Dude, look at the wording on the kenjutsu vote.

"improves chakra flow"

Chakra flow is specifically the technique of running your chakra through an inanimate object, namely weapons, in order to strengthen them. While it does require a certain level of chakra control to do efficiently, getting better at it does not necessitate getting better overall chakra control.
[x] - Fuinjutsu:
[x] - Try to improve your basic chakra storage seal.

I want to get this thing to the point where we can stuff tons of Sasuke and Naruto chakra in it and hope for shenanigans to occur because Indra/Asura reincarnations.
Chakra flow is specifically the technique of running your chakra through an inanimate object, namely weapons, in order to strengthen them. While it does require a certain level of chakra control to do efficiently, getting better at it does not necessitate getting better overall chakra control.

Why? It helps becoming more efficient at directing your chakra. It's not a huge step away from just running off trees all day or walking on water. That to me is better over all chakra control.
IC, this is stuff that she'll do in the background.
Especially since the village is going to spend weeks or months investigating this.
Hisana has no skill at investigation, and is not senior enough anyway; there is no reason she should be involved even if it wasn't classified.

OOC, bureaucratic work isn't what most players in a Naruto quest come for.
There is no reason for the GM to go through scenes of watching Hisana get stonewalled for versimilitude.
At best it will get a paragraph or two in the next update, or be addressed by her jounin-sensei.

Once again, I think I'm not being clear.

All I really want is that scene where the police detective walks up to the crime victim and explains what they think happened. (Or at least that's the closest parallel I can imagine.) Not that Hisana take part in the investigation. Not that everything be known or that the investigation be concluded. Just whatever they're going to tell her about what the hell happened when she asks, "What just happened?" as she surely would soon after awakening.

Eh, whatever. New vote.

[X] Take the week off and relax. It might be the last chance you'll have for a while, and you deserve it.
[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Work on your Iaido some more, and perfect your integration of it and your chakra flow.

Well since making the healing technique a viable skill I'll swap my vote to improving our direct combat skill. Besides it is only appropriate to make her sword a better talker for when they intervene in her life again.
Let me put that a different way, then.

Perhaps it wouldn't require a vote exactly, but I would have expected that after Hisana woke up she would be asking the relevant people in charge, "Hey, who were those guys? What did they want? What was that all about? What village were they from? What haaaaaaappened!?"

Now maybe the answer would be "it's classified" and maybe it wouldn't. It was a pretty public incident, and I expected there would have been some kind of public statement even if the details were classified. Surely someone would want to interview Hisana and ask what she saw. Would be nice for someone to talk to her about having to kill people when she literally just graduated as well.

But instead the story seems to be skipping straight ahead a week to team assignments. Like, what skills will Hisana be working on in the next week? I give far less of a shit about that than I do a debriefing on what just went down.
Hm. I imagine the reason it isn't an option is because Hisana in the OP was noted to have an instinctive trust of authority, therefore she trusts the system to do a proper job, and the Hokage to inform her of anything pertinent to her safety the investigation finds. Also she just got a firsthand idea of just how weak she is, which means she is focused on getting stronger so she can protect what little she has left in the world.
If our opening strike had been better, we wouldn't have had to face dozen of ninjas summoned from a scroll.

[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Work on your Iaido some more, and perfect your integration of it and your chakra flow.
Why? It helps becoming more efficient at directing your chakra. It's not a huge step away from just running off trees all day or walking on water. That to me is better over all chakra control.

Unless your chakra control is already fine enough for chakra flow and this is just you learning more about a particular way to apply it, such as figuring out how to run elemental chakra through it.
[x] - Kenjutsu
[x] - Work on your Iaido some more, and perfect your integration of it and your chakra flow.

Since it looks like direct medical training won't win, I'll have to be satisfied with using my omake XP to progress towards a usable healing technique.

Unless your chakra control is already fine enough for chakra flow and this is just you learning more about a particular way to apply it, such as figuring out how to run elemental chakra through it.

... which we also already know, at least for Wind chakra. That said, channeling other chakra natures through our sword could be pretty sweet, too.

Fire Sword! Lightning Sword! Earth Sword. Water Sword...?
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If our opening strike had been better, we wouldn't have had to face dozen of ninjas summoned from a scroll.
Speaking of which, is this a thing in canon? Sounds like the examiner-summoning-scrolls thing from canon. But that's often contested in fanfiction discussions by the reasoning of it being too OP (basically a long-range teleportation technique), and it never showing up again. Perfect fodder for SI fuckery. ^_^

Ha, what if Hisana's potential capabilities are determined by what the players agree to be possible?

Admittedly, that's slightly already true from a Doylist perspective. I'm sure some of the comments here affect Tekomander's decisions on how to flesh out the Naruto world in areas where canon is hazy.

