Yes this is all true... But do you really want to tempt China like that, when we don't know just how destabilising the supernatural situation is going to get? Because I can absolutely see it happening that we see a split in the world or something like that occurring right as we reach a critical point. And then, just as we're about to do a major campaign to solve that split, China ends up invading Taiwan for one or more reasons which might be perfectly legitimate such as Taiwan falling under the control of a supernatural faction.
With them then refusing to leave it or allow us and other nation's troops in as peacekeepers because 'it's entirely an internal matter' as the supernaturals have already been removed and Taiwan after is one of 'their' prefectures, not an independent coutnry. Which will cause a massive geopolitical explosion.
It's basically the equivalent of taking the powderkeg that is currently there, and removing the lid whilst sticking in a fuse cord which is just curled up on the floor near it. Sure, the powderkey was already there, but now you have made it much easier for a stray spark to trigger it and there's a long line of fuse cord just lying there that's stuck into the keg. Waiting for someone else to walk up, grab the cord and walk off. With or without us knowing who took it or where it's going.