can think of two immediate plans. Either we do the g-drive yard + AM bay to take the fight to the outer system ASAP, or we decide that Earth-Luna is all we need for now and double down on local fusion monitors and heavy "stationary" defenses (nothing is stationary in space obviously but you know what I mean) to protect our Moon colonies. Depending on what the experts think, turtling up for the near future and worrying about building a g-drive armada to invade Jupiter later might be the best option for us, but of course the kneejerk reaction is to go kick those assholes off our gas giant so immediate crash-built g-drive navy has a lot of emotional support both among IC politicians and OOC posters I imagine.
Problem: if the enemy shoots holes in the tugs, our actual monitors are now stranded in Jupiter orbit even if they win.
The hope here is that we can leave the tugs to run off into interplanetary space while the monitors do the actual fighting.

The fusion monitors are mostly to augment our cis-lunar defensive grid in case they decide to Come Over Here. The G-tugs are how we turn them into offensive weapons without having to design either a much more powerful G-drive, or find a way to integrate a G-drive into a fusion rocket.
machinations of kane
Electricty flashed across the room, as the Messiah stared at the giant ball, the gathered knowledge of an entire race. A gleefull smile donning his face, as he spoke out, his voice ringing all over the room. "Behold just a fragment of the what the Tacius can accomplish when used by someone worthy!"

The thunder struck out again, dramatic tension as the Nod soldiers bowed even further down, religious vigour on every one of their faces. The threshold tower, the ancient power of the Tacius, the mysterious capability of Kane all delivered through the medium of the digital child of God LEGION.

"With all of this, i can manipulate reality itself!" Kane twirled around, inspecting the followers of Nod beneath him. "Nothing on this planet poses even a challenge to me" Yet, one Nod follower looked cautiously, curiosity burning in his eyes, as he spoke up. "S-sir...Why are you just using this mess up their food production"

The power to become a God, to ascend, leave behind the mortal coil, used to mess up a minor project of GDI. Kane mearly chuckled . "To annoy GDI, do you know how annoying they have been to me these past 100 years, my god, i'm having my petty revenge when i can have it now. Those assholes are getting what they deserve now. I'm gonna use my god-power to exclusively mess with them in the most minor of ways, let them see how funny it is when it happens to them!"

Truly, the machinations of Kane knew no limits, as expected of the Messiah
In the new drydocks, next to the mouth of the river Liffey, an escort carrier parties away the night before its official launch. Technicolor lights can be seen flashing out from the bridge windows, and the muffled beats of a "Rocky Road to Dublin" metal remix boom over the gentle waves of the bay.

In the cargo dock next over, the Nod sub is attempting to sleep, in vain.
My Japanese animes is making me think of this in ship girl terms and its very cute.
By the way, there are still active scrin/visitors out near Jupiter.
Let's be real, did anyone ever who signed on to this quest think that at any point the Scrin weren't still around?
BTW, this is a scrintech refresh. Good news, potential for more tech, probably a lot of star trek and BSG references. Bad news, well, scrin tech means scrin for the most part.
Do we roll for the tech, or is that a you thing?
I guess Space Force probably has to run the numbers and give us more detail first but yeah I can think of two immediate plans. Either we do the g-drive yard + AM bay to take the fight to the outer system ASAP, or we decide that Earth-Luna is all we need for now and double down on local fusion monitors and heavy "stationary" defenses (nothing is stationary in space obviously but you know what I mean) to protect our Moon colonies. Depending on what the experts think, turtling up for the near future and worrying about building a g-drive armada to invade Jupiter later might be the best option for us, but of course the kneejerk reaction is to go kick those assholes off our gas giant so immediate crash-built g-drive navy has a lot of emotional support both among IC politicians and OOC posters I imagine.
wouldn't that give the Visitors a free hand to fabricate a massive drone army , they already have a tech advantage , are more experienced in space based warfare , have likely been there a while building up while we have no war fleets so they outnumber us and if we go on the defensive we will lose the initiative and possibly risk our orbital infrastructure as the war comes to us
[] Plan: Shuttles, Chicago, Tendrils, Consumer Spam, and Food for Months
Infrastructure +34 (6 dice) 150R
-[] Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1)(Progress 156/200: 30 resources per die) (+3 Logistics) 1D
-[] Chicago Planned City (Phase 4)(Progress 3/550: 20 resources per die) (+2 Housing, -4 Labor, -2 Logistics, -4 Energy) (+280 Tiberium Processing Capacity, +8 Consumer Goods, +6 Capital Goods) 5D+1HID

Heavy Industry +29 (5 dice, 4FD) 190R
-[] Chicago Planned City (Phase 4) 1D
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr (Progress 258/320: 50 resources per die) (+4 Capital Goods) (-2 Energy) 1FD
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 8) (Updated)(Progress 243/300: 20 resources per Die) (+16 Energy) (-1 Labor) 1FD
-[] Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Deployment (New)(Progress 51/600: 20 resources per die) (+6 Capital Goods, +10 Energy) 4D+2FD

