How am I supposed to expect an Agri project to appear in Infrastructure?
I'm not so much telling you "you should have foreseen this," as "this is something we've been told, so we should probably factor it into our plans." Maybe Ithillid will change his mind, maybe things will play out quite differently, I don't know. But I'm trying to provide you with relevant information here, okay?

Oh. I thought this was a model revision.
Why do we have a project for more fighters that don't really work?
Because you're wrong about them not working.

They're not instant omni-death reapers that destroy everything in the sky even when employed incorrectly, even when they're not actually there, even when they're armed with the wrong weapons for the job (e.g. heavily armored fighter planes they didn't know existed literally appear out of nowhere and it turns out they're armed with fragmentation missiles optimized for killing planes they did know existed).

But they shoot down a lot of Nod aircraft, and Nod seems to have serious trouble even engaging them, let alone shooting down enough of them to keep the score even.

The reason we have a project to build more factories is that, at least plausibly and in theory, having about twice as many of the things could help out the Air Force. The Air Force isn't urgently demanding twice as many, but they seem to be pretty comfortable with the idea. It's not a white elephant; they'd do their job. It's just that we also have the option of developing something to do the job better.

We just went into a war with no Capitol Goods, that was also alarming.
Karachi is also at least 2 years away. We aren't required to have forces for that at the end of this year.
Yes, but all of the projects I listed have reasons to want to start them sooner rather than later.

We don't need SADN 'for Karachi,' we need SADN the next time someone, anyone, hucks cruise missiles at our cities. Since we don't know when that'll happen, we don't know how soon we need it.

Orca/Hammerhead Wingman Drones:
Aside from helping put our Ground Force back in the ascendancy, the drones will help our naval forces deliver heavier punch with carrier aviation and hunt submarines better. If we want our problems with Nod commerce raiding to truly go away, this is going to help.

Infernium lasers (for Navy):
We don't want this "for Karachi," we want this "the next time we fight a major naval battle." We don't get to decide when that occurs. If the refits are completed, the added protection makes it more likely that the Navy will be able to, say, take offensive actions to clear the way in preparation for Karachi, say by going up to Bintang and kicking her in the teeth. Furthermore, it's 30 R/die and we've got reapportionment coming up, so getting it partially completed in 2061 makes it more likely we'll be able to afford it at all later.

Zone Armor:
We've been told there's going to be very heavy political pressure to do Zone Armor factories in the coming Plan. We've also, as I recall, been told more than once that one way to avoid us getting hit with painfully heavy Plan goals is to be able to show we're already working on the problem without the politicians having to force our hand. I would like, if possible, to have at least one Zone Armor plant done by 2061Q4, so that we can tell the Militarists with some credibility that we're working on it and understand the need.

Can we get all this done? Yes. But it's all relevant, and it's all there as reasons we might rationally want to continue spending Free dice on Military.

If energy is going to be a problem for HI dice let's just keep in mind that tiberium power is just sitting there and some of us want to do a phase to see what comes of it.

That's like 2 military factories powered.
Yes, but at this point I'm less worried about "need more power" and more worried about "power management." The issue isn't that I don't think we can build enough fusion reactors this year, it's that it takes disproportionate effort to build them this turn.

i like to see at least a single die on Advanced Alloys Development as that cost only 15R and has a 30% of success.
Frankly, the docket is so full up we may not be able to do anything with the project even if we have it. I'm not saying "no," but we can only invent so many transformational technologies at the same time, and we're already rolling out crystal lasers and isolinear computers, and doing blue-sky portal research, all this year, plus corpse starch if you want to count that.

Besides, a 15 R/die Heavy Industry project is exactly the kind of thing you want sitting around on the docket for 2062...
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Infra (6 dice) 70R
-[] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3) (Progress 72/160: 10 resources per die) (-1 Logistics, +6 Housing) 2D
-[] Yellow Zone Fortress Towns (Phase 6) (Progress 220/300: 20 resources per die)(+4 Housing) (-1 Green Zone Water) 1D
-[] Tokyo Harbor Reconstruction (New) (Progress 0/360: 15 resources per die) 2D

HI (5 dice) 160R
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 7) (Progress 67/300: 20 resources per Die) (+16 Energy) (-1 Labor) 3D
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr (New) (Progress 85/320: 50 resources per die) (+4 Capital Goods) (-2 Energy) 2D

LCL (4 dice) 75R
-[] Civilian Drone Factories(Progress 104/380: 10 resources per die) (+2 Logistics, +1 Health, +4 Consumer Goods) (-2 Energy) 3D
-[] Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) (Progress 276/300: 15 resources per die) (+4 Consumer Goods, +4 Food, -1 Energy) 1D

Agri (4 dice, 1ED) 50R
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants (Progress 151/200: 20 resources per die) (+5 Food, increases efficiency of stockpile actions, -1 Energy) 1D
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4+5+6?) (Progress 75/140: 10 resources per die) (+12 Food) (-2 Labor, -1 Logistics) 2D
-[] Strategic Food Stockpile Construction (Phase 2) (Progress 38/150: 10 resources per die) (+2 Food in Reserve, -4 Food) 1D+1ED

Tib (7 dice, 1FD) 240R
-[] Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) (New) (Progress 0/600: 30 resources per die) (+90 Resources per turn) (-1 STU) 7D+1FD

