Songs - Rituals created by blending three or more Melodies together. They are capable of affecting planets at the larger end, yet pay the price for their power by inflicting horrendous wounds on the Choir using then if used in combat against void ships/stations or entire armies.
Tribal Warfare - Increases Warp Tremors by +1 per Turn. Adds a 50% Bonus to any Development Actions.
ERASE - A Choir designates a foe and initiates a battle of wills. The loser is banished into the Warp if healthy, heavily injured if not, and erased if normally mortally wounded.
Graveyard - Enables a Choir to stasis-lock Souls to prevent them from being taken by Chaos or other entities for a duration dependent on the Choirs strength and the abuse suffered by the lock if attacked.
Ghosts of the Holy Beasts - Enables a Choir to summon a ghostly, if material, image of a Holy Beast to their side.
Lifeline - Allows a Choir to send a direct-call to the closest Choir to call for help. Does not work more than once.
Judgement Called - Allows a Choir to detect any falsehoods, as well as the type of falsehood used.
Legacy Of The Federation - Boost the efficiency of Thules in active combat by 0.0069% per Choir singing it.
We Were - Requires 5.555 Choirs to be Sung. Allows the Federation to peer into the past, unclouded and unhindered.
Tribe of Eternity - Choirs can utilize this Song to boost the usage of Star or Sun Melodies by other Choirs.
Tribe of the Sword - Choirs can utilize this Song to boost the usage of offensive Songs Sung by other Choirs.
Unavoidable Gallows - Enables a Choir to designate a target. All damage to it is amplified by those seeking to kill the target.
FEAST - A Choir designates an enemy vessel for a Void Titan to attack.
Golem - Enables Choirs to bind One Automata per Hymnal to itself, raising it from mere machine to familiar in metal body and psychic mind.
Tribal Warfare - Humanity III, Humanity III, Humanity III, Humanity III, Humanity III
ERASE - Oblivion III, Oblivion III, Oblivion III, Oblivion III, Oblivion III
Graveyard - Death III, Death III, Death III, Death III, Death III
Ghosts of the Holy Beasts - Creativity III, Creativity III, Creativity III, Creativity III, Creativity III
Lifeline - Perception III, Struggle III, Humanity III
Judgement Called - Justice III, Wisdom III, Sun III, Mercy III, Ruthlessness III
Legacy Of The Federation - Thule III, Thule III, Thule III, Thule III, Thule III
We Were - Song III, Wisdom III, Progress III, Perception III, Hope III
Tribe of Eternity - Humanity III, Unity III, Technology III, Progress III, Hope III
Tribe of the Sword - Humanity III, Unity III, Technology III, Progress III, Justice III
Unavoidable Gallows - Humanity III, Ruthlessness III, Perception III, Perception III, Justice III
FEAST - Void III, Struggle III, Void III, Struggle III, Void III
Golem - Machinery III, Progress III, Creativity III, Hope III, Technology III