[X] Building Our Homefront
-[X] National Actions
--[X] Donate resources to the city's police.
--[X] Hire local workers for your company (Ned Flanders)
--[X] Support the city reconstruction effort
---[X] The docks and waterfront
--[X] Research your competition
--[X] Upgrade the laboratories of the Power plant
--[X] Take a look at the wasteland (Jasper Bonus)
-[X] Personal Actions
--[X] Abe
---[X] A test of your own medicine
---[X] Practice your lying skills
---[X] Hit them books.
---[X] Hang out with your elders
--[X] Flanders
---[X] Visit Maude Flanders grave
--[X] Jasper
---[X] Go visit some old war buddies
Donate resources to the city's police. DC 30:
Roll: 30+24(Abe's Martial)+10 (A Grandpa to all Springfield)=64
"Sooooooo... This is a pretty sizeable donation, Simpson."
"You bet your bottom dollar it is! We gotta keep Springfield safe in these trying times!"
You were sitting down In Chief Clancy Wiggum's office, talking to him after using some of your funds to, as he stated, donate to the Springfield police department.
Sure, they weren't the most competent (if at all), but maybe a little elbow grease and better resources could get them into shape!
"Also... Between you and me... Doughnut shops all around town have been threatened."
Well, a little white lie never hurt anyone... To your knowledge!
Reward: Police armed to the teeth! Crime in the city has gone down! Public Opinion Increases. Chief Wiggum now has a tank…There's no way anything bad can happen with it! Police motivated to defend their sacred Doughnut shops! Police gives now bonus against invasions to Springfield!
Hire some local workers for your company DC: variable, higher the better.
Roll: 40+13(Abe's Diplo)+26(Flander's Diplo)+5(Hidely Ho!)+3(Loyalty) = 87
Great Success!
You were once again waiting in your office a bit anxious. It has been a few weeks since you have asked Flanders to start looking for people to hire.
A part of you was afraid no one would accept the offer. Thanks to Burns, the power plant didn't have the best reputation, you would have to work hard to escape from Burns' shadow.
Just then, the door to our office opened and Flanders stepped forward, a stack of papers in his hands and a spring to his step.
"Hello there Sir!" Flanders says as he arrives at your desk. "Like the Archangel Gabriel, I've come bearing great news!" He puts the stack of papers on the desk as he continues talking.
"We received lots of people interested in our offer! It took a bit of time to sort them out but I think I was able to find the most promising ones!" He says as he begins to tell you how the interviews went.
TO BE CONTINUED ON THE INTERLUDE: "The Best of Springfield and Everything Else!"
Support the city reconstruction effort. DC: Varies depending if the district. Choose one:
The docks and waterfront Dc 30 (1 income)
Roll: 38+8(Abe's Stewarship)+10(A Grandpa to all Springfield)=56
Great success!
You thought about it and realized that the old docks and waterfront could be a good place to start with repairs.
After all, you never know when it could be useful to have such a good place of storage and water based business!
So you get to work on it. It goes pretty well! You just hope nothing crazy happens... Well, it's Springfield, so nothing too crazy!
Reward: Springfield Waterfornt finally repaired, Increased Opinion with Springfield Citizens!
Research your competition. DC: 50
Roll: 98+16(Abe's Intrigue)=114
Once you finished ordering Flanders to look for new hires and ask Jasper to check out that "Wasteland" thing, you decided to take upon yourself the job of checking out possible rivals.
You had no idea how to do that…so you resorted to your most trusty source of information, the television! It took a few weeks of watching the news, as well as asking some of the workers of the company to gather any interesting facts in newspapers but you managed to get a general idea of today's economy, the most prominent companies as well as what's happening in other places in America.
But you still thought you were missing some things, no way the news would tell all the interesting stuff, so you decided to check out the documents on Burns Office. Guy had this business running for years now, and though he was infamous for cutting corners in everything, You know he never skimped on finding ways to cheat the competition.
So after a long search of his office, a safe found, and a busted lock, you had access to Burns' confidential papers. And GOOD LORD, your eyes couldn't believe what you found.
According to his notes, for a few years now a bunch of CEOs have been using entire states as their own personal "fiefdoms", as burns likes to call it, amassing so much power and influence they can do almost whatever they damn well wish! Supposedly even the government has a hard time standing up to them.