Orb (6 dice) 120R
-[] GDSS Enterprise (Phase 5)(Progress 102/1535: 20 resources per die) (+2 Capital Goods, +2 Consumer Goods) (+2 available Bays) (10 Political Support) 2D
-[] Lunar Rare Metals Harvesting (Phase 1)(Progress 45/305: 20 resources per die) (+10 Resources Per Turn) 3D
-[] Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2)(Progress 276/330: 20 resources per die) (+15 resources per turn) 1D

Ser (5 dice) 40+R
-[] Hallucinogen Development (Tech)(Progress 0/60: 15 resources per die) 1D
-[] Hardlight Interface Deployment (Tech)(Progress 0/???: ?? resources per die) 2D
-[] Less Lethal Security Electrolaser Deployment (New) (Platform)(Progress 0/???: ?? resources per die) 2D

Mil (8 dice, 5FD) 230R
-[] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Stations (Phase 3)(Progress 5/295: 20 resources per die) 1D+3FD
-[] Skywatch Telescope System(Progress 64/95: 10 resources per die) (High Priority) 1D
-[] Railgun Munitions Development(Progress 38/60: 10 resources per die) (Very High Priority) 1D
-[] Universal Rocket Launch System Deployment (Phase 3)(Progress 0/200: 15 resources per die) (-2 Energy) 2D
-[] Nagoya (Progress 171/240: 20 resources per die) (-5 Energy, -2 Capital Goods) 2D
-[] Dublin (Progress 0/240: 20 resources per die) (-5 Energy, -2 Capital Goods) 1D+2FD

Bureaucracy (4 dice)
-[X] Conduct Civil Satisfaction Surveys(DC 90/120/150/180) 4D

70 + 140 + 75 + 50 + 240 + 120 + 40 + 230
1/1 ED
5/7 FD

-3 Energy?
+10 Housing
+21 Food (+Better Efficiency, -8 Food, +4 Reserves?)
= Logistics
-3 Labor
-1 STU
+4 Cap Goods? (Depends what completes)
(I hate doing this, my head hurts)

Very work in progress, and very much most likely not going to be final until next Quarter, so expect random changes, also, this budget is a nightmare.
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Very work in progress, and very much most likely not going to be final until next Quarter, so expect random changes, also, this budget is a nightmare.
I think the main issue with this is trying to do to many high cost projects at once leaving a lot of dice idle.
Putting 4 Dice on Bergen is nice but not if the cost of that is leaving 4 infrastructure dice idle.
Orca/Hammerhead Wingman Drones:
Aside from helping put our Ground Force back in the ascendancy, the drones will help our naval forces deliver heavier punch with carrier aviation and hunt submarines better. If we want our problems with Nod commerce raiding to truly go away, this is going to help.
I know I keep harping on this, but when was the last time the navy actual sunk a sub on screen? They consistently bumrush any NOD surface ships that show up, get their biggest ships reduced to floating slabs of armor and go back for repairs and demand more hardware. Why that is happening the non-surface ships operate with impunity. At this point I'm convinced the navy's anti-submarine warfare tactic of choice is orbital bombardment. This has been largely negated in on screen fights.

Remember your the infrastructure department and not the military heads. The Navy need a doctrinal shake up and the above mentioned melty armor slabs that the battleships keep ending up contain the brass that usually ends up attritioned and causing someone else to take over, thus allowing new tactics to get introduced. Your basically stuck feeding resources to the navy's stagnant doctrine and trying to overgear them to victory.

What I'm saying is, don't expect more sub kills until the ortilery improves. If you manage to upgrade the navy until they manage it great, but your still stuck with supporting a naval doctrine that is 1) dominate the surface, 2) ortillery the subs when they bunch up, 3) blame a lack of tech for why submarines are strangely indestructible.

NOD has been taking advantage of this. You can tell by how they keep bothering with surface ships at all. Must be a death sentence get assigned to surface ships. Pretty much:
"You have failed me for the last time menial... Get in the boat!"
Looking at the thread mark for current status: hasn't been up date sense October and argri dice get no bonus... except a +6 generic... I think:
Infra +20, Heavy Ind +15, L&C +10, Tiberium +25, Orbit +10, Services +15, Military +12, Bureau +10

Infra (6 dice) 40R
-[] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3) (Progress 72/160: 10 resources per die) (-1 Logistics, +6 Housing) 1D
-[] Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1)(Progress 92/200: 30 resources per die) (+3 Logistics) 1D
This confuses me. Average for BZ AC is 50+10=60+20=80, two dice mean average of 160 progress and you only need 88. Why wouldn't this be 2 dice by default? Same with the shuttles as its 108 to finish and 100 average for dice. They are both phases so you can't actually waste progress... so why 1 dice and not just finish the one you take by default? Why not take both dice to the same project and practically automatically get results? Why intentional average incompletes?
HI (5 dice) 160R
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr (New) (Progress 85/320: 50 resources per die) (+4 Capital Goods) (-2 Energy) 2D
Anadyr 2dicexaverage 115 rolls=315/320 so planning to incomplete on average on a phase project.
LCL (5 dice) 135R
-[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 3) (Progress 0/380: 30 resources per die) (+2 Capital Goods, +4 Energy) (-1 Logistics) 4D
-[] Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) (Progress 276/300: 15 resources per die) (+4 Consumer Goods, +4 Food, -1 Energy) 1D
4x95=380: literally an exact completion on average for the Foundry and the fertilizer plant is solid use of a dice. No real complaints here.
Agri (4 dice) 50R
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4) (Progress 30/140: 10 resources per die) (+6 Food) (-1 Labor) 1D
-[] Wadmalaw Kudzu Plantations (Phase 3) (Updated)(Progress 56/450: 10 resources per die) (+8 Consumer Goods) (+1 to all dice) 2D
BZ aquaponics: 1Dicex60+(6)?=96/140 odd choice to do this part as the other dice go to the freeze drying plants and 2dicexx66=188/450 for Kudzu completion. Seems weird to again have two two incomplete opetions instead of just finishing the one you can complete. Should either complete aquaponics or throw the extra dice into kudzu. Its indecisive.

