Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

We do need it true. But looking at our spells we really did need all of the ones we currently have. I cant really see what we could have skipped besides Frost Beam but then thats a prereq for opening a tree.
On that, my picks are Burst, then either Ring Bind or Telekenisis to finish off the basics.
I'm honestly undecided on RB or TK for the SECOND spell we get to pick, as I'm going to keep voting for burst until we get it.
I want to find the spells that will enable us to use Ragnarok, and finishing off two trees, one of which Ragnarok is the ultimate spell of that tree seems a good place to look.
If I knew that we needed Ring Bind to learn the spells needed for Ragnarok, I'd be all for it.
you already have reputation as someone who's a bit too powerful for an independent player. Do you really want to get a reputation for brutality, particularly after Sam's bloodbath in 6.11? If you do, fine, but the other characters won't forget it and will continue to act on that knowledge even after the arc ends, enemies and allies both.
How bad would it affect our rep if we did to MS-13 what we did to the E88, assuming they are stupid enough to put all their important people in one place we can conveniently immolate.
Say during a battle where things are going bad for Cailleach, she thinks this is it, then suddenly the MS-13 are on fire and incinerate in front of her.
Then she spots us and we say "Hey, Callieach, you looked like you were in a spot of trouble and I owed you one. Need any more help taking this MS-13 trash out of OUR city?"
If asked, we can claim we've been wanting payback on Cadejo and ask if anybody would be too upset if we tried the lethal version of our spells on him from the get-go.
At this point, I almost want to write a pseudo-code guideline for the spells. Nothing like a real programming language, as I'm not smart enough to cover all eventualities, but enough that it could reasonably be used to define new spells for us to use. Like, for example, a damaging variant on Ring Bind that looks like the following:

import bind from RingBind
import elements
import damage
import form
import target
import time

shots = input()
for n in range(1,int(shots)):
    create form.bullet(mana,
    agument form.bullet(homing)
    lethality = input()

if form.bullet.impact == true:
    target = target + damage(
    target = target + RingBind.bind
    continue = input()
    while timer%1 == 0 AND continue = 1:
        target = target + damage(
        target = target + RingBind.bind
        continue = input()
            dismiss form.bullet

This may seem very similar to Python to some of you, and that's because it is. It's inherently based on Python because Python is the best language. In fact, screw it, I'll just come up with some new importables and variables and base it on Python.
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Anyone remember if Cadejo is constantly in his breaker state? If he isn't then we have the chance to get the drop on him and dispose of him before he enters his invulnerable state.

As in use WAS to pinpoint him without being seen, go up to a couple miles above his position, and blast him. Knock him out 1st ala Dragonslayers if we are worried about killing a lot of people and then finish him off with a flurry of lethal attacks before he wakes back up.
I'd like to remind everyone that we are not God; just because we choose to destroy all or just one gang does not guarantee success (remember that stray RPG to the face?).

But... as much as I'd like to explore our options, it might be best to nip this in the bud now and get back to the status quo.

Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
I'd like to remind everyone that we are not God; just because we choose to destroy all or just one gang does not guarantee success (remember that stray RPG to the face?).

But... as much as I'd like to explore our options, it might be best to nip this in the bud now and get back to the status quo.
Yup, and just because we are willing to fight along side the villains for now, doesn't mean we can't go after them later when MS and Typhon are taken care of.
I'd like to remind everyone that we are not God; just because we choose to destroy all or just one gang does not guarantee success (remember that stray RPG to the face?).

But... as much as I'd like to explore our options, it might be best to nip this in the bud now and get back to the status quo.

To add to this, the lethal option, which we may or may not pursue, gives us a great deal more ability to handle the MS-13 efficiently than we could if we were combating all the gangs, most of which we wouldn't go lethal against.
It's a combination CC + DoT effect - we hit someone with it, leave it running, and go deal with someone else. They'll be unconcious or dead by the time we get back, preferrably both. Plus, making someone CC'd whilst being on fire is kinda metal.
Uh huh. I think we can make do with Binding them and shooting them with something instead, not to mention deliberately leaving someone bound/helpless with burning bindings is rather sketchy.
Do you really want to get a reputation for brutality, particularly after Sam's bloodbath in 6.11? If you do, fine, but the other characters won't forget it and will continue to act on that knowledge even after the arc ends, enemies and allies both.
I don't mind, no, but I was looking for things that help us put enemies out fast, without causing irreperable damage. As you noted with the first arc she messed with the "safe spell" parameters, so I was thinking of doing it again, thus the questions of how much we can wiggle there.

