A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
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A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

In a world where magic has all but guttered to ashes, becoming the fare of charlatans, petty conjurers, and ragged illusionists, a mighty change is stirring. From small and fragile sparks a great blaze will be reborn and men will again look in wonder awe and terror at those who would dare to call on secret powers. Heroes and fiends, champions and monsters, soon all will walk under the light of common day once more.
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Warning: Warning
Which is why Evil gets shit done, as Good is too busy being a self-righteous little shit.

They haven't lost because the Stupid kinds of Evil defeat the Neutral and Lawful ones.

As the Sorcerer Supreme himself says, anything to avoid the Big Fire Bellow.

**Snipped Image**

More like:
*Autistic screeching*


Man, I can absolutely live with this.

warning Posting copyrighted images is against the rules, so is using slurs or similarly pejorative phrases. Please don't use 'autistic screeching' in this or similar contexts again and use a link instead of posting a page outright.
No. Just no.
This is what appeared in my head when he said it. What about you?

stop I think it's incredibly inappropriate. And you know better than to post that kind of image here. With that in mind, take a time out for a bit Arimai.

And just for future reference to everyone in the thread, please avoid explicit images in the future. It'll save many headaches for both you and us.