Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Nice. The circus pages are pretty good.

Also unlock a very specific and chad build known as chad roland. (Got nerfed a bit but still).
The worst offender amongst the totem is the goddamn white tentacle. Like what the fuck is that thing's hit box?

It's half the facility, that's what. :V

Not helped by the fact that any agent that panic in view of enough other ones is likely to make at least one panic, who makes another panic, repeat until all your stack is panicking, hope you didn't put all your agents in there.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 11, 2023 at 2:00 AM, finished with 54 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Ticking Bomb
    -[X] Explain their rescue from Nothing There
    --[X] Explain that due to the unique nature of NT's power, they never really died in the first place. Quickly move to the next topic before they have a chance to ask about the Lich Bomb.
    ---[X] Inform them of the supply of Grief Seeds, then inform them about Lobotomy and how you can use it infinitely.
    ----[X] Mechanics of the Library and Light reconstruction.
    -----[X] Drop the Lich Bomb. Gently.
    [X] Explain that due to the unique nature of Nothing There's power, they never really died in the first place. You just needed to get them out of it.
    [X] Inform them of the supply of Grief Seeds, then inform them about Lobotomy and how you can use it infinitely. Then explain the mechanics of the Library and Light reconstruction.
    [X] Drop the Lich Bomb. Gently.

Pretty much unanimous. Well, on to more social interaction!
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2.1.5 - Executive Decisions Can’t Be Contradicted
Chapter 84 - Executive Decisions Can't Be Contradicted

Barely a second, and it's pandemonium. All it took for panic to start to spread through the crowd was a few sentences. You can feel it already, the ripples of Grief forcing its way into existence. It hasn't had time to build yet, but as unease and fear take root the rate of growth will only rise. From there, it's only a matter of time before enough has accumulated to begin a spiral.

Grief Spirals. A particularly devious phenomenon that you're nearly completely certain was intentionally designed intentionally to accelerate the process of squeezing every last bit of value out of a Magical Girl no matter what it does to them. Grief both causes and is caused by negative emotions. Once a Magical Girl reaches a certain threshold of mental contamination, their mental state will drop to the point where Grief will keep building. This is coincided with periods of heightening of self-destructive emotions, such as episodes of aggression, impulsiveness, and self-loathing. To make things even worse, you you've found that Grief Seeds don't completely purge these effects. Even when you first discovered Lobotomy, there were layers to the cancer that was Grief's presence in the self. Lingering personality shifts that would build over time, feeding into a person's worst aspects and slowly destroying any chance of functioning normally. This could be prevented by never letting your Soul Gem reach the point of corruption where your thoughts were influenced, as Homura had likely begun to do at some point, but that's far easier said than done.

To summarize, the situation before you is will become an absolute disaster if allowed to progress any further.

Which leaves only one clear path forwards.


You make certain not to raise your voice even as it echoes through the museum-like halls. No anger, not even the disappointment that laced your initial admonishment. In a single word, your authority crashes down and smothers the flames of panic. The chaotic throng of children fall to a hush, their attention once again locked on you.

"I am going to explain everything that has happened, and what's going to happen now. If you are still concerned afterwards, you may ask questions."

You pause, allowing the crowd to assemble itself into some semblance of order. Their attention is held by you once again, but now there's a nervous, shifting discomfort running through things. A powderkeg, waiting for the wrong word to set it off.

It's not the first time you've had a person's mental state dependent on your next words. Hell, it's not even the first time that it's been a child depending on you. Tiphereth may have been closer to an older sister from an objective point of view, but given her level of maturity you ended up closer to the elder sibling in that relationship. This is, however, the most people you've had to talk down at once.

It's a good thing that managing large groups at once is something of a specialty of yours.

"The being that attacked you was not a Witch. It was an entity only referred to as 'Nothing There', created by a power only tangentially related to anything involving Kyubey or Magical Girls." you explain, conjuring a chair for yourself and your audience with a theatrical wave of the hand and an extended thought towards the Light that permeates the Library. Manifesting objects through the Light is a near-effortless process for any Patron Librarian, though too slow for use in combat. Sometime in the future, you'll need to compare Angela's method of construction to your own. For now, it serves only to keep the image of yourself as in control.

"Nothing There was a creature who wished to become human by killing people and imitating them, but when they found out about Magical Girls they decided to use you as a path to humanity. As a result, while you were all injured in ways that would be mortal otherwise, you were kept alive by Nothing There's abilities until I encountered them. From there, I was able to defeat Nothing There and rescue you, bringing you here until a better solution can be found."

