What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
I personally disagree, given that we do not have a fancy tech symphony on. for more tech, maybe archaeology action instead or psykana actions
We really don't need it — there's only so much that Psytech can be altered by Psykana before it starts getting problematic.
Under the hood stuff. There is only so much stuff in Psytech that can be changed via Psychic-Fuckery before it starts fucking you back.
Don't really need to pop Psykana if it's not needed, Warp Tremors being as they are.

Remind yourself that you only get 1.3 Research per Research. I've cleaned up some errant bonuses.

Oh right; the Horizon Program doesn't exist because the Grove doesn't anymore, lmao

I'm fine with a boring turn. My alternative would've been popping ISC access (do you plan on swapping the ISC or do you aim to push to Civ XXV?) and doing some gacha, or doing some Psykana (10 melodies or 4 songs is pretty attractive. I deadass want the Daemon Summoning Song, we haven't really done much with the Star Lions), but cleaning up some research is fine enough with me.

Symphonies. Ye gods, we need to get more symphonies.
I am once again asking for candidates, because being real for a moment this doesn't hold much water when I'm the only one with a Symphony idea lol

It'll likely have to wait until the Warp is calmer (or if we want to drop Cry…) but can't do Symphonies if no one has ideas.

I'll see if I can kick together an anti-Tyranid style one sooner rather than later, or a "Space is MINE" type one with the Void Titan and Black Hole and Pathways stuff but like

Yeah, more candidates please?
I personally disagree, given that we do not have a fancy tech symphony on. for more tech, maybe archaeology action instead or psykana actions

Our capital subsector, Cherry
Good point on Cherry. However, we have confirmation that The Grand Design doesn't enhance research that much. I don't have the quote but I remember seeing it.
I'm really tempted to activate Grand Design because I'm very curious about Starry version
The Starry versions weren't from the Grand Design, they were from the Holy turn. And we've been told that The Grand Design mostly buffs normal research, not psykana research.

how many dreadnaughts can we print with W40K points?
Good question. I'd rather wait to see though than dumping them in now. Also - we don't just need dreadnaughts, we need a fleet to support them.

Symphonies. Ye gods, we need to get more symphonies.
I don't disagree. Even the three we have were a struggle to get going. But not... now? Probably next cycle on warp calmness?

Remind yourself that you only get 1.3 Research per Research. I've cleaned up some errant bonuses.
Oh, balls. Hmm. Ok. I think that costs us one action. I'll pull it out of research. New version of the plan:

[] Plan: Military Ambitions
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cherry)
-[] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Focus all of our effort on Where The Clans Live)
-[] [Free] Swap the ISC back to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[] [General] Research: (2 actions -> 5 with Glint of Genius, bonus research counter ends at 0.35)
--[] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (4/5) (5/5)
--[] Anti-Psychic Materials (3/5) (4/5) (5/5)
-[] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -] - [650 DP] (1 action + 1 Cry for the Future actions)
--[] Dreadnought (1.600/1.000 DP)
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 Heartbeat of Industry action + 1 Cry for the Future action) (40.000 points)
--[] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points)
--[] 44 SBGs (8.800 points)
--[] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points)
--[] 6 Logistics fleets (1.200 points)
--[] 3 Invasion fleets (600 points)

