@Haganeko @F0lkL0re
I think it was birdmaster01 who was trying to get people to vote for Chaos stuff, or at least they were sarcastic and it fell flat over the screen.
Anyways, to continue:
1. Throwing the altar into a black hole won't destroy Bongo. It will destroy the altar and inconvenience Bongo. And now all the information is out.
2. Learning about daemons is not just for summoning them to do things. It's also for containing, opposing, and even destroying them.
3. So think of it less as "how to use daemons" and more as "how to deal with daemons". Which we need to learn because throwing the scrapcode generator into the sun to get rid of/be safe from Bongo is a bit like exploding a nuclear plant to be safe from a radiation leak.
1. Sorry, I got confused and went with some headcanon about black holes being inescapable places that you could chuck daemons into.... Actually,
@Neablis can we get confirmation aye or nay on daemon/black hole interactions (or tell me if you already answered this and I missed it)? Regardless, could we delay Demonology until we get to look at the local Black Hole with warp sensors?
2. Fair, though I feel like we already have a good tool for that in the psy-shields alternate meanings. Also, countering daemons can only be done through a limited number of ways. I'm not sure how exactly we are supposed to use the Warp based methods without inviting/risking corruption through direct contact beyond putting them in a cage made of psy-shields.
3. Bit of a bad analogy there. I'd refer to it as a stealth operative releasing a prisoner who has really damaging information (there presence), there isn't any immediate physical fallout to deal with. But ok. What is your plan for when we move into the stage where our enemies know we are here and start throwing fleets at us (confirmed to be in to works by Neablis). Keep Bongo for Cia to practice True Fire on?
1. Warding: gives us an extra layer defence so if our shields fail then it's not a lose condition any more.
2. Banishment: sometimes you don't actually want to kill a deamon host and knowing the rituals on how to do so will allow for that plus ex-possessed people tend to be more resistant to Chaos if I remember right
3. Understanding how warp entities work: not everything from the warp is related to Chaos while yes they are ascendant right now there are still other powers of which Big E and his saints are just one also knowing how these thing work will give us an edge in fighting them.
4. Binding: Sometimes you want to put them in an empty clone body or limbless robot to interrogate them and sometimes you want to lock them in a box and toss them in an random asteroid under an anti-scrying shield beyond a star systems oort cloud to while away eternity until the heat death of the universe where no one will ever look for them.
5. The puzzling thing to me isn't folk trying to research Demonology it's how many don't want to and would prefer to just yeet Bongo into the sun without even considering doing Destructive Scrapcode Investigation instead.
1. I'm not knowledgeable on what types of warding are canon to 40k and which types we could use (and actually
get from a 200RP tech studying daemons) that don't rely on binding the daemons to act AS the defenses. Also, I think you are overlooking the likelihood that integrating any new type of 'warding' would require another follow on tech to research. With the upcoming turns getting that any time soon is unlikely.
2. Good point, though I'm not sure if 'safely banish the daemon possessing Cia' will be in under this tech or a follow up. The rituals to banish any of the high level stuff certainly aren't in this one. For the resistance.... I'm not certain, but I think I remember from somewhere that it only counts when they force the daemons out through their own willpower (the whole, 'beat them once, got experience, can beat them again' thing)
3. ... I think that we'll get a better understanding of non-Chaos warp stuff from Immaterium Understanding (225 RP) than something that focuses entirely on Chaos daemons. Honestly, one of my major turn offs from this is that it just looks like your trying to jump straight to the 'summon/bind/banish daemons' while ignoring the 'primer on the basic fundamentals' that's sitting on the desk gathering dust.
4. Fair enough on the interrogation, though that seems like a 'nice to have, unlikely to use' capability. As for the sealed evil in a can? If we can make something that won't get damaged from time passing and is too strong to damage no matter how much the prisoner struggles then putting it in a low orbit around a Black Hole (above the event horizon) to take advantage of time shenanigans might be an interesting option.
5. Destructive Scrapcode Investigation has the risk of blowback hitting us immediately in a way that has already been shown to us, throwing it into the local star is quick, easy and deals with the problem by pushing the blowback to future us. Which was why I was in support of using the Black Hole instead (pending confirmation that it permanently deals with Bongo)