Would you Distort or manifest EGO?

  • Total voters
Our very own distortion ensemble is coming along nicely, albeit a bit unintentionally. No wonder Argalia is interested in our plans.

Now I'm not sure if we should actively get more of the Holy Quintet distorted, but if the winds end up blowing that way (especially given the blatant foreshadowing in the apocrypha), there should be a snazzy name attached to the group. Holy Alchemists' Guild?

"Acter everything she did for me, I wasn't any better. Do you know why I left? It's 'cause I wasn't good enough. I was dragging her down. I couldn't hunt as well as she could, and with her killing Familiars before they could grow there weren't enough Witches to support both of us. She was going to kill herself for me, and neither of us even knew it. So I left."
Typo in bolded word: Acter -> After

The phrase "neither of us even knew it" somewhat confuses me about Kyoko's knowledge at the time of leaving. From the rest of the paragraph it seems clear that the lack of Witches made her concerned for Mami, so she must've already known a grief seed shortage is bad. Now magical girls who are not in the know but live long enough typically believe running out of magic incapacitates you or kills you, so from there Kyoko would've been able to predict that in case of shortage Mami would sacrifice herself for Kyoko's sake.

So unless I'm badly misinterpreting, I believe it makes sense for "neither of us even knew it" to be changed to "she didn't even know it", as Mami wouldn't have seen the situation as requiring the sacrifice of a life in the first place (e.g. she could be conservative with magic and eventually get Kyoko back up to full strength) but Kyoko did feel it would have led to sacrifice. And then that would flow nicely into "So I left."
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[X] Plan: Discount Sunlight with Confession

Tbh i think its good when my only real fault with a plan is the length, and not the subjects within. Social ho!
(I was gonna guess kyoko got malkuth's, if only because i only know the terms from Reverse Library and reverse malk is the one based around setting things on fire)

Actually spesking of kyoko, unlike homura shes basically immortal now, no? Shes regenerating upon taking damage and unnaturally hardy, instead of constantly dying like homura.
I still think trying to get both of them into EGO state is ideal, but kyoko is definitely the safer distortion to let stay as one.
Adhoc vote count started by Lepidoptera on Jan 2, 2023 at 3:30 AM, finished with 61 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Discount Sunlight with Confession
    -[X] Explanations
    --[X] Distortions.
    --[X] The Shark Woman cannibal, and more personal information on the Distortions, Angela has available.
    --[X] Information on the Abnormalities that weren't within the Lobotomy HQ.
    --[X] You being an abnormality now, ask Angela and Mami for help in the confession to Gebura and Roland.
    --[X] Gebura for pointers on how to wield Mimicry efficiently.
    -[X] Long-term plans involving the Library
    --[X] Magical Girl rehabilitation center.
    --[X] Giving Angela light from X as fuel.
    --[X] Potential help regarding other threats that might appear.
    --[X] Research into Distortions and how one might reduce their harmful effects on those around them.
    --[X] Ask Roland for training on how to wield multiple weapons at the same time to their maximum effects.
    -[X] If you can, try to socialize with Angela, Roland, and Gebura. It would be nice to get an update on what happened after the SoL is completed.
    [x] Long-term plans involving the Library
    [X] inquire Angela about the nature of distortion, and. If possible can we reverse it or mask the distorted individual as human
    [X] Plan: Discount Sunlight
    -[X] Explanations
    --[X] Truth about X being an Abnormality. Ask Angela and Mami for help in explaining it to Gebura and Roland.
    --[X] Distortions.
    --[X] The Shark Woman cannibal, and more personal information on the Distortions, Angela has available.
    --[X] Information on the Abnormalities that weren't within the Lobotomy HQ.
    --[X] What happens to Sapling'ed Abnormalities?
    --[X] Gebura for pointers on how to wield Mimicry efficiently.
    --[X] Ayin and X's dissolution, and the whereabouts of Enoch
    -[X] Long-term plans involving the Library
    --[X] Magical Girl rehabilitation center.
    --[X] Giving Angela light from X as fuel.
    --[X] Potential help regarding other threats that might appear.
    --[X] Research into Distortions and how one might reduce their harmful effects on those around them.
    --[X] Ask Roland for training on how to wield multiple weapons at the same time to their maximum effects.
    -[X] If you can, try to socialize with Angela, Roland, and Gebura. It would be nice to get an update on what happened after the SoL is completed.
    [X] Plan Gender Equality
    -[X] Distortions
    -[X] The Shark Woman cannibal thing
    -[X] Abnormalities not present at Lobotomy Corporation HQ
    -[X] What happens to Sapling'ed Abnormalities?
    -[X] Ayin and X's dissolution, and the whereabouts of Enoch
    [X] Just leave

We've got a long one here, folks!
[X] Plan Gender Equality

I refused to vote for that monstrosity that's currently winning.
My, it's almost like getting Mami to talk would probably have gotten better results given how most of it was about her and how Kyouko failed her, funny that.
Then you'd have spend your efforts and managed your time better arguing for it when the vote was open, then complaining about it now.