Tib (7 dice, 2FD) 270R
-[] Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) (New) (Progress 0/600: 30 resources per die) (+90 Resources per turn) (-1 STU) 7D+2FD
9dicex105 average==945/600 progress complete. What even is this plan? Its the only phase project over run as well. You complete without the free dice and that seems like 'REEEE' territory for people to me.
Orb (6 dice) 120R
-[] Lunar Heavy Metals Mines (Phase 4)(Progress 25/365: 20 resources per die) (+20 resources per turn) 3D
-[] Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2)(Progress 50/330: 20 resources per die) (+15 resources per turn) 3D
Both complete no phase seems an odd thing to do instead of just dumping it all on one project and adding a tick to the complete collumn of the to do list.
Ser (1 dice) 100R
-[] Pinhole Portal Early Primitive Prototype Construction (New) (Tech)(Progress 56/180: 100 resources per die) 1D
Why heavily invest in a project that screams energy hog? Energy is one of your top limiting factors.
Before the outbreak of the Regency War, GDI controlled about 21.46% of the earth's land mass excluding Antarctica broken down between 19.17% Blue Zone and 2.29% Green Zone. As the Q4 2060 Tiberium Spread and Battle Results preview, GDI now controls 23.45% of the earth's land mass excluding Antarctica broken down between 21.29% Blue Zone and 2.16% Green Zone. In one year, GDI has seized about 1.99% of the earth's land mass excluding Antarctica. By comparison, the Republic of India makes up about 2.0% of the earth's land mass excluding Antarctica according to Wikipedia.

Additionally, Tiberium abatement efforts have converted about 92.58% of the pre-Regency War Green Zone into Blue Zones.
Q4 2060 Blue Zone 21.29%- Q1 2060 Blue Zone 19.17%= 2.12% Green Zone converted to Blue Zone.
((2.12%/2.29% )*100)=92.58% of the pre-Regency War Green Zone into Blue Zones rounded up.
Portals is simply cuz I don't want more clutter, and we already started it

Harvesting Tendrils spam (8 Dice) still won't complete it most likely, even with the rather insane investment, cuz well, shit rolls are always possible

BZ Aqua has 1 dice, because it may rollover anyways, Kudzu is to get our Kudzu Tea close to done, so we can begin finalizing that, cuz thats been there a while.

Bergen was too expensive so I am not going almost all in, instead I'm going for a slow roll most likely, mixed with finishing Fertilizer, and attempting to finish civ drones.

Anadyr is both expensive asf, and very difficult to try and justifiably one turn the rest of, so 2 dice is literally all I can do easily while leaving room for other things.

BZ AC is borderline a 1D, Shuttles is almost, but still a 2D and its also quite expensive, so slow boating that too, Tokyo and YZ FT get more attention cuz one needs done quickly to unfuck our Navy and the other is to clear off that phase.

So as is, my plan *which is still under construction and needs some work I am sure* is still quite a issue to workup
I know I keep harping on this, but when was the last time the navy actual sunk a sub on screen? They consistently bumrush any NOD surface ships that show up, get their biggest ships reduced to floating slabs of armor and go back for repairs and demand more hardware. Why that is happening the non-surface ships operate with impunity. At this point I'm convinced the navy's anti-submarine warfare tactic of choice is orbital bombardment. This has been largely negated in on screen fights.

Remember your the infrastructure department and not the military heads. The Navy need a doctrinal shake up and the above mentioned melty armor slabs that the battleships keep ending up contain the brass that usually ends up attritioned and causing someone else to take over, thus allowing new tactics to get introduced. Your basically stuck feeding resources to the navy's stagnant doctrine and trying to overgear them to victory.

What I'm saying is, don't expect more sub kills until the ortilery improves. If you manage to upgrade the navy until they manage it great, but your still stuck with supporting a naval doctrine that is 1) dominate the surface, 2) ortillery the subs when they bunch up, 3) blame a lack of tech for why submarines are strangely indestructible.

NOD has been taking advantage of this. You can tell by how they keep bothering with surface ships at all. Must be a death sentence get assigned to surface ships. Pretty much:
"You have failed me for the last time menial... Get in the boat!"
1.) We generally don't see routine ASW scenes or convoy escort scenes because they're not super-exciting. They happen. We'd be told if it wasn't happening at all.
2.) The big dramatic ship battles, where GDI's fleet was outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1 and still didn't die to a man, so while not a "win", it's better than it could be. The crews are largely still alive, which means experienced sailors.
3.) Again, the subs are not "operating with impunity", we're just not seeing the boring-ass ASW patrol scenes.
4.) You can "be convinced" all you want, you're wrong.
5.) The Navy knows their business better than us pencil-pushers.
6.) Killing subs with Ortillery is wasteful, stupid, and unlikely to even work.
7.) We're killing subs now, it's just not happening on screen.
8.) We're killing subs now, it's just not happening on screen.
I know I keep harping on this, but when was the last time the navy actual sunk a sub on screen? They consistently bumrush any NOD surface ships that show up, get their biggest ships reduced to floating slabs of armor and go back for repairs and demand more hardware. Why that is happening the non-surface ships operate with impunity. At this point I'm convinced the navy's anti-submarine warfare tactic of choice is orbital bombardment. This has been largely negated in on screen fights.

