Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

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Ya know. I have finally gotten back to the Red Mist stage recently and re-obtained Myongest Red Mist.

I wonder what that would be as a version for X? Can we do things like Great Horizontal and Great Vertical? Can we GOoD bYE people?

It does say that we can use Mimicry to its fullest extent due to both sides loving us. We can probably do even the worst kinds of things like spear walls or massive punch barrages by creating to gauntlets...

Yeah. Training with Roland and Gebura is definitely a good thing. I just realized another thing.

We also need to train with Lamp's Big Eyes too. Since Big Eyes can literally let us see a person's weakness if we can learn to spot them.

Golly gosh, we really are overpowered now, aren't we? Overwhelming firepower with Pinks + Sword of Tears + Beak + Sound of a Star, supreme Close Range abilities with Mimicry + Big Eyes Darkness + Darkness (Incase our enemy is boosted to be stronger than us), Amazing support with Blue Star + Pinks healing.

Like bruh. Forget the Daughter of the Sun and Moon. X by herself is a beast in combat already.
Like bruh. Forget the Daughter of the Sun and Moon. X by herself is a beast in combat already.
That's prettt much why I had X get injured at the end of Act I. People have pretty consistently gone for the high-level EGO, and it's definitely stacking up. For as popular as Worm is on this site, I'm not sure I want to start escalating power level past what we've already seen.

Well, not 'till the end, at least. You're not getting out of this story without squaring off with at least one Pinnacle.
For as popular as Worm is on this site, I'm not sure I want to start escalating power level past what we've already seen.

Important point about Worm, for all that people are calling Taylor *the escalation queen*, well, Ryuugi has a better speech than me somewhere in the informational of Sect, but in short, she's not the one who escalate, her opponents does, and she respond in kind, but she's not the one escalating, only reacting.

Well, not 'till the end, at least. You're not getting out of this story without squaring off with at least one Pinnacle.

I'm sure we can have a pleasant conversation with the Silent Girl. She's definitely far less likely to preach at us than White Night. :V
That's prettt much why I had X get injured at the end of Act I. People have pretty consistently gone for the high-level EGO, and it's definitely stacking up. For as popular as Worm is on this site, I'm not sure I want to start escalating power level past what we've already seen.
I absolutely agree with this take.

...then again, looking at what I pulled for In The Name of Love And Hatred... well, at least you are unlikely to go beyond that :V
I'm sure we can have a pleasant conversation with the Silent Girl. She's definitely far less likely to preach at us than White Night. :V
We are directing a Kali lookalike. Considering Gebura's character arc and a particular hidden Achievement in LoR, we obviously have to face Daughter of the Sun and Moon :V
That's prettt much why I had X get injured at the end of Act I. People have pretty consistently gone for the high-level EGO, and it's definitely stacking up. For as popular as Worm is on this site, I'm not sure I want to start escalating power level past what we've already seen.
Clearly this is why people picked Kali in the very beginning, they wanted to power stack and make a broken Red Mist build to break the quest difficulty in half. :V

But I'm not surprised, a lot of the most popular and iconic abnormalities tend to be at least WAW or above. And if there's anything Lobotomy Corp teaches, it's to stockpile ALEPH EGO like mad.
Well yeah. Given the fact that we are collecting A Bird, the likelihood of us trying to unleash him and get Twilight is pretty high.

Theres also Whitenight and how likely we are to face him.
I was gonna make an alriune joke because i do like them but also thats still a WAW.

as far as below-WAW that I think could be interesting - ppodae, void dream, and spider bud. in fact, spider bud i think would resonate quite well with dosam, its all about extreme vengeance for attacking its children after all.
I contemplated them but ultimately i dont think itd be terribly interesting, theyre very simple and make for good combat stuff but we already have the latter covered, and i dont think "my main goal is to blow up" would function well in this context
Chapter is fighting me a bit, but it should be up tomorrow. If it's not, you have my full permission and encouragement to pester me about it.
Chapter is fighting me a bit, but it should be up tomorrow. If it's not, you have my full permission and encouragement to pester me about it.

Let's see what sort of things could be fighting you in this chapter:

-The soujos wants their collection back.

-The pleiades wants their Kazumi back.

-At least one of the girl is too traumatized by the experience and will need lobotomy assisted therapy.

