A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Well, I suppose this passes the hidden but possibly obvious question of why you picked the Ban vote over me or ES.

I'm definitely back to considering you linked to ES though.

I think you just made me less likely to do that actually.

Look you can do what you want, but while I'm acknowledging that I'm absent and can't help that I'm not going to just give up. If you want to take that as a reason to vote me then fuck off b/c the first advice I was given in this game was never give up, but feel free.
Look you can do what you want, but while I'm acknowledging that I'm absent and can't help that I'm not going to just give up. If you want to take that as a reason to vote me then fuck off b/c the first advice I was given in this game was never give up, but feel free.
I get that this is frustrating, but that level of hostility is unnecessary.
I get that this is frustrating, but that level of hostility is unnecessary.

Sorry, it's just annoying that 'I have life issues rn and will be back soon, if you're going to inactivity vote pls do it to someone else' is a reason to vote me, especially when in literally every game I've been in that's been accepted. It's Day 2. I have over twice as many posts as other people still in the game. I don't want to have to sub Ossha in when by D3 at latest I'll be back to full steam ahead, and yet now I'm seriously having to contemplate it.

Fuck, even right now I'm mobile posting in the library while also working on a project due at 8 am tomorrow that I'm only about a quarter of the way done with if that. I just...

@Absum sorry for snapping, I'm just really stressed rn
Ban your fine, I just wanted your brain to pick is all. Urg...shoot me...or my computer...whichever works
Sorry, it's just annoying that 'I have life issues rn and will be back soon, if you're going to inactivity vote pls do it to someone else' is a reason to vote me, especially when in literally every game I've been in that's been accepted. It's Day 2. I have over twice as many posts as other people still in the game. I don't want to have to sub Ossha in when by D3 at latest I'll be back to full steam ahead, and yet now I'm seriously having to contemplate it.

Fuck, even right now I'm mobile posting in the library while also working on a project due at 8 am tomorrow that I'm only about a quarter of the way done with if that. I just...

@Absum sorry for snapping, I'm just really stressed rn
dw I don't mind, especially as I wasn't planning to vote you :V

I'm just also not going to follow your orders to vote people that you aren't even voting yourself

though I guess based on
'I have life issues rn and will be back soon, if you're going to inactivity vote pls do it to someone else'
you meant something very different than what I took away from it
Now just as an aside probably broke a toe a few hours ago, so guess I'll be fairly active tomorrow. :V
*Forty-one hours later*

I know I've seen you in the thread a pretty good bit, so post!

Anyways, gonna finish my ISO on Cyri now. Anyone have anything they want to ask me though? I'd really rather the game doesn't just stagnate for the entirety of Day 2.
*Forty-one hours later*

I know I've seen you in the thread a pretty good bit, so post!

Anyways, gonna finish my ISO on Cyri now. Anyone have anything they want to ask me though? I'd really rather the game doesn't just stagnate for the entirety of Day 2.

Been busy, been doing a big post. Patience.

But here is the flavor as of current I guess: (Before page 15)

Evenstar = Town
Absum = Scum
Happerry = Town
Nictis = Nictis :V (Town)
TurtleDucks = Ugh... why...
Nanimani = Ugh...
1k = Scum
Hobo = Neutral
Pyrros = Slightly Low Neutral
Cyric = Neutral
Mesonixian = Scum
Not Mentioned = Literally nothing.

Things should speed up now that I'm about to hit things I've tried to parse in terms of being a player instead of things just as a reader.

And the toe is certainly a beautiful shade of purple now. :V
For clarity I'm trying to make this big post legitimately readable as well, so no proper quotes just post number and commentary/analysis. And not just be a big wall of text that is just there to show one is doing something.
You found anything yet because I sure as hell didn't with this ISO...which is the more concerning thing. Okay onto the ones with a bunch of meat to digest...

Sadly, no. Nothing stood out to me on the reread, so I've decided to pick a target and go through everyone of their posts.
Since I can't recall anything they've done, even though they have posted 58 times. Seems like as good a place as any to start.
I got the timezones wrong but this isnt too bad

FYI I go to work around this time and I will be afk for 7 ish hours but beginning next week is my vacation so will have more activity then
Even though they claimed they would be more active this week, I'm not in a position to complain. Even if I was though, everyone seems to be posting less during this day, so...
I dont know anybody here, what about the rest? Whove you played with, what do you think of their playstyle?
Why did you think 1K was sus?