Remember your the infrastructure department and not the military heads. The Navy need a doctrinal shake up and the above mentioned melty armor slabs that the battleships keep ending up contain the brass that usually ends up attritioned and causing someone else to take over, thus allowing new tactics to get introduced. Your basically stuck feeding resources to the navy's stagnant doctrine and trying to overgear them to victory.

What I'm saying is, don't expect more sub kills until the ortilery improves. If you manage to upgrade the navy until they manage it great, but your still stuck with supporting a naval doctrine that is 1) dominate the surface, 2) ortillery the subs when they bunch up, 3) blame a lack of tech for why submarines are strangely indestructible.

NOD has been taking advantage of this. You can tell by how they keep bothering with surface ships at all. Must be a death sentence get assigned to surface ships. Pretty much:
"You have failed me for the last time menial... Get in the boat!"
What? Just What?

Please, give me an example of just one time they ortilleried submarines in this quest.

If the navy wanted to just use ortillery to sink subs then they would not have plans for any ASW ships such as (for example) the light carriers, the frigates, the monitors. All of which are mentioned to have ASW as part of their role.
but when was the last time the navy actual sunk a sub on screen?
Never, because of a few reasons.

1. Your current resources mean that going out and confirming kills, not just lobbing a few torpedoes and blasting away with ASROCs, but actually going over there and spending hours or days going through the area until you hear the submarine go pop is very, very difficult to justify.
2. Submarine hunting is, for the most part, incredibly, incredibly boring. It is not a group of ace pilots going to hunt Scinfaxi, Hrimfaxi, or the Alacorn, it is squadrons of pilots going low and slow for days on end gridding areas using dipping sonar. It is Magnetic Anomaly Detectors, Infrared scanners, and ELINT searches.
3. Ortillery, be it Ion Cannon Strikes, Kinetic bombardments, or nuclear weapons is unlikely to be particularly effective. In the 1950s the US navy conducted a test by the name of Wigwam. While the sensors to detect the size of the underwater bubble produced by the explosion were nonfunctional, the bubble is estimated to be around 115 meters with a noticeably larger kill radius. However, this is an underwater nuclear explosion, not a orbital particle beam, so data is not 1 to 1 here.
Never, because of a few reasons.

1. Your current resources mean that going out and confirming kills, not just lobbing a few torpedoes and blasting away with ASROCs, but actually going over there and spending hours or days going through the area until you hear the submarine go pop is very, very difficult to justify.
2. Submarine hunting is, for the most part, incredibly, incredibly boring. It is not a group of ace pilots going to hunt Scinfaxi, Hrimfaxi, or the Alacorn, it is squadrons of pilots going low and slow for days on end gridding areas using dipping sonar. It is Magnetic Anomaly Detectors, Infrared scanners, and ELINT searches.
3. Ortillery, be it Ion Cannon Strikes, Kinetic bombardments, or nuclear weapons is unlikely to be particularly effective. In the 1950s the US navy conducted a test by the name of Wigwam. While the sensors to detect the size of the underwater bubble produced by the explosion were nonfunctional, the bubble is estimated to be around 115 meters with a noticeably larger kill radius. However, this is an underwater nuclear explosion, not a orbital particle beam, so data is not 1 to 1 here.
That's true since technically speaking sub hunting is less about having enough explosives and more about first finding your target and then actually hitting it since a deth harge doesn't have to hit har it just has to hit nearby since the force of the explosion will cause more damage than the explosion itself and most of the time hunting will just be a bunch of small escorts and ASW airplanes flying/moving around a place for hours or days hoping to even get any sort of confrontation
In an ASW context ortillery is unlikely to be particularly useful regardless of the likely kill radius of an oceanic Ion Cannon strike, by the simple fact that we don't have Ion cannons covering the whole planet all at once, so a theoretical strike would only be possible if there was a firing window due to one of the satellite emplacements passing over. A Hammerhead/Orca running ASW duty would have to relay the report back to their home ship - and/or wherever the closest transmitter is that can actually call to dial in an Ion Cannon strike. And the Nod sub needs to not break contact and bug out while all this is happening.

Or the spotter aircraft could just drop the torpedoes they carry for this exact purpose.
Tib (7 dice, 2FD) 240R
-[] Harvesting Tendril Deployment (Phase 1) (New) (Progress 0/600: 30 resources per die) (+90 Resources per turn) (-1 STU) 7D+1FD
Mil (8 dice, 4FD) 165R
-[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 1) (Updated)
--[] New York (Progress 0/190: 20 resources per die) (-2 Labor, -3 Energy, -1 Capital Goods) 2D
-[] Skywatch Telescope System(Progress 64/95: 10 resources per die) (High Priority) 1FD
-[] Railgun Munitions Development(Progress 38/60: 10 resources per die) (Very High Priority) 1D
-[] Universal Rocket Launch System Deployment (Phase 3)(Progress 0/200: 15 resources per die) (-2 Energy) 1D
-[] GD-3 Rifle Development (Platform)(Progress 0/30: 10 resources per die) 1D
-[] Nagoya (Progress 171/240: 20 resources per die) (-5 Energy, -2 Capital Goods) 1D
-[] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Stations (Phase 3)(Progress 5/295: 20 resources per die) 2FD
-[] Advanced ECCM Development (Tech)(Progress 0/40: 20 resources per die) 1FD
Dice numbers don't add up.

