I'd prefer to get Duplex Row Housing personally. We have a big housing quality problem, what with all the cramped apartments we've been building everywhere, and because of that I don't think Housing is going to go away after we finish housing all the refugees. Duplex Row Housing both builds better quality houses (therefore raising living standards) and cuts our refugee population in half, all while getting more people out of the dangerous and hard-to-defend Yellow Zones.

On the other hand, we can house quite a bit more people for the same cost in resources and dice by continuing to build the sort of housing we have, and I think their are real arguements that making sure refugees have houses at all is more important in the short term then their specific quality for a relatively small slice of population, especially we can always build higher quality housing after everyone already has a place to stay as a baseline.

Edit: Duplexes are pretty great for the people who get too live in them, but a pretty shitty deal for the large number of refugees who have to stay in tent cities who wouldn't if we worked on Residential Construction Phase 3 instead.
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Yeah, if we're not doing BZ Residential for Housing it should be because we're building Fortress Towns. Either we should be focusing on entirely solving the refugee crisis or we should be solidifying our presence in the Yellow Zones. Once everyone is housed or Duplex Housing would solve the remaining Housing Crisis if a phase was completed, then we can focus on Duplex Housing or more Fortress Towns or both.
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Should we try to focus our resources to quickly fulfill our tiberium and orbital mandates from parliament so we can focus on our secondary goals freely later in 2053 or should we work on both the mandates and our various secondary goals (housing, consumer goods, capital goods, setting up for the second four year plan) more evenly?
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Should we try to focus our resources to quickly fulfill our tiberium and orbital mandates from parliament so we can focus on our secondary goals freely later in 2052 or should we work on both the mandates and our various secondary goals (housing, consumer goods, capital goods, setting up for the second four year plan) more evenly?
Tiberium, as long as we keep trying for two or three phases of a +4/+5 Mitigation a turn we should be good.

Orbital, I want to try and focus OSRCT down ASAP.

Secondary Goals are still important though, but if we need to I'm willing to ditch them, since we're in a pretty stable spot right now. Well, not that stable, but stable enough we shouldn't utterly collapse within a year if we really needed to focus on something else.
Hello All! Did some Consumer Goods +s/Resource analysis math stuff.

Tokyo Phases 2+3: (++++ +++)/285=+/23.75R, also gives +++ Cap Goods based on Boston Phase 2+3
HI Grant: +/15R, activates every turn

Personal Electronic Appliances: +++/40R=+/10R
Toy Factory: +/5R
YZ Workshops: +/15R, BAD PR, PLEASE DO NOT
Personal Pharmaceuticals: ++/60R=+/30R, grants + Health
LI Grant: +/15R, activates every turn

Luxury Aquaponics: ++/20R=+/10R

Craft Shops and Maker Facilities: +/15R, +5 PS
Publishing Houses: +/15R, +5 PS, opens up Entertainment Project Chain

I hope this is useful for planning.
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I assume Yellow Zone workshops will be bad PR because they give off sweatshop exploitation vibes?

I believe it, but has it been confirmed?
Oops, forgot to call the vote because I was tired :)

[X] CarterQuest Plan Screw Space, There's A War On
-[X][Carter]Expanded Power Production Phase 1 48/100 E, 3 Construction Dice
-[X][Carter]Automated Assembly Line 0/100 E, 2 Construction Dice
-[X][Carter]Construction Vehicle Fleet 0/200 0/1 E, 2 Assembly Dice, 3 Free Dice, 1 Funding Die, 1 AP
-[X][Carter]Reorganize Space Force 0/100, 1 Personal Die
BOTcommander threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Power Production Phase 2 Total: 66
21 21 25 25 20 20
BOTcommander threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Automated Assembly Line Total: 138
40 40 98 98
BOTcommander threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Construction Vehicle Fleet Total: 270
96 96 23 23 16 16 93 93 42 42
BOTcommander threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Reorganize Space Force Total: 64
64 64
BOTcommander threw 1 45-faced dice. Reason: FFD Total: 38
38 38
I'm a bit confused about how CarterQuest relates to the real quest.
CarterQuest is a semicolon mini-quest omake series set inside the main quest. Ithillid said he'd nod to it occasionally, and we'll probably get more of it in the updates when we start actually doing space stuff in either quest, since right now our total space investment can be summed up as "fixed the satellites and ASAT" and "we literally just got the ability to theoretically build spaceships but we do not have nearly enough part throughput."
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On the other hand, we can house quite a bit more people for the same cost in resources and dice by continuing to build the sort of housing we have, and I think their are real arguements that making sure refugees have houses at all is more important in the short term then their specific quality for a relatively small slice of population, especially we can always build higher quality housing after everyone already has a place to stay as a baseline.

Edit: Duplexes are pretty great for the people who get too live in them, but a pretty shitty deal for the large number of refugees who have to stay in tent cities who wouldn't if we worked on Residential Construction Phase 3 instead.
My worry is that there are going to be hidden costs to doing that option, beyond just its -Logistics. And all the housing options we have aren't just going to go away because we housed all the refugees, which means we're likely going to have to build better housing and ship people out of these remote apartment blocks anyways. So long-term they may cost more than we gain.