If we're auto-colonizing I want Green Horizons up.
The Starry versions weren't from the Grand Design, they were from the Holy turn. And we've been told that The Grand Design mostly buffs normal research, not psykana research.
Nope, Grand Design is enough, see last time we Had Grand Design on without a holy turn.
-[X] Bubble Drive Prototype - Will complete in 900.M43
(Gain: Bubble Drive Prototype)
-[] August Biological Augmentations III - !!!WARNING!!! (0/5)
(Allow every organic material to be utilized across Federation species.)
-[] Father's Biological Warfare V - (0/10)
(Massively reduce vulnerabilities against diseases of all kinds. :] )
-[] Accelerated Mass-Production Of Rejuvenat (0/10)
(Gain: Improve Rejuvenat Access from 35% to 40%.)
-[] Dreadnoughts Mk.3 (0/5)
(Gain: Dreadnoughts Mk.3 will begin production.)
-[] Autonomously Automated Automata !!!WARNING!!! (0/1)
(WARNING: Automata grow more capable of Independent Action.)
-[] Manic Monofilament Missile Studies (0/1)
(Gain: Increased Ground-Missile Damage.)
-[] Novel and New Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development IV (0/3)
(Gain: Infantry Weapons and Armor Upgrades.)
-[] Experimental and Prototypical Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: New Infantry Weapons and Armors.)
-[] Improved Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Weapons.)
-[] Improved Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development III (0/2)
(Gain: Cheaper Infantry Armor.)
-[] Efficient Ship Equipment Standardization III - [2 DP Equipment] (3/5)
(Gain: Standardize Two [Two] 2 DP Ship Equipments across all new Designs.)
-[] Efficient Shipyard Automatization IV (0/4)
(Gain: 20 Destroyers and 5 Frigates every Turn.) -[] Active Anti-Psychic Materials (0/5)
There are some materials that, for one reason or another, seem to repell psychic phenomena and works, which, in the right hands, could prove to be a boon in our anti-daemon efforts.
(Gain: Anti-Psychic Materials collected and understood.)
-[] Starry Celestial Psyker Staves (0/12)
The ability to create psychic focii has long served the Glimmering Federation and the Celestial Choir well, and with centuries of knowledge and familiarity comes the ability to strive further than yesterday. With the Sun Melody having become a measuring stick upon which one can see progress, it is estimated that further refinement will be capable of reducing the damages incurred into "mere" full-body first-degree burns.
(Gain: Improves Choir efficiency and might when using Songs and Melodies.)
-[] Starry Arcanum Psychic Hoods (0/5)
Thanks to the work done in figuring out how to psychically tune and shape cloth and metals to weave together into one whole, a "Psychic Hood" for the layperson, the Celestial Choir is eager to not only begin large-scale dissemination of knowledge and practice but also delve deeper into their understanding of how they function and can be improved.
(Gain: Improved Psychic Hoods are equipment that shields your Psykers from backlash to varying degrees.)
-[] Starry Applied Anti-Warp Corruption Sigils - (0/12)
Anti-Warp Sigils of potent etching, carved into the leather born from the willing, carved by hands that shiver in cold and burning pain, wrought into reality itself with the blood of ichor dripping from violated souls carrying out their creation. Shield these places, guard these items, know no rest and adhere to no master beyond this: hark against Thought and Cancer from the Deep Beneath Growth.
-[] Starry Aethyrmetric - Null Thoughts (0/50)
It is one thing to debate with reality to alter a state. Another to order it to cease reality in totality.

Yellow means something has changed. In this case, you popped Grand Design Symphony, which makes all research the best it can be.
Well in that case maybe we should turn off the Grand Design and do something like this:

[] Plan: Smaller Military Ambitions
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cherry)
-[] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Focus all of our effort on Where The Clans Live)
-[] [Free] [Psykana] Turn off Cry for the Future
-[] [Free] Swap the ISC back to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -] - [650 DP] (1 action + 1 Cry for the Future actions)
--[] Dreadnought (1.600/1.000 DP)
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 Heartbeat of Industry action + 1 Cry for the Future action) (40.000 points)
--[] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points)
--[] 44 SBGs (8.800 points)
--[] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points)
--[] 6 Logistics fleets (1.200 points)
--[] 3 Invasion fleets (600 points)