Infra (6 dice) 100R
-[] Blue Zone Apartment Complexes (Phase 3) (Progress 72/160: 10 resources per die) (-1 Logistics, +6 Housing) 2D
-[] Suborbital Shuttle Service (Phase 1)(Progress 92/200: 30 resources per die) (+3 Logistics) 1D
-[] Yellow Zone Fortress Towns (Phase 6) (Progress 220/300: 20 resources per die)(+4 Housing) (-1 Green Zone Water) 1D
-[] Tokyo Harbor Reconstruction (New) (Progress 0/360: 15 resources per die) 2D
One thing you might at least consider doing if budgeting is a problem is putting off Suborbital Shuttles. We almost certainly only need to roll at most two more dice on that in all of 2061, and it's not a true disaster if the phase doesn't complete before the end of the Plan.

HI (5 dice) 160R
-[] Continuous Cycle Fusion Plants (Phase 7) (Progress 67/300: 20 resources per Die) (+16 Energy) (-1 Labor) 3D
-[] Isolinear Chip Foundry Anadyr (New) (Progress 85/320: 50 resources per die) (+4 Capital Goods) (-2 Energy) 2D
My own take is that three dice is 'caught in the middle' here. It's enough that it locks down the majority of Heavy Industry as a category, but not enough to guarantee success (65% chance of completion). This means that you can't actually commit to spending enough Energy that you'd need the fusion phase immediately, since you don't know that you'll have that Energy... Which means you might as well spend fewer Fusion dice and more dice on something else, relying on being able to finish the fusion phase next turn.

Or such is my reasoning; arguably I'm just kicking the can down the road to no good purpose.

LCL (5 dice) 75R
-[] Civilian Drone Factories(Progress 104/380: 10 resources per die) (+2 Logistics, +1 Health, +4 Consumer Goods) (-2 Energy) 3D
-[] Bergen Superconductor Foundry (Phase 3) (Progress 0/380: 30 resources per die) (+2 Capital Goods, +4 Energy) (-1 Logistics) 1D
-[] Chemical Fertilizer Plants (Phase 2) (Progress 276/300: 15 resources per die) (+4 Consumer Goods, +4 Food, -1 Energy) 1D
Bergen is another area where while progress is desirable, we don't know that it should be treated as a critical priority if the budget is short.

Agri (4 dice, 1ED) 50R
-[] Freeze Dried Food Plants (Progress 151/200: 20 resources per die) (+5 Food, increases efficiency of stockpile actions, -1 Energy) 1D
-[] Blue Zone Aquaponics Bays (Phase 4) (Progress 75/140: 10 resources per die) (+6 Food) (-1 Labor) 1D
-[] Wadmalaw Kudzu Plantations (Phase 3) (Updated)(Progress 56/450: 10 resources per die) (+8 Consumer Goods) (+1 to all dice) 2D
-[] Extra Large Food Stockpiles (+8 Food in reserve, -16 Food) 1ED
I think it would be a serious mistake to invest dice in Wadmalaw Kudzu at a time when we still need to build the stockpiles. I suggest putting the two dice on Strategic Food Stockpile Construction; that's definitely going to be needed for the Stored Food target in any event.

Orb (6 dice) 120R
-[] Lunar Heavy Metals Mines (Phase 4)(Progress 25/365: 20u resources per die) (+20 resources per turn) 3D
-[] Lunar Regolith Harvesting (Phase 2)(Progress 50/330: 20 resources per die) (+15 resources per turn) 3D
This is an extremely inefficient use of moon mining dice, because it maximizes how much we have to invest and minimizes our return on investment in terms of hitting our "phases of moon mines" target. It would put us at risk of missing our Orbital targets.

There are numerous discussions of this subject already and I'm too tired to repeat myself about it, so I'm going to just suggest that you look up various other plans for examples of how this should work.

Mil (8 dice, 4FD) 165R
-[] Ground Forces Zone Armor (Set 1) (Updated)
--[] New York (Progress 0/190: 20 resources per die) (-2 Labor, -3 Energy, -1 Capital Goods) 2D
-[] Skywatch Telescope System(Progress 64/95: 10 resources per die) (High Priority) 1FD
-[] Railgun Munitions Development(Progress 38/60: 10 resources per die) (Very High Priority) 1D
-[] Universal Rocket Launch System Deployment (Phase 3)(Progress 0/200: 15 resources per die) (-2 Energy) 1D
-[] GD-3 Rifle Development (Platform)(Progress 0/30: 10 resources per die) 1D
-[] Nagoya (Progress 171/240: 20 resources per die) (-5 Energy, -2 Capital Goods) 1D
-[] Orbital Strike Regimental Combat Team Stations (Phase 3)(Progress 5/295: 20 resources per die) 2FD
-[] Advanced ECCM Development (Tech)(Progress 0/40: 20 resources per die) 1FD
Not a fan of this; it heavily priorities optional actions while almost completely sacrificing shipyard expansion.

I know I keep harping on this, but when was the last time the navy actual sunk a sub on screen? They consistently bumrush any NOD surface ships that show up, get their biggest ships reduced to floating slabs of armor and go back for repairs and demand more hardware. Why that is happening the non-surface ships operate with impunity. At this point I'm convinced the navy's anti-submarine warfare tactic of choice is orbital bombardment. This has been largely negated in on screen fights.

