A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

I don't actually intend to fix my typo unless Evenstar does.
Because right now, that would put things at a tie.
Generally Intent is put into count but still, it's always polite to make LDJ's job easier.
I was told I am allowed a single death post as a result of lynching, so here it is.

I currently believe the scum to be Cyri. He has acted the most opportunistic throughout the entire game, appeared to use the accusation against me as an easy manner of divide and conquer, and overall has kept his head down on nearly everything besides shilling for what Nictis believes whenever it's actually important. Furthermore, he displayed a large interest in Est specifically upon seeming to be genuinely convinced there is a VIP, yet when I gave my reading of Est as amateur Town, he never addressed it at all. Est died that night. That follows the same pattern as Nictis with Absum.

DimensionalGuy has no reading, mostly because they've refused to actually play the game at all, did not answer the suggestion I gave in how they could have used their powers productively for Town in previous days, and then acted incredibly obstinate in the face of what was merely a small attempt to have them explain themselves and prove themselves Town in manners beyond "because I said so" given that unlike me and others, they have literally no history. It doesn't matter whether you have a Town PR or not, "keeping your head down" is a valid tactic for scum (if one I don't believe in) but it is NOT something you should be doing if you are Town. I was only willing to give them a shot because I've learned my lesson and Town should not be acting extremely hasty just because someone has made a claim I know is false when there could be equally plausible explanations available. Their job is reasonable on lore (which is a weak justification), but more importantly is that we are running low on PRs and Town roles in general, so I knew I couldn't afford to instantly accuse DG of being scum when Town is approaching MyLo or was already at MyLo (when I was considering the situation at the time).

That said, if Evenstar and Meso are scum (as there are plenty of incongruities in Evenstar's claims over this entire game that they've been sweeping under the rug with their suspiciously important claim that simultaneously has not led to them apparently being attacked yet despite signalling it as early as Day 1), you should very well be careful in how you approach the subject as they and Nictis spent the whole game currying favor and putting themselves into nigh-untouchable positions. It's why I ultimately gave up on being able to construct an argument against them within a reasonable and healthy time frame.

Regardless of what happens, I am rather certain we have 4 scum on one team.

In summary, my beliefs for scum if Even-Meso is Town: Cyricubed is highly scummy, 1K is lightly scummy and needs a looking at, DG is neutral due to not doing anything and mostly being an irresponsible player which is basically all NAI behavior but should probably be observed since they are not likely to do anything on their own without prompting, InterstellarHobo is incredibly light town bordering on just being straight up being neutral, and I've been reading ComiTurtle as Town since the end of Day 3 and the start of Day 4.

If Even-Meso are a scum pair, well then it's fairly obvious what to do in that situation.

For most of the early game they took a hard early stance of...Neutral. The exception to this is the push against Comi. I liked that.
Their first response to DG's claim is to push out something new as an explanation as to why DG's claim is true but he's not incriminated...I don't like that. At this stage in the game you shouldn't be throwing confusion out you should call out lies as they stand.
A chunk of their posts were just noise,
Literally none of this is true, and you guys would've caught it if you had read my posts like I said you guys don't do.
Their Vanilla claim was pretty early, which means they were either confidant they wouldn't be caught or were willing to take the risk.
Neither. I straight up said to Nictis my reason for being outspoken in that same speech I kept referring back to this whole game: my role gave me no power to help Town other than by using my voice, so use my voice I would do. I was also hoping that doing so would slightly reduce the lynchability of my role, since I knew a VT claim would draw increduility from all my peers and open me up as the weak link for anti-Town lynch pushes. It didn't work though since you guys didn't really use any of my history to judge me for one way or another, which is why I merely followed along with what you guys were saying even after I was done with my break. At least now you guys will pay attention for half a second since I am confirmed town by way of death. Also, just in case scum gets a funny idea of trying to pretend I was a PR like last game where you guys easily bought that I was a JOAT despite my own claims, I AM A VT. I am not anything else than a VT. This is the honest truth.
This is an amazingly useless analysis. Let's see if D1/3 are any more help.
For future reference, you are not a Haruspex. The best form of analysis is to look at least 3-4 pages around said votes. When you look at the end-tally alone, it is practically useless beyond establishing a pattern. Even then, any potential pattern could be misleading without the necessary social context surrounding them.

Sleep. Health is more important than mafia.
This part isn't really relevant. I just wanted to point out how tempted I was to rate this with a sarcastic and self-deprecative "Informative" in lieu of how often I've had to pull all-nighters to keep up with Mafia at this point :V

I have other things I want to answer, but they are more related to things said than being of direct relation to helping Town with my final thoughts, so I will leave those for post-game.
The End
The day dawns to find only six of the original seventeen spokespeople still living, the royal retainer Felicia having been slain in the night. Three of their number share a glance, and at a firm nod from their leader, strike in concert.

