What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 11, 2025 at 2:09 PM, finished with 63 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan: the stars is going on with soul-planet
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Boneheart's Error)
    -[X] [Free][Psykana] From Love Unto Death, distribute 5,555 choirs into We Were, leaving 6144 in Love Unto Death, though spare Choirs should go into Love Unto Death.
    --[X] History and Origin of Lammenters
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X] Integrate The Councils (1/2)
    --[X] A Soul Smeared
    -[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
    --[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
    --[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.
    [X] Plan: Knowing (about Tyranids) is Half the Battle
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Boneheart's Error)
    -[X] [Free][Psykana] From Love Unto Death, distribute 5,555 choirs into We Were, leaving 6144 in Love Unto Death, though spare Choirs should go into Love Unto Death.
    --[X] We Were: Learn everything we can about the Tyranids, our suspected Third Prophecy of Doom. Start at the Ancient's Friends of the Mountains, which the Tyranids wiped out.
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (2 actions + 1 mechadendrite action)
    --[X] Integrate The Councils
    --[X] A Soul Smeared
    -[X] Create three ISCs
    --[X] Sixteen Tons Cooperative
    ---[X] A wholly-employee owned and ran cooperative, Sixteen Tons began its start with a number of workers and their families thinking they couldn't do any worse than the Diaconate's overseers. Now stretching all across the Stargrove Federation, they were proven decisively right -- it takes a lot less money to run business without half of it going to bribes. Sixteen Tons is now the foremost in heavy industry -- being able to mine an asteroid field, process it, ship it to factories, and being able to create the equipment that did all of it. {Heavy Industry]
    --[X] Primum Non Nocere
    ---[X] Although the Stargrove Federation has been able to avoid and root out the dread cultists of "United Healthcare," its Medical Orders and Workers have come together to ensure that nothing can threaten their duty of healing their patients. A collective of retired bureaucrats, healthcare workers, and support staff, this group cuts out as many middlemen as possible from the manufacturers of medication and medical equipment to the frontlines, as well as sponsoring the graduates of the new Mashan-and-Stargrove created education system to go where the needs of the Federation and beyond are highest. [Medical Infrastructure]
    --[X] Sales Club Wholesalers
    ---[X] Legends tell of a place within Holy Terra, where one can get clean food and drink for but a Throne and a half. Where a week's labor can purchase enough to feed a family for months, the prices defended by a secret order predating the Imperium, one that even the Emperor balked at offending. Although their existence is unconfirmed, their business practices have been spread along their legend, and one enterprising Yeeni decided to give it a shot. Vertical integration is the name of the game, as well as paying your workers very well. If it costs too much to purchase Groxmeat for the damn hot dog, go and start the farm, the factory, and shipping company needed to keep it at the same price it has been for centuries, and hopefully for millennia more. Employees whisper that if the executive board so much as whispers of raising the price, not only will the spirit of the Founder hunt them down, their old friend HRMHVR will lead a flight of Thules and Siblings to airstrike your ass. [Food Production]
    -[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
    --[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
    --[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.
    [X] Plan: A delayed integration:
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Boneheart's Error)
    -[X] [Free][Psykana] From Love Unto Death, distribute 5,555 choirs into We Were, leaving 6144 in Love Unto Death, though spare Choirs should go into Love Unto Death.
    --[X] Assemble a massive team of historians, scientists, engineers, scientists, and Choirs to observe the march of humanity across the distant past - ideally locating factories from the Dark Age Of Technology to observe how their technology was made. Observing the locations of the Ancients we've already identified is a good place to start.
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication (2 actions + 1 mechadendrite action)
    --[X] Integrate The Councils (3/3)
    -[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
    --[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
    --[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.
    [X] Plan: The Unforgiving Minute, Part One of ???
    -[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Boneheart's Error)
    -[X] [Free][Psykana] From Love Unto Death, distribute 5,555 choirs into We Were, and 1000 into Legacy of the Federation. Any new Choirs go into Love Unto Death.
    -[X] [Free][Psykana] We Were: Examine the Ancient's Techniques and Practices of Heavy Industry
    -[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
    --[X] Integrate The Councils
    -[X] [General] Create ISC x2
    --[X] Sixteen Tons Cooperative
    ---[X] A wholly-employee owned and ran cooperative, Sixteen Tons began its start with a number of workers and their families thinking they couldn't do any worse than the Diaconate's overseers. Now stretching all across the Stargrove Federation, they were proven decisively right -- it takes a lot less money to run business without half of it going to bribes. Sixteen Tons is now the foremost in heavy industry -- being able to mine an asteroid field, process it, ship it to factories, and being able to create the equipment that did all of it. {Heavy Industry]
    --[X] Primum Non Nocere
    ---[X] Although the Stargrove Federation has been able to avoid and root out the dread cultists of "United Healthcare," its Medical Orders and Workers have come together to ensure that nothing can threaten their duty of healing their patients. A collective of retired bureaucrats, healthcare workers, and support staff, this group cuts out as many middlemen as possible from the manufacturers of medication and medical equipment to the frontlines, as well as sponsoring the graduates of the new Mashan-and-Stargrove created education system to go where the needs of the Federation and beyond are highest. [Medical Infrastructure]
    --[X] Sales Club Wholesalers
    ---[X] Legends tell of a place within Holy Terra, where one can get clean food and drink for but a Throne and a half. Where a week's labor can purchase enough to feed a family for months, the prices defended by a secret order predating the Imperium, one that even the Emperor balked at offending. Although their existence is unconfirmed, their business practices have been spread along their legend, and one enterprising Yeeni decided to give it a shot. Vertical integration is the name of the game, as well as paying your workers very well. If it costs too much to purchase Groxmeat for the damn hot dog, go and start the farm, the factory, and shipping company needed to keep it at the same price it has been for centuries, and hopefully for millennia more. Employees whisper that if the executive board so much as whispers of raising the price, not only will the spirit of the Founder hunt them down, their old friend HRMHVR will lead a flight of Thules and Siblings to airstrike your ass. [Food Production]
    --[X] Starshot Dynamics
    ---[X] Effectively a pipeline from the Star Navy and Army for old, retired, and otherwise honorably discharged servicemembers to find gainful employment if blasting the enemies of the Federation into pieces is no longer their speed, they now create the tools used to blast those enemies into oblivion. Using their hard-won experience and connections, the leadership knows extremely well that logistics wins wars, and thus have created an apparatus to help the growing capabilities of the Federation Military meet the needs of the Federation Military -- before the final prophesied threat comes. For some reason, they have expanded also into motorcycles, and with the new music archives, pianos??? [Military Industry]
    --[X] Left Right Goodnight
    ---[X] Founded by retired members of the Abyssal Order, this host of gyms, hostels, and resturaunts?! was borne from the idea that optimum physical fitness simply required a few components. Good food, good exercise, good social interaction, and most importantly of all, good quality and reliable sleep. Thus, they created a gymnasium where people could meet and bring out the best of themselves in a crucible of their own making, eat their fill, and sleep the sleep of the righteous in the finest of beds. Naturally, with the connections and trainers afforded to the Abyssal Order, each and every single piece of these facilities are only the best in the Federation, and still at an affordable cost! Maybe it's because the government recognizes their citizens being physically and mentally fit is a good idea... [Hell If I Know]
    --[X] Tesseract Entertainment
    ---[X] Being stuck on a ship for decades on end can be boring as hell, no matter how fun the Logistics fleets try to make things. However, a bored Thule, Space Marine, and Yeeni worked together with a techpriest to make a copy of the Strategium for their own use, making up scenarios from their collective centuries to millennia of experience. They've simulated plenty of scenarios, from dogfights to discovering ancient sites to fighting on the very surface of a Daemon World, the new strategy game spread from the military to the civilian market in a heartbeat. With many clamoring for a sequel, the founders have sighed and decided to use their centuries of accumulated overtime and back pay to create a game company to shut people up. Unsurprisingly, they don't just create military sims -- dating sims, among others, are now one of their multitudes of products. [Hell If I Know]
    -[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
    --[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
    --[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.
1 = The Stars
2 = Tyranids
HeroCooky threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
I see that asking all those questions and trying to figure out how to make a working plan was a waste of time. Thanks.
I see that asking all those questions and trying to figure out how to make a working plan was a waste of time. Thanks.
I have 20 minutes left until I have to go to sleep, I can't wait for people to get a conclusive vote this late.
Is it too late to go back and have @Profilozof add the 3 ISCs to it from the tied plan?
Sure, they can do so during the sub-turn.
Oh sweet Star Child we have an idea where we are in the galaxy
Galaxy Map