Remember your the infrastructure department and not the military heads. The Navy need a doctrinal shake up and the above mentioned melty armor slabs that the battleships keep ending up contain the brass that usually ends up attritioned and causing someone else to take over, thus allowing new tactics to get introduced. Your basically stuck feeding resources to the navy's stagnant doctrine and trying to overgear them to victory.

What I'm saying is, don't expect more sub kills until the ortilery improves. If you manage to upgrade the navy until they manage it great, but your still stuck with supporting a naval doctrine that is 1) dominate the surface, 2) ortillery the subs when they bunch up, 3) blame a lack of tech for why submarines are strangely indestructible.

NOD has been taking advantage of this. You can tell by how they keep bothering with surface ships at all. Must be a death sentence get assigned to surface ships. Pretty much:
"You have failed me for the last time menial... Get in the boat!"
I have literally no idea where you get your ideas about how naval warfare works in this setting.

9dicex105 average==945/600 progress complete. What even is this plan? Its the only phase project over run as well. You complete without the free dice and that seems like 'REEEE' territory for people to me.
How does your math give you 105 average progress per die?

Why heavily invest in a project that screams energy hog? Energy is one of your top limiting factors.
Because the project has zero listed Energy cost and is a tiny tiny proof of concept portal. All the actual energy hogs come years of development down the road... but those years of development cannot begin until we test the tiny proof of concept portal, so the longer we wait, the longer we delay actually getting any useful portals at some distant future time.

This was already explained.

The dice are 50R each so going with the minimal needed that it can complete is better as getting it up and running now is not worth 50R
I disagree. The problem is that if we never spend more than one die per turn on it, we're left "down to the wire" and anxious in the last quarter if things go badly. By spending two dice now, we have confidence of being able to finish the project by 2061Q3 and avoid any realistic danger of having to spend two dice at once to be absolutely sure of finishing the project in 2061Q4.

In the long term it may save Resources and costs us effectively nothing on net.
Revised my previous assessment. So many errors. (I'd used the Energy situation from a turn earlier, and then somehow thought I had an extra Fusion phase in the analysis when I did not. Double off-by-one error in Fusion Plant phases... :/ On the plus side, I think I double counted the Rail dice, so there is more available in Infrastructure. )
Half of this could still go out the window by the time we find out what happened this turn (I'm anxious about the assassinations), and what new options appear next turn.
This is a general dice allocation for the remainder of the Plan.

We have 24 dice.
Plan Goal:
Chicago 4, 6 dice (1 in HI) 120R 4E.
Other Important Things:
Fortress Towns 6/7, 5 dice 100R.
BZ Apartments 4, 3 dice 30R.
Rail Network Construction 5, 4 dice 60R.
Suborbital Shuttle Service 1, 2 dice 60R.
Total: 20 dice (Huh, I'd overcounted this last time?) 370R 4E.
4 dice available.

Heavy Industry
We have 20 dice.
Plan Goals:
Chicago 4, 1 dice (6 in Infra) 20R.
Anadyr Chip Foundry, 3 dice 150R 2E.
Industrial Laser Deployment, 4 dice 100R? 3E?.
Sub-Total: 8 dice 270R.
Nice Important Thing:
Suzuka Hover Plant, 3 dice 60R 2E.
Energy costs of everything:
Infra 4, HI 7?, LCI -1, Agri 3ish, Tib 0 (probably negative), Orbital 0, Services 0, Military 27!
Energy Need: 40. (Assuming no Ion Collectors.)
Cost for 3 Fusion phases: 11 dice 220R -48E.
Total: 22 dice 550R Full Plan Energy Cost -8. (That means we gain 8 Energy.)
Some free dice are needed. Assigning 4 to keep things slightly ahead, for a total of 24.
2 spare dice in case of blow-outs.
The problem with this spending is that half of it is just for power, of which 2/3rds of that is for the Military. This is sub-optimal industry spending. GDI industry should go 'burrr'.

Light and Chemical Industry
We have 20. No plan commitments.
Good to have things:
Chemical Fertilizer Plants, 1 die 15R 1E.
Civilian Drone Factories, 4 dice 40R 2E.
Bergen 3, 5 dice 150R -4E. (Decided that we may as well do it now-ish, as we should be able to afford it.)
Total: 10 dice 205R -1E.
Unless something really good comes up, I'd push for Reykjavik 5 next. It will take until Q2 next Plan to complete. Bergen 4 is technically possible, but the high cost per die might make it awkward.

We have 16 dice.
Plan Goals:
Freeze Dried Food Plants, 1 die 20R 1E.
Getting the food reserve goal, ~12 dice 120R? (Leaving this fuzzy due to Calorific Reclaimator and cursed Freeze Dry Plants.)
Total: 13 dice, 140R 1E.
However, this leaves our Food at +1. We can easily get that to +10 with the remaining dice, but I think we should use a few Free dice (which also buffers against further cursedness) and aim higher.
I'd add 4 free dice to get this to 20 dice available.
With that we can include:
Agri Mech Projects 2, 6 dice 90R 2E. (While we can afford the Labor and Logistics from further Aquaponics, I feel like completing this will have other benefits. We can afford to use small amounts of Capitol Goods like this now.)
Which bumps us back up by 20 Food.
NB: This doesn't account for more refugees arriving and using more Food. We really need those 4 Free dice in Agriculture.

