Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.

Those Who Are Faithful And Trustworthy. A softer touch feels like what the girls need right now, and the other two aren't quite great at that. Yesod cares, but there's a steep adjustment period. Hokma's looked after kids before, but he's pretty twisty as far as methods go.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.

was there any other option

He's arguably the best for this job admittedly
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
Yesod It's too straightforward and cold while Hokma is too weird and kind of act like a distant dad, Both is not a good fit to take care of bunch of traumatized child.
So coffee man, you're up.
And learning to have some trust in other people will be good for these girls.
With a gentle hand and some soft sofa they can lie on, him will guide these girls to comfort and peace.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
I don't know which activity we should choose though....
eh, fuck it, following the trend.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
I wonder will there be any MG who make the cheese joke
If the options were given I would have voted for Tiphereth (for the I am an adult! That would inevitably ensue), or Binah (Because Binah), but X had somehow decidedly that these ones were not trustworthy for taking care of traumatized children who can literally die from too much introspection and need a guiding figure right now. :V

I wonder will there be any MG who make the cheese joke

Depends on how good they are at english, they are Japanese teens after all.
Sorry this chapter was late, not only was there dialogue but my constant neglect of my own sleep finally caught up with me and I passed out while I was writing. I'm good now, though. As compensation, I'll throw in a Sidestory before this vote is concluded.

Bro, you falling asleep from sleep deprivation isnt an invitation to work harder. Just sleep my guy, we would understand.

I'm going to pipe in and say it goes double from me. You're lucky it was at your desk writing instead of at the wheel of a moving vehicle like I did.
I'm lucky I was able to walk away from that.
So get some sleep.
One of the things that initially made me choose Hokma is because these kids are Japanese. They would be more naturally inclined to listen to Hokma and take his advices to heart than the aloof Chesed, or the fairly young Yesod. As you know, age is a big deal in Japanese society.

I still believe that. But I also realize that the kids might be too intimidated by ol' Hokma, even though he likely wouldn't complain if any of them came to him with their problems.

Hokma is a lot like a stone-skinned teddy bear. He's surprisingly nice once you actually talk to the man when you aren't assisting someone or are responsible for Ayin's dream being ruined.

Post-Angela Realization Hokma has fully embraced his role as the grandpa of the group already, so there is no need to worry that the man won't make for a good caretaker.

But I decided against it since MGs are experts at not going to adults for problems if they think the adult seems serious like Ol' Hokma is. Which is where Chesed shines better.

Chesed has the habit of butting into people's problems with all the grace of a train. Gebura would be able to attest to that. So he would fit better for the role of MG caretaker since he's more proactive about it. Unlike the fairly slow Hokma (old-man Hokma really lives up to that title) or the super serious Yesod (who will still go out of his way to help you. But he's a bit too serious about everything).

One thing I will note, however. The ideal way of letting the girls have caretakers is the combination of Chesed, Gebura, and Tiph. As the "Carrot, Stick, and Saddle".

Chesed is the easiest for the girls to interact with regarding any social problems and can meditate with all of them. However, he's a bit too aloof and the girls might not consider him as someone who can handle the "hard stuff" (lmao). Gebura is a hard stone whom the girls can confer regarding super serious problems like combat or feelings of inadequacy, being able to better talk with the girls regarding their current status as magical girls, alongside being more capable of breaking up fights immediately than Chesed. However, she's...well...regarding minor personal problems, Geb is kinda a weirdo, and I don't think she can really handle the whole teenager side normalcy, nor is she that easy for the girls to approach due to her general "Bigger than Life" figure.

Both of them also have the same problems of being Adults who are very mature and can easily intimidate the girls on top of everything else they already have. This brings me to the last of the middle-floor patrons.

Tiph is 100% a kid. Even though she's actually 10,000+ years old, she is undoubtedly the most "relatable" person amongst the Patrons for the girls to talk to. The MGs can be-friend her the easiest out of everyone simply due to the act that she's technically the only kid amongst the Patrons. She exists as the "casual" person amongst the adults there and can allow the kids to interact and talk to her the easiest out of everyone.

Sure she might not be able to make them take her seriously. But I bet you that out of everyone there, Tiph is the person most suited to recommending the girls which Patron to approach with their problems. And will probably be the first person to notice any problems the MGs, might have simply because they are less guarded around her due to her..."immaturity"...

Which is why I decided to switch to Chesed. Not only is he a great candidate already, but he also has 2 other great candidates to help handle the kids if anything happens.

Yesod would be a great assistant to the main caretaker, but sadly, Hod isn't one of the options. And...well...I don't think we should let kids be near Netzach's beer fest lol.