"What exactly do you mean, 'better solution?'" the girl in the witch outfit asks. "I feel totally fine." She's been in surprisingly good spirits this whole time, with barely any Grief's buildup. Even if she already knew about how Soul Gems function, you expected the whole "died and came back" experience to be more distressing.

"I have collected a great number of Grief Seeds, which you may all use and then return to me. I can kill the Witches after they rehatch. Additionally, I am in possession of an ability that can purge a Soul Gem's Grief given some time and effort on my part. Should any of your Soul Gems begin to darken, simply notify a staff member." you inform the crowd, laying to rest one fear before you proceed. It wouldn't do to allow stress to compound upon itself. "However, that's not really related to what you asked."

"While you did all survive being attacked, Nothing There did injure you all fatally. Keeping you alive afterwards required the Library's power." you explain. "As I just demonstrated, people attuned to the Library can use its power to create things. Your current health is a consequence of your bodies being produced by this method after they were damaged."

"Damaged?" one of the girls, a blonde young adult in a flight suit, says in a strained tone of voice. "I- I saw myself die! Bodies aren't just something that gets 'damaged' and then fixed or replaced!"

"Under normal circumstances, no." you affirm, silencing the girl's panic. Not with indifference, that would only make things worse, but calm. An unassailable assurance that because you are not panicking, nobody else should be. In times of uncertainty, it's only natural to look for some sort of guidance or reassurance. For somebody whose sole purpose was providing that guidance, filling that role is easy. Delivering this next piece of news will be less so, but still manageable. "But you are all Magical Girls. Kyubey has taken certain measures to keep you alive, and distasteful as they may be this is one situation where they've worked to your benefit."

You allow some bitterness towards the Incubator to creep into your voice. Mami seems to be an exception in regards to her attitude towards the so-called assistant of Magical Girls, and even she has soured on the mascot creature as of late. Sharing that distaste with them will make what you're about to say more believable.

"When you first Contracted, you received a Soul Gem as proof of that Contract. However, Kyubey doesn't tell you exactly what a Soul Gem is. While I've found no proof that it's actually related to Souls as the name implies," you assure, cutting off that train of thought before it can begin, "it does appear to be some sort of extension of your Self, your identity. So long as your Soul Gem exists and is clean, you will stay anchored to life."

Your explanation garners two distinct reactions. From those who didn't know already the truth of Soul Gems, feelings are mixed. Even with you sculpting the interpretation of the situation to a more positive one, the idea that Kyubey did something like this in secret is still a violation. And yet, had it not been for that violation, they would be dead. For those who already know, it's different. Some are doubtful of your claims, of your way of describing what Kyubey has done. But nobody panics. Everything remains subdued, controlled, manageable.

"I know it's difficult, but you will all have to remain in the Library until you can recover properly. Until then, myself and my coworkers will do our best to make things comfortable."

With some flourish, you draw out your stock of Grief Seeds directly into a marble briefcase inscribed with images of moths, which you toss forwards. The case slides perfectly across the floor, snapping open before the attending crowd to reveal what is likely more Grief Seeds than have ever been in one place at a time.

Ignoring the sparks of wonder and desire already flaring, you stand up and turn towards the door.

"I'll be finding somebody to keep an eye on you more indefinitely; just hold on until then, 'kay?"

Leaving them alone with so many Grief Seeds is a risk, but it's unlikely that any of the Magical Girls will be willing to come to blows. Not in an unknown environment, watched over by an unknown person with unknown abilities who defeated a monster that had effortlessly outmatched them. Even the more ill-intentioned will at least play things safe for now.


While you're away, shirk responsibility delegate to…
Yesod, former head of the Information Department, whose cold and critical demeanor masks a genuine care and concern for those around him.
Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
Hokma, former head of the Records Department, and the closest thing to a proper parental figure Angela had.


Next Immediate Goal…
[] Investigate the unknown Abnormality encountered by Kyubey
[] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
[] Establish contact with any nearby Magical Girl groups remaining
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3

Sorry this chapter was late, not only was there dialogue but my constant neglect of my own sleep finally caught up with me and I passed out while I was writing. I'm good now, though. As compensation, I'll throw in a Sidestory before this vote is concluded.
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[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.

I feel like yesod is too straightforward and hokma too twisty and "find your own path". Also, chesed has coffee.

all the goals seem pretty good... but I still like this one the most:
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
[X] Hokma, former head of the Records Department, and the closest thing to a proper parental figure Angela had.

The man actually has experience raising kids. And pushing people towards a Path of self-realization.

No offense to Chesed and Yesod thowe two are fun in my eyes too. But I already discussed how Hokma can easily serve as a mentor figure for the girls with his Faith stick a while ago.

