True, but that's really only reliable against warlord troops. Nod's hardened core has enough access to stealth fields that I don't think informants are going to have any consistent success.
Perhaps Red Zone Sweeper Convoys would help? While mechanically they seem to be set up purely for tiberium income, I would think they would make setting up permanent bases and outposts much harder for Nod.

Using the convoys as recon hubs could be a good stop-gap answer to Nod facilities that are hidden by stealth tech.
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A big push should be in fortifying and securing the Yellow Zones, keep abating the Red Zones sure but Nod does draw most of their recruits from Yellow Zoners who feel left behind since GDI largelly focused on its prized Blue Zones at their expense. Lock in the Yellow Zones and Nod won't have as big a pool to draw its troops and spies from plus that's where much of the fighting is carried out in Tib War 3, Red Zone engagements were really only for hitting major Nod bases and the Scrin bases.

Mechanically, Red Zone mitigation is what helps the Yellow Zones not be swallowed by the advancing glaciers of death crystal. Yellow Zone mitigation is chewing up Yellow Zone to turn it into Blue, but that's no help to the people who actually live out in the deep Yellow Zones where the Red borders are gonna reach them long before GDI and the Blue borders do.

I agree fully with making Yellow Zone development a priority though, next turn I think we can sink a solid amount of cash into the first stage of Fortress Cities and go from there, we should do something every turn that helps the Yellow Zones in one sector or another. Last turn it was food, which ok local food supplies under local control are a good way to bribe the locals in the outposts we already have, but it's time to start pushing some more significant infrastructure and try to hold some territory.
True, but that's really only reliable against warlord troops. Nod's hardened core has enough access to stealth fields that I don't think informants are going to have any consistent success.
That is a valid point. However, think of it this way.

The entire conflict centers around assets and targets. You use assets to take targets and handle the other side's assets. In order to start an engagement, one must have an asset capable of finding and targeting the other's sufficiently well(eg from they are somewhere in that canyon, bombard the entire area to a 10 digit grid code for a precision strike).

GDI assests are generally anchored and rely on their network to target other assets(ion cannons, artillery, logistics).

NOD assets are generally in two camps: Expendable and Elite. Expendable is useful for forcing GDI to have to stay distributed to fend off attacks. Elite assets are high end groups that can then take out those distributed assets or bypass them for targets.

What having humint allows us to do is to shift more of our assets to a search and destroy role, cued by friendly people nearby. This reduces the amount needed at erach area for protection. This also frees up more forces to go toe to toe(or at least interdict) NOD's elite assets.

An average blue-zone family posing in front of a replica suburb in the pre-tiberium historical museum in Washington DC, circa 2053.
(The idea of GDI's aesthetic being obnoxiously 90s is one that I find hilarious and refuse to abandon)
Honestly that really makes apparent how pretty grim our situation is. Even the relatively well off peoples of the blue zones find things we take for granted unattainable despite having decades of technological advancement over us. This isn't even taking the horrific conditions that yellow zoners have to face into account.
Honestly that really makes apparent how pretty grim our situation is. Even the relatively well off peoples of the blue zones find things we take for granted unattainable despite having decades of technological advancement over us. This isn't even taking the horrific conditions that yellow zoners have to face into account.

thats the importance of consumer goods
they make life worth living from a material standpoint

sure they arent vital for survival,but as most people would agree,people aspire to more than mere ''bare survival'' conditions,otherwise the perfect society would be one when every single human being is lobotomized but otherwise taken care of in the most cost efficient manner by automatized entities

as well consumer goods improve people daily life,leading to healthier and overall happier populations (gods knows that i wouldnt want to live in pre-industrial conditions sharing a toothbrush per family and only eating the same shitty recipe every day,where meat the weekends was a big event),the same wealth inequality that angers the worker class will happen on a centrally planned society if the government has high tech shit and massive industrial output but people shit is basically XIX century tier of tech
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So after we finish our Capital Goods shortage, we'll need to security sweep Military again. Sigh.

We'd need to regularly sweep everything anyway. Nod invests pretty heavily in infiltration jobs.

A big push should be in fortifying and securing the Yellow Zones, keep abating the Red Zones sure but Nod does draw most of their recruits from Yellow Zoners who feel left behind since GDI largelly focused on its prized Blue Zones at their expense. Lock in the Yellow Zones and Nod won't have as big a pool to draw its troops and spies from plus that's where much of the fighting is carried out in Tib War 3, Red Zone engagements were really only for hitting major Nod bases and the Scrin bases.