Known Storlar Sub-Sectors
Well, we are now Officially a Middle Power even in galactic politics, control of even a single Sector is impressive, and I think we hit that threshold with the extensions, and if we include our coalitions and our general Influence on top of that, we might actually edge out into Great Power status as a pact.
Well, we are now Officially a Middle Power even in galactic politics, control of even a single Sector is impressive, and I think we hit that threshold with the extensions, and if we include our coalitions and our general Influence on top of that, we might actually edge out into Great Power status as a pact.

Just need to survive against a Nid attack and we should be golden to survive and make some decent stuff for at least a small section of the galaxy.
646.M43 - Until The Eldar
The planet with its simulacrum of a soul smeared across its entirety proved, in the end, too much of a curiosity for the Federation to resist a thorough investigation with Choirs and specialists loaded onto a fleet to look at the planet that bears only one soul and who attempted to attack the exploration fleet of New Dawn.

Initial readings are disappointing and inconclusive, a thousand different directions and wishy-washy conclusions drawn from the samples of the soul's Song within the Warp, no observation and no attempts to attack the fleet in orbit worth to even write down for anything other than to have the planet marked as an oddity not worth the time of the Federation at all...

Until the Eldar came.

The captain of the light cruiser that came politely requested that the fleet depart at once and leave the world alone, for it bears the malformed spirit born from their people's ancient attempts at giving life to worlds. They are responsible for keeping the mind, more akin to that of a scared child seeing formless monsters outside their window, safe and at ease. The fleet and the Choirs were very much seen as the monsters, and they have come to make them go away, soothe the mind to rest once more, and depart themselves.