(Regardless, it'll be totally scary if the other hypothetical SIs are also limited merely by their perceptions of what was possible in canon.)
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Ha, what if Hisana's potential capabilities are determined by what the players agree to be possible?

Then we should be all set - she's an Uchiha. There's no telling what her Eternal Vanilla Mango Yogurt with Sprinkles Sharingan can do! :V

For all we know, once she unlocks the Final StageTM​ of her special eyes, she might turn out to be the one who retroactively self-inserted everyone into Naruto in the first place! :V
Then we should be all set - she's an Uchiha. There's no telling what her Eternal Vanilla Mango Yogurt with Sprinkles Sharingan can do! :V

For all we know, once she unlocks the Final StageTM​ of her special eyes, she might turn out to be the one who retroactively self-inserted everyone into Naruto in the first place! :V

... I'd rather Hisana not kill her best friend.
For all we know, once she unlocks the Final StageTM of her special eyes, she might turn out to be the one who retroactively self-inserted everyone into Naruto in the first place! :V

Considering things...well. That could actually be a thing. I mean tobi can apparently in tune himself with a dimension and dimensional hop using that because of his particular brand of bullshit.

Then there is the regular sharrigan technique that controls fate and rewinds time over and over again placing people in a loop.

So well... be careful what you wish for because that isn't much of a stretch.

... I'd rather Hisana not kill her best friend.

Actually it's not so much as killing your best friend but suffering enough grief that it feels like you did. Itachi got his because of his friend committed suicide in front of him. Tobi got his watching his best friend kill his best friend. Madura I think got his watching his brother die of natural causes or something Not sure on that one. I think he might have been the only one who killed his best friend.
... I'd rather Hisana not kill her best friend.
Going by my conspiracy theory...Bad Leingod! Don't limit Hisana like that! :mad:
Actually it's not so much as killing your best friend but suffering enough grief that it feels like you did. Itachi got his because of his friend committed suicide in front of him. Tobi got his watching his best friend kill his best friend. Madura I think got his watching his brother die of natural causes or something Not sure on that one. I think he might have been the only one who killed his best friend.
That's the spirit! :D

It's not the act itself that gives you the Mangekyou. You merely need to experience great grief/despair, and this particular act is the simplest way of doing so, without harming your family, which Uchiha care about more than anything else. Itachi got his Mangekyou when Shisui gave him his remaining Sharingan and jumped off a cliff in front of him. Sasuke got his own not because he killed Naruto(he didn't do it) or killed Itachi(which he did), but because Tobi revealed the truth about the Massacre while he was in bed. The sheer despair awakened it.
Goooood, gooood. More of this.
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... I'd rather Hisana not kill her best friend.

It's not the act itself that gives you the Mangekyou. You merely need to experience great grief/despair, and this particular act is the simplest way of doing so, without harming your family, which Uchiha care about more than anything else. Itachi got his Mangekyou when Shisui gave him his remaining Sharingan and jumped off a cliff in front of him. Sasuke got his own not because he killed Naruto(he didn't do it) or killed Itachi(which he did), but because Tobi revealed the truth about the Massacre while he was recovering from the battle, after Itachi died. The sheer horror and despair awakened it.

Edit: Ninja'd
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Actually it's not so much as killing your best friend but suffering enough grief that it feels like you did. Itachi got his because of his friend committed suicide in front of him. Tobi got his watching his best friend kill his best friend. Madura I think got his watching his brother die of natural causes or something Not sure on that one. I think he might have been the only one who killed his best friend.

The eyes also well... make the person who got them coo coo for cocoa puffs if you know what I'm saying.
The eyes also well... make the person who got them coo coo for cocoa puffs if you know what I'm saying.

I think becoming eventually blind is the bodies natural way to try and fix the brains sanity. Too bad the eternal version of them exists...


I do not want Hisana to ever get these eyes. There is a strong chance she would deny reality if she does.


Or plan an over elaborate way to commit suicide by traumatizing her only living relative.
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The eyes also well... make the person who got them coo coo for cocoa puffs if you know what I'm saying.

It's not the eyes that are the problem.

The 'Curse of Hatred' is more like the 'Curse of Love', as Tobirama(I think) explains it. The Uchiha feel much stronger than the Senju, or anyone else for that matter. When they love, it is the kind of love that sparks wars(Tobi with Rin?). When they hate, they are willing to burn the world because of it(Madara and Sasuke?). The Uchiha love their family, love their 'best friends'. When they lose those, their love turns to equally blinding hatred, directed at what they perceive to be responsible for taking them away.

Humans in general can rationalise a lot of things, and the Uchiha have a particular talent at doing so.
An Uchiha who killed their best friend to gain the Mangekyou and save their clan from destruction WILL hate themselves, but they will hate the threat that seemingly forced them to do it far more. Then, in order to avoid confronting their own actions, they'll extend that hatred to more and more targets, to avoid the realization that they really need a shrink.