Then we can come back once the warp's chilled out again and do something like:
[] Plan: A Future research turn
-[] Turn on Cry for the Future & The Grand Design
-[] 4x other psykana actions from Class is in Session (Could be singing more symphonies!)
-[] 9 boosted research actions (1 action, 3 Cry for the future actions, 5 bonus actions)
[] Plan: Sing for the old man...
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cherry)
-[] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Focus all of our effort on Where The Clans Live)
-[] [Free] Swap the ISC back to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song]
--[] Mere Clockwork Does Not Yearn - Machinery Creativity Compassion Protection Unity
--[] Justice Is Blind. Not Cruel - Justice Compassion Humanity Hope Progress
--[] Grow, Small Children, Strong And Hale - Creativity Growth Humanity Song Health
--[] Peace Harmony Community Mercy Love
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Ten Melodies (0.4/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[] Prophecy III
--[] Revenant II
--[] Revenant III
--[] Oblivion II
--[] Oblivion III
--[] Paths III
--[] Community III
--[] Growth III
--[] Peace II
--[] Peace III
-[] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song] (Class in Session AP)
--[] United Against The Depths Of Despair - Hope, Unity, Struggle, Hope, Void
--[] Fire Retribution Oblivion Slumber Peace
--[] TRIBAL WARFARE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! - Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity
--[] Star, Fire, Death, Void, Oblivion

-[] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -] - [650 DP] (1 action + 1 Cry for the Future actions)
--[] Dreadnought (1.600/1.000 DP)
-[] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 Heartbeat of Industry action + 1 Cry for the Future action) (40.000 points)
--[] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points)
--[] 44 SBGs (8.800 points)
--[] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points)
--[] 6 Logistics fleets (1.200 points)
--[] 3 Invasion fleets (600 points)

I think I counted AP right but tell me Hero if I didn't
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hmmmm. I think that people are not looking at the map. We have an opportunity here (for 8 Sub Sectors) - and a lot of unused Choirs. So, here's a write in.

- [] [Write In] Cleaning up after the (Warp) Storm.
Send military forces (tbd) along with an attached 5555 Choirs to cleanse the systems effected by the Warp Storm caused by the destruction of the Deamon World Stagelight and those previously unreachable. (Doubles as getting a claim to the Sub Sectors so we can auto colonize them and cleaning up cultist remnants)
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[X] Plan: Military Ambitions
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cherry)
-[X] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Focus all of our effort on Where The Clans Live)
-[X] [Free] Swap the ISC back to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[X] [General] Research: (2 actions -> 5 with Glint of Genius, bonus research counter ends at 0.35)
--[X] Arcanum Psychic Hoods (4/5) (5/5)
--[X] Anti-Psychic Materials (3/5) (4/5) (5/5)
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -] - [650 DP] (2 actions)
--[X] Dreadnought (1.600/1.000 DP)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 action + 1 heartbeat of Industry action) (40.000 points)
--[X] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points) (Names: Singularity, Voidfire, Stellar Conflagration, Eclipse, Hypernova, Redshift, Blueshift, Ion Storm, Stellarum, Aetherflare, Gravastar, Radiance, Starborn)
--[X] 44 SBGs (8.800 points) (Names: Pale Harbinger, Azure Dominion, Veilward Sentinels, Eclipse Vanguard, Iron Oath, Dustborn Armada, Gloaming Spear, Sepulchral Reach, Solar Requiem, Sable Covenant, Gilded Revenant, Voidborne Pact, Celestial Dirge, Umbral Tide, Warden Phalanx, Spectral Bastion, Ashen Concord, Midnight Ember, Ivory Pharos, Hallowed Zenith, Stormward Phalanx, Ebon Crusade, Twilight Convocation, Aegis Eternal, Solar Mantle, Gloaming Citadel, Iron Hymn, Sentinel's Vow, Gilded Terminus, Aether Ascendant, Wraithforged Armada, Titan's Wake, Dawnbound Pact, Obsidian Path, Chalice of Stars, Crimson Passage, Horizon Vow, Sovereign's Mantle, Pyre of Concord, Exalted Wake, Gilded Spire, Sunward Bastion, Evernight Spear, Nova Crucible. )
--[X] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points) (Names: Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega).
--[X] 9 Logistics fleets (1.200 points) (Names: Slyph, Seraph, Eidolon, Tennyo, Apsara, Yakshina, Jengu, Hulder, Kinnari)