While it probably won't help much for the deep Yellow zones, a constant advancement of the Blue zones would probably do much for GDI's reputation in the Yellow zones. They might not get there now, but they'll get there eventually. Although cracking Red zones and shrinking them down over time would also help a lot.

True, but that's really only reliable against warlord troops. Nod's hardened core has enough access to stealth fields that I don't think informants are going to have any consistent success.

The elite of Nod still depend pretty heavily on the warlord troops. For chaff and fodder to distract GDI, if nothing else. Even Nod's elites can't handle GDI regulars piling in on them in large numbers or getting shot up by orbital artillery, and that's GDI doctrine AFAICT. Find the biggest pile of Nod forces and drop the hammer.

I don't disagree, but where did that come from? The suburbs being a replica? I mostly based that on the GM saying that the housing style preferred by the population now is big arcologies due to the fear of Tiberium and suburbs falling out of fashion.

Also, suburbs (American style) are pretty horrible from a resource efficiency standpoint.
While it probably won't help much for the deep Yellow zones, a constant advancement of the Blue zones would probably do much for GDI's reputation in the Yellow zones. They might not get there now, but they'll get there eventually. Although cracking Red zones and shrinking them down over time would also help a lot.

All we need to do for the deep Yellow Zones is improve conditions by a decent margin to help show that we care. Turn the "Fortress Town" project into a practical and propoganda victory, call each one the seed of a new Blue Zone city. "This town shall serve as a seed from which we shall push back the encroaching Tiberium. So long as we all work together we can grow this seed into a new Blue Zone and eventually reclaim the Earth from the spread of Tiberium".

Or something along those lines So long as we build safe, well run towns with good access to services and support, people in the Yellow Zones will flock to them en-masse. The territory itself is only of secondary importance, the real victory is in showing the people that GDI will look after them and is actively invested n helping them. That lack of support is what pushed people to believe in the honeyed words of Nod in the first place, show them that we care and Nods recruiting lines start drying up quickly. Throw in amnesty for spies and informants and we could see good intel gains. After all, if you played Kanes Wrath remember Rio right at the start. People flocked to Nod in droves since GDI did little there but keep a token garrison to watch out for Nod presence. Same in much of Europe, Africa, the rest of South America and pretty much all of Australia.

The first war should be hearts and minds with GDI troops and the Ion Cannon network taking a side role this time.
True, but that's really only reliable against warlord troops. Nod's hardened core has enough access to stealth fields that I don't think informants are going to have any consistent success.

Goddard was taken down not by elite troops but militants. The operation that lead to the destruction of the Philadelphia? Might have been stopped with more on the ground intel. More then that the flavor text for the unit mentions being pulled from Yellow zones. These people have people who know them. Be nice to get a call if a bunch of them disappear from town one night.
I've just started reading this and I didn't know I needed this before now. C&C's tiberium universe has interested me for a while, even though I grew up with C&C Generals instead. It was somewhat curbed by my only introduction to the tiberium games being 4... but this has reignited my interest. Eager to see where this goes and to help decide our path forward.
Well that's confirmation that they'll come back and we should keep funding the military., which we were gonna do anyway because aliens.

"You think GDI would have been prepared to face the threat of the Visitors on their own? Did you think it simple coincidence that the Visitors faced resistance strong enough to match them strength for strength, that your soldiers were barely enough to drive them back instead of being crushed like insects? And you think you will be ready, when the Visitors return, this time fully prepared and informed on the nature of the foe they face? Go on then. Build your warships. Arm your soldiers and stock your armories. You were confident it would be enough, weren't you?"
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Goddard was taken down not by elite troops but militants. The operation that lead to the destruction of the Philadelphia? Might have been stopped with more on the ground intel. More then that the flavor text for the unit mentions being pulled from Yellow zones. These people have people who know them. Be nice to get a call if a bunch of them disappear from town one night.

TBH I assume the reason you were using expendable cannon fodder and not an elite strike team in-game has more to do with gameplay than anything.
"You think GDI would have been prepared to face the threat of the Visitors on their own? Did you think it simple coincidence that the Visitors faced resistance strong enough to match them strength for strength, that your soldiers were barely enough to drive them back instead of being crushed like insects? And you think you will be ready, when the Visitors return, this time fully prepared and informed on the nature of the foe they face? Go on then. Build your warships. Arm your soldiers and stock your armories. You were confident it would be enough, weren't you?"