Hokma is near Binah. Which...isn't that bad. Outside of her enemies, Binah is very chill towards those who are under her care. It's just that...well...I don't think emotionally unstable teenagers can really handle her well.
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Basically the grandpa who offer solutions to your problems VS a therapist who likes to poke at you, but is awfully helpful somehow.
Yesod some time acts like a big brother, but he is still too rational to be emotional supportive, or he is very bad at showing it.
Oh, and yes, please do not sleep deprive yourself, it is very harmful to your body and you might have a stroke If you do it too much, we are very patient for our updates, so please have a normal sleep schedule and food intake and do not push yourself.
I'll be very sad and guilty if you somehow got into the hospital because of us.
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Yesod some time acts like a big brother, but he is still too rational to be emotional supportive, or he is very bad at showing it.
He's not exactly bad at showing it. He's just not exceptional at it as the main caretaker. I re-edited my comment to take this into account but I will make it clearer here.

Yesod is super strict looking, even though his reprimands are even weaker than slaps on the wrists. The guy is a giant softy beneath that strict exterior. His whole suppression during L-Corp is so that he would give up his "rationality" to be more emotionally supportive after all.

The moment Roland talked to him a second time, he immediately notes that Yesod does care alot. The guy is way more obvious about it now than he was back in L-Corp.

It's just that while Yesod does care a lot, his looks aren't exactly one of someone super approachable. He's like a serious teacher in a sense, he will teach to his full capacity and do everything in his power for the kids. But he lacks the charisma of Hokma and Chesed.

In my opinion, he's likely even more attentive than Chesed, since his whole problem in the past stems from his inability to stop Elijag's death and all, but the MGs might not actively approach him for problems.
I'd like to talk more about the second choice-
Next Immediate Goal…
[] Investigate the unknown Abnormality encountered by Kyubey
[] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
[] Establish contact with any nearby Magical Girl groups remaining
[] Write-in

i imagine homura and kyoko are winning because its our girls and also leaving them distorted even with disguises is dangerous, but i havent really seen any talk about the unknown abno, or any other ideas.
The first choice is either getting us closer to offing the adult or getting more firepower to offing the adult, and on our quest to do that we can maybe meet our dear resident crazy blue man.
The second choice is, as you said, helping our girls to overcome their problem better.
The 3rd choice is getting more manpower, In other words, getting new characters on our bandwagon.
i imagine homura and kyoko are winning because its our girls and also leaving them distorted even with disguises is dangerous, but i havent really seen any talk about the unknown abno, or any other ideas.
Some have predicted that the unknown abnormality is Judgment Bird, on its way to judge The Adult Who Tells Lies. The Adult did comment on something camping out by the borders of her kingdom. Or it could be a different one, and we would have to wait on word from Kyubey if we don't investigate ourselves. If it is J Bird, we are probably not ready to step into the Black Forest just yet.

As for the other MG groups, I'm guessing from the current handling of the latest stock of MGs (dump them on someone else) that few people would be eager to meet more MGs right now. It could be interesting though, there's potentially Oriko Magica, Suzune Magica, and Magia Record girls who fled Kamihama to find.
i imagine homura and kyoko are winning because its our girls and also leaving them distorted even with disguises is dangerous,

To note, as I have already previously said, I have no interest in specifically undistorting the girls, just helping them be mentally healthy, I am all for them staying non human if that please them more and they are well.

And it isn't dangerous to let them stay like that, the reason I voted for this one first is to help others when they do the same, because let's be honest, it's going to happen, as well as order of priorities and learning what the girls can do.

but i havent really seen any talk about the unknown abno, or any other ideas.

The reason is priority order for me:

-The camping abno is a low immediate priority problem, better to do a short term one right now.

-Going to see more magical girls is also a long term problem, and one even more long term than the previous one, not interested in it at all.

-Learning the abilities of Homura and Kyouko as they are right now is the highest priority, it helps for all the rest, nothing is more important short term AND long term.

With that told, you can see why I am not even thinking on discussing the two nonvoted options right now.
it isn't dangerous to let them stay like that
Isnt Homura slowly dying if X isnt there to turn her key for her? And Kyoko is at risk of burning the entire city/world if she mess up for a single moment?

I dunno man. Even though Carmen has successfully converted me into the club regarding inhuman nature, I still think we should try to do something for the girls so that they aren't in a near death state, or at risk of burning someone they are close to alive.

Not that we should do it fully. But I would rather Kyoko not burn the house down if she and Sayaka get into a hedgehog fight, or for Homura to fall over dead because X was too busy to turn her key.