Your comments on my suggestions, ok, reasonable. No going through the flesh without it being an outright sword, but cane we up the safe heat so it causes blisters on contact? Blitz action with that, you can smack a crowd of gangsters and their villains on the side of the leg and leave them all having a very hard time running away. As people noted, we don't have ring bind yet, protected spaces don't grab gansters without power, and other things.

How much damage does frost beam do in 'safe mode'? or is that spoilers? I'm asking because if a non-brute can get out of your ice, I want to adjust it somehow, but if a non-brute can't get out, most of my ideas right now are more or less pointless.
At this point, I almost want to write a pseudo-code guideline for the spells. Nothing like a real programming language, as I'm not smart enough to cover all eventualities, but enough that it could reasonably be used to define new spells for us to use. Like, for example, a damaging variant on Ring Bind that looks like the following:

import bind from RingBind
import elements
import damage
import form
import target
import time

shots = input()
for n in range(1,int(shots)):
    create form.bullet(mana,
    agument form.bullet(homing)
    lethality = input()

if form.bullet.impact == true:
    target = target + damage(
    target = target + RingBind.bind
    continue = input()
    while timer%1 == 0 AND continue = 1:
        target = target + damage(
        target = target + RingBind.bind
        continue = input()
            dismiss form.bullet

This may seem very similar to Python to some of you, and that's because it is. It's inherently based on Python because Python is the best language. In fact, screw it, I'll just come up with some new importables and variables and base it on Python.
This makes alot of sense to me. It's a question on other values we can mess with and whether SW allows it though.
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Ouuch, Taylor's just having a no good very bad quite awful day isn't she? Old-Dad not getting any better (yet? >_>) , New-Dad getting upset at her, recent friend Dragon (who we've spent so much time on, to the expense of other tasks) getting mad at us for risks without even a thank you (yet?) for the Dragonslayers, a gang war breaking out... poor thing.

I am very much in favor of going after MS-13 alone and not the other gangs. You'd think that recent survivors of a Simurgh attack would have a little more predisposition to appreciate things like the unwritten rules and working together with villains against worse villains. He did point out after all that after the teamup against the Slaughterhouse, the Marche didn't really get to enjoy their power boost for too long before capes knocked them back down... and oh look, who's around that did that to the E88? >_> Think for both him and some voters to remember is that the gangs don't just neatly keep their fights to themselves, they do things like car bombs and drivebys and general "lots of innocents ruined" before we'd ever plan to step in. Maybe we need to take Kurt to visit somewhere Shatterbird sang fully in, to give him some fresh perspective on that past trouble?

As it is, it sounded like the Warlocks already got knocked for a nasty loop (all their capes dead o_o something to keep in mind vs MS-13) , the Privateers were doing pretty well against the Disney Princesses even without our help, and that leaves what Winter Hill post-war as the remaining gang? Sure they'll get some shiny publicity after all their help lately, but if we're still around that can be handled after we go back to "maaybe a kidnapping or two" instead of "thrice daily drive bys on crowded resturants". And someone asked what all criminal activity Winter Hill does.... I think they're the ones with a Drug Tinker? Not necessarily great, but if anyone can manage to minimize the long term attrition of reliable customers its a Tinker, and its miles above whatever Bunraku Parlours the ABB might've been running one hopes?

Could be something to have Perfect Storm look into (if we hadn't already gotten such intel over the past weeks) just to get a fuller picture... seems like a thing a character might do with a dilemma, though maybe not /this/ one. It just seems hard to make a case that we should be attacking Not-MS13 instead of attacking MS-13.

@Silently Watches , is it too much of a "have both" vote to invite the Adepts to come help with this gang war in exchange for us teaching them magic (as part of arming them for the conflict) ? It would cover at least one of the things we might do if we stayed out of it...

Edit: I am quite concerned about the reputation we may be building, especially if Dragon spreads that the slayer fight was the result of a controlled pre-meditated strike of ours and not just what it looks like when Calamity is desperate and cornered in her hometown... but how to deal with that and not sandbag too dangerously? Inviting and arming the Adepts has some of the same risk (hello Teacher), for all that its arguably less dubious than having Winter Hill help. We really do need buddy Legend or someone to hang out more and remind people that super-blasters aren't all bad.