Or a link would be fine too.
From what youve seen, what would you rather play as, town or scum?
Whats the difference between townNictis and mafNictis?
Not sure how Evenstar's dynamic with Pawn matters, Pawn is a GM for this game

What do you prefer playing as, maf or town?
There's a lot of questions from Est here, and maybe this is just me, but the question of "Do you prefer to play as scum or town" seems pretty useless for scumhunting. It's probably just Est trying to get aquainted with everyones play styles. Maybe. Or maybe just posting meaningless questions to seem more town then they are, or something. One could probably twist it either way. I'm not sure of the motivation behind the question either way.

Or maybe it's actually a good question, but I'm ignorant to it.
Judging by the reactions she received during the signups, I can see how charismatic she could possibly be

Or maybe its the meme power
Okay everyone, heading off to work brb
You seem nervous

terrible read incoming


How classy of you
OK leaving for real this time

brb in 7 hrs
I see this is the sort of thread where if I take a dump and come back, suddenly there is a page or two
Give me 10 minutes to catch up to some quests, and Ill give my first serious reads when Im done catching up here
I have played before.

I have played before
Whoops, double quoted the same person

I need to move to a computer
I last played forum mafia 7 years ago.
I have a initial read to post, but first I need to answer my own question

Do I prefer town or mafia?

I prefer town, because I enjoy investigating more than information control.
NAI, short status updates mostly.
These were my reads during the first two pages before I left for work:

Rosen claimed to start taking investigation seriously but kept a fairly upbeat tone. Time will tell if this is hype for a new game or fake. Asked some questions, 2 of them seem irrelevant but his reasoning was okayish when i asked for clarification on 1 of them. made assumptions on yhe game, and did mafia 101 but there are new players so this is fair.

Ban just kinda existed. Came into the thread and answered questions, and not much else. Did nothing to keep discussion going

Mesonoxian has a username i keep misspelling so Ill call them Meso for my sanity. He questioned Rosen on something. Then told me goodbye as i left for work. Could be out of politeness, or not

TurtleDucks seemed to take a long time to answer my simple icebreaker

These guys stuck out to me the most then, I had no real reads on the others

Ill wait a couple more pages before I do another attempt at a read.
I can't comment much on the reads, since not a single opinion was stated. It's mainly observations and theorizing, much like what I do at this moment. Seems NAI to me, I guess.

In my half suppressed memories I always suffered as a maf. People told me its easy to tell if im maf or not, because of how much energy I put into day phase. Unfortunate but true.

Heres hoping I improve my scum game as I play in SV
What does the ' :V ' mean in this context?
Why are you answering for him?
Nictis responded to my question on his mafia vs town game with the sentence I quoted. I simply continued the dialogue with Nic. From my POV, Nani came out of literally nowhere
Dont know why my other response was swallowed by the ether

I enjoy both vanilla and nonvanilla.

How long have you been playing Even?

Get some sleep

So you enjoy deceiving people?
Bunch of NAI, but this last question stands out a little to me. I hope it's not basis for a scumread ot something like that. Enjoying a certain role or playstyle does not correspond to being that role, or playing that playstyle at this moment.
In my case, playing wolfy means I know who's who thus my lackluster day performances, barring the occasional games with SKs.

Im behind the current meta, but if players nowadays think that vanillas are boring, Im afraid the meaning of D1 investigation has been lost

@Nictis what do you currently think of 1K?
Asking for opinions.
I missed this the first time

What exactly about Rosens two posts pings you?
Asking for clarification.
Sadly I was late to the party on that one

You Lagren?
So you're currently chatting with this other person?
??? Anyways, a bunch of NAI, this last question rubs me the wrong way a little though.
Its been years.

Were you the one that posted Corgito Ergo Sum and incited everyone into derailing the thread with corgi pics for 2 pages?

If not, Im mistaking you for someone else
I vaguely remember this

I tried my best to forget the HS community, my last moments werent very graceful

@Evenstar what do you think of Rosen so far?

You mean youll convince your buddies not to bandwagon people that protect you? how reassuring :p
More questions about other peoples thoughts.
Now that Ive read the thread until the latest post, if Rosen were truly scum I see him trying to set up a helpful persona, then propose different camps with his talk of the current setup, giving his homies a chance to infiltrate these factions. Thereby dividing the town.
I don't understand the proposed scenario.
it began when Rosen asked for a wmg of a full scum team. question 3, threadpost #63

then Meso asked how many bad guys are there likely to be in a 17 person game. threadpost #104

various people responded, and it took off from there.
@Nictis TD is correct, wild mass guessing

My current thoughts after my third reread of the thread:

At this point in the game, Rosen looks like certified USDA approved Mislynch Bait. Meso made some good points, but my personal experience speaking with Rosen was NAI, as it was too short-lived. I'll wait till he comes back for another chat, in the meantime I'll try picking up new lines of questioning.
Correct -Rosen read.
...i messed up my post again damnit
Its 3 hours before my bedtime (2pm) need. to. stay. awake.