Light and Chemical Industry +24 (5 dice) 55R
-[] Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2)(Progress 276/300: 15 resources per die) (+4 Consumer Goods, +4 Food, -1 Energy) 1D
-[] Civilian Drone Factories(Progress 104/380: 10 resources per die) (+2 Logistics, +1 Health, +4 Consumer Goods) (-2 Energy) 4D

Agriculture +24 (4 dice, ED) 75R
-[] Ranching Domes (Progress 0/250: 20 resources per die) (+8 Consumer Goods, -4 Food, -2 Energy, -2 Labor) (+5 Political Support) 3D
-[] Vertical Farming Projects (Stage 2)(Progress 65/240: 15 resources per die) (+4 Food, +4 Consumer goods, -2 Energy) 1D
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles (+8 Food in reserve, -12 Food) ED

Tiberium +39 (7 dice, 3FD) 290R
-[] Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 2)(Progress 74/750: 30 resources per die) (+100 Resources per turn) (-1 STU) 7D+2FD
-[] Liquid Tiberium Power Cell Deployment (Phase 1)(Progress 41/140: 20 resources per die) (-5 Political Support) (+8 Energy) 1FD

Orbital +26 (6 dice) 120R
-[] Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 2)(Progress 11/125: 20 resources per die) (+5 Resources per turn) 1D
-[] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5)(Progress 348/1535: 20 resources per die) (+2 Capital Goods, +2 Consumer Goods) (+2 available Bays) (10 Political Support) 5D

Services +27 (3 dice) 90R
-[] Professional Sports Programs (Progress 102/250: 10 resources per die) (+2 Consumer Goods, -1 Health, -1 Labor) (+10 Political Support) 2D
-[] Regional Hospital Expansions (Phase 1) (New)(Progress 0/300: 25 resources per die) (+4 Health) (-1 Energy, -1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor) 2D
-[] Ocular Implant Development (New) (Platform)(Progress 0/120: 20 resources per die) 1D

Military +26 (8 dice) 140R
-[] Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Deployment (New) (High Priority)(Progress 113/225: 10 resources per die) (-3 Energy, -1 Capital Goods, -1 Labor, -1 STU) 2D
-[] Escort Carrier Shipyards (High Priority)
--[] Newark (Progress 0/240: 20 resources per die) (-5 Energy, -2 Capital Goods) 3D
-[] Universal Rocket Launch System Deployment (Phase 3)(Progress 0/200: 15 resources per die) (-2 Energy) 2D
-[] Railgun Munitions Factories (Phase 1) (New)(Progress 0/200: 10 resources per die) (-1 Labor, -1 Energy) (Very High Priority) 1D

Bureaucracy +19 (4 dice)
-[] Conduct Civil Satisfaction Surveys (DC 90/120/150/180) 4D

150 + 190 + 55 + 75 + 290 + 120 + 90 + 140

+2 Housing
+1 Logistics
+7/+17 Energy
+16 Cap Goods
-8 Labor
-2 STU
+18 Consumer Goods
= Health
+4 Food (8 FiR)
= PS
+100 Tiberium RPT
+5 Lunar RPT
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By the way, there are still active scrin/visitors out near Jupiter.
Right, nobody panic

Yes, there are Scrin out there. Chances are they've been there since TW3.
They've had well over a decade now and are still waiting. Why?
Maybe shit's fucked for them, maybe they're an observation post, maybe they're an automated unit left behind for whatever reason.
All we know is they seem to have done basically nothing to us except destroy some drones that got too close.
I don't want to say they aren't a threat, but they're not a threat that necessarily has to be dealt with right now. We have time to breathe, time to plan, and time to build a g-drive shipyard bay next plan to possibly produce an armed ship and have space force board them
wouldn't that give the Visitors a free hand to fabricate a massive drone army , they already have a tech advantage , are more experienced in space based warfare , have likely been there a while building up while we have no war fleets so they outnumber us and if we go on the defensive we will lose the initiative and possibly risk our orbital infrastructure as the war comes to us

You could say the exact same things about putting all our eggs in a basket that we throw at Jupiter, the Visitors have been starfaring since before we climbed down out of the trees, any strategy is going to have to contend with the fact that they're massively more advanced and experienced than us. Turtling up in the Earth-Luna system lets us take advantage of the fact that we're basically right on top of our industrial base while they have to fly in from the Outer System (being watched by our new telescopes the whole way so we have warning), we can spam defensive satellites and Lunar bunkers and whatever for much cheaper per unit of firepower than we can spam experimental g-drive warships. "Dig a bunker and put a fuckoff huge ion cannon in it" is pretty simple comparatively, we can get a lot of bang for our buck turtling while going on the offensive risks a lot more money and lives for what might end up being a slaughter at Jupiter anyways.