We have 28 dice.
Plan Goals achievable trivially.
Recommended Optional Projects:
Green Zone Harvesting 7/8, 2 dice 15R.
RZ Tiberium Inhibitor Deployment, 2 dice 60R.
Harvesting Tendrils 2, 15 dice 450R.
Total: 19 dice 525R. (+185 income)
9 Remaining dice available for Ion Collector Refits.

We have 24 dice.
Plan Goals:
Lunar Rare Metals 2, 3 dice 60R.
Lunar Regolith 2, 1 die 20R.
GDSS Enterprise 5, 18 dice 360R.
Total: 22 dice 440R.
Achievable, but I'd like a buffer, so I'm adding 1 free die per turn for 28 total.
Extra Project:
Leopard II Factory, 5 dice 100R.
New Total: 27 dice 540R. (+25 income)
1 spare die in case of blow-outs.

We have 20 dice. That should be more than enough, even if something critical appears.
Professional Sports Programs, 4 dice 40R.
NOD Research Initiatives, 3 dice 90R.
Hallucinogen Development/Deployment, 3 dice 45R?
Pinhole Prototypes, 2 dice 100R. (Assuming bad luck.)
Total: 12 dice 275R.

We have 32 dice. I'm bumping that up with 2 Free dice per turn, for 40 dice.
I don't think we should go any higher. We have many other areas that are falling behind, and for every 2 free dice we add to Military, we seem to end up adding another 1 free dice to build more Fusion plants. We can't afford to have Military suck up all the free dice when other areas need catching up. We especially cannot afford HI falling behind as we are going to lose a die there for the Alternative Energy trickle next Plan.
Plan Goals:
ASAT 4, 3 dice 60R.
OSRCT 4, 9 dice 180R.
Railgun Munitions Development, 1 die 10R.
URLS 3, 3 dice 45R 2E.
Mastodon Deployment, ??? assuming 4 dice 80R 4E.
Carrier Shipyards, 8 dice 160R 15E.
Sub-Total: 28 dice 390R 21E. (Hrm, I think I must have missed one project last time.)
Important Extras:
SADN 1, 4 dice 80R.
Skywatch Telescope, 1 die 10R.
Seattle Frigate Shipyard, 4 dice 80R 6E.
Medium Tactical Plasma Weapon Deployment, 1 die 30R.
Sub-Total: 10 dice 200R 6E.
Total: 38 dice 590R 27E.
2 spare dice in case of blow-outs, but we likely want more. Although we also have Erewhon to catch blow-outs. Might be fine.

Budget allocated: ~3500/4000-4500. Which with the uncosted Tib and Services dice (I did include the half Reykjavik) we should still be in budget.

Free Dice
We have 28.
HI 4, Agri 4, Orbital 4, Military 8.
Total assigned: 20.
Erewhon not assigned anywhere. Erewhon is the ace-in-the-hole in case things roll badly, cos Erewhon is Ace. :)
8 Free dice available. I've decided to leave these unassigned, as things will likely change, but I'll discuss options next.

Options for the remaining dice:
We technically can still afford Chicago 5 by the end of Plan by using the 6 leftover Infra/HI dice and the remaining Free dice. (I'd overcounted by 4 in the previous analysis, which is why it isn't totally outside of possibility.) But we'd be just above break-even on Energy, making it undesirable.
However, this is without Ion Collectors or an advancement in Fusion technology. If we can get +10 Energy from Ion Collectors, we can fit in Chicago 5 (without an Energy issue). If we get +20-30 Energy from Ion Collectors (Or super Fusion plants), we can drop a Fusion Phase and still do Chicago 5. If viable, I'm going to strongly recommend this, as it adds a lot of redundancy to our industrial base.

Other stretch goal options:
Housing: We would only need 4 of the Free dice to complete another Arcologies Stage. Could be worth doing if they become a source of PS again. Otherwise I expect we can still get Apartments up. Phases 5 and 6, if they exist would only cost the remaining 4 Infra dice. We can afford the Logistics cost.
Shuttles: The remaining 4 Infra dice could get us the next Shuttle phase. Or we could use some free dice to complete phase 3. Might be premature, but then we likely wouldn't need to worry about Logistics for the entirety of the next Plan. Karachi will boost it further.
Tokyo Harbor: We could still drop 2 dice on this to rush completion. But only if we do it Q1. Otherwise there isn't really any point.

Heavy Industry:
Other than developing new technologies, there isn't a lot to do here. The big projects are too big to sensibly consider at the end of a Plan.
If we somehow don't have Ion Collectors or next-gen Fusion, I strongly recommend we go for an extra extra Fusion phase to get us to +20 Energy at the end of Plan.
Edit: Scratch that. We still have 16 Energy at the moment, so it should be okay to only gain +8 by the end of Plan.

Light and Chemical Industry:
We could rush Reykjavik by the end of the Plan, but I don't think it is worth doing. A partial acceleration would be fine, but it wouldn't be worth using all our free Free dice on.
Something useful for the Economy is likely to appear though. If that happens, I'd recommend doing that first, and then using a few Free dice to ensure we get Reykjavik half done. Chase that capstone into next Plan.

Ranching Domes. That is all.
(Finishing Kuzdu is possible, but it would take most of our remaining Free dice, so I'd leave that for early next Plan.)

Lots of odds and ends options in here. Finishing the Processing Refits should be done, as it looks silly just leaving it not-quite complete.
Then there are the little projects that don't appear to be really needed, but likely assist with Tib research.
More RZ Abatement is always good. SMARVs across Australia could be done.

Orbital Cleanup.
Maybe the Conestoga if we have some really good rolls.

