[x] Make sure Miss Pendant is between you and the rogue zombie while you observe.
-[X] Observe from a safe distance and hiding that is
Cooking Louise
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (550/650)

As the fire spreads up the zombies arm, you shuffle behind the girl to watch over her shoulder. The child seems to be frozen in shock as the corpse breaks free from your control and lunges at her. A shrill scream deafens you as you watch the zombie latch onto her wrist with it's burning hand.

Sighing, you use your staff to keep it from biting her. It wouldn't be good to start spreading the rotting sickness here... and you suppose the locals wouldn't appreciate you letting the girl die. She'll probably catch ataxia anyway.

The Bald man appears torn between attacking the zombie and not wanting to hurt Miss Pendant with his spells, but she snaps out of her stupor and puts her little stick into the corpse's mouth and shouts. Judging by the exploding head, you determine that it is in fact a wand and not a cheap lock-pick as you'd suspected. Did these people not know how rare a working wand is? Well, at least it worked for her.

As the zombie falls down, the flames die off and the bald man runs up with his staff pointed at the body. At least he has the sense to use a reliable weapon, though you wonder what enchantment he has on it.

"Tu vas bien, La Valliere?" The man asks, once more showing the language barrier between you. He was asking about her, mostly likely her health, but you can tell that a smooth conversation is going to be impossible until you enchant some jewelry with your language skills for an instant translation.

The girl seems to come out of her shock and looks up from the corpse. Wincing, she grabs her burnt hand and you watch the man's eyes widen as you both can now see symbols burnt into her hand. Looking down, you see the same symbols on the zombie's hand... as well as the fact that it's struggling to stand back up, but it's animating magic has calmed now that it isn't being burnt.

Choose 1
[] Congratulate the girl on her new pet zombie.

[] Use soultrap and sparks to kill the zombie for good, enchanting a necklace will require a soul after all. Magicka cost: 195

[] Wander off

[] Write in
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A Small One
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (550/650)

Placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, you smile down at her. "For such a young child, that was an admirable display of magic."

Even though you can tell she doesn't understand your words, she seems to soak up your praise before brushing at her singed robes and attempting to put on an air of indifference. You laugh and ruffle her hair. "It is rather remarkable that you are the here with those so much older than you... You'll probably surpass the others by the time you're their age." You watch with amusement as her cheeks tinge with pink and she smacks your hand away.

The sound of the balding man clearing his throat catches your attention and he says something to the girl, motioning toward the tower on the other side of the clearing. The girl kicks the zombie and you both watch the others levitate away. This place seems much less restrictive toward magic than your homeland.

The girl stares with obvious jealousy as the others fly off and then pulls her zombie to it's feet before mumbling something to you and walking toward the tower with the man... Steward or professor? Depending on if this is like the College, he could be either.

Well, now you're alone on a patch of gore soaked grass with hardly any information on this land. Oh, the girl turned around and is motioning for you to follow.

Choose 1
[] Follow the pinkette and the man
[] Use your staff to catch up.
[] walk​

[] Flee!

[] Write in
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Blend in with the locals!

Super Espionage Wizard Go!

Btw, you have full access to any Elder Scrolls spell that you have the magicka to cast and any effect can be added to an enchantment, but the method of accomplishing some effects may be up for interpretation by me... just some stuff to consider for a write in later on.
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The Screaming Door
Status: Healthy
Magicka: (550/650)

With an unnecessary twirl, you thrust your Staff of Levitation in a forward jab and rocket toward the tiny preteen. Two seconds later, you've arrived beside the startled duo and disguise your fumbled landing as though it was an intentional skip. You don't think they noticed.

"Well? Onward." You command with a wave toward the doorway, pulling your guides from their stupor. The man makes a noise of confirmation and your unorthodox party set off down the hall.

You pass a blonde couple as you walk, chuckling at their shocked faces when they notice Miss Pendant's headless minion is leaving a trail of dripping blood. Several minutes and half a dozen more terrified children later, you arrive at a large door that echoes with high pitched screaming.

Should you intervene? The two locals seem more confused than alarmed.

Choose 1
[] Kick in the door-
[]-and shock the anything that moves! Cost 50 Magicka
[]-and Muffle the annoying woman. Cost 140 Magicka​

[] Doing your own dirty work is for lesser mortals, conjure a Clannfear and send it in first. Cost 150 Magicka

[] Knock politely and wait, you'd hate to interrupt.

[] Write in.
[X] Knock politely and wait, you'd hate to interrupt.

No idea what's going on, but it would be a pain to waste mana.
Cracking The Barrier
A/N: Not many votes, but it wasn't a very big choice.


Status: Healthy
Magicka: (550/650)

Refusing to jump to conclusions, you rap your knuckles on the door a few time and politely wait for somebody to open the door. Three grunts, higher pitched squeaking, and the sound of of breaking glass... It's probably nothing.

A green haired woman suddenly throws the door open, oblivious of her rumpled clothing and green hair, with an annoyed expression on her face. You stare in confusion for a moment as you ponder how somebody could have naturally green hair. Pink is one thing, but these green and blue haired women must have dipped their heads in cloth dye for some reason. Shaking your head, you look past the lady in the door to see an old man clutching his genitals below a shattered window.

What in Oblivion... just... WHY?

As you fail to process the scene before you, the balding man ushers Miss Pendant and her zombie into the room. Suddenly the old bearded man stands up as if he wasn't repeatedly kicked in the crotch. The two men greet each-other before ejecting the green haired lady from the room and launching into a rapid conversation. Even if you can't follow everything, you at least learned that the old man is Osmond, the balding one is Colbert, the woman is longueville, and something about the marks on lavalliere is very unusual.

Tuning out the unintelligible words, you browse through the books in the office.


The sun is nearing the horizon by the time you feel that you've made progress in translating the local writing to Old Nedic and then into modern Tamrielic. You close the book as you notice Pinkie staring at your notes. At some point she had snuck away from the other men and decided to watch you work. Smiling up at the girl from your spot on the floor, you clear a space and beckon her to sit. She takes a moment to make a disgusted face at either the floor or your bloody robes before remembering that she still has bits of gore crusted into her front as well. It isn't the first time you've been covered in blood, but the girl looks rather uncomfortable and you wonder about Colbert's priorities. He could have let the girl get cleaned up before coming here, you don't imagine it to be healthy for a twelve year old to bathe in corpse goo.

"Êtes-vous d'Albion?" She asks as she folds her skirt and sits beside you. Taking a moment to translate her words, you're fairly sure she is asking about your origins, though Albion is gibberish to you.

Tilting your head, you shrug and say "I come from Skyrim" knowing she won't understand. Which is why you're so shocked when she nods to herself and stands before saying, "Apple-geez thieving you f'roam you homlind."

This girl must be one of the smartest preteens you have EVER met. She can cast Command Undead with a non-standard gesture (even if a kiss is a rather bad choice), cast fireball in close range without hurting herself, and studies alongside students so much older than herself. If those weren't enough, she can understand you're last six hours worth of work enough to communicate an apology!

This child has so much potential, there is only one thing you can do.

Choose 1
[] You shouldn't let such potential go to waste, she shall be your apprentice!

[] Kill her before she can grow to be a threat.

[] Flee!

[] Write in.
[X] You shouldn't let such potential go to waste, she shall be your apprentice!

Must acquire minions.