[X] Plan: Smaller Military Ambitions
-[X] [Free] [Psykana] Turn off Cry for the Future
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cherry)
-[X] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Focus all of our effort on Where The Clans Live)
-[X] [Free] Swap the ISC back to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -] - [650 DP] (1 action + 1 Cry for the Future actions)
--[X] Dreadnought (1.600/1.000 DP)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 action + 1 heartbeat of Industry action) (40.000 points)
--[X] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points) (Names: Singularity, Voidfire, Stellar Conflagration, Eclipse, Hypernova, Redshift, Blueshift, Ion Storm, Stellarum, Aetherflare, Gravastar, Radiance, Starborn)
--[X] 44 SBGs (8.800 points) (Names: Pale Harbinger, Azure Dominion, Veilward Sentinels, Eclipse Vanguard, Iron Oath, Dustborn Armada, Gloaming Spear, Sepulchral Reach, Solar Requiem, Sable Covenant, Gilded Revenant, Voidborne Pact, Celestial Dirge, Umbral Tide, Warden Phalanx, Spectral Bastion, Ashen Concord, Midnight Ember, Ivory Pharos, Hallowed Zenith, Stormward Phalanx, Ebon Crusade, Twilight Convocation, Aegis Eternal, Solar Mantle, Gloaming Citadel, Iron Hymn, Sentinel's Vow, Gilded Terminus, Aether Ascendant, Wraithforged Armada, Titan's Wake, Dawnbound Pact, Obsidian Path, Chalice of Stars, Crimson Passage, Horizon Vow, Sovereign's Mantle, Pyre of Concord, Exalted Wake, Gilded Spire, Sunward Bastion, Evernight Spear, Nova Crucible. )
--[X] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points) (Names: Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega).
--[X] 9 Logistics fleets (1.200 points) (Names: Slyph, Seraph, Eidolon, Tennyo, Apsara, Yakshina, Jengu, Hulder, Kinnari)

-[] TRIBAL WARFARE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! - Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity
Why. I don't read this as a good thing.

I think I counted AP right but tell me Hero if I didn't
You have 2 more psykana actions. Two actions in produces 5 out, which is how we activate Cry for the Future so many times.

hmmmm. I think that people are not looking at the map. We have an opportunity here (for 8 Sub Sectors) - and a lot of unused Choirs. So, here's a write in.

- [] [Write In] Cleaning up after the (Warp) Storm.
Send military forces (tbd) along with an attached 5555 Choirs to cleanse the systems effected by the Warp Storm caused by the destruction of the Deamon World Stagelight and those previously unreachable. (Doubles as getting a claim to the Sub Sectors so we can auto colonize them and cleaning up cultist remnants)
Hmm. There's a point there but I don't really have the space for it this turn if we want to get the Heartbeat of Industry action?

Edit: added the second plan.

Edit again: Added the ship names. I didn't realize we had 5 invasion fleets now, so I turned those into logistics fleets. Never can have enough logistics.
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[X] Plan: Sing for the unborn god...
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cherry)
-[X] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Focus all of our effort on Where The Clans Live)
-[X] [Free] Swap the ISC back to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song]
--[X] Mere Clockwork Does Not Yearn - Machinery Creativity Compassion Protection Unity
--[X] Justice Is Blind. Not Cruel - Justice Compassion Humanity Hope Progress
--[X] Grow, Small Children, Strong And Hale - Creativity Growth Humanity Song Health
--[X] Peace Harmony Community Mercy Love
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Ten Melodies (0.4/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Prophecy III
--[X] Revenant II
--[X] Revenant III
--[X] Oblivion II
--[X] Oblivion III
--[X] Paths III
--[X] Community III
--[X] Growth III
--[X] Peace II
--[X] Peace III
-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song] (Class in Session AP)
--[X] United Against The Depths Of Despair - Hope, Unity, Struggle, Hope, Void
--[X] Fire Retribution Oblivion Slumber Peace
--[X] TRIBAL WARFARE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! - Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity
--[X] Star, Fire, Death, Void, Oblivion