All in all I think it turned out pretty well. Not perfect, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and undoing unhealthy world views and bad habits takes time unless we cut open her mind and rewire her manually so we should think more about how to get her past those things.

I feel like step one involves adoption.
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Yeah, figured that avoiding Distortion wouldn't be that easy.

Focused too much on dissuading what Kyoko said at the end, the bit about the strong and the weak, instead of looking for the underlying reason that motivated her actions, the guilt from how her good intentions led to destruction. Should have prioritized her relationship with Mami in particular.

Still better than what it could have been. Have to keep moving forward now.
Yes, I really feel like we let Kyoko down here. Of course, our odds didn't sound good from the start, but it's still a bad result, even if not as bad as it could have been.

Well, it's not like we didn't have enough reason to learn how to remove Distortion states as soon as possible - I feel bad enough for Homura already.
2.1.3 - Resolution and Return
Chapter 82 - Resolution and Return

You allow yourself a small smile as your daughter embraces her long-lost sister. For all that's happened recently, this is a victory. A flawed victory, an incredibly flawed victory, but it is a victory nonetheless. A family has been reunited. No harm has been done that cannot later be undone. Everyone is alive. You've had far worse victories in the past.

Slowly, hesitantly, Mami pulls back to lock eyes with Kyoko. Though her eyes are misty, you can't see a hint of tension or fakeness in the radiant smile that crosses her face. It's an expression Kyoko mirrors, although even a less observant person would be able to see the worry and pain that taints her joy. It's a reminder, and an uncomfortable one at that, that this success is only a small one. There will be more battles to fight, and they will not be won with anything as simple as extensive research or esoteric abilities.

"Let's go home." Mami says to her sister. "The apartment only has two rooms, and Yuma's already using the guest room, but X says she doesn't need to sleep and I have some sleepover equipment I never got to use so you can sleep in my room if…" Her words remain clear and even despite slowly dissolving into rambling to cover half-choked sobs. Kyoko winces at the offer.

"I- I can't take your room. It's yours. I've been sleeping on a floor for years now, I can handle it for a few more-"

"No," Mami interrupts calmly if a bit more sharply than normal, "that only means that you are in more need of proper rest. I am completely able to go without some comforts for your sake."

"Just say yes," you advise the red-haired girl before she can continue to protest. "she's not gonna budge on this point. Hell, it took me ages to convince her that I don't need a room despite the fact that I don't sleep, and I'm pretty sure she still feels guilty about it."

Mami pouts. "I just think that with everything you've done for me, you deserve something in return. It's only polite."

"That may be true," you say with a smile, "but that's talking about favors between acquaintances or whatnot. Family doesn't keep score like that."

You notice Angela and Gebura discussing something quietly off to the side, Roland occasionally interjecting but generally seeming out of the loop with whatever topic they've chosen. It's unlikely to be something they can't tell you, but you could certainly see Gebura objecting to bringing up certain topics with kids around and Angela's been significantly more empathetic than she used to be as of late.

You clap your hands together, cutting off the chatter between the reunited Magical Girls. "I believe the two of you should continue this conversation at home." you announce, laying a bit of extra emphasis on the last word. "I'm sure the two of you have a lot to catch up on, so I'll leave you to it for a bit while I discuss some things with my sister."

"Ah, that-" the words seem stuck in Mami's throat. "That would be nice. Kyoko?" The other girl says nothing but nods, and the pair vanish in another flash of light.

"So," you begin, pointing your still-clasped hands towards your sister, "what is it you were talking about?"

Roland jumps slightly at your address, but the other two have no such reaction. Even his startle seems… manufactured, a false show of vulnerability that might not even be consciously done.

"We were just talking 'bout this whole parenting thing you've got going on." Gebura answers with a small smile. "Lookin' back on things, I can kinda see how you wound up like this. You did get along with Tiphereth a lot better near the end."

"Indeed, you do seem to be well-suited to caring for children. Perhaps that's why you were able to connect more easily with the Sephirah." Angela says, although despite the clear mockery her tone is more joking than malicious. Gebura hardly reacts, only taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"On the topic of things I am and am not, going into combat was never really my thing." you interject, turning your focus to the legendary Color Fixer. "Considering the similarities, I was wondering if you'd be able to spare the time to teach me how to actually fight?"

"Sure, I can give you some pointers. Not like we've got a lot to do here waiting for Angela to fix things. Roland might have some advice too, since you both have a pretty large arsenal from what I've heard. Gonna be a bit weird fighting a doppelgänger and all that, but I can manage."

