I really want to go back now since I remember a while back going back over rolls to see how many 99's were rolled and it being like 3-5, over about double the turns, and the option it would have replaced would have been the anti assassination guys. However I kinda want to try go back and Continue on since there was two 99's this turn. (since I wouldnt be suprised if the 99's are 100's person try's again next hiring to become deputy, which considering they are the person running the Enterprise I believe I would be for playing them next for that space focus.)

Found it and I did do it:
It Was #24,891
Turns where Sranangs Mikoyan's Bonus was possible:
Q2: 2058: 0 99's (1 Nat 100: Wartime factory refits)
Q3: 2058: 0 99's (1 Nat 100: Remedial Education) (double nat 1 on Tidal Plants)
Q4: 2058: 0 99's (1 Nat 100: Philly)
Q1 2059: 1 99: Blue Zone Arcologies (0 Nat 100's)
Q2 2059: 0 99's (0 nat 100's)
Q3 2059: 1 99: third Random event roll out of 5 ( 0 Nat 100's)
Q4: 2059: 0 99's (2 Nat 100's: T-glass, second Random event roll out of 4)
Q1: 2060: 2 99's: Nuuk, railgun harvester (1 Nat 100: Nuuk)
Continuing off of it:
Q2: 2060: 0 99's (0 Nat 100's)
Q3: 2060: 0 99's (0 Nat 100's)
Q4: 2060: 0 99's (0 Nat 100's) (Nat 1 Freeze Dried)
Q1: 2061 2 99's: Economic Census, Anadyr Isolinear (0 Nat 100's) (Nat 1 New Tork Escort Carriers)

Nat 100's: 6
Nat 99's: 6
Nat 1's: 4

So Far if we did go for The 99's are crits we would have doubled our crits, Granted we would have gotten more people Killed/Assassinated since I thats what would have gotten replaced. :p

(The only thing I'm kinda salty about is the double crit on Nuuk in Q1:2060 would have been awesome, Otherwise im all for having gotten the defense, However I'm probably going to keep doing this periodically until the next recruitment just incase Mikoyan is an option again just so we can see exactly how many crits they would have gotten us this plan, to give an idea on aproximate amount)

I will say until the last 2 turns we were very lucky on the low amounts of Nat 1's. 2/10 (1/5), now its 4/12 (1/3). turns with crit fails. I just realized if we did get Mikoyan we would have gotten 12 Crits / 12 turns :p.
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Plan Canned Beans + Scrin Research
Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1) 92+30+34=156/200
Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3+4+5) 72+238+170=480/480
Continuous Cycle Fusion Plant (Phase 8) 67+118+58=243/300
Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 85+115+58=258/320
Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Deployment 0+22+29=51/600

Civilian Support Expansion (Phase 1) 0+167+96=263/250
Freeze Dried Food Plants 151+6+24=181/200
Agriculture Mechanization Projects (Phase 1) 0+128+48=176/150
Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 38+125+72=235/150
Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) 0+362+312=674/600
Tiberium Harvesting Claws Development 0+54+44=98/80

GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 102+153+93=348/1535
Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1+2) 45+54+52=151/265 (Phase 1 Completed)
Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2) 276+65+26=367/310

Professional Sports Programs 0+75+27=102/250
Scrin Research Initiatives 0+287+128=415/400
Skywatch Telescope System 64+13+26=103/95
Hallucinogen Countermeasures Development 0+53+31=84/40
Railgun Munitions Development 38+38+31=107/60

Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Deployment 0+61+52=113/225
Escort Carrier Shipyards (Nagoya) 171+31+26=228+15/240
Escort Carrier Shipyards (Dublin) 0+190+52=242/240

Escort Carrier Shipyards (New York) 0+86+52=138?/240
Conduct Economic Census DC 100/150/200/250 270+76=346
Security Review L+CL (1 Die) 82+19/50

eta: Projected Indicators:
Housing: +44 (23 population in low quality housing)
Energy: +5 (+4 in reserve)
Logistics: +21 (-7 from raiding) (-7 from military activity)
Food: +26 (+12 in reserve)
Health: +9 (-8 from Wartime Demand) (-10 from Refugees)
Capital Goods: +13 (+127 in reserve)
STUs: +11
Consumer Goods: +43 (-22 from demand spike) (+3 from Private Industry)
Labor: +46
Tiberium‌ ‌Processing‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌(2015/2470)‌ ‌
Taxation Per Turn: +30
Space Mining Per Turn: +95
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Some crappy rolls, but we cleared out a bunch of stuff.