Speaking of Rules of Engagement though, it sounds as if Militia is at least saying that we're operating on police style "don't hold back if its risky, but do try and arrest them if you can" rather than the more strict hero's "don't use lethal force ever even when they're shooting at you". Thats a start at least >_> really really really seems to weaken the MAD principle of the Unwritten Rules that one presumes actually makes them function?
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Uh huh. I think we can make do with Binding them and shooting them with something instead, not to mention deliberately leaving someone bound/helpless with burning bindings is rather sketchy.
It's the idea behind it, though, defining new spells by providing @Silently Watches with the appropriate pseudo-code for said spell. For example, a spell that uses the "creation" element of Guardian Beast creation, plus the overwhelming destruction of Ragnarök to create the most morally dubious spell possible: one which turns birds into thermonuclear suicide bombers.
Flare Shooter (2/2 Master) – Basic shooting spell. Genetically engineered flame Mana Conversion Affinity installed. Currently programmed to be non-lethal by default. Can be cast simultaneously with any other spell.
  • Homing Bullet – Upgrade for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets now self-correct their trajectories to chase targets.
  • Burst (1/1 Master) – Modification for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets can be set to explode upon contact or remotely. Can be cast simultaneously with any other non-Shooter spell. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
Rust Shooter (2/2 Master) – Shooting spell. Bullet melts through metal upon contact. Currently programmed not to destroy mechanical life-support systems. Can be cast simultaneously with any other spell.
  • Homing Bullet – Upgrade for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets now self-correct their trajectories to chase targets.
  • Burst (1/1 Master) – Modification for Flare Shooter and Rust Shooter. Bullets can be set to explode upon contact or remotely. Can be cast simultaneously with any other non-Shooter spell. Can be used with Homing Bullet but not other Shooter variants.
So we can turn our Shooters into explosive variants(once we learn Burst) but is there any way to bury our target in numbers instead of bigger explosions? Looking at the Wiki for Axel Shooter there's a variant called Avalanche Shift that launches "A large amount of shooters like an avalanche" compared to her normal maximum of 32 bolts at the same time.

So is there a way for us to get a Shift modification to our shooter spells or do we only have Burst?
[x] Before all else: Give Dragon the coordinates of the Dragonslayers' lair. Apologize for not being there with her, but the gang war is too urgent.

This should take less than a minute. We should not, under any circumstances, keep the villain lair full of a) Equipment to hack Dragon b) Technologies stolen from Dragon c) Stolen magical knowledge d) Prototype magical technology e) Probably a lot of evidence regarding their crimes alone for (if previous delays are any indication) days or even weeks.
[x] Before all else: Give Dragon the coordinates of the Dragonslayers' lair. Apologize for not being there with her, but the gang war is too urgent.

This should take less than a minute. We should not, under any circumstances, keep the villain lair full of a) Equipment to hack Dragon b) Technologies stolen from Dragon c) Stolen magical knowledge d) Prototype magical technology e) Probably a lot of evidence regarding their crimes alone for (if previous delays are any indication) days or even weeks.
This is a bad idea. You forgot about the restrictions hard coded into Dragon about changing her restrictions herself. She can't even ask other Tinkers to change them and has to actively fight against this. She might not even be able to perceive the coding tools that Richter left behind as a safety measure so they could get damaged by accident when she retrieves her stolen tech.
Sending Tim is a possibility but either we would have to go with him or send Sam as extra protection since we didn't poke around so we don't know if there are any traps. Tim could give us a run down what all that tech does and how it affects Dragon thanks to his AI expertise and ability to understand Tinkertech.
I would happily support "Destroy all the gangs", but we need a cannon fodder for Typhon's beasts.
Now I'm torn between "Stay out" (we already got enough on our plate, Philly's war is just a local problem while we're dealing with world-changing things) and "Fight alongside" (we need them for now, we'll get rid of them later... if we'll find a time).

So, things that should be done soon-ish:
1. Privateers - they just lost their leader and main parahuman asset. We should either convince them to step down (would be hard thanks to the gang war) or buff them considerably (Template for Lacey).
2. Dragonslayers base
3. Triumvirate - I'll vote for full disclosure. Screw you, Dragon.
4. Adepts - ideally I want them at a position similar to the Guild, a team loosely affiliated with PRT and dealing with magic. At minimum, we need to convince them to stop working for villains.
5. Beasts.