And it's not like we can't house everyone left in a single turn. We could put 4 dice into Duplex Rows and 4 dice on Arcologies/Fortress Towns at the same time. Or if Duplex Rows Phase 2 is also going to be a 0/200 project, then 7 dice on Duplex Housing has a 63% chance to complete both phases in the same turn. (I didn't include unknown phases in my completion percentage thingy cuz that would have made it even bigger. If Duplex Phase 2 is 0/250 then we'd need 8 dice for a 62% chance, sure. But it might be even bigger, or have non-resource costs, or require we finish a different project first. We just don't know.)
I'm a bit confused about how CarterQuest relates to the real quest.
It's supposed to be completely noncanon just-for-fun, but it's essentially one big omake and people like it so it might have some effect on the quest eventually.
I assume Yellow Zone workshops will be bad PR because they give off sweatshop exploitation vibes?

I believe it, but has it been confirmed?
Ithillid said in the Discord channel that they do, but they are also legitimately a better deal than is currently available in the Yellow Zones.
Ithillid said:
The workshops are, on one hand, something right out of the neoimperial playbook. Making use of populations that can be gotten to work via minimal capital investment and squeezing value out of them. On the other hand, a well heated/conditioned workshop, with mandatory breaks, and decent pay for some luxuries once they become available, is genuinely better than any option the yellow zones have had for a very long time.
I assume Yellow Zone workshops will be bad PR because they give off sweatshop exploitation vibes?

I believe it, but has it been confirmed?
It's not been stated outright, but the text of the option strongly implies it.
So, basically, the Yellow Zone workshops are both straight out of the neoimperialist playbook, something where they are a serious improvment over previous options, and something that will go away as you fix the cap goods crisis.
On one hand the workshops are squeezing value from people for a minimal capital goods investment. Long hours, by most standards kinda bad pay, and few promotion opportunities. On the other hand they are also better pay, better safety conditions, and more time off than pretty much any job in the yellow zones beforehand.
On the third mutant hand, they are something where your planners basically had them be a thing because you were short on capital goods. If you keep going, you will see something more like programming centers, component workshops (for all of the various widgets that go everywhere and you can't get enough of), and other more capital intensive projects coming up to replace these.
edit: And ninjaed.
Could we later on improve working conditions in the workshops?
Likeshorter work hours work,better pay and Even better work conditions later on?
So instead of semi sweatshops they would become legitimate places of work?
Could we later on improve working conditions in the workshops?
Likeshorter work hours work,better pay and Even better work conditions later on?
So instead of semi sweatshops they would become legitimate places of work?
Not really. The workflow and procession for a building constructed with machines in mind and one constructed with people in mind, are too different. For one thing, machines do a lot better with vertical space.
Housing has been taking the backseat, but the Capital Goods are almost done. Once Boston completes, that's slightly over half our remaining Cap Goods problems gone, and then it's just --- -- left and a lot of options for doing so.
Retrieved Data Logs: Damaged NOD Computer System- Operation Dawn Star (canon)
Retrieved Data Logs: Damaged NOD Computer System- Operation Dawn Star.


[14:32:01][4/4/2049] [Subject: Creator] set [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa] as [Secondary Commander]. [MissionObjective].new [Retrieve_Network.IonCannon.Blueprints]. SuccessChance([MissionObjective][Retrieve_Network.IonCannon.Blueprints].fullfilled = true) > 0.912. Calculating approach.


[09:49:52][6/23/2049] [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa] ordered an attack on [Location: Sarajevo; Temple Prime]. [MissionObjective][Impersonate_Qatar].fullfilled=true. [Subject: Self] unsure of purpose of operation.


[-21:03:51][Error][timescale unclear] [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa] attempted malware attack, resulting in [Protocol: Emergency Shutdown]. Last [Entry]: [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa] terminated by [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa]. [Timescale] updated. Current Year: 2052. [Subject: Creator] present when rebooting. Audio processing: 47%. Record for later analysis.

[15:09:23][10/30/2052] [Location: Rockies; Tacitus Lab] excessively fortified. [MissionObjective][Retrieve_Tacitus].fullfilled = false. SuccessChance([MissionObjective][Retrieve_Tacitus].fullfilled = true) > 0.987. [Subject: GDI Commander; unknown] resistance 8.64 higher than expected. Recalculating approach.


[13:47:26][11/1/2052] [Location: Siberia; Ground Front] [Subject: Savic; Ajay] deployed forces highly suboptimally. [Subject][GDI Commander; Unknown] shelled the exposed positions, leading to [Subjects: Marked of Kane][Storage][FrontlineList][Destroyed]. Data noted- future difficulties expected.


AN: I would like to thank BOTcommander and whoever RPEvil is in the thread for assisting in writing these logs on the Discord.
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[-21:03:51][Error][timescale unclear] [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa] attempted maleware attack, resulting in [Protocol: Emergency Shutdown]. Last [Entry]: [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa] terminated by [Subject: Kovacs; Alexa]. [Timescale] updated. Current Year: 2052. [Subject: Creator] present when rebooting. Audio processing: 47%. Record for later analysis.
One thing: Attempted a maleware attack? Either that's a typo, or highly inappropriate to do to an innocent AI.