Miranda Sinclaire falls first. The pretty maid was full of spunk, but ultimately untrained, and no match for the witch-knight that was Sir Gault the Thorned.

Sir Frederick puts up an impressive defense, superlative skill meeting and matching the brutal strength of Sir Morow, the Knight of Granite.

And Sir Kent, the treacherous Knight of Gold, rams his blade through the heart of the prince and smirks cruelly as the Veil fades from his face.

Turning, he begins to address the gathered soldiers, before frowning in realization that he still can't see their faces. A glance to the side confirms that Morow still hasn't wrapped up yet, and he stalks over to plant a knife in the Merovin knight's neck while he's distracted with his larger opponent.

And, as the last defender of the Kingdom of Merovin falls, so too does its last defense. The veil fades, for everyone, and the forces of Reim let out a relieved cheer, before the knights set to work restoring order.

The game has concluded, the Dreadknights of Reim are Victorious.

Roles and quicktopics to follow.
Roles & Chats

Sir Kent
The first and most senior of the Dreadknights of Reim sent to subjugate the Kingdom of Merovin, your goal is simple: crush the Kingdom resistance, and your victory is assured. You win when all who oppose you are no more.

  • Order of Dread: No mere magic working could prevent the instinctive recognition of your brethren, borne from your shared trials within the Dread Crucible. You may communicate with your comrades here. Once a night, you may confer amongst yourselves to select a target to be removed, and an executioner to do the deed. [PM "Kill TargetName" to execute faction kill.]
  • Knight of Gold: You were sent first for a reason. Your prowess in the art of social maneuvering and intrigue is unmatched. You have spent years here, integrating yourself among the court so that you could throw open the gates when the time was right. Your record is as spotless as your outfit, and your alibis more solid than the castle itself. Anyone searching into your affairs for evidence of wrongdoing will be sorely disappointed.

Sir Gault
The second and most feared of the Dreadknights of Reim sent to subjugate the Kingdom of Merovin, your goal is simple: crush the Kingdom resistance, and your victory is assured. You win when all who oppose you are no more.

  • Order of Dread: No mere magic working could prevent the instinctive recognition of your brethren, borne from your shared trials within the Dread Crucible. You may communicate with your comrades here. Once a night, you may confer amongst yourselves to select a target to be removed, and an executioner to do the deed. [PM "Kill TargetName" to execute faction kill.]
  • Knight of Thorns: You are more than simply a knight. You are a witch, adept in the fell arts and lost magicks. Your fondness for the Curse of the Binding Briar is the source of your title, and once per night your may cast it upon your target, rendering them unable to act lest they tear themselves to ribbons. [PM "Bind TargetName" to roleblock target.]

Sir Morow
The second and most eager of the Dreadknights of Reim sent to subjugate the Kingdom of Merovin, your goal is simple: crush the Kingdom resistance, and your victory is assured. You win when all who oppose you are no more.

  • Order of Dread: No mere magic working could prevent the instinctive recognition of your brethren, borne from your shared trials within the Dread Crucible. You may communicate with your comrades here. Once a night, you may confer amongst yourselves to select a target to be removed, and an executioner to do the deed. [PM "Kill TargetName" to execute faction kill.]
  • Knight of Granite: You are, in truth, rather boring compared to your peers. You lack the inherent grace and charisma of Sir Kent the Golden, or the eldritch might of Sir Gault the Thorned. You're just really good at hitting things.
    On the other hand, you can pick up a man in full armor and throw him bodily through a wall with one hand, so maybe that isn't so bad.


Lysander Roth
@Look to the Left
Lysander Roth, loyal butler and attendant to the royal family for over 40 years, his character and dedication unquestionable.
Lysander Roth, murdered two months ago, skinned, and turned into an unfortunately convincing suit.
Kelt, assassin of the Bloodletter Brotherhood, currently a bit peeved that his employers paid for an assassination, then didn't give him enough time to do it before getting impatient and kicking the door down. Now they're all going to be on guard, dammit.
King Hubert may be dead, but Prince Aaron, your secondary target, lives on. Any Kingdom natives who know of him will assuredly give their lives to protect him, so you must earn his trust to close in and strike when least expected. You win if he dies by the hands of the Brotherhood.