Not as important, but still useful and interesting (for me, at least):
1. Talk with Perfect Storm about Galea, Belka and that 'Molsan' and 'Kataric' who may or may not be TSAB ancestors.
2. Talk with TSAB and ask information I deem important; their form of government, number of planets under their control, their brief history, Enforcer Command purpose and rights (like a right to fuck planets with Arc-en-Ciel), and what exactly their Lost Logia do (so we can distinguish it from all other our rampaging 'Lost Logias').
3. Ask Cassiel if she has any siblings. :whistle:
This is a bad idea. You forgot about the restrictions hard coded into Dragon about changing her restrictions herself. She can't even ask other Tinkers to change them and has to actively fight against this. She might not even be able to perceive the coding tools that Richter left behind as a safety measure so they could get damaged by accident when she retrieves her stolen tech.
Sending Tim is a possibility but either we would have to go with him or send Sam as extra protection since we didn't poke around so we don't know if there are any traps. Tim could give us a run down what all that tech does and how it affects Dragon thanks to his AI expertise and ability to understand Tinkertech.
I'm quite sure Taylor knows nothing about Dragon's restrictions. Sending Tim along may be prudent anyway, but your argument is out of character. And even from an out-of-character perspective it may be better to send someone there instead of leaving it alone. Dragon could at least protect the site from looters and reclaim her own tech.
How bad would it affect our rep if we did to MS-13 what we did to the E88, assuming they are stupid enough to put all their important people in one place we can conveniently immolate.
Very badly. Very, very badly.
Killing villains who don't have Kill Orders, and just being super-indiscriminate with lethal firepower, gets us that much closer to being labeled a villain by the gov't, and villains will jump straight to hitting us and everyone around us as hard as possible, no matter the collateral damage. We're talking truces between villain groups akin to what happened during Bakuda/S9's canon rampage in Brockton, and likley even villains leaving their usual haunts to actively hunt us.

Sorry Slick, but all of that is making the blowup at Lisa look like a sane, sensible decision.
Very badly. Very, very badly.
Killing villains who don't have Kill Orders, and just being super-indiscriminate with lethal firepower, gets us that much closer to being labeled a villain by the gov't, and villains will jump straight to hitting us and everyone around us as hard as possible, no matter the collateral damage. We're talking truces between villain groups akin to what happened during Bakuda/S9's canon rampage in Brockton, and likley even villains leaving their usual haunts to actively hunt us.

Sorry Slick, but all of that is making the blowup at Lisa look like a sane, sensible decision.
Heck, that's basically the exact same mistake the MS did. "Fuck the rules" gives you a short, temporary advantage...which is then met by a permanent disadvantage.
How much damage does frost beam do in 'safe mode'? or is that spoilers? I'm asking because if a non-brute can get out of your ice, I want to adjust it somehow, but if a non-brute can't get out, most of my ideas right now are more or less pointless.
Frost Beam does not have a "non-safe" mode, and it does not do any damage under any circumstances.
@Silently Watches , is it too much of a "have both" vote to invite the Adepts to come help with this gang war in exchange for us teaching them magic (as part of arming them for the conflict) ? It would cover at least one of the things we might do if we stayed out of it...
It IS too much to invite the Adepts. Like I said back when people were asking to invite Purity to help take down Coil, you can't bring in characters you have no connection to. In this case, you have met the person (well, one of them), but you have not spent any time building a rapport. No rapport, no favors.
So we can turn our Shooters into explosive variants(once we learn Burst) but is there any way to bury our target in numbers instead of bigger explosions? Looking at the Wiki for Axel Shooter there's a variant called Avalanche Shift that launches "A large amount of shooters like an avalanche" compared to her normal maximum of 32 bolts at the same time.

So is there a way for us to get a Shift modification to our shooter spells or do we only have Burst?
Gee, maybe you should wait until you've actually finished that branch to ask for things. You have no clue what I've already given you or not.
1. Privateers - they just lost their leader and main parahuman asset. We should either convince them to step down (would be hard thanks to the gang war) or buff them considerably (Template for Lacey).
You still have 2 weeks before you can build another Template Device.
And someone asked what all criminal activity Winter Hill does.... I think they're the ones with a Drug Tinker?
Protection rackets, designer drugs, bribery, blackmail, prostitution, smuggling, that sort of thing.
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Vote 8.1

Well, that was… short. I hope you know what you want because now it's voting time.

[ ] Stay out of this altogether – Let the gangs destroy themselves, that's just fine. No skin off your nose. While they are doing their thing, you will use the time for social, exploration, or training activities.
[ ] Fight alongside the villains – The gangs are a stain on this city, but right now they are the lesser evil compared to MS-13. So long as they are focused on removing the Maras, you will lend them a hand.
[ ] Destroy all the gangs – The gangs aren't as bad as the Maras, but a lesser evil is still evil. Let the villains wear themselves out fighting MS-13, and then you will swoop in to take care of the victors.