"Right." you wince slightly. You hadn't expected to ever see your coworkers again when you made your body, assuming them either dead with you or otherwise unreachable. It's a rare time when you felt joy in being wrong about something, but it also means you never prepared for this conversation.

Fortunately, you have plenty of ways to delay that particular awkward discussion as long as necessary.

"Well, if that matter is settled, I have one last thing to run by all of you. A while back, I found a Distortion in the other world. I didn't know what it was at the time, just thought it was some sort of weird shark monster somebody dreamed up, but looking back it was almost certainly a Distortion. There was no way for whoever it was to be exposed to the Light as far as I know."

"Hold on," Roland interrupts. "Shark monster? Can we get a full description?"

You rattle off everything you'd observed about the anomaly you had seen nearly two weeks ago. Larger than a person, durable skin, obsession with food and eating, far too many mouthes. With each detail, Angela's eyes narrow further.

"Greta. It appears you have encountered a Distortion we already know of." Angela says grimly.

"That can't be right, though." Roland counters. "She's supposed to be dead. Hod did a real number on her, too."

You file away that particular bit of information for later and make an attempt to clarify the situation. You can already feel the tension bearing down on the room, making it feel small and claustrophobic. "It wasn't an actual Distortion, just a replica somebody made with magic. Still, that would imply that whoever made it saw this 'Greta' before she died despite living in an entirely separate universe."

"Whatever the case is, it's gonna be a problem." Geburah says. "Because Greta was part of the Reverberation Ensemble. And if whoever made that copy you're talking about saw her, there's a very real possibility that they got the rest of them as well."

The Ensemble.

You've only heard occasional mentions of them, usually involving Angela complaining about or insulting them or their leader in some way. From what you know, they were a gang of Distortions led by a Color Fixer who went off the rails trying to pull an Adam and turn all of humanity into monsters. They had all been released along with the rest of Angela's guests, only to charge right back into the Library and get killed in an all-out battle. Outside of one of their members being responsible for the disguises Homura and Kyoko are currently using, you don't know much more about them. At the time, it hadn't seemed pertinent.

"I'll have a report put together for you on the remaining members," Angela says, sounding at once very like her old self and yet so different. There's a familiar rhythm to her words, a polite and profession pattern that she falls into as easily as breathing when needed. And yet, the emotion in her voice is no longer buried. You can clearly hear the exasperation in each breath, much like yourself when a day's end has been long since overdue. "It'll be along with the records of the missing abnormalities."

Another threat to handle. Still within the range of your capabilities, but all this work piling up is somewhat daunting.


Attend to the Magical Girls in the Library?
[] Yes, go see them
-[] What to say? (Write-in)
[] No, go home
[] Write-in


Der Freischütz's Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
Porccubus' Sapling - Observation Level 2/3
This chapter feels a bit off to me, but the winning vote this time was kind of all over the place and I had trouble linking things together. Anything not included may still happen, so don't worry too much about that. It's been a bit difficult recently, but everything should be returning to normal soon.
This chapter feels a bit off to me, but the winning vote this time was kind of all over the place and I had trouble linking things together. Anything not included may still happen, so don't worry too much about that. It's been a bit difficult recently, but everything should be returning to normal soon.
A problem with the lengthy vote. We would've been cool with it if you limited the number of options we could've taken tbh. We would understand if you had trouble with it.

Anyhow. At least, the important ones got their screen time. Sad that X can't socialize well though. But she will get better.

Also, just realized something. The disguise Kyoko is using came from Pluto based on what Angela said during this chapter. So neat.

I guess if there's something to do it would be this.

[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
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[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.

What, I'm sucker for bonding with trauma, and everyone in both fandom is the same.
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The Hug might take all of X's social energy with her sister but you know what? That's perfect. Might want to clarify that it's for when we go back home though.
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[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
"Indeed, you do seem to be well-suited to caring for children. Perhaps that's why you were able to connect more easily with the Sephirah."

I have to admit, the only adult amongst them is Binah… wait, nevermind, I just remembered her *spooky* theme music. :V

"That can't be right, though." Roland counters. "She's supposed to be dead. Hod did a real number on her, too."

Hod Smash!

usually involving Angela complaining about or insulting them or their leader in some way.

Why am I not surprised that the only things we heard about them was how annoying they were?

Anything not included may still happen, so don't worry too much about that.

I can't help but see that X made quite sure to not talk about her nature as an abnormality. :V

[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go.

Not gonna lie, for a second I blanked and thought "magical girls" was referring to the abnormalities.
[X] Yes, go see them
-[X] Assure them that they won't be forced to stay here forever and that you are looking for a way for them to return home eventually.
--[X] Wish Angela good luck running her orphanage.
---[X] Give her a hug before you go home.

Take your time and rest a bit... Cleat your head and play some games!! You don't have to strain or push yourself for us. We will just be here... Waiting.