  • Killer's Cant: The secret language of the brotherhood, composed of code phrases, hand signals, and a thousand other things, was already designed to allow members of the brotherhood to identify and work around each-other in total ignorance of their presence. The Veil is minimal impediment. Communicate with your Brother here.
  • Skinwalker: The ancestral magic of your people, paired with the teachings of the Brotherhood, allow you to explode from your disguising shell to strike your target with absolutely no warning. However, this destroys your disguise quite thoroughly, so you only get one shot. [PM "Kill TargetName" to activate.]

Castle Guard Geralt has many vices. Drink, women, cheating at cards, stabbing people thirty-seven times in the chest… Actually, pretend you didn't hear that last one. Castle Guard Geralt has many vices, but he does not kill people. That is his least favorite thing to do. Swearsies.
Geralt of the Bloodletter Brotherhood loves killing people, and he even gets paid for it! Unfortunately, King Hubert died before you could get him yourself, but Prince Aaron, your secondary target, is still kicking. Any Kingdom natives who know of him will almost certainly give their lives to protect him, so you'll need to earn his trust to get close and strike when least expected. You win if he dies by the hands of the Brotherhood.

  • Killer's Cant: The secret language of the brotherhood, composed of code phrases, hand signals, and a thousand other things, was already designed to allow members of the brotherhood to identify and work around each-other in total ignorance of their presence. The Veil is minimal impediment. Communicate with your Brother here.
  • Ace In The Hole: The thing about having a bit of a reputation for cheating? Nobody really questions you having a card up your sleeve. They'd be super suspicious if it was a knife, but the funny door guard who does card tricks to impress the ladies having a playing card? Totally normal. Of course, that only lasts until you kill someone with it, but hey, that don't save the dead guy. [PM "Kill TargetName" to activate.]


Prince Aaron DuForretse
It's… Hard to believe your father is really dead. Yet, that is the reality of the situation, and you were trained for a day such as this. You will not fail your people now.
As Prin- No, as King of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed and you survive to the end of the game.

  • Childhood Friend: You have known your Retainer Felicia since you were still learning to walk. You think of her as though she were family. (Perhaps, once this is all over, she can be.) You trust her with your life, and know she reciprocates the sentiment.
  • Royal Recruitment: During the night you may induct a person of your choice into the ranks of your Royal Retainers, updating their win condition and bestowing the following abilities:
    • Crown's Token: A golden coin with an enchantment woven into it, a proof of trust from the Prince of Merovin himself. It accords a partial lifting of the Veil, allowing you to find and communicate with other holders of the token here.
    • Live to Serve: Should an attempt be made on the life of your Liege during the night, you or one of the other Retainers will give theirs in his place.
    Beware, however, that your Retainers cannot guard against treachery within their own ranks, and the enemy hold no loyalty to you. Take care to whom you extend your trust. [PM "Recruit TargetName" to activate.]
  • I'm Perfectly Fine: Your stubborn pride is, perhaps, something of a flaw. Attempts to heal you will be waved away as unnecessary until you literally collapse.

You are Felicia, childhood friend of, Royal Retainer to, and madly in love with, Prince Aaron DuForretse. Not that he's noticed that last bit, he can be adorably dense at times.
Now that the Veil has come down, there's bound to be enemies trying to find him amongst the crowd, so you're going to have to stick veeery close to him at all times, to keep an eye out. You're not complaining about an excuse to spend lots of time with him, but you do wish it were in slightly more romantic circumstances. Dead family and invading armies are kind of a mood killer.
As his closest friend and retainer, Aaron's well-being is paramount above all else. You win when he survives to the end of the game and wins.

  • Childhood Friend: You and Aaron have known each-other since you were still learning to walk. You have absolute faith in him, and know he feels the same.
  • Crown's Token: A golden coin with an enchantment woven into it, a proof of trust from the Prince of Merovin himself. It accords a partial lifting of the Veil, allowing you to find and communicate with other holders of the token here.
  • Live to Serve: Your heart already belongs to your prince, your life is hardly an imposition. Should an attempt be made on the life of your Liege during the night, you or one of the other Retainers will give theirs in his place.

Captain Orton Vastare
As Captain of the Castle Guard, you feel responsible for being unable to stop the foreign bastards at the walls, you damn well aren't about to let them stay now they're past it. As a soldier of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

  • What's All This, Then: You're an old, old hand at sniffing out when someone is hiding something incriminating in their quarters. Normally, that just means some contraband booze or erotic literature, but in this situation it could be something a mite more damning than that. [PM "Check TargetName" to investigate.]