-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song] (Neablis said I have more AP AP)
--[X] Burn Bright Against Reality - Fire, Hope, Struggle, Grounding, Protection
--[X] Forward, Siblings, With Lessons Well Learned By Blood And Guts - Progress, Humanity, Wisdom, Struggle, Song.
--[X] Clockwork Dawn Sun Sunset Star
--[X] strugle void slumber revenge revenant
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Ten Melodies (0.4/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Clockwork II
--[X] Clockwork III
--[X] Sunset II
--[X] Sunset III
--[X] Dawn II
--[X] Dawn III
--[X] Ruthlessness III
--[X] Brutality II
--[X] Brutality III
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -] - [650 DP] (1 action + 1 Cry for the Future actions)
--[X] Dreadnought (1.600/1.000 DP)

-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 action + 1 heartbeat of Industry action) (40.000 points)
--[X] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points) (Names: Singularity, Voidfire, Stellar Conflagration, Eclipse, Hypernova, Redshift, Blueshift, Ion Storm, Stellarum, Aetherflare, Gravastar, Radiance, Starborn)
--[X] 44 SBGs (8.800 points) (Names: Pale Harbinger, Azure Dominion, Veilward Sentinels, Eclipse Vanguard, Iron Oath, Dustborn Armada, Gloaming Spear, Sepulchral Reach, Solar Requiem, Sable Covenant, Gilded Revenant, Voidborne Pact, Celestial Dirge, Umbral Tide, Warden Phalanx, Spectral Bastion, Ashen Concord, Midnight Ember, Ivory Pharos, Hallowed Zenith, Stormward Phalanx, Ebon Crusade, Twilight Convocation, Aegis Eternal, Solar Mantle, Gloaming Citadel, Iron Hymn, Sentinel's Vow, Gilded Terminus, Aether Ascendant, Wraithforged Armada, Titan's Wake, Dawnbound Pact, Obsidian Path, Chalice of Stars, Crimson Passage, Horizon Vow, Sovereign's Mantle, Pyre of Concord, Exalted Wake, Gilded Spire, Sunward Bastion, Evernight Spear, Nova Crucible. )
--[X] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points) (Names: Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega).
--[X] 9 Logistics fleets (1.200 points) (Names: Slyph, Seraph, Eidolon, Tennyo, Apsara, Yakshina, Jengu, Hulder, Kinnari)
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[X] Plan: Sing for the unborn god...

I want to mess around with Choirs more, but you should allocate the free Choirs somewhere after throwing 5555 at Love Beyond Death?
(Given how Void x5 is only indirectly dangerous and Silence x5 is great, Humanity x5 should be fine too)
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Guys why no one is touching this? With the new 3 plundered sites per action mechanic, we can finish the whole backlog in 6 actions...
[] [Military] The Ancient's [Jubilant Den/Circus De Meniue/Flirtatious-Indolent Bay Resort/Flowergarden/Stone Of Water/Drowned Forest/Crucible of Bile/Temple of The Ancient Tombs/Bell Of Vitaes/Smiling Cat Tavern/Supple Slumber/Webbed Nests/Earthen Nuts/Half-Recalled Neighmare/Tubers/Den Of Foxes/Boneyard/Agroprom] - (Write-In Military Forces)
Hippity Hoppity has revealed to us a site where technology, rites, knowledge, or culture of the Ancients yet remain...if not how intact. It is far away from our borders, and thus the fleet sent there to uncover the truth must be guarded.
(Gain: Three plundered Ancient Sites.)
[X] Plan: Sing for the unborn god...
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cherry)
-[X] [AUTOMATIC] Sub-Sector Subversion (Focus all of our effort on Where The Clans Live)
-[X] [Free] Swap the ISC back to Green Horizons Colonization LTD
-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song]
--[X] Mere Clockwork Does Not Yearn - Machinery Creativity Compassion Protection Unity
--[X] Justice Is Blind. Not Cruel - Justice Compassion Humanity Hope Progress
--[X] Grow, Small Children, Strong And Hale - Creativity Growth Humanity Song Health
--[X] Peace Harmony Community Mercy Love
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Ten Melodies (0.4/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Melody]
--[X] Prophecy III
--[X] Revenant II
--[X] Revenant III
--[X] Oblivion II
--[X] Oblivion III
--[X] Paths III
--[X] Community III
--[X] Growth III
--[X] Peace II
--[X] Peace III
-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song] (Class in Session AP)
--[X] United Against The Depths Of Despair - Hope, Unity, Struggle, Hope, Void
--[X] Fire Retribution Oblivion Slumber Peace
--[X] TRIBAL WARFARE, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! - Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity Humanity
--[X] Star, Fire, Death, Void, Oblivion