Ultimately we have no idea though, the only information we have is one sentence thrown out by the QM between updates, we need a lot more information to make a final call on what our strategy will be. I doubt the Treasury gets to make the call either, this is a Space Force and Parliament problem, we just build whatever infrastructure they decide is most useful for fighting the Visitors.
wouldn't that give the Visitors a free hand to fabricate a massive drone army , they already have a tech advantage , are more experienced in space based warfare , have likely been there a while building up while we have no war fleets so they outnumber us and if we go on the defensive we will lose the initiative and possibly risk our orbital infrastructure as the war comes to us
We don't know how much of a force is actually out there, and how much of that is actually active. They may well have most of what they do have in some form of hibernation.
All we know, so far, is that they have enough to take out a few probes, and did not attack the Pathfinder when it was poking around some of Jupiter's outer moons.
Looks like we're going to need a space navy. Not only space ships designed to fight other space ships but more weapons than ion cannons. And also a marine force with zone armor, vehicles, and weapons designed for space combat as well as ships to transport thousands of men and their supplies to Jupiter.

We'll also need to see how large the Scrin/Visitor presence is and what they've been doing for the last decade.
Time to get working on the G-drive shipyard. We need an actual space navy. Not sure if we can fit an all-up Ion Cannon in as a spinal mount, or just our Naval Plasma Cannons...
BZ-6 called. They want naval axial ion cannons to be officially renamed "wave motion cannon."

I guess Space Force probably has to run the numbers and give us more detail first but yeah I can think of two immediate plans. Either we do the g-drive yard + AM bay to take the fight to the outer system ASAP, or we decide that Earth-Luna is all we need for now and double down on local fusion monitors and heavy "stationary" defenses (nothing is stationary in space obviously but you know what I mean) to protect our Moon colonies. Depending on what the experts think, turtling up for the near future and worrying about building a g-drive armada to invade Jupiter later might be the best option for us, but of course the kneejerk reaction is to go kick those assholes off our gas giant so immediate crash-built g-drive navy has a lot of emotional support both among IC politicians and OOC posters I imagine.
Also, purely static defenses (or effectively static defenses) in the form of spacecraft that cannot reposition quickly are not a great defense against a highly mobile opponent. Our advantage is that space-based ion cannon seem to have really ridiculous ranges against space-based targets, such that we can take shots from very long distances and have a reasonable hope of engaging even if the ion cannon in question is in lunar orbit and the attacking enemy armada is somewhere in the general vicinity of Earth or vice versa. Or that's how it's been presented to me. Our disadvantage is, well, inability to reinforce one point quickly from another point, and inability to respond flexibly if the Scrin decide to do some malicious bullshit like slathering a giant asteroid in shield generators and redirecting it to strike Earth.

A fortress with no ability to 'sally forth' from that fortress is a very limited military strategy.

wouldn't that give the Visitors a free hand to fabricate a massive drone army , they already have a tech advantage , are more experienced in space based warfare , have likely been there a while building up while we have no war fleets so they outnumber us and if we go on the defensive we will lose the initiative and possibly risk our orbital infrastructure as the war comes to us
Given that the Visitors haven't already come back for Round Two, it seems likely that they're operating under some significant industrial limitations of their own. Maybe tiberium doesn't thrive in the outer solar system and they're too dependent on harvesting 'naturally' grown tiberium for their own good, for instance. Or maybe humanity took out their top-level directing "brain" intelligences (the Foreman and the Masterminds and whatnot) and what's left is basically just expert systems and machine learning algorithms fucking around with no clear idea of what to do.

Maybe this is basically just an automated resupply base or the skeleton of an interstellar heavy industrial portal grid the Visitors were planning to finish after the Threshold towers were done, with a relatively basic defense force and limited or no ability to expand its forces.

I mean, I don't want to rule out the idea that they're von Neumanning it up out there, but remember, they've probably been up there around Jupiter for going on fifteen years already. And the first sign we had of them doing anything was when they blew up something headed for them. That's suggestive.

If nothing else, it takes a lot less time than that for Visitor reinforcements to get here, as demonstrated by how fast they came running when Kane blew up his headquarters to get their attention. Whatever Visitor assets there are around Jupiter, they may be limited in their communication and construction capabilities, even compared to the glorified mining detachment we defeated in Tib War Three.
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Also, purely static defenses (or effectively static defenses) in the form of spacecraft that cannot reposition quickly are not a great defense against a highly mobile opponent. Our advantage is that space-based ion cannon seem to have really ridiculous ranges against space-based targets, such that we can take shots from very long distances and have a reasonable hope of engaging even if the ion cannon in question is in lunar orbit and the attacking enemy armada is somewhere in the general vicinity of Earth or vice versa. Or that's how it's been presented to me. Our disadvantage is, well, inability to reinforce one point quickly from another point, and inability to respond flexibly if the Scrin decide to do some malicious bullshit like slathering a giant asteroid in shield generators and redirecting it to strike Earth.
The thing is, fusion rockets can reposition quickly within the limits of their deltaV. At least, they're capable of multi-gee burns where our native G-drive might reach .8 gees in the next generation.

The idea I had was that we'd equalize the tech difference by specializing our ships. The fusion moniters would trade endurance for firepower, survivability and maneuverability, while the G-tugs would provide living space, supplies and deltaV for farther missions.

Carrier and fighter, basically, except inverted sizes.