What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: the stars is going on with soul-planet

Really hope the subturn is merged into the next turn update, but we do need to see if there are followups for this?
I have frankly negative interest in Smeared Soul because it takes a mini-turn until All-XX is done, to be frank. We've been meandering but overall we've been somewhat on target so far -- got the gacha to get some dev boosts, last turn got us Tribal Warfare, and now here we are.

Please note the game ends in 17 days, haha. Smeared Soul takes 1/17th of that. XX perks if we coordinate them take another 1/17th of them, and All-XX takes another 1/17th. So we only have 14/17 updates to work with there, and while the math has gotten better, I would seriously consider if we want to pursue it now, until like, say, later.

That being said, the Warp! It's not very cooperative, so I get that it's pretty attractive to just fuck around. Calling my shot here though --

"What do you think happened?" Hymnal K'lur asked her Choir sibling, carefully reading through the finely printed data currently making its way through their little Celestial Enclave, their higher-ups in the capital system trying to utilize quantity where quality had failed them.

"I have no idea," Soaring muttered back, preening her wings under the heat lamp overhead, her mind taking a pause after a dozen hours spent trying to figure out the same as K'lur was doing.

"Hmmm." With that, the conversation ebbed into a comfortable silence, and both minds turned their own ways as hundreds of others tried to understand the same thing; why the Warp had suddenly lost a "Tier" of Tremors.

Though both were happy that it had, as all projections had pointed to a Warp Storm being all but unavoidable within the next 50 years...but why had it done so?
This happened in last turn's update. 50 years is 5 turns, so I'd say the warp will keep on increasing for 5 turns including that turn, I'd say -- so we have 3 turns or so until it starts calming its tits. So if we really want to, we can actually just screw around this turn, and then spend the next 2 turns creating ISCs and then just start hitting the treadmill right after lol.

Other considerations:

An ISC + a 50% boost + Tribal Warfare can jump a dev level by 4.

With Tribal Warfare on, and it not requiring an action, we don't have to coordinate at all with half levels or whatnot -- once every Development Level hits XIX, we can just flip it on, if we're needing to be hyperconservative about Warp Tremors, and hit everything to XX because we conveniently have 4 Developments below XX.

So next two turns will be "create 2 ISC" and then we start grinding dev on.

Then after that things get pretty simple I'd say? Only Heavy Industry has no 50% boost, so we take it on first -- flip on that ISC, and then that turn after the ISC creation get it to XIX.

Then we have a bunch of 50%s, so we can just pump things up a bit. Flip on one, jump from 15 => 17 => 18 => 19 and then flex. Then get another to 17 => 18 => 19 and then flex. Then get Med to 18 and 19 and then flex??

I'm not good at coordinating long-term plans here lol -- we can honestly just create another ISC during the treadmill now that I think about it?

Okay, we have 17 updates left.

[Do whatever] This turn. 16 updates left.
Create 1.5 ISCs (3 General Actions) next turn. Flex for fun. 15 updates left.
Create 1.5 ISCs (3 General Actions) next turn. Flex for fun. 14 updates left. Flip on Heavy Industry ISC.
Heavy industry x4 => Heavy Industry gets to XIX. Warp starts calming its tits. Flip on either Food Prod or MilIndust ISC. 13 Updates Left
Either Food Prod or MilIndust x3 => XIX. Create 1/2 an ISC For Medical Infra. Flip on the other ISC. 12 Updates Left
Remaining non-med infra Dev x3 => XIX. Create 1/2 an ISC for Medical Infra. Flip on Med Infra ISC. 11 Updates Left.
Med Infra x2 => XIX. Whatever for the remaining General Action and flex action. Flip on another ISC if you want. 10 Updates Left.
Turn on Tribal Warfare. 4 Actions to get everything else done. 9 Updates left.
Milestone Infra votes. 8 Updates left.
All-XX votes. 7 updates left.
If warp starts calming its tits faster, we can flip on cry and get stuff done faster, but uh, yeah. That's how it's gonna be, my extremely conservative blueprint of how to get All-XX with room to spare.

We can basically move our two flex actions however we want depending if we want to create the Med Infra ISC first?

Things get a lot easier if we can turn on Tribal Warfare earlier because we can hop 1 50% boosted thing with an ISC to 19 and then have a few more actions to shift around.

Anyways, with THAT being said, that's with absofuckinglutely nothing going wrong with this treadmill, so uh, yeah, idk. not feeling Smeared Soul unless Cooky feels like integrating it into a turn update.

[X] Plan: A delayed integration:

And as a backup because of this:
3. It seems like it's time to integrate the council. How long would that take?

3. 1 Action for 2 Turns. (2 Total.)
[X] Plan To Vote For If Previous WoG Is Correct
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Boneheart's Error)
-[X] [Free][Psykana]
From Love Unto Death, distribute 5,555 choirs into We Were, and 1000 into Legacy of the Federation. Any new Choirs go into Love Unto Death.
-[X] [General] Ministry of Subversion, Infiltration, and Interstellar Communication
--[X] Integrate The Councils
-[X] [General] Create ISC x2
--[X] Sixteen Tons Cooperative (Heavy Industry 50% Boost ISC)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (20.000 Points per Action)
--[X] 5 Flag Armadas, named Pillars of Creation, Orion, Hyades, Ophiuchus & Rosette.
--[X] 50 SBGs, of names to be determined by lower levels of bureaucracy.

Which'll kick things a turn ahead of schedule.

