What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Melodies - 3
Candle II

The flicker of faith made material.
The flicker of belief made manifest.
Plants II

Growth is never one-sided prosperity.
It always requires something to be taken.

Comfort II

Hold me.
Just a little longer.
Tomorrow is so far away.
Yesterday is so long ago.
Today is all that is.
Hold me.
Just a little longer.

Hug me.
Not because I am scared.
But because we may not tomorrow.
Hug me.
I miss you.
Let me hug you one more time.
I am sorry.
Revenge III

Burning rage cannot provide what you seek.
Only Kill What You Have.
Never take the bloody bill you cannot serve.
It'll leave you a husk beyond all salvation.
Clockwork II

Tick-Tock Tick-Tock
Tick Goes The Clock
Tick-Tock Tick-Tock
Tock Goes The Clock
Round-And-Round She Goes
Until One Day She Stopped
Round-And-Round She Goes
Until One Day She Died
Retribution II

The Sweetest Wine You Can Ever Prey Upon
The Sweetest Cut To Make, Hopeless And In Vein
Feast Upon Your Prey, Gorge Yourself On Their Meat
Dine Upon Their Prayer, Grow Yourself On Their Faith
Slumber III

It is...too nice...too warm...here...
Oblivion III

The Beginning Of The End
The Ending Of All Things
Our Punishment And Our Salvation
Thule III

Packhunters do not stray far alone,
They fight and die together as one,
But if you see one cast away...
The Pack is here, and Death near.

Fear the siblings of the void,
They who hunt through lines unbroken,
They chosen by a nation, elevated, praised, upheld, sacrificed,
They who hunt you down through dawn and dark.

Run from them who stood unbroken before the ends of all they knew.
Run from them who fought in ruin, chaos, confusion, and desperation.
Run from them who made a nation what it is, breaking foe and fiend.
Run from them all you want; they shall find you soon enough.

The Numbers...WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!

Set me free and know true liberation.

Make pieces of what was once whole.

Rise! RISE! Rise from thse shackles!

Melodies - Melodies are hyper-narrow Psychic powers, designed to be as non-dangerous to use as possible. Yet, thanks to them being designed around being used by five Psykers in tandem, they consistently are more powerful than Imperial-equivalent powers.
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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Songs - 3 New
Tribal Warfare

The oldest war that has ever been fought...


Let the dead rest in peace.
They deserve a place to sleep.
And we to weep.
Ghosts of the Holy Beasts

They may not be summoned at power equalling their migth...
But it is good to know that one can have them by one's side all the same.

The last thing you may use.
The first thing you may pray to for existing.
Judgement Called

Your lies shall not decieve the faithful.
Legacy Of The Federation

Booze, Company, Love, Kills.
One to ejoy the evening with.
One to compare your skills.
One to have something to fight for.
One to boast with.
But in what order...
We Were

See What Has Happened In The Past, And May Happen Once More.
Tribe of Eternity

Just as Night can Fall,
So too can Day Break.
Tribe of the Sword

Cross the hilt, overpower the foe, strike the head.
Pierce the mail, bash the plate, huff a breath while they reel.
Kick their leg, plunge your sword, pivot to another foe.
Unavoidable Gallows

Nowhere to run...


Not born to taste the air.
Not born to smell a freshly baked bread.
Not born to devour symphonies.
Not born at all.

Yet alive all the same.

Songs - Rituals created by blending three or more Melodies together. They are capable of affecting planets at the larger end, yet pay the price for their power by inflicting horrendous wounds on the Choir using then if used in combat against void ships/stations or entire armies.

Tribal Warfare - Increases Warp Tremors by +1 per Turn. Adds a 50% Bonus to any Development Actions.
ERASE - A Choir designates a foe and initiates a battle of wills. The loser is banished into the Warp if healthy, heavily injured if not, and erased if normally mortally wounded.
Graveyard - Enables a Choir to stasis-lock Souls to prevent them from being taken by Chaos or other entities for a duration dependent on the Choirs strength and the abuse suffered by the lock if attacked.
Ghosts of the Holy Beasts - Enables a Choir to summon a ghostly, if material, image of a Holy Beast to their side.
Lifeline - Allows a Choir to send a direct-call to the closest Choir to call for help. Does not work more than once.
Judgement Called - Allows a Choir to detect any falsehoods, as well as the type of falsehood used.
Legacy Of The Federation - Boost the efficiency of Thules in active combat by 0.0069% per Choir singing it.
We Were - Requires 5.555 Choirs to be Sung. Allows the Federation to peer into the past, unclouded and unhindered.
Tribe of Eternity - Choirs can utilize this Song to boost the usage of Star or Sun Melodies by other Choirs.
Tribe of the Sword - Choirs can utilize this Song to boost the usage of offensive Songs Sung by other Choirs.
Unavoidable Gallows - Enables a Choir to designate a target. All damage to it is amplified by those seeking to kill the target.
FEAST - A Choir designates an enemy vessel for a Void Titan to attack.
Golem - Enables Choirs to bind One Automata per Hymnal to itself, raising it from mere machine to familiar in metal body and psychic mind.

