[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.

I to like this iteration better because Ayako is a striker and not a master so she can actually go in for some swings when the chance pops up.

[X] [Focus on Brihannala]
Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka are definitely support, but Ayako is a waste on the backline. She's been practicing, but fighting with magic is still very new to her. She's better with her fists, and Ruby makes her tough enough to take hits and keep on trucking.

Question for the GM; can Shirou make a bow and hand it off to Ayako? I know we've got a couple, though one really shouldn't be used.
Yes he can.
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Well then, changing my vote.

[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.

Commenting on the story, I'm surprised Ayako is able to do so much to Ruby. Going by the gauze she's still talking shit, but she still hasn't tried wacking Ayako's mind directly again. Either Circe had a really good trick to get her under control, or Ayako was even more persuasive than I imagined on establishing the pecking order around Shirou. (Ruby's on the fucking bottom and it's only because of Ayako she gets to be around him at all.)
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Feb 8, 2025 at 10:15 AM, finished with 26 posts and 13 votes.

  • [x] [Focus on Brihannala]
    [X] [Split]
    -[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
    -[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as Support.
    -[X] Have Illya, Shirou, Ritsuka, and Ayako stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
    [X] [Split]
    [X] [Focus on the Monster]
    [X] [Split]
    -[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
    -[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
    --[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
    -[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
    [X] [Split]
    -[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
    -[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
    -[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.

Results so far. Yes I'll manually count. This is one of the most important votes of the quest. Toss em in if ya got em. Bonus if we hit 25.
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[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.

When I said several months ago that Ayako would be wielding a longbow in battle, I was joking. This is the second time a previous message of mine has become oddly relevant in the present.
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[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
[x] [Focus on Brihannala]

Sorry to other split plans; I just wanted a vote and looking at the split plan and its offshoot and trying to distinguish between the two is giving me a small headache, so I went for a simple answer.
[X] [Focus on Brihannala]
Overwhelm the archer, we have numbers.

Same as the one above me I can't be bothered to figure out all the splits, and Brihannala seems the most dangerous when left alone
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
Adhoc vote count started by Erien on Feb 8, 2025 at 8:17 PM, finished with 38 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] [Split]
    -[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
    -[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
    --[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
    -[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
    [x] [Focus on Brihannala]
    [X] [Split]
    -[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
    -[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
    -[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
    [X] [Split]
    [X] [Focus on the Monster]
    [X] [Split]
    -[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
    -[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as Support.
    -[X] Have Illya, Shirou, Ritsuka, and Ayako stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.

Spicy eh?

Glad you are all enjoying, the next couple of chapters will have bonuses from omakes and vote totals, for funsies as we rocket towards the end.
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Glad you are all enjoying, the next couple of chapters will have bonuses from omakes and vote totals, for funsies as we rocket towards the end.
I would say that I can't believe it's already ending, but I'm the one who didn't read for several months. Though now I am wondering how the other servants are going to fit into the final act.
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.
X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots
[X] [Split]
-[X] Have Circe, Archer, Medusa and Shadow Servants engage Brihannala.
-[X] Have Shielder, Luke, and Mordred engage Cu Chulainn, with Medea acting as support. Ayako switchs between support with Medea, and getting in close when she has the opportunity.
--[X] Make a copy of that bow Circe showed you, and pass it to Ayako. Ruby is powerful, but having something she's more familiar with on hand could help.
-[X] Have Illya, Shirou, and Ritsuka stay back, survey the battle, and take potshots.