Kane go home. It's not time for an expansion yet.

Actually. Our guy is now important enough to warrant a level in a fictional game isn't he? Like Nod assassination or GDI rescue/protection.
"You think GDI would have been prepared to face the threat of the Visitors on their own? Did you think it simple coincidence that the Visitors faced resistance strong enough to match them strength for strength, that your arms were barely enough to drive them back instead of being ground to dust? And you think you will be ready, when the Visitors return, this time fully prepared and informed on the nature of the foe they face? And you think you can win?"
"I seem to recall us driving them back inspite of NOD helping them. I think given enough time we can build an orbital defense grid that will at the least blunt the inevitable invasion fleet. I think that whatever they throw at us we can win, so long as you aren't around to inevitably sabotage the defenses you lunatic."

I know that a lot of OOC knowledge says that Kane is the reason GDI was ready for the Scrin, but I sure as hell would not believe him in universe, especially when his own forces seemed so dedicated to ensuring they murder all humanity by killing GDI soldiers fighting the invaders.

And besides, I already have an idea on how to defeat the Scrin when they open the Threshold portal. Hell I'm counting on it.

The Scrin plan will likely be twofold, a space assault fleet, and a mass ground invasion through the Threshold. The space fleet will most likely land forces across Earth, forcing troops to disperse to fight them, leaving the Tower undermanned, where the main landing force will swarm through in mass. Between orbital superiority and such a large amount of ground forces on planet GDI would easily be overwhelmed. It's what I would do if I were the Scrin.

But if we can build up enough of a fleet to prevent them from landing, we can keep the military around the Threshold and turn it into the biggest killbox in the world, and I don't rate the Scrin's odds good there superior tech or no.

What happens next depends on if the Scrin decides to call off the invasion or not. If they do, they'll close the portal and that will allow us to turn the entire area into the biggest military fortress we possibly can. But if they keep it open, we can potentially launch a counter assault through the portal and use that idiot Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb to detonate the Scrin's own homeworld, since they are partially Tiberium, and most likely the same with their structures.

Completely insane, yeah. Probably horribly flawed. also yes. But it's all I got when it comes to a permanent victory against the Scrin, and I'll happily take any other alternatives.

Edit: also assuming that the Ichor Hub that is connected to the Threshold is the homeworld, but i'll take annihilating the Scrin's food processing center.
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"I seem to recall us driving them back inspite of NOD helping them. I think given enough time we can build an orbital defense grid that will at the least blunt the inevitable invasion fleet. I think that whatever they throw at us we can win, so long as you aren't around to inevitably sabotage the defenses you lunatic."

I know that a lot of OOC knowledge says that Kane is the reason GDI was ready for the Scrin, but I sure as hell would not believe him in universe, especially when his own forces seemed so dedicated to ensuring they murder all humanity by killing GDI soldiers fighting the invaders.

And besides, I already have an idea on how to defeat the Scrin when they open the Threshold portal. Hell I'm counting on it.

The Scrin plan will likely be twofold, a space assault fleet, and a mass ground invasion through the Threshold. The space fleet will most likely land forces across Earth, forcing troops to disperse to fight them, leaving the Tower undermanned, where the main landing force will swarm through in mass. Between orbital superiority and such a large amount of ground forces on planet GDI would easily be overwhelmed. It's what I would do if I were the Scrin.

But if we can build up enough of a fleet to prevent them from landing, we can keep the military around the Threshold and turn it into the biggest killbox in the world, and I don't rate the Scrin's odds good there superior tech or no.

What happens next depends on if the Scrin decides to call off the invasion or not. If they do, they'll close the portal and that will allow us to turn the entire area into the biggest military fortress we possibly can. But if they keep it open, we can potentially launch a counter assault through the portal and use that idiot Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb to detonate the Scrin's own homeworld, since they are partially Tiberium, and most likely the same with their structures.

Completely insane, yeah. Probably horribly flawed. also yes. But it's all I got when it comes to a permanent victory against the Scrin, and I'll happily take any other alternatives.