Who knows.

This is a tricky one. Would be best to avoid anything that involves power intensive factories, unless we actually get a sudden windfall of Energy. Which could happen.
If it doesn't, we could still go for SADN 2 and a couple of electronic warfare techs (Advanced ECCM and Stealth Disruptor).
Alternatively: Orbital Nukes, Hallucinogen Countermeasures (which I dropped out to be conservative), or more Steel Talons tech would be good.
I'm leaving out Zone Armor for a few reasons. This includes the power cost, and that we are still delivering stuff for Ground Forces through our remaining plan goals.
I expect we'll be doing Zone Armor and the remaining Wingman Drones in the first year of the next Plan. Hopefully with next-gen Fusion...

(PS: I'm getting kicked around by medication withdrawal, even though I've done the smallest possible reduction. Apologies for errors and crankiness. I'm not looking forward to this hitting me another 12 more times if I have to get off this medication entirely.)
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I disagree. The problem is that if we never spend more than one die per turn on it, we're left "down to the wire" and anxious in the last quarter if things go badly. By spending two dice now, we have confidence of being able to finish the project by 2061Q3 and avoid any realistic danger of having to spend two dice at once to be absolutely sure of finishing the project in 2061Q4.
I agree with you as going with the minimal needed that it can complete is going with two dice on it next turn
Kudzu was replaced with actual stockpiles.... might gone overboard, but maybe not lol.

Shuttles are gone, and so is a majority beyond the most necessary optional military stuff, since AECCM is likely to open a new hole in NOD OpSec for InOps and SigInt etc. we might as well do it, Nagoya might have an overboard level of dice, but knowing our luck with our shit Naval rolls, I expect one to be a lower roll -_-

Bergen was replaced entirely by other things, already forgot WTF it was lmao.

Lunar Mining was one I never got, so I tried lol, though if it gets shot by a Nuke twice, I'mma dump dice on Enty or the other two Stations XD

HI is a little lean this Quarter on this plan, mostly that damn Portal, but next one I can go all in on Energy and than subsequently nuke several High Energy things with dice at once just for fun.

Fusion is staying? I think, cuz I may nearly overboard the Energy if I don't if this ever comes to be a real plan (god damn is this a energy eater)

Mainly this plans mostly trying to be a learning and experimental thing for figuring out good mixes without making a giant mass of WTF. though I may leave off
Hrm... If we are actually at +16 Energy, I might be overdoing it by saying we need 3 more Fusion phases. Then again, a buffer of 20 is good to have.
In Bureaucracy we have these left, the first could be done with the help of the Erewhon dice
[] Conduct Economic Census DC 100/150/200/250, DC 250 3 dice 42%, 4 dice 86%, 5 dice 99%
[] Conduct Civil Satisfaction Surveys DC 90/120/150/180, DC 180 2 dice 36%, 3 dice 87%, 4 dice 99%

That leaves 8 Bureaucracy dice in this plan:
We have spare dice in tiberium, LCI, Infrastructure and services so security reviews for those four in turns we do expensive projects like portals/scrin research
That leaves 4 dice to turn into two Administrative Assistance dice
As these do not get a bonus putting them on cheap projects would be ideal, where the lower rolls matter less.
Zone Defender Revision 0/40 1 die 15R 100%
Zone Lancer Development 0/40 1 die 15R 100%
would be my picks, as rollout of these will be cheap with the six existing zone armor factories being 75 points each so any refit will be small as well.
And then build a single zone armor factory so zone armor training can begin and we have a core of officers and nco's that know how to use it when we build the rest of the factories in a year or two.
Plan for +16 Power it gives us a margin in case of sabotage or nat 1's while rolling the HI dice.

I like to fit in Advanced Alloys Development, if only to get the alloys ready for the research departments working on the next generation of aircraft and ground vehicles. It might be the final push needed for the Appollo-A to be enough better then the existing craft for a project to show up in a few turns.
However, this is without Ion Collectors or an advancement in Fusion technology. If we can get +10 Energy from Ion Collectors, we can fit in Chicago 5 (without an Energy issue). If we get +20-30 Energy from Ion Collectors (Or super Fusion plants), we can drop a Fusion Phase and still do Chicago 5. If viable, I'm going to strongly recommend this, as it adds a lot of redundancy to our industrial base.
Back many pages ago (on Friday), I was trying to figure a ballpark figure for how much energy we could get from Ion Collectors. I was estimating 18-19+ energy. I got quoted and had this as a reply.

As of a few weeks ago, it was +41.

So, regarding the +Energy from Ion Collectors.... :)

In the end, it'll probably depend on how dice/resource intensive it'll be compared to more fusion phases.
Back many pages ago (on Friday), I was trying to figure a ballpark figure for how much energy we could get from Ion Collectors. I was estimating 18-19+ energy. I got quoted and had this as a reply.

So, regarding the +Energy from Ion Collectors.... :)

In the end, it'll probably depend on how dice/resource intensive it'll be compared to more fusion phases.
Another positive thing coming out of this is that we now have a better way to power anything we will do on Venus, without figuring out how to build environmentally sealed fusion plants there.
So, regarding the +Energy from Ion Collectors.... :)

In the end, it'll probably depend on how dice/resource intensive it'll be compared to more fusion phases.
I'm not going to bank on it until I see it.
However, we can easily throw up to 20 dice at it if it gives anything like +40. Which would be far less efficient than Fusion, so I'm expecting it to be more like 6-8 dice.
It will be a one-off though.