Apparently these bigshots dont take too kindly to strangers entering uninvited and causing a ruckus. Burns' notes didn't go too deeply into it but there were several warnings to not try any funny stuff against them. You wonder what, if anything, they did to make him sound so scared in these reports?
Wow…you weren't expecting this when you began your research. You still can't wrap your head around it!
Surely Burn's notes have to be exaggerated…or even plain wrong, right?
Still…you are going to need a break from all this stuff. It's too heavy for your poor heart.
What happened to those good old times when your major worry was when your Son would visit you, you wonder?
Abe learned more about the current situation in America! He has learned about the Kings and their rise to power(though is a tad skeptical of it's full extent)
Collaboration and Infiltrations Actions Unlocked!
Most Noteworthy things from the information gained:
Springfield is located between the borders of two kings' factions! Those being Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Shego!
Doofenshmirtz is the CEO of DEI, which has a monopoly in trinkets and other miscellaneous things. The pharmacist is currently in a 3-way pissing contest with Syndrome and Shego. You don't get it quite well but apparently, it all began because of a series of posts on Social Media. You haven't gotten all the details on this though.
Shego is the CEO of Drakktech, a technology firm, and is also heavily invested in the cape scene. From what you have been able to find out, she and Syndrome seem like they've been butting heads for some months now. She also seems to just…ignore Doof's messages on Social Media about giving him "The part of the territory he rightfully earned?" You have no idea what's talking about.
Syndrome, the sole owner of Kronos Corp, has a focus on military contracts and tech, those round robots of his look quite intimidating! Currently focused on measuring contests with Doof, if any of the long lines of posts in social media can attest to. Also seems to hate that green lady with a passion. Man, it seems some people just don't like the color green eh?
Judge Doom, with his Cloverfield Industries, seems to have total control of the infrastructure sector. He seems to be in total control of an area called "Doomtown", a weird name and is the head of the anti-toon movements. Currently, he has spent the last few months focusing his attempts at destroying any credibility of Disney, once one of the most famous entertainment companies, which has stopped producing animations and has been forced to focus on the creation of Theme Parks. Man, that's just sad to see.
David Xanatos, owner and CEO of the one and only Xanatos Enterprises, has fingers in several pies like construction, genetics, and tech. Burns's notes have said that this man shouldn't be approached at all costs, and if forced to do so, take the most precautions possible. What on earth did he do to Burns so scared of him?
There's been several news stories about a group of masked individuals with weird skull-shaped helmets attacking several locations in New York, some of them had been properties that Xanatos owns, but there is not much, if any, info about them.
Apparently, there's a famine going on..Why the hell are you just learning about this?! Luckily, Toffee and his New Mewni Company have been the leading force in making sure that America is being fed. Though it seems he alone hasn't been able to feed all of America. Mmm, maybe there's something you could do about that? Springfield IS famous for its Lemon Trees after all.
(Action to Create Lemon Farms unlocked! Unfortunately…you can't take this action until all of Springfield is reconstructed!)
And lastly, there are not one, but TWO companies selling robots: Leviathan Corp and Inventco.
Leviathan Corp is mostly known for their "friendly frobots" doing odd jobs around the country, but they've recently made great strides in children's entertainment: toys, video games, comic books, and most recently: cartoons! They've already released one "with more to come" much to doom's chagrin. They're *very* new, new enough that burns has almost nothing on them.
Inventco on the other hand is almost the polar opposite, going for a mature, retrofuturism aesthetic. Bah, back in your day it was just the future! While frobots are built for specific jobs, Inventco's Helping Hats are advertised as being a housekeeper, butler, personal assistant, and more all in one! They also sell useful products that are notorious for being unintuitve to anyone who isn't one of their hats.
Burn's notes had very little about them, save that most of the people he hired to investigate either quit or found nothing. Some even gave refunds!
The weird thing is that no one has ever seen or heard anything of either CEO, maybe they're just shy?
Upgrade the laboratories of the Power plant. Dc 35
Roll: 38+10(Abe's Learning)=48
"It's wonderful! Bloody wonderful!!!"
You hear for the 7th time this day after handing the lab coats a check to buy new equipment for the lab's. You didn't expect the researchers to be this happy! Guess the old equipment was worse than you thought.
Oh well it's good that these eggheads can get some joy out of their work now. I mean one feller is even dancing.
"My wife and kids will finally love and respect me again!"...okay now you feel bad for that guy.
Reward: Springfield Power Plant outfitted with modern facilities! Now you finally have equipment worth something! +5 to all National Learning actions that requiere the use of the Power Plant Facilities.