That plan has the big problem of relying heavily on ooc knowledge. Pretty sure GDIs greatest minds think the Treshhold tower is shut down and no threat at this point. Maybe even busted. It's the only plausible reason I could see for GDI not throwing everything they had left at the end of Tib War III at the damn place to pry it out of Kane's hands.
That plan has the big problem of relying heavily on ooc knowledge. Pretty sure GDIs greatest minds think the Treshhold tower is shut down and no threat at this point. Maybe even busted. It's the only plausible reason I could see for GDI not throwing everything they had left at the end of Tib War III at the damn place to pry it out of Kane's hands.
Yeah, which is why I'm really hoping we start kicking Nod's shit in and stealing their knowledge about the Tower.
That plan has the big problem of relying heavily on ooc knowledge. Pretty sure GDIs greatest minds think the Treshhold tower is shut down and no threat at this point. Maybe even busted. It's the only plausible reason I could see for GDI not throwing everything they had left at the end of Tib War III at the damn place to pry it out of Kane's hands.

Well, even if we had an IC reason to go after the Threshold, we literally can't do anything it right now because 1) it's literally invulnerable 2) you need a key code to access it and we don't have one. We might be able to steal the code but without that we literally can't touch Kane.
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[ ] Yellow Zone Light Industrial Sectors
With Yellow Zone cities now in full development, and the capital goods crisis almost in hand, GDI can now begin looking towards developing a full suite of light industrial developments in the Terminus Cities. While this will cost substantial amounts of capital goods as GDI builds all new factory complexes, for everything from toys and toothbrushes to perfume, it will substantially increase employment in the Yellow Zones
(Progress 0/400: 10 Resources per die) (++++ Consumer Goods, -- Energy, -- Capital Goods, --- Labor)

Something new, since you are getting close to fixing cap goods.
Hmmm drains Capital Goods though.

I think we need to get those Yellow Zone Fortress Towns started. The refugee camps are falling apart, NOD is up to something potentially unsubtle, and cramming everyone into Blue Zone housing will just cause unrest.

And then of course, we still need more capital, consumer and military good production.
Yellow Zone Fortress Towns look to have enough Housing capacity to take in the people who are still living in the refugee camps, especially with the cost reduced by twenty percent, and the fact it permits further levels of Yellow Zone Intensification (and therefore more Resources) is icing on the cake. And let's face it, Yellow Zone Fortress Towns is a political statement of support for the Yellow Zoners on its own - people don't tend to build defences in places where they don't intend to stay, after all.
Unofficial quest intro (noncanon)
Unofficial Quest Intro

It is the year 2053. For more than 3 years the Secretary of the treasury has sat immobile on his uncomfortable office chair. He is the master of money by the will of the Director and master of a million bureaucrats by the might of his inexhaustible work ethic. He is an old man writhing visibly with power from the five cups of coffee consumed this morning. He is the second most important cog in the machine that is the Imperium of the Global Defense Initiative for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that it may never truly die.

Yet even in His tired state, the Secretary continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty mechanized armies cross the tiberium-infested hills of the Red and Yellow Zones, the only route between the Blue Zones, their way lit by the GPS satellites, the literal manifestation of Space Commands will. Vast armies give battle in their names on uncounted battlefields. Greatest amongst their soldiers are the Zone Troopers, well-trained and -equipped soldiers. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Initiative's Army, the ever-vigilant InOps and the space-priests of the Space Command to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, Nod, occasionally mutants -- and far, far worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold millions. It is to live in a pretty nice and fair regime overall. These are the tales of those times. Believe the power of technology and science, for not that much has been forgotten. Believe the promise of progress and understanding, for in the noble, grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of command and conquer, and the laughter of thirsting generals.

Thought for the Day: "Hug the Heretic, Embrace the Mutant, Assist the Unclean."
and I do not trust a Yellow Zoner who enjoys fungus pizza casserole.
I wonder if fungus bars will become the new Spam in GDI Blue and Yellow Zone culture. During WW2, the American canned meat was spread across the world to populations suffering food shortages thanks to American soldiers and Lend-Lease. Across the Pacific and Asia, Spam was and is very popular as a cheap, tasty, and easy to store food source and it became a respected part of local culinary cultures to this day. In Britain, Spam became a disliked symbol of wartime shortages and rationing.

In the Blue Zones, the GDI fungus bars are widely disliked and are regarded as a symbol of the constant shortages and rationing after the Third Tiberium War. Many will not forget or forgive Dr. Granger and the Brotherhood of Nod for the fungal farm tiberium sabotage incident in 2050 either. In the Yellow Zones, the fungus bars might be considered a convenient nutrient dense food source and become a symbol of GDI's increased attention to the Yellow Zones and find a permanent way into local Yellow Zone culinary cultures.