Probably town

Heya @Happerry , never spoke to you before. You take part in any quicktopics lately?
Another question about quicktopics. I don't like that.
Hmm. I take back my assessment
The most interesting thing that happened so far was Even's claim of being neighborly

TurtleDucks was voted by 3 people

Rosen pinged people but not so much

@Absum , what are your thoughts on the current TD wagon (tiny as it is)
A bunch of NAI, followed by yet another question about other peoples thoughts and opinions.
Another thing @Absum , you focused on Rosen for using RNG to guess who's scum but what about the others who went along with question 3? why are they exempt from this line of questioning?
Probably because -Rosen was the one to say that people should give their "Random" opinion, presumably to give some data points that could be used later. Then to not adhere to that given standard themself seemed hypocritical. That was my own thought process at least. Also using RNG =/= going along with question 3.
Not sure what this refers to
This part of your reasoning eludes me. Walk me through, it could be just difference in playstyle. I just want to be certain I understand before I respond
In regards to asking being more questionable then answering.
Thats what I get for speaking without fact checking

Heh, that assessment made me laugh

I read the rng stuff as NAI and harmless because Dovah is in that list, seemed like a meme post or something. The reason why i asked you about it, is because you claimed that people may try to analyze it down the line when it clearly cant be when taken as is
Not sure how to see this.
Thanks Meso

Ok this is my last post before I leave

I mostly agree with everything you said, but sometimes a townie makes an ice breaker post that doesnt really help with wolf detecting but the wolves swarm and respond to it, to look busy and add to their post counts, etc.

With that said, @-Rosen if you really are town you better start hunting because multiple people have been pinged
I do like this, a little at least.
At this point I would totes get behind a Nictis/Evenstar/Absum towncore but it's too good to be true...

Tonight Ill be rereading the thread and isoing some people
Opinions, nice.
Is it possible for the maf in this game to NOT be in contact with each other?

Just something I thought of, rereading the game flavor
This part:

A mental interference effect, obstructing the afflicted's ability to distinguish and recognize individuals, thus rendering chains of command impossible and sewing paranoia and distrust.
If the game is neighborhood based, then the Merovin faction and the invaders faction would each start with 2 people, and then each would auto-grow by vote. Bringing into the fold people they believe they can trust.

So each faction may have an investigator type role to help with that.

Invaders would also have an additional vote to night kill someone, because this is still mafia and thus they must be aiming for the king or whatever important PRs the townies have
I suppose were gonna have to find out if mafs can NK then, it would illuminate what their true wincon is

of course theres also the flavor about the supposed traitor to consider...
Setup Speculation. NAI, but also pretty meaningless.
So if I go by the theory you crafted about neighborhoods and try to remain faithful to the flavor, that means town needs to weed out the wolves, that are in disarray, and invite other townies to the group...

QT was the one that said this couldnt be a cult game


TownNictis, is that you??
Wasn't Nictis already a townread?
Awake a bit earlier than usual, but unfortunately there was a death in my extended family

I can still play, but I will be about 2 hours later after work today, need to help my aunt make funeral arrangements

Yea I was talking about the "Treachery most foul" line in the flavor text

Sorry if I was unclear earlier, I was referring to a possible SK/survivor player running around (IF we take that line as gospel)
Missed this. Explains further the diminishing amount of posts.
Before I get into my personal reads I want to say, that while there have been some general fear of Rosen being a mislynch, no one has provided a reason as to why this could be a mislynch

Ugh, explaining is hard

Skimming the thread there was a mention of 1) Rosen being proud of being a hard to read player (playstyle argument), 2) Rosen just flat out making a bad play/mistake, etc., 3) not enough damning evidence to lynch Rosen, and 4) gut feeling that Rosen is a mislynch

These could explain why Rosen might not be maf, but it doesnt explain why Rosen might be town

Like, I try not to read people asymmetrically, especially if Ive never met them before, and the people who gave the reasons stated above didnt follow up on it as far as I can tell, or maybe they just kept their reasons to themselves?? idk

But I havent seen anyone take the extra step, critically thinking about why Rosens thoughts might be coming from a town mindset, they just looked at the general case and said "yeah, but could be townie, because x"

