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On Thread Etiquette:

I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning.

[X] Whitebeard's Letter: Through elvish contacts, we know that some elves of Tor Vernath are asking for Bel'Shannar's assistance, putting Malekith and his allies under time pressure. The Mages Malekith visited were suppressed by Bel'Shannar, since he could not ally with them and do not have much incentive to care about magical backlash to the people living here - only that their patron succeeds and spites Bel'Shannar and that the Waystone network in the Far North is not totally destroyed. Prince Gimli is friends with Prince Laequalys of Tor Vernath and the elf and his own mages may have a useful additional perspective.

[X] [Social:] Izgrom, putting another rock by Karstah's door.
[X] [Social:] Snorri Jollsson brings his apprentice to Khazagar.

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about the other Thungni-Chosen [Limited]
[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning. (Turn 59)

[X] Whitebeard's Letter: Through elvish contacts, we know that some elves of Tor Vernath are asking for Bel'Shannar's assistance, putting Malekith and his allies under time pressure. The Mages Malekith visited were suppressed by Bel'Shannar, since he could not ally with them and do not have much incentive to care about magical backlash to the people living here - only that their patron succeeds and spites Bel'Shannar and that the Waystone network in the Far North is not totally destroyed. Prince Gimli is friends with Prince Laequalys of Tor Vernath and the elf and his own mages may have a useful additional perspective.

[X] [Social:] Izgrom, putting another rock by Karstah's door.
[X] [Social:] Dolgi Skarrisson and Kemma Brunasdottir's Nauvsdeg.
[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about how the Izril Clans are managing their creation[Standard, Evolving]
[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning.

[X] Whitebeard's Letter: Through elvish contacts, we know that some elves of Tor Vernath are asking for Bel'Shannar's assistance, putting Malekith and his allies under time pressure. The Mages Malekith visited were suppressed by Bel'Shannar, since he could not ally with them and do not have much incentive to care about magical backlash to the people living here - only that their patron succeeds and spites Bel'Shannar and that the Waystone network in the Far North is not totally destroyed. Prince Gimli is friends with Prince Laequalys of Tor Vernath and the elf and his own mages may have a useful additional perspective.

[X] [Social:] Izgrom, putting another rock by Karstah's door.
[X] [Social:] Snorri Jollsson brings his apprentice to Khazagar.

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about the other Thungni-Chosen [Limited]
[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning.

[X] Whitebeard's Letter: Through elvish contacts, we know that some elves of Tor Vernath are asking for Bel'Shannar's assistance, putting Malekith and his allies under time pressure. The Mages Malekith visited were suppressed by Bel'Shannar, since he could not ally with them and do not have much incentive to care about magical backlash to the people living here - only that their patron succeeds and spites Bel'Shannar and that the Waystone network in the Far North is not totally destroyed. Prince Gimli is friends with Prince Laequalys of Tor Vernath and the elf and his own mages may have a useful additional perspective.
[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning. (Turn 59)

[X] Whitebeard's Letter: Through elvish contacts, we know that some elves of Tor Vernath are asking for Bel'Shannar's assistance, putting Malekith and his allies under time pressure. The Mages Malekith visited were suppressed by Bel'Shannar, since he could not ally with them and do not have much incentive to care about magical backlash to the people living here - only that their patron succeeds and spites Bel'Shannar and that the Waystone network in the Far North is not totally destroyed. Prince Gimli is friends with Prince Laequalys of Tor Vernath and the elf and his own mages may have a useful additional perspective.

[X] [Social:] Izgrom, putting another rock by Karstah's door.
[X] [Social:] Snorri Jollsson brings his apprentice to Khazagar.

[X] [Letters:] Knowledge about the other Thungni-Chosen [Limited]
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[X] Whitebeard's Letter: Through elvish contacts, we know that some elves of Tor Vernath are asking for Bel'Shannar's assistance, putting Malekith and his allies under time pressure. The Mages Malekith visited were suppressed by Bel'Shannar, since he could not ally with them and do not have much incentive to care about magical backlash to the people living here - only that their patron succeeds and spites Bel'Shannar and that the Waystone network in the Far North is not totally destroyed. Prince Gimli is friends with Prince Laequalys of Tor Vernath and the elf and his own mages may have a useful additional perspective.

[X] [Social:] Snorri Jollsson brings his apprentice to Khazagar.

[X] Plan: Knock Knock Monoliths and Learning.
[X] [Social:] Izgrom, putting another rock by Karstah's door.
[X] [Social:] Joll brings his apprentice, Snorri Jollsson, to Khazagar.
...random thought. Someone mentioned a surge breaker for the monoliths (not sure if discussed here already or in Discord) but as I was reading through stuff...

What's the thought on making a Master Rune of Surge Protector as the 'Main Circuit Breaker' and then non-Master Rune of Surge Protector as the other circuit breakers? 🤔
Soooo is there going to be an option to tell the Burudin that Snorri solved Durins consternation or is it just going to be revealed next time he meets one of them in person?
You know last night I thought this post was talking about Anoqeyan and responded to it plus tagged you like it was. I blame it being late and I think I meant to quote Eva-Sayajin a few posts down. I'm still aiming to try and complete Anoqeyan turn 61 but if war lands we may not be able to. (We'd have 2 progress left on Anoqeyan if we march turn 61, so complete it turn 62 instead)

I'm not sure when we're gonna get the option to share that we solved the Consternation.
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You know last night I thought this post was talking about Anoqeyan and responded to it plus tagged you like it was. I blame it being late and I think I meant to quote Eva-Sayajin a few posts down. I'm still aiming to try and complete Anoqeyan turn 61 but if war lands we may not be able to. (We'd have like, 2 progress left on Anoqeyan if we march turn turn 61, so complete it turn 62 instead)

I'm not sure when we're gonna get the option to share that we solved the Consternation.
at the latest? probably the next runelord convention
Hopefully turn 62 we can knock out a lot of progress into ESP 2. We can knock at least 5 off that turn easy then finish it up turn 63.
Snorri: So what have you guys been up to?
Snorri: I would have done more but I got caught up in some other projects, sorry. I'll do better next time. :^)

I just realized how to end the Fimir Campaign

Reveal we solved Durin's Consternation, proceed to say we could have done more work but got distracted by the Fimir

watch as every runelord and smith marches out of the chamber and heads north and pummels the Fimir to dust and yells at Snorri to get back to work.
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We really shouldn't share about the Consternation until we have a different method. Because the earlier discussion about runesmiths gouging out their own eyes in mass is entirely not hypothetical. And the Cult of Valaya will, literally, skin us for being responsible for it. (fortunately I suspect Snorri has the same "I am not that stupid!" thought about it, which is part of why revealing it is not an option yet)
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The good news is esp pt2 is only 5ap to finish, so we can knock it out in a turn or two. It's pretty easy to get it and anoqeyan done together in 2 turns. I still want to bait the burudin by sending them a challenge to forge a rune in Snorri's presence or just a one liner letter being like "solved the consternation, brb going to mainline a storm."

I hope we get the fabled population overflow at Khazagar. We're sitting at 5 runelords there right now, we need to make that number = all of them.