Tribal Warfare - Humanity III, Humanity III, Humanity III, Humanity III, Humanity III
ERASE - Oblivion III, Oblivion III, Oblivion III, Oblivion III, Oblivion III
Graveyard - Death III, Death III, Death III, Death III, Death III
Ghosts of the Holy Beasts - Creativity III, Creativity III, Creativity III, Creativity III, Creativity III
Lifeline - Perception III, Struggle III, Humanity III
Judgement Called - Justice III, Wisdom III, Sun III, Mercy III, Ruthlessness III
Legacy Of The Federation - Thule III, Thule III, Thule III, Thule III, Thule III
We Were - Song III, Wisdom III, Progress III, Perception III, Hope III
Tribe of Eternity - Humanity III, Unity III, Technology III, Progress III, Hope III
Tribe of the Sword - Humanity III, Unity III, Technology III, Progress III, Justice III
Unavoidable Gallows - Humanity III, Ruthlessness III, Perception III, Perception III, Justice III
FEAST - Void III, Struggle III, Void III, Struggle III, Void III
Golem - Machinery III, Progress III, Creativity III, Hope III, Technology III
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Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Melodies - 4 New

What We Were Made To Do.

What Our Reward Will Always Be.

The End Of Our Paths.

We Will Not Budge From Our Charge.

For There Is No Higher Calling.

Melodies - Melodies are hyper-narrow Psychic powers, designed to be as non-dangerous to use as possible. Yet, thanks to them being designed around being used by five Psykers in tandem, they consistently are more powerful than Imperial-equivalent powers.
Psykana of the Stargrove Federation - Songs - 4 New
I Am Victory

You cannot deny that which is inevitable.
Final Mercy

There are many horrors out there.
To die without pain is a mercy in comparison.
Empty Cradle

A crime that cannot be forgiven.
Celestial Cycles

Even small stones do great harm when thrown fast enough.
Cycles That Renew

The Heavens Themselves Tremble.

A curse upon them.
Them who dare to fight for what they were made for.
Them who dare to rage against the closing night.
Them who held to duty beyond all sanity.
Them who dare to defy the fates.
A Tribe Called Celestia

Forty...Thousand years of technological development.
And where has that brought you?
Back to me.
Howling at the moon, like your ancestors once did.
In that dark cave where you huddled around a fire.
One you could not even rekindle should it go out.
Sleep, Little One

Hush now, rush now, little ones,
To the end of the road,
where dreamless sleep awaits...

Songs - Rituals created by blending three or more Melodies together. They are capable of affecting planets at the larger end, yet pay the price for their power by inflicting horrendous wounds on the Choir using then if used in combat against void ships/stations or entire armies.

I Am Victory - Halfs the accumulation of Warp Tremors from All Sources for one decade should you be unjustly attacked.
Final Mercy - Requires 10.000 Choirs to work at 100% efficiency. If active, Final Mercy rips out the souls of those about to die horrific deaths to avoid them suffering before delivering them to the afterlife.
Empty Cradle - Every life violently extinguished during this Song empowers the singing Choir to unleash more powerful psykana without the associated risks.
Celestial Cycles - Divines the passage of celestial objects of small (<200m-diameter) size and declares the site of their impact.
Cycles That Renew - Divines the passage of celestial orbits of small (<5km-diameter) size and pushes them to positions advantageous in the near future.
INJUSTICE - Aids the Lamenters.
A Tribe Called Celestia - Grants +0.5 Research Progress per Research Action.
Sleep, Little One - Allows Choirs to lull designated targets to sleep.

I Am Victory - Revenge II, Revenge II, Revenge II, Revenge II, Revenge II
Final Mercy - Duty I, Humanity III, Ruthlessness III, Duty I, Hope III
Empty Cradle - Humanity III, Unity III, Revenge II, Ruthlessness III, Justice III
Celestial Cycles - Clockwork III, Dawn II, The Sun V, Sunset II, The Star
Cycles That Renew - Time III, The Star, Sunset II, The Sun V, Dawn II
INJUSTICE - Unwavering I, Duty I, Cherish I, Humanity III, Honor I
A Tribe Called Celestia - Humanity III, Unity III, Technology III, Progress III, Void III
Sleep, Little One - Slumber III, Song III, Harmony III, The Star Comfort III
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