So what's the penalty for not completing the carriers and assault carriers by the end of the plan like we promised?
If I recall correctly, given the development and production times, we don't have to finish them this plan, just get started on all of them though we do need to make a good faith effort like getting started on them as soon as possible. For example, if we begin to construct them within a turn or two of their development completing would count as a good faith effort, but leaving them until the last few turns of the plan would not count.
Okay then, I think we should got for Contact USAA and Contact ASDEU next turn so we can get started on them as soon as possible.

There is nothing to outsource. R&D is still ongoing, and there are no finalized designs ready for construction for either. The R&D teams estimate late 2015 or later for the assault carriers, and early 2017 for the super carriers. If the UNDC is fast, they might be able to have the assault carriers before end of plan. Forget about having the super carriers ready by that time, 1 year is not enough to build even one hull.

If I recall correctly, given the development and production times, we don't have to finish them this plan, just get started on all of them though we do need to make a good faith effort like getting started on them as soon as possible. For example, if we begin to construct them within a turn or two of their development completing would count as a good faith effort, but leaving them until the last few turns of the plan would not count.

Amount of time left on the plan and construction delay will also be important. When you have years left on the plan and enough room to build all the hulls at the current pace, high command won't get antsy. If you've got 2 quarters left before end of plan before you can even start, expect that high command expects you to cut steel for all of them the day the design is finalized.
Has anyone in the world been successful yet in finding out ways monsters could be tamed into pets or has it all been Eaten fingers, limbs and more skeletons for overworked rangers and hunters to find and have to collect to give to people that Have to figure out who this half smashed skull belonged to?
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Okay, so now here's our list of goals still pending at the start of Q2 2015 -

Agenda Goals:
Complete all 3 Blocks of Sentinel Frigate Deployment (+3 CS)
Complete all 5 Blocks of Assault Carrier Deployment (+2 CS)
Complete all 5 Blocks of Super Carrier Deployment (+2 CS)
Have at least 1 Logistical Port in each of the following regions: North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian Ocean
Complete at least 1 Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion projects (+2 CS)

Other Goals:
Complete 2 Infrastructure, Industry or Military Projects in North America
Complete 1 logistical port in Brazil
Complete 1 logistical port in Argentina
Complete Set Up South American Military Bases
Complete all current Ground Forces deployment projects up to and including the Military Expansion stage
Complete the UNDC Orbital Global Positioning System and the first phase of UNDC Orbital Surveillance Array
Complete 1 Infrastructure, Industry or Military Projects in China
Complete UNDC Veteran Care Office
Complete a logistical port in South Korea
Complete 2 projects that infrastructure dice can be used for in Japan and South Korea
Complete 1 infrastructure projects in China and use CSCEC dice in these projects
Prioritize Research into magic blocking/nullifying
Experiment with methods to weaponize Lycain
1 Free Org Dice be used in every category before the end of the plan

* We completed Ellsworth Port last turn which also counts as a Logistical Port in the South Atlantic.
* The Psychological Health Service isn't strictly completed at the start of Q2 but BOTcommander stated it would complete at the end of Q2 2015 without any dice or Resources allocated to it, so I took it off the list still pending above.
* 2 stages of Sentinel frigate deployment completed last turn leaves 3 to complete before the end of the plan.

So for the future plans -
* Completing the Logistical Port in South Korea will fulfil one of our Other goals but also count as a port in the North Pacific for our Agenda Goal, and should only take 1 Dice. It also counts as a project using Infrastructure dice in South Korea, as per one of our Other goals.
* We need 112 progress to complete the ports for Brazil and Argentina, 2 Dice with +20 bonus each should have a very high chance of success.
* To complete our Agenda goal of Logistic Ports we need ports in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific, in addition to the South Korean port we're already working on. We could put both of them in Australia - a port on the east coast like Sydney, Brisbane or Newcastle would supply the South Pacific while a port on Australia's west coast like Perth, Fremantle or Port Hedland (Australia's largest cargo port) would supply the Indian Ocean - and overflow from one project could easily be directed to the other one.
* Complete 1 Infrastructure, Industry or Military Projects in China - we can build a Megaship Yard in Hong Kong to accomplish this goal and have a yard ready to start building assault carriers when the design in finalised at the end of 2015, so we can start production in 2016 to make us look good for the military staff and for the civilians alike.