-[X] [Psykana] Sing four Songs (Choose at least Three below.) - (0.0/1 - Auto Complete) - [Choose Song] (Neablis said I have more AP AP)
--[X] Burn Bright Against Reality - Fire, Hope, Struggle, Grounding, Protection
--[X] Forward, Siblings, With Lessons Well Learned By Blood And Guts - Progress, Humanity, Wisdom, Struggle, Song.
--[X] Clockwork Dawn Sun Sunset Star
--[X] strugle void slumber revenge revenant
-[X] [Psykana] Sing Two Symphonies (Choose Five Songs)
--[X] Dirge for the Innocent; See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, Do No Evil; Break Your Chains; Ashen Fields; Love Unto Death
--[X] Bound To The Stars; A Trusted Map; A Web Of Song; Diverting Power; Soul's Shield
-[X] [Military] Design New Voidship Classes -] - [650 DP] (1 action + 1 Cry for the Future actions)
--[X] Dreadnought (1.600/1.000 DP)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 Heartbeat of Industry action + 1 Cry for the Future action) (40.000 points)
--[X] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points)
--[X] 44 SBGs (8.800 points)
--[X] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points)
--[X] 6 Logistics fleets (1.200 points)
--[X] 3 Invasion fleets (600 points)
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 Heartbeat of Industry action + 1 Cry for the Future action) (40.000 points)
--[X] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points)
--[X] 44 SBGs (8.800 points)
--[X] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points)
--[X] 6 Logistics fleets (1.200 points)
--[X] 3 Invasion fleets (600 points)
You might want to look at how I revamped the fleet construction action. Not huge changes, but I did assign names to everything:
-[X] [Military] Fleet Construction - (1 action + 1 heartbeat of Industry action) (40.000 points)
--[X] 13 Flag Armadas (26.000 points) (Names: Singularity, Voidfire, Stellar Conflagration, Eclipse, Hypernova, Redshift, Blueshift, Ion Storm, Stellarum, Aetherflare, Gravastar, Radiance, Starborn)
--[X] 44 SBGs (8.800 points) (Names: Pale Harbinger, Azure Dominion, Veilward Sentinels, Eclipse Vanguard, Iron Oath, Dustborn Armada, Gloaming Spear, Sepulchral Reach, Solar Requiem, Sable Covenant, Gilded Revenant, Voidborne Pact, Celestial Dirge, Umbral Tide, Warden Phalanx, Spectral Bastion, Ashen Concord, Midnight Ember, Ivory Pharos, Hallowed Zenith, Stormward Phalanx, Ebon Crusade, Twilight Convocation, Aegis Eternal, Solar Mantle, Gloaming Citadel, Iron Hymn, Sentinel's Vow, Gilded Terminus, Aether Ascendant, Wraithforged Armada, Titan's Wake, Dawnbound Pact, Obsidian Path, Chalice of Stars, Crimson Passage, Horizon Vow, Sovereign's Mantle, Pyre of Concord, Exalted Wake, Gilded Spire, Sunward Bastion, Evernight Spear, Nova Crucible. )
--[X] 17 LRADs to finish out the Greek alphabet. (3.400 points) (Names: Theta, Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega).
--[X] 9 Logistics fleets (1.200 points) (Names: Slyph, Seraph, Eidolon, Tennyo, Apsara, Yakshina, Jengu, Hulder, Kinnari)
Also we don't need more invasion fleets. Each one carries like 5 Sector Armies and we have 5 of them.