Q2 2010 Results
Unicorn Dissection
"Doctor Natalie Libert here, doing a final report on the unicorn cadaver. After Doctor Bernard finished his examination with some difficulties, he was confused to find the unicorn's anatomy to be mostly congruent with that of a normal horse and send the rest to me for more detailed analyses. He is right, the subject is a horse, anatomically and genetically, safe for some microscopic differences that caused his problems. First is the unicorn's skin. Bernard found it difficult to cut, that is because the outer membrane of the skin cells is covered by a natural occuring form of graphene, that gives its skin great resistance towards slashing and piercing damage. The hunter was not actually able to pierce its skin, the bullet caused a brain fracture, you will understand later, when it hit the head. The muscles and tendons are similarly reinforced with carbon fibres. The most anomalous thing I found are the unicorn nervous systems and bones. The bones are mostly made up from chemically pure elemental diamond, around 60% by volume. The nerves are coated in what I can only describe as microscopic diamond rings, up into the brain, which, most surprisingly, is a pure diamond mass filling out the skull cavity, with a piece of it growing out the unicorn's forehead as its "horn". The bullet was able to hit the unicorn at exactly the right angle to cause a fracture in the diamond, explaining the death, but I am not sure I can explain how such a creature can "live" exactly."
Headquarters Construction (Stage 2) 267/200; (Stage 3) 67/300
Underground construction of the UNDC tower has been completed with the general public unaware of the extent of the cellar facilities. Beyond parking lots, storage and maintenance is another 50 levels of what will be administrative facilities complete with emergency life support and power generation for the whole tower under meters of protective concrete and steel plating. With the site now proved against attacks and natural disasters that are common in the region, construction of the main tower has fully commenced, the skeletal metal and concrete frame growing a dozen meters every day.
Source Design Licenses 75/100
The process of sourcing design licenses has into the problem that is the aftermath of the great financial crisis. With some companies becoming bankrupt, being sold and/or nationalised some of the patents have been difficult to find the owner of. Another hurdle has been the expanding tree of sublicenses being used in some designs, with something like a battle tank or a fighter jet sourcing parts from more than a dozen different subcontractors.
ABC Deconstruction Operations (Phase 1) 83/100
Destruction of the hundreds of tons of chemical agents has begun. Too dangerous to be transported far, the barrels are stored and burned in the facilities that made them, where destruction furnaces have been hastily erected. The process requires absolute caution, as the facilities are substandard and many of the agents are highly volatile.
Restructure Staff Office 96/100
The restructuring of the Staff Office is nearly completed. With most of the files digitized, they have been compiled into a single data archive that is moved to HQ in armored transports. With the amount of classified data already stored on computers, talks have begun on the topics of secure backups, but so far no project has been proposed.
Restructure Logistical Office 109/150
In a similar vein the Logistics Office has benefitted from the access to computers, with shipments now easily manageable from a single interface. While many have welcomed the use of modern administrative tools, some have not. Director Nobuo was quick to point out how the tools are reliant on easily-disrupted systems. He has made the creation of both the internal security division and a dedicated cybersecurity division a priority
Review Security Forces 46
The Security Forces are less sophisticated than expected. Aside from the few well trained and equipped units guarding important military locations, the rest are mostly civilians, usually equipped with non-lethal weapons and a simple sidearm. With talks of heavily militarizingthe security forces, Merin has made the proposal to put the current forces under the UNDC armed forces banner and make security a military matter.
-[]Merge Military and Security Categories
-[]Do not merge Military and Security Categories
Merging will put Security Forces in the Military category in a similar vein to Ground Forces, Air Force and Navy. Security Dice will become Military Dice and the Military Dice Bonus will be used. On an additional note, Security Reviews would use Military Dice and Dice used for Security Reviews would not count towards the Dice Limit.
Suez Base Expansion (Phase 1) 74/100
Construction at several locations around the Suez has begun in earnest with some of the older sites renovated and new ones built, now with steel and concrete instead of tents and poorly ventilated prefab buildings. Progress has been slow, with the bad logistical and industrial state in the region to blame for the poor delivery times of the huge concrete blocks to be used as the new base walls.
Organisational Cooperation Initiatives 75
30: Japan Business Federation (JBF)
In his effort to make Japan more important on the geopolitical stage, Director Nobuo has assisted in dealing with the JBF, making the whole task easier. While they are still wary, they are definitely interested in cooperation and after long negotiations have settled onto an acceptable initial deal.
-Industry Advisors: +5 on Industry Dice
-Dedicated Capacity: +2 Org Industry Dice
-At least 10 Org Industry Dice used before the end of the budget cycle
-Completion of two Industry Projects in Japan
-[]JPF: Accept Cooperation
-[]JPF: Do not Cooperation
50: AeroSpace and Defense Association of Europe (ASD)
As the financial crisis took effect many of the Euronations were the first to slash defense funding, leaving many of their national contractors dry in the water. Initially trying to drive a hard bargain with the situation being that the American, Russian and Chinese arms companies have so far declined deals with the UNDC out of fear of corporate espionage. Karoline Becker, assisting in negotiation, had none of it, using the leverage she had from managing industry bailing funds to make the initial deal acceptable for all parties, the ASD accepting the deal that would for now keep their staff employed as the economy recovers.
-Military Advisors: +10 on Military Dice
-Security Advisors: +5 on Security Dice
-Dedicated Capacity: +2 Org Security Dice, +2 Org Military Dice
-The Org Die extra cost for the Dice provided by the ASD is waived until the end of the budget cycle
-All Org Dice provided by the ASD used every turn until end of the budget cycle
-[]ASD: Accept Cooperation
-[]ASD: Do not Cooperation
70: China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC)
The Chinese government, initially uninterested in cooperating, quickly became more interested as the talk went away from arms and industry and more towards infrastructure and general construction. The CSCEC accepted a deal that left even Sokolov suspicious, suspecting Beijing seeing this a good way to begin relations with the UNDC without compromising their trade security.
-Infrastructure Advisors: +10 on Infrastructure Dice
-Dedicated Capacity: +3 Org Infrastructure Dice
-2 Completion of two Infrastructure projects in China before end of Budget Cycle
-[]CSCEC: Accept Cooperation
-[]CSCEC: Do not Cooperation
Org Dice: Org Dice represent action that is made with less oversight by a partner organisation. When used Org Dice cost an additional 5 resources over the normal cost of the projects, even if the project would normally cost no resources per die, but also only take up 0.5 Dice Capacity both in regards to the absolute dice limit and Sokolovs broad focus trait. For fairness sake I will allow you to go up 0.5 more than your current dice capacity, in this case 18.5. One Budget Cycle if 4 years.