-Binah has spontaneously decided to help and is monologuing talking with the girls.

-Hokma has spontaneously decided to help and is currently busy preaching the glory of Ayin to the girl.
Some of them wanted to go back And start fighting Again, Some of them still have family on the other side and want to go back right now. Some of them really, really hates themselves And their new body.
Some of them is suffering extreme PTSD and shivers upon looking at you.
Hokma could probably help out the girls alot. He the chief on the whole despairing over the past and having faith to push past one's fear towards the future aspect.

The girls need Faith. Whether that is to believe in Ayin or otherwise.
One of them sees Kyouko leaving immediately and wonders why she gets special treatment for immediately getting to go home
2.1.4 - This Isn’t A Daycare, Is It?
Chapter 83 - This Isn't A Daycare, Is It?

"I'll deal with everything when the time comes." you promise. "For now, there's something that still needs my attention, isn't there?"

Roland and Gebura share a confused glance before recalling the Library's current guests. Angela, meanwhile, stares coldly into the distance only for her attentional snap back to you. "Indeed, it appears a small conflict has begun to break out. While I can reconstitute them should anything happen, it would be best if that were avoided altogether."

Before you can react to that particular bit of bad news, motes Light flash around you. You can feel space contort and reshape itself around you as you are forcibly relocated through the Library. Then, abruptly as it begun, the twisting stops. Before the embers of the transportation have even begun to fade, you can feel the connectedness of your Floor settle into you. The lurking corrosion buried deep within you, kept locked away by the seal that is your current body, settles.

The Library is made to contain Abnormalities within their ideal worlds, allowing them to exhibit their natures unrestrained without causing any harm. With you as the head of a Floor where you are also supposedly meant to be interred, some bleed-over has occurred between your two homes in the Library. Here, some deeper part of you feels at ease. The tension that comes with scrambling for control is gone, and you are in your proper place once again.

You theatrically dust yourself off, waving away the glowing shreds that permeate the Library's halls. Your sister's gotten better at interacting with people, yes, but it seems she still needs some work. That was a bit of an abrupt end to the conversation, and you'd have appreciated some warning before she dropped you over here. Then again, if the situation is urgent, there might've just not been time.

You've been sent into one of the many larger halls of your Floor, evocative of the main rooms of each of the Facility's Departments. The ceiling is high to make space for the four enormous glass enclosures along either side, each one filled with the mechanized plantlife that had spread during your time unleashed. Trees of gleaming steel with glittering crystal leaves hang over fields of fiberglass and rivers of chemicals, all contained and partitioned away. Abstract bismuth sculptures are spaced evenly in rows through the middle of the room, half-obscuring the chaos before you.

A horde of Magical Girls stare are your sudden appearance, frozen in surprise in whatever position they were in when you arrived. A ginger girl in a white suit decorated in red diamond patters stares down at you from atop one of the sculptures, flames around her fading to mere cinders. Across from her is a black-haired girl with a large white witch's hat, slowly lowering a cross-shaped staff. On the other end of the room, one of the shorter kids has pinned another to the ground and was halfway through strangling them when you arrived. A few more have engaged in fistfighting, and three or four near the front have their weapons out. Everywhere you look, people were on the edge or already in combat. Now, they stare at you with a distant sense of recognition. Whether it's from sharing senses with Nothing There like Kyoko was able to or just recognizing your presence from your use of Lobotomy, you're not sure. Either way, you can leverage this.

"Well," you say, letting a disappointed gaze drift across the assembled children, "I don't know what I was expecting leaving so many children unattended in one room together, but I had hoped for at least a bit more maturity than immediately resorting to trying to kill each other."

A ripple of shame passes over the group, and one by one they draw back from each other. The smaller child gently releases their grip from around the larger's neck and steps back, allowing their would-be victim to rise to their feet. Glittering particles fill the air from dismissed weapons. As if following some silent order, the kids make their way from around the room to assemble in front of you.

"Now, would anybody mind telling me what happened?"

A moment of weariness passes as the girls exchange glances before the kid in the witch's hat steps forwards. Two others, an orange-haired girl in some sort of school uniform and another with blue hair and a vaguely religious costume, close ranks behind her. While everyone else seems fairly nervous at the admittedly stressful situation they're in, those three seem calmer than the others. They almost definitely know each other, probably as a team. Looking over the crowd, a few more groups are clearly visible by how people have huddled together.