Jasper Action:
Take a look at the wasteland. Dc 30.
Roll: 3+16(Abe's Intrigue)+10(Jasper's Learning)+1(Loyalty)=30
Exact Success!
Jasper slunk into your office to give his report. He insisted that he told you this in person.
No one knew what to expect from this, which was why you had to send the best man for the job. A man you've trusted to save your life over and over again, and you his.
"It's bad." Report after report gets laid on your desk. Air quality, water quality, and dead foliage. Hospitalizations. All cross-referenced with a map of the area and potential paths through. Very little testimonials, however. Barely anyone stuck around until things got as bad as they were now. Jasper spent some time pointing the rest to resources that could help them move.
Anyone else wouldn't see anything different about him, but you did. The slight tremors in his hands. The reserved walk. They way he had to fight to not have a far away look in his eyes. You know all too well. It feels like a minute before he starts talking.
"They're as reliable as they can be without going in there ourselves. We tried, but About 2 miles out people started coughing their lungs out. Gas masks make it better, but they couldn't get everything. Even then, I still caught a whiff and…"
" smelled like war."
You are gonna have to take a look at this so-called wasteland.
Reward: Now you know the Government wasn't lying!...You kind of wish they were. Discovered safe routes to the Wasteland, as well as what precautions and equipment you might need to enter that place.
Adventure Unlocked!!!: ONCE MORE UNTO THE BREACH!!!
A test of your own medicine: 25
It turns out switching prescriptions isn't as easy as calling someone and saying "I have money, give me drugs!". There's forms to fill, papers to read, and a whole bunch of other annoying stuff that you swore money could take care of for you. If anything, this bull-in-a-chinashop approach might"ve given you(read, flanders)more things to look at! You don't want to hear about "side effects" and "liabilities", you just want whatever kept burns from keeling over!
Needless to say, you're a bit in over your head with this. Lost in the sauce, like the youth call it (that's what it means right?).
Bah, you wouldn't even be doing it if some of the stuff you've read didn't look worth it.
Result: failure. Next time the action is taken roll with -5 due to clinical confusion.
Practice your lying skills: This past week you spent your free time working on how to hide your emotions better. You have been practicing in front of a mirror and with Flnaders and the rest of the workers in the Plant. You have felt some progress but still have ways to go.
(½ completed. Take the action one more time to gain 1d2+1 intrigue)
Hit them books: You were able to read a few of the books that your granddaughter Lisa gives you for your birthdays. They are basically giant encyclopedias of several topics. It's been a slow thing, you more often than not fall asleep after a while, but you ARE learning. Better keep doing it!
(⅓ completed. Take the action two more time to gain 1d3+1 Learning)
Hang out with your elders: 41
You don't want to go forgetting your roots just because you're a big shot now! So you decide to go visit your old friends!
However, with the medicinal issues, you zone out for a little bit and get lost. You eventually stumble across your friend Old Jewish Guy (was that offensive? Eh, he never objected, it's probably fine!).
"Oh! Abe! Hello there! You won't believe it! I just remembered a really funny story! It all starts with a lucky Penny-"
Needless to say, the next 3 hours weren't really worth mentioning, and you didn't really get to visit anyone else.
Reward: Abe spent his entire visit with the Old Jewish Guy, and though they had a good time, no information of worth was gained.
Visit Maude Flanders grave: 88
According to Flanders, his visit to his late wife's grave was more… "livelier" than usual. He didn't give you many details while talking on the phone. He said he needed to tell you in person…but that it would be best if no one else approached the graveyard for the time being.
To be continued in the interlude: Hi-Diddly-Ho…Kaiserino?
Go visit some old war buddies: 51
After his excursion to the wasteland, Jasper tried to get in contact with some of his friends from the military, see what's been of their life so far.
From what he was able to tell you, most of his friends had already passed away, sadly. He did hear about a hotshot general getting transferred nearby, but nobody he knew.
There was one more person he wanted to try looking for. A man whom Jasper knew very, very little, save for one thing. He showed you the last photo of his old platoon and for the very first time pointed to an empty chair with a Sniper rifle next to it. "That's my last man. I'm sure of it."
You can't bring yourself to object. You know what it's like when an army man chases ghosts. You just hope he finds whatever he needs.
Reward: Jasper unlocked personal action to look for his old Sniper friend. Unlocked the option the recruit the mysterious general