Seeing no reason to press the Eldar for more information for a thing the expedition leader has already filed away in their mind as "useless," they bid them farewell and depart, leaning back to guide the fleet toward the Federation's territories once more with calm.

The Choirs are anything but calm as the news spreads to them, necks snapping toward the read-outs and the written-down Song of the Planet in psychoactive ink, a faint humm that resembles its original as closely as the recording Choir could produce.

Gears turn. Puzzle pieces begin to slot together. Awareness spreads. Possibilities expand...and collapse to one point of application.

Choose One:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Sacred Sands - Cognitive
All worlds shielded by the Sacred Sands have their psychic defenses bolstered by the very same gaining a limited cognitive function to actively react and counter-act any attempts to breach their protection and alter the souls it shields.
[] Wetware Automata - Oversoul
Already bearing meat as part of their cognitive processes, the Wetware Automata of the Stargrove Federation have their brain simulacrums subtly altered to ape the channels and streams of the Smeared Soul, turning lifeless automata into machines with...not a soul. But just enough spark to bolster their effectiveness.
[] Machine-Spirits - Waking
The spirits of the Machine are not at all similar to that of the Smeared Soul, yet attempts to bring them to waking states have, over the centuries, yielded more and more information on what not to do, what to do to avoid abomination, and what to do to increase resiliency. The Song of the Planet is the last piece in an incomprehensible puzzle to begin a poke...to wake the spirits up.
[] Wetware Automata - Oversoul

this is what I favor, we got the Wetwere and selected it. I want to go even deeper.
[] Machine-Spirits - Waking
The spirits of the Machine are not at all similar to that of the Smeared Soul, yet attempts to bring them to waking states have, over the centuries, yielded more and more information on what not to do, what to do to avoid abomination, and what to do to increase resiliency. The Song of the Planet is the last piece in an incomprehensible puzzle to begin a poke...to wake the spirits up.
Can you imagine Van Zandts faces when we tell them of this?
I see that asking all those questions and trying to figure out how to make a working plan was a waste of time. Thanks.

So the winning plan just wasted a mechadendrite action? Is it too late to go back and have @Profilozof add the 3 ISCs to it from the tied plan?

Annoying thing to wake up to.
It's annoying but I think it's understandable, as one of the guys asking and permutating questions and who wrote up 6 ISCs as well as the whole (now useless) chart of All-XX plans. We evidently don't operate on the same timezones, and a whole lot of stuff was fluctuating throughout the night. I honestly can't be that pissed at the waste of a We Were charge because we weren't planning around it in the first place either, and if multiple effort posts on why we shouldn't do Smeared Soul didn't dissuade people frankly who cares, this is a collaborative game, it's the will of the people. And we don't know if the ISCs will do what we want and if we can in fact fish for 50% boosts or not.

However; if it turns out if they do and we can, and people still want to screw around after literally a gacha turn and getting Smeared Soul, I will start asking extremely pointed questions on whether or not people want to get All-XX before the end of the game or not.

Dark Blue = Stargrove Federation
Thing Dark Blue = Reach of the Pilgrim Fleets
Light Blue = Mashan Temple Authority
Brown = Van Zandt Free Duchy
Brown Circles = Van Zandt Vassals
Orange = The Unfallen
Well, that's big. Are the Pilgrim Fleets also convincing people to join the Federation or are they strictly aid? Or is that a post-Epilogue concern?

Choose One:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Sacred Sands - Cognitive
All worlds shielded by the Sacred Sands have their psychic defenses bolstered by the very same gaining a limited cognitive function to actively react and counter-act any attempts to breach their protection and alter the souls it shields.
[] Wetware Automata - Oversoul
Already bearing meat as part of their cognitive processes, the Wetware Automata of the Stargrove Federation have their brain simulacrums subtly altered to ape the channels and streams of the Smeared Soul, turning lifeless automata into machines with...not a soul. But just enough spark to bolster their effectiveness.
[] Machine-Spirits - Waking
The spirits of the Machine are not at all similar to that of the Smeared Soul, yet attempts to bring them to waking states have, over the centuries, yielded more and more information on what not to do, what to do to avoid abomination, and what to do to increase resiliency. The Song of the Planet is the last piece in an incomprehensible puzzle to begin a poke...to wake the spirits up.

For the sake of curiosity, is the Seyfert's machine spirit awoken and this won't affect it, or will this make it get caffeinated.

I mean, yes. It's a nice boost, but like… me and Neablis weren't advocating for ignoring it. We were advocating to get things fully buttoned down before poking things out of sheer curiosity.

We have 3 AP to actually spend on things before boosts, we have an action budget. It is tight.

After this, I do dearly hope people will stay on target if all-XX is possible.

If not, whatever I guess.

So any option that will help with tyranids?
I would say Cognitive Sacred Sands for the least, because the Tyranids don't really actively alter souls, it's just their sheer weight in the Warp.

Even split between Automata because we picked that option for Military Industry and we have that as the biggest mass of our military, or Machine Spirits because that looks to be a capstone and with how big our fleets are all purely awoken Machine Spirits looks good.