But yeah. That's the math to get things to All-XX. Don't say I didn't warn y'all.
Legacy of the Federation is a wild song even just for a level 2. Also hilarious art.
Thank you for noticing. :V
BlueHelix said:
if we want to use it for a plan @HeroCooky do we just say "turn tribal warfare on/off?"
BlueHelix said:
Wasn't this meant to be 2 actions, 1 for each turn?
Tho...hm. @HeroCooky question regarding new Titans, can we propose multiple weapon configurations for a design?
Sure, I'll allow it.
distribute 5,555 choirs into We Were
Please choose a target. You are utilizing 5.5k Strategic Assets over a Decade here. You gotta focus.
Please choose a target. You are utilizing 5.5k Strategic Assets over a Decade here. You gotta focus.
Just to check, is "what happened to the stuff that Chaos took in Crucible of Bile" (to figure out what is was and where it is now) a valid option, and likewise "what happened to that planet that gotten eaten by Tyranids" (to hope for more info)?

Also, do you mind having mercy on us and merging the Smeared Soul thing into the turn update, pretty please?
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[X] Plan: the stars is going on with soul-planet

You know, after this turn can we use We Were to see who was scrying us from across the galaxy way back when?

Because I'm curious about what was up with that.
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Please choose a target. You are utilizing 5.5k Strategic Assets over a Decade here. You gotta focus.
What things can we ask for? Like, if we theoretically wanted to look up "Ancient Food Production" techniques in order to get Food Production 50% boosts, would that be possible?

That's obviously really basic but I really want all-XX, Sue me.

But I dunno, could we look up what the Friends from the Mountains fought so we could get full Tyranid lore? Like genuinely what are you willing to give us, this is in fact 5.5k strategic assets so I assume it's good but "look up how the Emperor made Primarchs so we can figure out the Immortis Gland" is obviously way out of reach.

It's past midnight so I'm about to crash instead of plan make, but thanks in advance for answering my questions, and a big thank you also for drawing all that new art! Sorry I inflicted it onto your wrist haha

@Neablis and @Profilozof, new info and action cost reshuffle, go nuts.
Suggested targets for We Were:

[ ][Free] Assemble a massive team of historians, scientists, engineers, scientists, and Choirs to observe the march of humanity across the distant past - ideally locating factories from the Dark Age Of Technology to observe how their technology was made. Observing the locations of the Ancients we've already identified is a good place to start.
[X] Plan: A delayed integration:

I mean, if we're putting 5.5k Choirs with our best psychic gear so far on anything, I don't think anything's off-limits unless there are specific counters. It's probably dangerous to highly active Warp fuckery like the birth of Slaanesh or anything to do with Necron pylons but the rest should be alright.

We could use this for just dev boosts, but maybe we should think about something more significant? Like something civilization changing? I'm not sure what else we really need right now.

Maybe an unbiased recounting of what actually happened during the DAoT? I think we got the gist of it from the Star Child but that there was talk of them being an unreliable narrator. We could also figure out what the hell's going on with the Eldar, maybe snoop around their bone-singing methods?

Probably not the smartest idea but I'm not knowledgeable enough about Warhammer to know about the most important events or useful things for us to learn.
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Please choose a target. You are utilizing 5.5k Strategic Assets over a Decade here. You gotta focus.
Whoops. I like the below one:
[ ][Free] Assemble a massive team of historians, scientists, engineers, scientists, and Choirs to observe the march of humanity across the distant past - ideally locating factories from the Dark Age Of Technology to observe how their technology was made. Observing the locations of the Ancients we've already identified is a good place to start.
--[X] A Soul Smeared
Bluehelix has done a good job talking about why I don't care very much about this. It's a single planet doing weird things and it's probably some sort of cool oversoul or something, but it's still 1 planet out of our... thousands? Yeah, probably in that ballpark. I don't want to spend an action to conquer a 5-system polity, I don't want to spend an action to figure out what's going on with a single planet.
Those sent to discover the Ancient's Friends of the Mountains find nothing. There is only a graveyard where a bustling system once stood, qintillions of bleached bones floating in the void of some horrific monster of the galaxy slain by weapons and dogged determination. With nothing else to do here besides create a monument for the fallen...carry some of the bones for study...

...And Leave:
[] And Then Pray.

(Gain full knowledge of Lesser Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Record.
(Gain full knowledge of Higher Tyranid Bioforms.)
[] And Then Mourn.
(Gain full knowledge of Specialist Tyranid Bioforms.)
Remember this? We can use the Song to get full info on the Tyranids. I don't know what that's worth mechanically, but narratively knowing is half the battle. (Yes, really.)
[] Integrate The Councils (0/2)
We've done this nearly a dozen times already, let's do it again folks!
(Notice: Can only advance by 1 Action per Turn.
Gain: The Thrice-Fold Councils join the Stargrove Federation.)
@Neablis In case you missed it, the Integration action only costs 2 actions now, not three. EDIT: Also, we can only put 1 action there per turn. I missed that detail earlier.
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Just to check, is "what happened to the stuff that Chaos took in Crucible of Bile" (to figure out what is was and where it is now) a valid option, and likewise "what happened to that planet that gotten eaten by Tyranids" (to hope for more info)?
Yeah, you can do that.
Like genuinely what are you willing to give us
Nothing that would break the setting. If it would have anti-scrying on the scale of Primarch Project 2.0 it is also a no-go.
BlueHelix said:
a big thank you also for drawing all that new art! Sorry I inflicted it onto your wrist haha
I actually use a mouse and paint for that, but thanks. :>