It is not the Mangekyou that causes the madness. It is the fact that you need to BREAK to get it in the first place, and you will go blind afterwards, unless you get the eyes of your brother(don't know if any other Uchiha will do), which is particularly horrible, because the Uchiha value their Sharingan greatly, and they love their family more than anything else. Basically, you have to choose between blindness and weakness(thus being unable to protect what you love) and the betrayal of the one thing you love the most, because it takes a special kind of a person to willingly donate their eyes while still alive even without them being an Uchiha, and taking them from your brother's corpse has its own problems. Namely, the fact that, again, the person you loved most died, and you have yet another target to hate with literally INHUMAN passion.
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It's not the eyes that are the problem.

The 'Curse of Hatred' is more like the 'Curse of Love', as Tobirama(I think) explains it. The Uchiha feel much stronger than the Senju, or anyone else for that matter. When they love, it is the kind of love that sparks wars(Tobi with Rin?). When they hate, they are willing to burn the world because of it(Madara and Sasuke?). The Uchiha love their family, love their 'best friends'. When they lose those, their love turns to equally blinding hatred, directed at what they perceive to be responsible for taking them away.

Humans in general can rationalise a lot of things, and the Uchiha have a particular talent at doing so.
An Uchiha who killed their best friend to gain the Mangekyou and save their clan from destruction WILL hate themselves, but they will hate the threat that seemingly forced them to do it far more. Then, in order to avoid confronting their own actions, they'll extend that hatred to more and more targets, to avoid the realization that they really need a shrink.

It is not the Mangekyou that causes the madness. It is the fact that you need to BREAK to get it in the first place, and you will go blind afterwards, unless you get the eyes of your brother(don't know if any other Uchiha will do), which is particularly horrible, because the Uchiha value their Sharingan greatly, and they love their family more than anything else. Basically, you have to choose between blindness and weakness(thus being unable to protect what you love) and the betrayal of the one thing you love the most, because it takes a special kind of a person to willingly donate their eyes while still alive even without them being an Uchiha, and taking them from your brother's corpse has its own problems. Namely, the fact that, again, the person you loved most died, and you have yet another target to hate.

I really like this explanation of the curse of hatred.

She saw it. Her wind, hitting her flames, and the blazing inferno that erupted from it, raging out of all control. The smell of cooking flesh, one that, unfortunately, she recognized. Her sword cleaving once, twice, thrice through armor, flesh, and bone, as if they were nothing but air. Fire and blood, mixing together into a litany of crimson, as screams and death rattles echoed. And when she looked up, the stench of death and scattering of corpses wasn't in Konoha's outskirts anymore. She was in the Uchiha district, and the bodies all around her belonged to her family, as she stood with her blood-red sword in her hands.

And then she woke up. It was the second time she'd had that dream, and just as the first time, her Sharingan had activated without a conscious thought. As she turned her eyes back to normal, and quietly went to fetch a glass of water, she struggled in vain to push away the memories. It didn't work - the curse of those eyes. And without being able to avoid them... all that was left was her justifications. Her justifications and her anger.

They were the ones who had attacked Konoha! She'd done nothing wrong! She had to make up for her carelessness, had to protect the people she cared about! Who were they to call her an abberation! She'd become strong, strong enough to bring their plots crashing down around their heads, and take reve-!

She very deliberately dropped that train of thought, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. The glass of water in her shaking hand helped, too. Was this the "Curse of Hatred"? She wished she could say it was, that she could blame something other than herself for her thoughts. But, in her heart of hearts... she didn't think it was. They were hers, and hers alone.


Later that day, she stopped by Sakura's house. It wasn't something she'd planned - she went wandering around Konoha, hoping to take her mind off things, and her feet took her into the residential district. She'd never visited the other girl before, and once she made the decision, she had to ask directions several times to find the place. Sakura was understandably surprised to see her - and even more so when she thanked the pink haired girl.

"I asked Sasuke, and he said you checked me over and closed my wounds before the medics arrived. Thank you, for that."

The girl whose place she was going to take blushed a bit at the mention of the brother she'd all but adopted, but otherwise remained pensive. She could guess why. She hadn't been the only one to spill blood that night.

"I... I can't do the Mystical Palm technique. Not effectively. I waste far too much chakra when I try." It hurt, admitting that, especially to someone a small part of her still couldn't help but consider a useless fangirl. But leaving that festering wound... that would hurt more. "Could you help me? After graduation..." She trailed off, but Sakura nodded in understanding. "I'd like to be able to fix things, too."

Sakura opened the door wider.

I really like this. 10xp for the writing, and for such a good arguement for the Mystical Palm.