One of our main goals is to complete all our current Ground Forces deployment projects to Lvl 3, so I'm going to list the projects I think are included under this heading to make sure that I have them all included so we aren't missing any. -
* MRK Deployment - 147 progress required, 10 progress / turn from factories, 11 turns remaining. 1 Dice should guarantee we complete this by the end of the plan
* Enok Deployment - 110 progress required, 10 progress / turn from factories, 11 turns remaining. Can complete by the end of the plan with just the factory production, but it's right down to the wire so we might want to put a Dice into it just to be on the safe side and give us some extra Fuel and Maintenance.
* Osprey Deployment - 44 progress required, 10 progress/ turn from factories, 11 turns remaining. Will be completed by end of 2016 with factory output alone.
* Galil ACE Deployment - 128 progress required, no progress / turn from factories. 2-3 Dice should be enough to complete it.
* Infantry Gear Deployment - 289 progress, required, 10 progress/turn from factories, 11 turns remaining. Will need 2-3 Dice to complete it.
* Leopard 2A7 Deployment - 211 progress requires, 13 progress / turn from factories, 11 turns remaining. 1 Dice might be enough to complete it by the end of the plan, will probably need 2-3 Dice.
* Patria APC Deployment - 300 progress required, no progress / turn from factories. Will require 3-4 Dice to complete.
* Arbalete Deployment - 225 progress needed, 17 progress/turn from factories. 11 turns. Will need 1 Dice to complete.
* Bradley IFV Deployment - 235 progress required, 17 progress /turn from factories, 11 turns remaining,. 1 Dice should be enough to complete by the end of the plan cycle. However one of our Agenda goals is to build two construction projects in the United States, and here we have the option to build Bradley factories in the US for 1 Dice apiece. Another easy goal to complete.

So, can anyone else think of any other projects we need to complete so we can accomplish the Ground Forces deployment goal?
* Complete 1 Infrastructure, Industry or Military Projects in China - we can build a Megaship Yard in Hong Kong to accomplish this goal and have a yard ready to start building assault carriers when the design in finalised at the end of 2015, so we can start production in 2016 to make us look good for the military staff and for the civilians alike.
Bad idea in my opinion. We still need to do one last Infrastructure project in China with CSCEC dice, which also resolves the commitment to complete one Infrastructure/Industry/Military Project in China so we might as well hit two birds with one stone. Meanwhile I would like our megaship yard to be located at our military HQ.

However one of our Agenda goals is to build two construction projects in the United States, and here we have the option to build Bradley factories in the US for 1 Dice apiece. Another easy goal to complete.
I would rather do Infrastructure projects for North America than Military projects. Our deployment for Bradleys is already expensive enough and we don't need to reduce the progress at the price of increasing Resource cost. Meanwhile we are rapidly clearing up our Infrastructure Commitments, which leaves us free to do some other stuff in that area with plenty of useful yet relatively cheap projects that can be done in North America.

I would also want to do Complete Set Up South American Military Bases sooner rather than latter since we have pissed off the South Americans by going after Torres as he is their guy. Likewise doing both of the South American Logistical Ports should be a priority to migrate our loss of support.

Edit: Also maybe include Resource costs alongside the Dice costs as knowing how much we will have to spend is just as important as knowing how many dice will have to use.
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@BOTcommander Can we use any overflow progress from the Logistical Port in South Korea to build a Logistical Port in China like Dalian or Shanghai? That should satisfy the requirement for the Infrastructure project in China with CSCEC , correct?
@BOTcommander Can we use any overflow progress from the Logistical Port in South Korea to build a Logistical Port in China like Dalian or Shanghai? That should satisfy the requirement for the Infrastructure project in China with CSCEC , correct?
[]Maintenance and Supply Air Base Expansion
Planes and jets are maintenance hungry machines that require the right infrastructure, facilities and experts to service them. Access to sufficient facilities can greatly enhance the effectiveness of UNDC operations in the region.
-[]Hong Kong (8/90 50 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +4, Logistics -2)(Can use Military Dice)
-[]Soul (0/90 50 Resources per Die)(Maintenance +4, Logistics -2)(Can use Military Dice)
-[]Rio de Janeiro 12/90 50 Resources per Die)((Maintenance +4, Logistics -2)(Can use Military Dice)
Locations that have different projects listed in the same location get priority for overflow progress.
Extracted from the Plasma Injection Engine Project, Full Scale Test Files 1 to 5[Canon]
Extracted from the Plasma Injection Engine Project, Full Scale Test Files 1 to 5
All names obscured for security reasons.

File 1
Visual: Stripped down jet engine
Engineer 1: Alright, everybody ready? Spool her up.
Noise of turbine engine starting, the engine shifts a little in frame
Engineer 1: The test article is stable, go ahead and activate the additive pump.
Engineer 2: Additive should enter the combustio-
A loud boom is heard and a jet of red-yellow flame is expelled from the front
Engineer 1: Shut it down.