"Hi! I'm Subaru Kazumi," begins the dark-haired girl in a far more chipper tone than you'd expect from somebody in her current situation. "and this is Misaki Umika and Maki Kaoru. I haven't had time to learn everyone else's names yet. We all got attacked by… something." her voice drops a bit at the mention of Nothing There, a note of dread creeping through the cracks in the girl's optimism. "After that, it was… a while, before you showed up. You put us to sleep, and then we all woke up here. That girl-" she gestures in an exaggerated manner towards the Magical Girl in white she had been fighting "said that wherever we were wouldn't have enough Grief Seeds for so many people, and everything sorta escalated from there." Kazumi seems a bit sheepish at that last admission, although it's unnecessary. You do need to address these things, after all. Panicking would be a completely reasonable response, if annoying to deal with.

"It's a serious question!" the accused girl shoots back, before suddenly turning to you with a panicked expression. "Not that I'm not grateful! You saved us all from that monster, even after we were pretty much goners. But unless this place has as many Witches as most of Japan put together, we're going to be having some problems sooner rather than later."

"Actually, that won't be an issue." you respond, seeing confusion and hope in equal measure spread through the crowd. "Grief Seeds and cleansing will bother be provided, so as long as you don't burn through your Magic too quickly you should be fine."

"That reminds me, Miss… uh…" the witch-girl begins, pausing when she realizes she doesn't know your name.

"X, My name is X." you offer.

"X! Okay! So, Miss X, I don't mean to be rude, but where exactly are we? I don't feel any witches… well, anywhere! Where're you gonna get so many Grief Seeds?"

You consider your options. You could certainly try and hide information on the Library, its workings, and their bodies from the kids. But what would be the point? They'd likely find out anyways at some point. Keeping things hidden from people can be damaging to trust, especially if those secrets are directly related to the person you're hiding them from. Best get all that hassle out of the way right now.

"This is the Library. It's an extra dimensional space created and administrated by my sister. You were brought here specifically so that your bodies-" you wave a hand in the direction of the formed crowd. "could exist while we worked out a more permanent method of recovery. I'm working on-"

"Hold on, what do you mean 'could exist'! I'm- I'm right here!" one of the girls shouts.

"Are you stupid? We all died! Did you manage to forget that already?" another yells from across the room.

"We- we can't be dead! I'm not dead! I'm alive! I-" the first girl has already started to break down.

This is where things will become problematic. You weren't just trying to keep control of the situation to satisfy your inner Abnormality's sensibilities. You can't perform Lobotomy at high speeds anymore, especially not on this scale. That means keeping Soul Gems clear will depend entirely on your reserves of Grief Seeds. Fortunately, those reserves are incredibly deep by now. Between the migration caused by Walpurgisnacht and the apparent attraction to Saplings that Witches have, you were able to spare nearly fifty Grief Seeds for this meeting alone. A single Grief Seed can keep a Magical Girl fighting for days, depending on the size and their rate of Grief accumulation. Under any sort of normal circumstance, that massive a reserve would be practically inexhaustible. But supplying more than half as many Magical Girls, all in states of emotional turmoil? That stock won't last. You're even hesitant about revealing the Seed, with things as they are. The Magical Girls seem to have some awareness of your fight with Nothing There, that doesn't necessarily mean they won't try and fight you if they think they need to. Desperation makes people do crazy things.

You need to stabilize the situation while you're here, in some way that won't fall apart without constant attention. You've already fallen short once today. You won't do the same twice.


Stabilizing factors…
[] Inform them of the supply of Grief Seeds
[] Explain their rescue from Nothing There
-[] Include explanation on Soul Gems? How much do you explain?
[] Mechanics of the Library and
Light reconstruction
[] Offer alternative to Grief Seeds via Lobotomy

Order will matter here.


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3

Another chapter I'm not quite satisfied with. It was originally supposed to be longer and resolve the entire situation here, but I couldn't get the resolution to be satisfying so I'm outsourcing it to y'all. Apologies for the delay, I'll try to get things back on schedule. AVLS should be updated sometime soon, although no rigid timeframes there.
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Eh. That's to be expected. The girls are acting normally as they should.

Though color me surprise! The Light couldn't offset their soul gems' grief problem?