Sir Frederick
@TurtleDucks @ComiTurtle
Sir Frederick, The Quicksilver. The Indomitable. Famed as the strongest knight in the Kingdom, your record in combat is (nearly) undefeated. It is your great shame that you were unable to join your Lord in his final stand against the invaders, but you are determined to atone for that failure by tearing out those foreign dogs root and stem. As a knight of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

  • Aegis: You have only ever suffered two defeats in direct combat, back when you were a young squire entering tournaments under an assumed name. You have never suffered a defeat while fresh and unwounded. [Negates one nightkill attempted against you.]

Dame Margaret Dewalt
It's atypical for a distinguished knight such as yourself to retire. More so to pursue a career so opposed to your previous profession. It's been nearly eight years now and you still get questions "why?"; you aren't sure they'll ever stop. Regardless, the answer is always the same: You grew tired of it. Tired of the killing and the dying and the hewing limb from limb. You've had enough of tearing people apart, achieving nothing of worth at the end. Now, you dedicate yourself to the saving of lives rather than taking, mending wounds rather than giving. Perhaps, by putting people back together, you might achieve some net good in this world. As a citizen of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

  • Triage: You have a lot of experience with a great many forms of injury, on all sides of the equation. Assuming you get there fast enough to get there, you should be able to keep someone alive no matter what they're subjected to in the night. [PM "Visit TargetName" to heal.]

"Old" Basset
You're not sure why they call you "old". You're not even thirty yet. Perhaps it's something about your face, or the way you carry yourself. Regardless, the assumption that you have more years of experience under your belt than you do certainly helped land your job as castle gamekeeper. Not, of course, that you are unqualified; you know the ways of every beast on this earth, even those what walk upright and pretend to be civilized. You've no doubt that will be an asset, in the coming days.
As a citizen of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

  • Stepseeker: There is a persistent myth that one cannot track something across stone ground. While there is some truth to that, in that stone takes footprints less easily, there is much more to tracking than footprints. It's as much a question of psychology as anything, the understanding of the mind and movements of your quarry. And you are really very good at that. [PM "Track TargetName" to follow them.]

Miranda Sinclaire
You're the prettiest maid in the castle, and damn anyone who says otherwise!
…Unfortunately you're a bit worried that might not be such a good thing in the current circumstances. Hopefully nobody takes the anonymity field as an invitation to get handsy. You'd have to break their fingers, and that would completely ruin your image as dainty and innocent!
As a citizen of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

You're not in a position to do much right now, and that's a real tragedy. If only you were a knight's squire, or a hidden magister's apprentice! You could sneak around and make life miserable for those dastardly invaders! Unfortunately, you're just a stable hand, so unless they happen to stand in just the right spot for you to shove 'em in the manure pit…
As a citizen of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

Jason Von Vorhees
As a minor lord of on the opposite side of the kingdom from the Reim border, your coming here to pledge your support to the king in case of an invasion was supposed to be a political gesture. You certainly weren't expecting it to happen ten minutes before your audience with the king was scheduled!
Now you're a bit unsure what to do, since all you have on you is your ceremonial saber, which is meant to look pretty when worn, not actually wound anyone. And even then, you aren't exactly greatest at subtleties, and are rather afraid you might stab the wrong person if you tried.
As a noble of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

You're the castle baker. You bake things. Leave the intriguing to the people who were trained for it; your job is to not mess it up, and maybe have some nice muffins ready to celebrate your inevitable victory with.
As a citizen of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

Nigel Winters
Scribe isn't the most glamorous of jobs, but it kept you out of the path of the invading soldiers, and somebody has to record all the happenings under the Veil. You somehow suspect that most of the others in the building aren't exactly taking careful notes.
As a citizen of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

You are so not cut out for all of this. You're just a message runner for Gods' sake! Maybe if you keep your head down you'll pull through…
As a citizen of the Kingdom of Merovin, you win when all invaders are removed.

Good game y'all. I wasn't expecting 5 total scum at this point tbh. Though with one team not getting to kill every night it makes sense.

I learnt things at least, though it's always a question whether they'll actually stick :V.
That was fun!

Congratulations to the scum players. Well played!

Thank you for the awesome time @LostDeviljho ! You clearly put a lot of work into this.

And thanks for providing so much help during the process @Pawn Lelouch !

And thank you fellow players!
So, I finally got scum, and somehow managed despite myself to not lose. This game was stressful as hell, especially towards the end. If we didn't make that lynch on Pyrros, we probably would have lost. Thanks for carrying me, team.
I knew 1k was the 3rd scum but I couldn't just say that because I felt like that would come off as just trying to pander to hobo.

It was quite clear the trio was scum imo.