Hmm looks like Light Hydrofioil dev instead of point defense, keeping 4 dice on mil for the coming turn while doing Lithium Battery to reduce mil costs and progression needed. That and more cap goods investment beyond boston so that factories have the tools for greater production and thus we get more mil equipment rolled out. Following turn would like a dice or two on myomer works and the other mil and 1 or 2 free dice on more immediate developments.
By the way, you know what is absolutely hilarious about all of this? The greatest hero of the Initiative wore scorpion tails.
Her name was Alexa Kovacs.
- Framed Kilian Qatar..
- Handed her loyalists to GDI on a silver platter
-Sabotaged Legion when he had his hands on the Tacitus.
Also, GDI knows all of the above, because of Operation Dawn Star. W3N is going to running exposes for months, and trying to make Kane look as bad as possible. And Kane had best pray that Ajay is dead, because that's one exclusive interview he really doesn't want to have happen.
Please do NOT publicly broadcast any of that, we extremely don't want the Qatar Loyalists to start rethinking their loyalties to Kane and circumstances surrounding their departure.
...why in the world would the fact that Kane had Qatar offed in a kangeroo court despite her being 100% innocent make them want to listen to Kane? Especially since LEGION was 100% complicit in the frame up and is still in the highest levels of Nod?
If it comes out that Qatar was framed by Kovacs then suddenly it's Kovacs' fault for being a conniving b*tch who whispered evil lies in the Messiah's ears and assaulted one of His children, not a failing of Kane/the Brotherhood as an idea
No, it's Kane's fault for executing his second in command on BS charges after a blatant show trial. Like, the idea that Kane going "I executed my second in command after a five minute trial where my star witness openly admitted that he wasn't sure of his evidence. Shockingly, it turns out she was innocent" is not going to cause Qatar's loyalists to feel warm fuzzy feelings about the Messiah.

It's a really bad look for Kane, which is why he's taken such pains to burry the evidence.
So was this good or bad? Was not investing more in the military a mistake? How did those investments swing the rolls?
So was this good or bad? Was not investing more in the military a mistake? How did those investments swing the rolls?
What you did was equalize the rolls. Kane pulled out a number of new toys, most notably his Marked of Kane. You countered with a whole pile of hardware of your own, and evened things out again.
As for the events, they were generally a tactical victory, one that badly damaged the Brotherhood, but one that did not prevent Kane from achieving his objectives.
What you did was equalize the rolls. Kane pulled out a number of new toys, most notably his Marked of Kane. You countered with a whole pile of hardware of your own, and evened things out again.
As for the events, they were generally a tactical victory, one that badly damaged the Brotherhood, but one that did not prevent Kane from achieving his objectives.
On the other hand, Kane's ability to accomplish his ultimate strategic objective is currently still located at LOLNOPE, because although he has the Tacitucs now and can do TCN Science-y Things, he has zero capability to actually build the TCN, because we've been breaking all his actually good toys for a good long while now.
And he has to handle rebuilding his forces.
One of his main high end forces has been badly gutted not to mention other assets.
That was well written great job and while we lost the tacticus I would say overall that the GDI came out ahead.
Same. We can't build our own TCN, and the Tib is going to mutate on us, but Kane can't build his version of the TCN either and unlike him, our victory conditions can also involve just evacuating the planet, whereas for whatever reason Kane needs to do stuff with Threshold 19 and the TCN and etc etc etc.

Also, we smashed up a load of his newest toys, to the point where I don't think they're even an independent subfaction of NOD anymore.
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They use the wonder building material known as tiberium just like GDI does: as long as they have access to it they can build what they need literally anywhere in the world
Wont the tiberium not ruining there bases if they dont push it back? also what do they do about food and water? and tiberium does kill people and they are in the red zones
If Nod had failed all 3 of those engagements despite committing their best forces to the task while we've barely invested in our military and overextended it through our expansion, I would have called foul, tbh. As it is it's still absurdly lopsided in our favour.

Also that timeline is wrong, the Tacitus should only have been moved to Cheyenne at the tail end of the Third Tiberium War.

The crowning jewel was the Tacitus, an alien supercomputer seized from Kane after the Second Tiberium War, and transported to the site before the beginning of the Third.
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Same. We can't build our own TCN, and the Tib is going to mutate on us, but Kane can't build his version of the TCN either and unlike him, our victory conditions can also involve just evacuating the planet, whereas for whatever reason Kane needs to do stuff with Threshold 19 and the TCN and etc etc etc.

Also, we smashed up a load of his newest toys, to the point where I don't think they're even an independent subfaction of NOD anymore.
Yep so while we should continue to upgrade the military I say we won this round overall, but I still would like to start on the space stuff as soon as we can.
Presumably Nod has their own ways of stopping tiberium from eating their bases. They know a lot about it; it would stand to reason they have their ways of fending it off when it would otherwise cause a problem.

Also, "the Red Zones" or "the Yellow Zones" are big places- half and a third of the planet's land area, respectively. Just because we're doing stuff in "the Yellow Zones" doesn't mean we're doing enough stuff to have universal coverage all over that gigantic region- or rather, combination of regions. Especially given that we're probably concentrating on the areas with the densest populations or the ones most proximate to Blue Zones, whereas Nod can put bases in the most remote regions.
Nah, we should continue to believe we've effectively strangled Nod's support base in a few years and accomplished what previous GDI leaders obviously failed to do for literal decades, there's no way that could go wrong later.
Presumably Nod has their own ways of stopping tiberium from eating their bases. They know a lot about it; it would stand to reason they have their ways of fending it off when it would otherwise cause a problem.

Also, "the Red Zones" or "the Yellow Zones" are big places- half and a third of the planet's land area, respectively. Just because we're doing stuff in "the Yellow Zones" doesn't mean we're doing enough stuff to have universal coverage all over that gigantic region- or rather, combination of regions. Especially given that we're probably concentrating on the areas with the densest populations or the ones most proximate to Blue Zones, whereas Nod can put bases in the most remote regions.
Yeah, we need to keep doing our YZ stuff, right now we've only cut 1% of NOD's fodder supply, and 99 Fanatics/Militia/etc charging at you is still about as dangerous as 100 Generic Fodder NODdies charging at you. Also, we're still in the Green+Yellow, we haven't really been trying to extend ourselves into the Orange where NOD has most of its stuff.

Personally I feel now/the next few turns are a good time to start putting a squeeze on NOD, with Fortress Towns to actually hold our gains in the Yellow and Red Zone Containment to both get more Mitigation and to start pushing into NOD turf now that they've blown their load for the next couple years.

(Using the (Blue)->(Green->Yellow->Orange)->(Red->Black) scale)
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So can we actually handle the Tiberium Abatement stuff now that Kane has the Tacitus as per canon or do we actually go through the timeline of the failed 4th game?
Well either Kane gets the TCN plans into our hands or we find a better way to handle cleanup operations through research, I don't think we have any other options to hold Earth.