@Cyricubed if you see this before we hit EoD, could I ask you why Rosen went from a scum read to a neutral read?
The first part seems true enough. Another question about another players opinion after.
ISOing people confuses me when I try to do it on D1, because Im afraid that I may end up putting the horse before the cart

What I focus on D1, is not the content of the post, but the tone of the posts

(yeah yeah, laugh it up)


During the awkward "getting to know you stage" Rosen seemed like a joker, life of the party, went along with my dumb joke, etc etc

+Clarified himself when I asked him why he was asking people about the ES/Pawn dynamic despite Pawn being a GM not a player

+Said the random/RNG thing was a joke, which lined up with what I was reading on him so far

Then the accusations started happening, and when I try to see this from his POV, I would think:

"crap Im definitely town but at this rate i might end up mislynched and mislynches are BAD because while trying to hit scum D1 is hard as #?!$, as town its my responsibility to save my fellow townies from mislynches so i should try to calm them down"

When Nictis and Meso started pushing him in earnest, again if I try to see this from his POV id be getting really frustrated at them for FOSing me, frustrated at myself maybe for poorly thought out responses, this wasnt supposed to happen, etc

Moving away from this, Im not throwing shade at Nictis and Meso or accusing them of tunneling because as weird as it sounds, pushing people you scumread until you end up townreading them is not anything new, and people like to argue

And this is why I am NOT voting for Rosen, but someone else
While I do like this, the paranoid part of my brain wants to see this as scum wanting credit once -Rosen is proved town. But it's probably genuine. I think.
[x] Lynch BanTheFairyKing
####!! wheres my wall of text??
Probably worth noting that these happened after dayend and thusly aren't legitimate. Dunno if that means something. Probably doesn't.
Im jetlagged guys so dont expect much from me for today

@ComiTurtle how long did it take you to think of/write your op?

Also let me leave this here-

[x] Lynch BanTheFairyKing

-as a kind of existentialist protest, since I ran out of time D1
Its currently 9:37pm my time...Now that Ive found a chance to sit and think about this game, especially in light of the new information:

(the 2nd quote is in response to Cyricubed)


@BanTheFairyKing , why were you hesitant to lynch Evenstar the first time you voted? And why are Nictis, 1K and Cyricubed townleans?
More questions.

Before I head off to get breakfast and bring my car to a mechanic...

Cyri I quoted two of Bans posts, the 2nd quote was in response to something you said to Ban (just to clarify who Ban was townreading ("You along with Nictis and 1K"))

Im in a rush right now so I cant analyze the entire reaponse properly, can someone give me their 2 cents on this? Will be back as soon as I can


Im also posting this question, because Id rather look like an idiot for askig

If this game is about being extremely careful with information, correct me if Im wrong but wouldnt it be more beneficial for us at this stage to try and townclear people as opposed to hunting legitimate scum based on prima facie cases? Ive never experienced a game like AITP before, will need to do some research on other similar games... In this game, Im under the impression that town has the advantage over maf in information? Im confused, and terrified of hitting an important PR

And that's all.

Took about an hour longer then I thought it would. Gonna go to bed now. Still gotta study. Either way, Est dind't leave much of an impression, because there isn't much there. Mostly NAI and status updates intermingled with questions to other players. I don't know anything about what they actually think or believe. I thought I would get a clearer idea, since it's 57 posts, but I get close to nothing. The most concrete read of theirs I managed to get was that Nictis is town.

Anyway. I need sleep.
Hmm... *Looks around* Well my intended result didn't happen so I suppose that is...good?


My previous lynch vote against Look to the Left was merely because they haven't posted much, so I wasn't terribly attached to it. As for why I picked Cyri? Because they have voted to lynch Absum.
Uhm...does anyone else see this? Okay no one?

[X] Lynch TurtleDucks
This is actually a pretty interesting moment, there's five pages between Cyri doing a thing (Which seems to be voting absum without providing any reasons for doing so at page 12) and saying that he didn't get the reaction he was looking for... And in the same post voting Turtle for voting him for voting Absum. (Page 17)

I just don't feel like going through the five pages to see what else he might have been talking about not happening right now.
My highest scum reads are TurtleDucks and Absum together. They're being way too Buddy-Buddy and with absum's deflections I really don't like this even more. I generally apply newbie protection but this is a bit far on the chain for me to just ignore.
Read through post, parts of it caught my attention but the incredible amount of context quotes that aren't actually needed melted my brain and I can't remember what caught my eye as odd. Blegh.