File 2
Visual: Stripped down jet engine
Engineer 1: Alright, everybody ready? Spool her up.
Noise of turbine engine starting, the engine shifts a little in frame
Engineer 3: Here's hoping this one doesn't scatter the fanblades across the apron.
Engineer 1: Yes, that would be inconvenient. At least the airport had a cleaning car to clean it all up. Anyway, the test article is stable, go ahead and activate the additive pump.
Engineer 2: Additive should enter the combustion chamber just about now.
The noise of the turbine becomes a loud roar and the flash compensators dampen the light intake of the cameras as the jet blast becomes a bright white cone of flame.
Engineer 2: Shit that's bright.
Engineer 3: I think we've got an engine rich exhaust.
Engineer 1: Engine rich?
Engineer 3: We're burning up the engine. We should shut it down before it flies apart.

File 3
Visual: Stripped down jet engine
Engineer 1: Alright, everybody ready? Spool her up.
Noise of turbine engine starting, the engine shifts a little in frame
Engineer 1: The test article is stable, go ahead and activate the additive pump.
The noise of the turbine becomes a loud roar
Engineer 4: Looks like the new tungsten fanblades are holding up.
Engineer 2: They better, they were expensive.
There's a bang and the video detects fragments great and small flying out of the engine. The engine makes a loud rattling sound as the automated system detects the anomaly and cuts the flow of fuel.
The largest part of the drive's shaft is later found 400 meters down range, having dug a groove in the concrete and soil as it skittered and rolled down. Bits of drive and fan are found embedded in the concrete surface and walls around the test stand.

File 4
Visual: Stripped down jet engine
Engineer 1: Alright, everybody ready? Spool her up.
Noise of turbine engine starting, the engine shifts a little in frame
Engineer 1: The test article is stable, go ahead and activate the additive pump.
Engineer 2: Additive should enter the combustion chamber right now.
The noise of the turbine becomes a loud roar
Engineer 3: Well, that seems to be holding up quite well now.
Engineer 4: Odd, the temperature gauges aren't responding.
Engineer 1: They aren't?
Engineer 4: Nope. They're dead. [Engineer 2], you sure they're installed correctly?
Engineer 2: I thought they were, I checked.
Engineer 5: I think I know why they aren't responding. The engine's leaking.
Silence except for the roar of the engine suddenly shifting to shuddering bangs
Engineer 1: FUCK.

File 5
Visual: Stripped down jet engine
Engineer 1: Alright, everybody ready? Spool her up.
Noise of turbine engine starting, the engine shifts a little in frame
Engineer 1: The test article is stable, go ahead and activate the additive pump.
Engineer 2: Additive should enter the combustion chamber right now.
The noise of the turbine becomes a loud roar
Engineer 1: Torque?
Engineer 2: Nominal
Engineer 1: Temperature?
Engineer 3: Slightly high.
Engineer 1: Fan blades?
Engineer 4: No oddities on the cameras.
Engineer 1: Okay, let's run the engine for five minutes before we shut it down.
4 and a half minutes pass
Engineer 1: Well, that seems like a successful test to me. Get ready to shu-
There's a loud boom as the engine disintegrates. The outside cameras catch a rapidly expanding cloud of white hot debris before they are struck and go offline. The cameras inside the monitoring cabin shudder as the cabin is struck and violently thrown on its side.
Engineer ?: SHIT. What the fuck just happened?
Smoke alarm goes off, staff evacuates the cabin. Cabin burns out completely, cause determined to be molten metal debris entering the cabin and igniting a filing cabinet. Injuries limited to bruises and a few cuts.[/I][/I]
* We need 112 progress to complete the ports for Brazil and Argentina, 2 Dice with +20 bonus each should have a very high chance of success.
So going back to this, I think we should throw four dice on South American Military Bases instead. Overflow goes from that project to the Logistical Ports in Brazil and Argentina and by sticking four dice on South American Bases, we have a 98.78 chance to complete all three projects at a cheaper price. This is because we are spending dice at 30 RpD rather than 40 RpD with a bonus of +34 instead of +20.

And when I mentioned this to Bot on the Discord, they had this to say:
BOTcommander — Today at 00:08
Provisional outline for a plan for Q2 2015 -