Even if we don't turn them back to human, those...downsides of being a Distortion should be removed or alleviated at least.
If it threatens their life directly, then yes, we need to do something about it, if they are extremely unhealthy in their mindset, then we need to do something about it, other than that if they are cool with it and not really trying to kill themselves with how they think, then we are okay with it, right?
Yeah! Thats right! We just need to commit Ayin Shock Therapy so that Homura stops killing herself with Wind-Up Cancer, and for Kyoko to stop being a ticking Nuclear Bomb.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations

Hokma would definitely be the best person to help the girls towards self-actualisation, but that's not what they need right now. These are essentially child soldiers who have been fighting for survival against eldritch horrors non-stop for who knows how long. Right now what they need is comfort and a sense of normalcy, and that's what Coffee Man does best (I'd propose Netzach too, but he's just gonna give them all alcohol).
Isnt Homura slowly dying if X isnt there to turn her key for her?

All the librarians can do it too from what Angela said, so it is inconvenient, but not immediately dangerous, unless she goes and tries doing the same thing she did with rewinding us back, her situation is stable, not ideal, but stable.

And Kyoko is at risk of burning the entire city/world if she mess up for a single moment?

I didn't really get that feeling from reading her sheet? She might make some fires but I have not seen any sign of her needing to constantly be vigilant if she doesn't want to burn the whole city.

Like, yes, her effect of transferring damages can be city wide, but it requires her taking damage in the first place and it also says that:
The more distributed this reflected damage is, the less it impacts each individual thing.

Which means that any city wide redirection is unlikely to burn the whole place or even anything unless she takes a ludicrous amount of damages, and at this point we probably have an apocalypse bird shaped problem.
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
I personally still don't think we should allow the girls to have such horrible side effects to their lives. As I said, it is a goal I will continue working towards and keep pushing for. No matter what, I highly disapprove of such irresponsible behaviors as a guardian/mom.

Homura shouldnt want to constantly give up her life in exchange for more power, and Kyoko shouldnt have to worry about the danger of her burning people because she nicked her finger with a knife.

I didn't really get that feeling from reading her sheet? She might make some fires but I have not seen any sign of her needing to constantly be vigilant if she doesn't want to burn the whole city.
Instead, that damage is reflected onto everything around the Mosaic. This burning is not limited by distance, but instead by what is considered the "area" the Mosaic resides in. If they are within a small area, the burning will be restricted to that area, while outdoors the burning effect can reach across entire cities. The more distributed this reflected damage is, the less it impacts each individual thing. The effects of Saintless Pyre can burn even things that do not normally burn, such as water or air.

This ability can be actively suppressed.
She has to actively suppress it. Is what I meant.

As such I disapprove of it. She is essentially repressing a part of herself in order to not harm those around her.

She doesnt need to burn something greatly to harm people. A heat that merely boils water will scald most humans. You don't need a mass of metal melting flame to kill people after all.

And while we will likely test out her nature soon with the vote, and find an answer as to how efficient her damage=>reflection is, I would rather her not have to live with the constant vigilance of walking on glass in fear of boiling the air around her.

Plus, Homura cant rely on Angela and us forever. Thats just sad.
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I personally still don't think we should allow the girls to have such horrible side effects to their lives.

I think part of the difference is that I think these effects will remove themself when we get the girls in a more healthy mindset, as such, mental health is priority for me because it can also treat that, if it doesn't, then it's time to search other ways to remove these side effects that do indeed make their life unenjoyable.

Homura shouldnt want to constantly give up her life in exchange for more power, and Kyoko shouldnt have to worry about the danger of her burning people because she nicked her finger with a knife.

To explain my first part's ties to this;

I think Homura is leaking her life because she thinks she is worthless by herself and that giving her life up is worth it as long as she can save Madoka or empower someone who can.

I think Kyouko is making all things around her burn because she sees herself as a black cat that will destroy all around her and suffer alone in the aftermath.

By helping them overcome these dangerous unhealthy thought patterns, I think the symptoms will also go away, distortions are moments of thoughts stuck in place and manifested physically as of right now, I want to make it so that they can change and that the place they are in mentally is happy and healthy.

I would rather her not have to live with the constant vigilance of walking on glass in fear of boiling the air around her.

Given what she is made of, she's probably going to walk on glass for the foreseeable future though. :V

Plus, Homura cant rely on Angela and us forever. Thats just sad.

At least both of them have experience wrangling with depressed time traveler, even if Angela has more of it between both her perception of time and the fact that she had X to take care of in addition to Hokma. :V
[X] Chesed, former head of the Welfare Department, who had fought longer and harder than any of the other Sephirah to protect his employees.
[X] Explore Homura and Kyoko's transformations
So, it is agreed therapy is the answer regardless of distortion state? Like, if in the process they happen to undistort, good, if they are still distorted but the effects that would prevent them from living normal (or their desired) lives disappear, good, if they come to have a healthy mindset but neither of the previous things happen, good but we still have work to do.

Do I have that correct?
That is at least what I wanted.
A teenage girl should behave like a teenage girl and have a life that is fitting for a teenage girl, and daughters of ours should be happy and have a long life and be loved.
Even if they doesn't undistort, we need to try at least.