It did get me curious about Absum, so I'll be taking another look at that. Got a bit of a different angle for it now.

So yeah, other than that first discrepancy Cyricubed feels pretty good to me.
Okay, have a bit of a post, but I want to check something first before I decide if I should post it. @Absum what role were you expecting TD/ComiTurtle to be?

And to Comi, I probably don't need to say this but don't confirm or deny it please.
And to Comi, I probably don't need to say this but don't confirm or deny it please.

I mean of the few posts I've already made since joining, I've said I'm trying not to really go into any level of depth as to not bleed information needlessly. So like... you didn't need to say this bit. :V
I still sorta exist but I have a midterm friday and I feel like crap.

Cool with lynching 1k or Absum today.

Would also like to see some pressure towards Happerry.
Okay, have a bit of a post, but I want to check something first before I decide if I should post it. @Absum what role were you expecting TD/ComiTurtle to be?

And to Comi, I probably don't need to say this but don't confirm or deny it please.

I thought we were gonna not reveal things and I really do not like this but fine:

I am quite certain that the town option I considered at the time (which I assume you're asking for) is wrong (and I've already mentioned this before).

Anyway, Bodyguard at least me revealed, because
1) I needed something of that sort to explain TD's initial behaviour
2) I had no idea at all why TD was townreading me and when they kinda punted that question to me (???) I was like well guess it's a role thing and I could think of flavour that made it make sense both ways (as I don't know anything about TD's slot)

I thought we were gonna not reveal things and I really do not like this but fine:

I am quite certain that the town option I considered at the time (which I assume you're asking for) is wrong (and I've already mentioned this before).

Anyway, Bodyguard at least me revealed, because
1) I needed something of that sort to explain TD's initial behaviour
2) I had no idea at all why TD was townreading me and when they kinda punted that question to me (???) I was like well guess it's a role thing and I could think of flavour that made it make sense both ways (as I don't know anything about TD's slot)
while you are lucky I'm not yet asleep it was more of a "wait while Absum decides if they should even answer or ask for Nictis to explain more first"
Oh cool, a response. And it's the same thought I was expecting!

[Drops prepared post below]
This is... An interesting one.

I am not sure this follows the traditional setup (the intro post lore seems more like 2 competing factions to me?
I'll keep it in mind as you're more experienced but atm I don't agree. It should become clear after the first Night anyway, I imagine.
In combination with the fishing I don't really like this. It's a neat excuse for looking coordinated, but imo a supposed 2 person neighbourhood really doesn't need such an excuse early on if at all, both because coordination is not guaranteed and because the other person could be scum anyway.
I guess if you forced me to pick I'd go with uuh extremely misguided Town NK-proof or something?
I wanna see what Turtleducks has to say first but imo there's a pretty decent reason available.
(Grabbed this one, but it is explained well enough later to not be of concern on its own to me)
Oh, also, if you did feel that was revealing too much you should probably also be bothered by Nictis (it really wasn't necessary to reveal what he did).
I wouldn't have considered me being Town enough of a reason to counter lynch on it's own and as such I haven't given any thought to why you (or anyone, tbh) might consider me Town or not.
I can think of a Town role that'd make him/a new player act like this and revealing or losing it would be quite bad, but I don't think it is all that likely? It also depends on why Turtleducks is townreading me.
I suppose it's not too far off of what I currently suspect their role to be if they are Town, but what I am suspecting in that regard is as I said not something I think likely.
It's rather worrying that we apparently lose if Maf kill a single specific person? Or that's how I'm reading that at least.
What Comi posted ruled out the one Town role I thought could make TD act like that (wrt me).
(The posts mentioned, I think)
I will say I have no role information that indicates Absum is town.
Cyricubed, InterstellarHobo, Nanimani, TurtleDucks, Absum. Wow... I really expected something more substantial, that is fairly tight as a list, and I now know one is faulty since I am them. :V

So, Absum feels like an odd mix of knowing too much, and missing the critical detail. The mention of TD being a specific Town role for why they would see Absum as Town, and Comi saying they don't have role info that states Absum is Town as disproving it are eyecatching. [Pauses to question Absum]

I mentioned it in my list Day 1, and it was actually the 'curveball' that I had thought I recognized before I realized that it was incredibly unlikely. Absum seemed to act as if he had a place in the succession of the Crown, but I'm fairly certain that his claim is illegitimate. Hubert's successor is not Absum.
I should probably actually vote.

[x] Null
[x] Lynch Absum

Still got about thirty-eight hours left, so I'll see what else I can dig up, gonna take a break to eat in the meantime though.