[]Plan Goal-Scorer
Infrastructure ( 0/3 Dice, 3/3 Org Dice) +20 [ 3 Admin, 155 Resources]
-[]Maintenance and Supply Naval Base Expansion
--[]Southampton (123/180)
---[] 1 Org Dice (45 Resources) (1 Admin)
-[] Logistical Port Construction
--[]South Korea (58/80)
---[]1 Org Dice (45 Resources) (1 Admin)
-[] Logistical Airport Construction
--[]Shanghai, China
---[]1 Org Dice (65 Resources) (1 Admin)
Industry (/3 Dice , 2/4 Org Dice ) +22 [3 Admin, 185 Resources]
-[]Industrial Exoskeleton Deployment
--[]Industrial Work Teams (0/125)
---[]2 Org Dice (130 Resources) (2 Admin)
-[]Megaship Yard Construction (0/150)
--[]Ullapool (MilHQ)
---[] 1 Org Dice (55 Resources) (1 Admin)
Service ( 0/3 Dice, 3/2+1 Org Die) +17 [ 3 Admin, 75 Resources]
-[] UNDC Veteran Care Office (0/150)
--[] 2 Org Dice (50 Resources) (2 Admin)
-[] Recruitment Centres (Stage 2) (42/100)
--[] 1 Org Dice (25 Resources) (1 Admin)
Orbital (2/2 Org Dice) +16 [ 2 Admin, 200 Resources]
-[]UNDC Global Positioning Constellation (0/75)
--[] 1 Org Dice (100 Resources) (1 Admin)
-[]Orbital Surveillance Constellation (Phase 1) (0/75)
--[] Dice (100 Resources) (1 Admin)
Military ( 4/4 Dice, 5/4+1 Org Dice ) +34 [12 Admin, 460 Resources]
-[]Set Up South American Military Bases (0/100)
--[]4 Dice (120 Resources) (8 Admin)
-[]Lycain Weaponization Experimental Program (0/100)
--[] 1 Org Dice (80 Resources) (0 Admin)
-[]Reactive Armor Deployment Refit (125/250)
--[] 2 Org Dice (80 Resources) (2 Admin)
-[]MRK Deployment (Stage 2 Security Forces) (20/85)
--[]1 Org Dice (100 Resources) (2 Admin)
-[]DEW-Point Defense Development Program (51/75)
--[] 1 Org Dice (80 Resources) (0 Admin)
-[]Submarine Codevelopment Program (0/100)
--[] 1 DARPA Dice (0 Resources) (0 Admin)
Administration ( 4/4 Dice) +9 [4 Admin]
[]Convene with Cairngorms Spirits for assistance
--[] 1 Dice ( 1 Admin)
[]Plan UNDC Space Lift Capabilities (0/150)
--[]2 Dice (2 Admin)
[][]Suggest a rework of the UNDCs command structure(0/100)
--[] 1 Dice (1 Admin)

Resources: 1075 (155+185+75+200+460)

Admin Capacity:27
Expenditure: 27 (3+2+3+2+12+4)
Remaining: 0

* Maintenance & Supply Naval Base at Southamptomn to complete a goal and gain +2 CS
* Logistical Port Construction in South Korea to complete the goal of having a port in South Korea, and also to have a port in the North Pacific
* Logistical Aiport in Shanghai in China to complete goals of building an infrastructure project in China and also use CSCEC dice on the project, and also to help accomplish the goal to 'complete 2 projects that infrastructure dice can be used for in Japan and South Korea'
* UNDC Veteran Care Office to complete a goal for a relatively cheap price
* Recruiitment Centres to complete another goal fairly quickly.
* Set Up South American Bases accomplishes a goal, acts as a gesture to indicate we've still got the South America situation in hand even with Torres getting punted, and BOTcommander confirmed the overflow will go towards the Logistical Ports in Argentina and Brazil, probably completing them.
* Lycain Weaponization Experimental Program because it's another goal to work towards accomplishing.
* Reactive Armor Deployment Refit is not a goal on its own, but the Army has been pushing for it for ages, and the GLA is deploying heavy weapons against our troops in the Middle East, so it's best to get it done ASAP.
* MRK Deployment to help contribute to our goal of Completing our Grounf Foces objective.
* DEW Point Defence to complete the existing project
* Submarine Codevelopment Program to develop new and improved submarines as we have confirmation of the existence of sea monsters.
* Industrial Exoskeleton Deployment focusing on Industrial Work Teams to improve the bonus for our Industrial sector. Also one of our goals says we need to use Org dice in each sector each turn, so here it is.
* Start construction of a Megaship Construction Yard so that by the time the Assault Carrier design has been finalised at the end of 2015 we can go straight to starting construction. Also I chose Ullapool rather than Osaka in order to spread our shipbuilding out a bit.
-[]Industrial Exoskeleton Deployment
--[]Industrial Work Teams (0/125)
---[]2 Org Dice (130 Resources) (2 Admin)
I would prioritise Infrastructure Work Teams over Industrial Work Teams. We use more Infrastructure Dice than Industry Dice.
Resources: 1075 (155+185+75+200+460)
Are you including the fact that all Org Dice cost an extra 5 Resources to use?
[]Plan UNDC Space Lift Capabilities (0/150)
--[]2 Dice (2 Admin)
[][]Suggest a rework of the UNDCs command structure(0/100)
--[] 1 Dice (1 Admin)
I would prioritise sorting out UNDC's command structure over getting our own orbital dice. I consider it more important and would prefer to get it done in a single turn if we can rather than risk dragging it out.
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