Knocking out that new carrier yard in one shot is VERY nice.

And the scrin gatcha in one shot as well.

First phase of tendrils done. And harvesting claws done so that second phase might change a lot.

Two mine phases done. One to go.

If it weren't for freeze dried being cursed and that nat 1 it's kind of a pretty great turn.
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Backup mathpost:
Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1) 156/200
Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3+4+5) 480/480 3 Phases complete
Continuous Cycle Fusion Plant (Phase 8) 243/300
Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr 258/320
Crystal Beam Industrial Laser Deployment 51/600

Civilian Support Expansion (Phase 1) 263/250
Freeze Dried Food Plants 181/200
Agriculture Mechanization Projects (Phase 1) 175/150
Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) 235/150 Phase 2, 85/175 Phase 3
Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) 674/600 Phase 1, 74/750 Phase 2
Tiberium Harvesting Claws Development 98/80

GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5) 348/1535
Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1+2) 151/265 151/140 Phase 1, 11/125 Phase 2
Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2) 367/310

Professional Sports Programs 102/250
Scrin Research Initiatives 415/400
Skywatch Telescope System 103/95
Hallucinogen Countermeasures Development 84/40
Railgun Munitions Development 107/60

Mastodon Heavy Assault Walker Deployment 113/225
Escort Carrier Shipyards (Nagoya) 228+15 = 243/240
Escort Carrier Shipyards (Dublin) 242/240

Escort Carrier Shipyards (New York) 138/240 NAT 1
Conduct Economic Census DC 100/150/200/250 Result: 346/250 Max DC PASS
Security Review L+CI 101 PASS

Net results:
-5 Logistics
+18 Housing
+6 Consumer Goods
-1 Labor
Much swearing at Freezers
+4 Food
-11 Energy
-5 Capital Goods (additional -10 from ending wartime diversion)
+2 Food in Reserve
+90 Resources per turn
-1 STU
+20 Resources per turn (Lunar)
+Scrinata (3 rolls)
+Space Dragon pictures (Space Dragon not included in all regions)
+Good Drug Countermeasures
+botes (later)

Updated Economic Issues: (assuming trends continue)
Housing: +44 (23 population in low quality housing) (-10 per turn from refugees)
Energy: +5 (+4 in reserve)
Logistics: +21? (-7 from raiding) (-7 from military activity)
Food: +26 (+12 in reserve)
Health: +9 (-8 from Wartime Demand) (-10 from Refugees)
Capital Goods: +13 (+101 in reserve) ( applied both these modifiers: [-10 at End of War (Will go back this turn) ] [+1 in Q1 2061 ] )
STUs: +11
Consumer Goods: +46?? (-?? from demand spike) (+3 from Private Industry)
Labor: +46?
Tiberium‌ ‌Processing‌ ‌Capacity‌ ‌(2015/2470)‌ ‌
Labor Per Turn: +4
Taxation Per Turn: +30
Space Mining Per Turn: +95
Green Zone Water: +6

Resources per turn: 1130

Tiberium spread: from
21.29 Blue Zone
2.16 Green Zone
22.82 Yellow Zone (98 Points of Abatement)
53.73 Red Zone (70 Points of Abatement)

21.76 Blue Zone
1.69 Green Zone
23.31 Yellow Zone (98 Points of Abatement)
53.24 Red Zone (70 Points of Abatement)
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That cuts the population we had in low quality housing by almost two thirds.
Though with the new refugees we then lose most of it. Still, it was good progress.
Escort Carrier Shipyards (Dublin) 0+190+52=242/240