Not exactly opposed to Chesed either though. Just prefer Hokma more.

[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
This is the most urgent one, since those two will be with us for some time.

Sorry this chapter was late, not only was there dialogue but my constant neglect of my own sleep finally caught up with me and I passed out while I was writing. I'm good now, though. As compensation, I'll throw in a Sidestory before this vote is concluded.
Bro, you falling asleep from sleep deprivation isnt an invitation to work harder. Just sleep my guy, we would understand.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.

I don't really trust Yesod with kids, and leaving them with Hokma is alright, but I just like Chesed.

[X] Investigate the unknown Abnormality encountered by Kyubey
Chesed has a lot of things over Hokma like Gebura and Tiphereth. Given how often Gebura and Tiph come to Chesed's floor (whether it is to murder or join him in coffee time), the girls would have more people to interact with.

It would be fun to see how the girls react to the mess that is Geb and Chesed's relationship given the former's appearance. And Tiph could have more interactions with people her age too- *Punched*

Anyhow. My reason for preferring Hokma is...well...The Ayin Fan Club could have more members ya know? Plus, Hokma is an expert babysitter. Who is more than capable of knowing when to be hard and when to be soft. While Chesed might not always have Gebura around to balance out his carrot with her giant Mimicry Stick. Tiph probably can't exactly help in this too since shes...well...shes a kiddo, the MGs probably won't take her seriously even though shes the closest thing the Library has to a magical girl expert (X excluded).

As for the next goal, I choose Homura and Kyoko simply because all the other options are fairly low-priority things we can do later. We will learn about J-Bird later from QB anyway, and I don't really get why we need to establish contact with the other magical girl groups right now.
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[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
I'm putting my vote in for coffee man.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
And this seems like a pretty good idea considering that Homura & Kyoko will be with us for quite a while and admittedly the sooner we can find a way to possibly reverse their distortion, the better.
Actually. @Lepidoptera Is the delegation vote for whose floor we are dumpi- I mean dropping the girls on to stay or is it a vote for who to be in charge of them? Because while I trust the choices, I don't think they can handle 30+ teenagers alone.
Actually. @Lepidoptera Is the delegation vote for whose floor we are dumpi- I mean dropping the girls on to stay or is it a vote for who to be in charge of them? Because while I trust the choices, I don't think they can handle 30+ teenagers alone.
The delegation vote decides which Floor will be looking after the Magical Girls. Not just the Patron Librarian, but also all of the assistants plus the Floor of Geography's assistants, who haven't been chosen yet.

The second vote decides what will be done for the rest of the day once you get home, to speed things up for the next chapter.
Ah, in that case.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations

Angela managed to basically wake up everyone in the Library huh? Poor guys. The moment their ex-boss came back, she dump on them even more work to do.

That's definitely something new though. Our floor's librarians will be helping out too I see.

We definitely should get the gang some books from Earth after this.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.

In my ignorance, I chose this.

[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations

But this could be cool.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.

In Chesed we trust.

[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations

The Distortion Detective 2: Electric Boogaloo.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
Lingering personality shifts that would build over time, feeding into a person's worst aspects and slowly destroying any chance of functioning normally.

And there are people who want to trust Kyubey and make a wish… see? That's why wishing is never, ever worth the price.

Even if she already knew about how Soul Gems function, you expected the whole "died and came back" experience to be more distressing.

Well… thing is, she also already did that one, so….

"I- I saw myself die! Bodies aren't just something that gets 'damaged' and then fixed or replaced!"

Average City citizen: "Ah, I see you're new here"

Grief Seeds directly into a marble briefcase inscribed with images of moths, which you toss forwards.

So, what are the chances we didn't even think about what it means that there were Moths imagery here?

Who am I kidding, of course X didn't even think about the moths that way.

[] Hokma, former head of the Records Department, and the closest thing to a proper parental figure Angela had.

I can see the result from there, we come back and all the girls begin worshipping us as the great savior, daughter of Ayin, Manager of Hell on earth. :V

Also, no Binah? Awwwwww. :V

[x] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.

Yesod is not a bad person but they need warmth right now, I think Chesed works better.

[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations

Knowledge knowledge knowledge.

I swear everytime I see the stagnant progress on Porcubus and Der Fruity, I feel like I'm being mocked.

At least Porcubus isn't the result of us voting for it when having option that would be long finished right next to it, not like the other.
Every day the likelihood of Der Fruity not being complete by the time this quest ends increases. Which is a good thing.

Since Der Fruity's final requirement likely needs us to shoot everyone we love in the head.
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