4% chances never happen, right up until they do. It's not common, that's obviously a tautology, but a low probability isn't the same as zero probability and trading time for low completion chances just paid off in a really tight sector. This is a good example of why we should be taking repeated shots at low completion chances when we want to save dice/resources and have the time to trade for it, rounding 4% to 0% in your head is easy and I'm guilty sometimes too but it pays to remember the difference.
4% chances never happen, right up until they do. It's not common, that's obviously a tautology, but a low probability isn't the same as zero probability and trading time for low completion chances just paid off in a really tight sector. This is a good example of why we should be taking repeated shots at low completion chances when we want to save dice/resources and have the time to trade for it, rounding 4% to 0% in your head is easy and I'm guilty sometimes too but it pays to remember the difference.
And then there is this asshole below
Freeze Dried Food Plants 181/200
A statistical pain on our collective asses.
4% chances never happen, right up until they do. It's not common, that's obviously a tautology, but a low probability isn't the same as zero probability and trading time for low completion chances just paid off in a really tight sector. This is a good example of why we should be taking repeated shots at low completion chances when we want to save dice/resources and have the time to trade for it, rounding 4% to 0% in your head is easy and I'm guilty sometimes too but it pays to remember the difference.
And, it kinda is a tautology that when you have a *whole bunch* of low-probability events, the probability of *one* of them happening is actually pretty high.
In the new drydocks, next to the mouth of the river Liffey, an escort carrier parties away the night before its official launch. Technicolor lights can be seen flashing out from the bridge windows, and the muffled beats of a "Rocky Road to Dublin" metal remix boom over the gentle waves of the bay.

In the cargo dock next over, the Nod sub is attempting to sleep, in vain.
Now that the Regency War is all but wound down, I feel it is time for a new table summarizing changes in Tiberium coverage from just before Steel Vanguard (2059 Q4) to now (2060 Q4). All distances are rough estimates. I'll get the part covering Blue Zones and Green Zones done later when I'm less busy with studying.

Red Zones
1 - Mediterranean - MENANone~ 85 km strip of Algerian coast (~ Sidi Lakhdar - Tenes), ~30 km of Catalonia coast, ~25 km increased radius around Genoa, ~10 km northwards of Rome area (not sure if us or NOD), ~10 km of the Outer Northern Carpathian mountains (difficult to tell due to lacking map landmarks), ~5km from Northern Ukraine, ~10 km north pushback from Arabia.
2 - Central Africa~ 10-30 km westward into Western Africa, ~ 2-5 km advance into Horn, ~20 km southwards further into Botswana-Zimbabwe.~ 5-35 km pushback from Sudan coast into Northern Ethiopia, ~15-20 km pushback in Northern Namibia.
3 - Central Asia - SiberiaNone~ 10 km NW push into SW Kazakhstan (just south of Lake Balkhash)
4 - East Asia5 - 15 km NE advance into Southern China YZ~ 100 km easterly push clearing western Lake Baikal (NOD?), ~ 5 - 15 km NW push against Manchurian RZ bulge (NOD?), 40 - 160 km easterly pushback around East India sub-RZ (definitely NOD)
6 - North-Central South America<5 km southward advance along Atacama coast.10 - 120 km around Amazon Delta MARV Hub, 100 km around Buenaventura MARV Hub, 50 km around Lima MARV Hub, 110 km northward into Northern Uruguay (NOD?)
7 - Central-Southern North America5 km northward advance into northern Nayarit and Jalisco, 5 km south-westward advance into northern Chihuahua120 km westward pushback from Wisconsin into Iowa, 120 km pushback around Mobile MARV Hub, 120 km eastward push across Great Salt Lake,
8 - Central Australia20 - 40 km advance into Western Australia YZ5 - 120 km north-westward pushback away from BZ-9.
9 (?) - Papua30 km advance into NW corner of Papua
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