Threads Of Destiny(Eastern Fantasy, Sequel to Forge of Destiny)

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
Hot take: the hui were philosophically fine they were just assholes.

They got into power on a web of treachery and manipulation and no matter how "it was not so terrible, really" the dream of Palace of One was, they had a hammer and everything looked like a nail.

The problem is that when you say anything is more important than the health and happiness of people, you remove one of the guardrails between you and hurting them. And when you say that you have the right above all others to dictate how the world should be, without feeling the need to consult others or to compromise, you remove another. The Hui did both with their focus on the "ideal."

It's not that a path like that of the Hui is automatically bad, it's that it increases your risk. And whether the results are worth that additional risk is an open question.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.

With the new phrasing of the options, I find I enjoy this one a whole lot more than the previous Option 2. It feels like it's more coherent in its language and more cautious about the self proclaimed power of an orator, instead of seeming almost dismissive and boastful.

It runs into the same "there are objective facts of the natural world" issue that the previous one did, but I'm willing to give it a vote anyway because I like the vibe of it more
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
I believe that acknowledging reality can be a malleable thing, depending on a thousand factors is important. However, saying that there is some sort of Base reality that can only slowly be affected rather than "everything is constructed by mortal minds" is more comfortable imo.

[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
[X] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.

That bit of pseudophilosophical wishy-washy only works until something outside of your reality acts on something within it. If a tree falls on your head in the woods, you won't be unharmed just because you were facing away and had headphones in.

It's not acting on your reality until you perceive it. Perception is how it acts on your reality.

The imperceivable causing changes to reality is the realm of souls and magic, not physics.

You appear to be conflating quantum uncertainty with regular uncertainty (i.e. just not knowing something). There is in fact a very important distinction between something being 1 or 0 and just not knowing which, and something being in a quantum superposition between 1 and 0.

No, in pointing out that if you are making an argument based on regular uncertainty as a metaphor, it falls apart when you consider quantum uncertainty.

The important distinction you draw only exists after we test to see which it is. Not before.

Quantum physics aren't Weeping Angels, they care not for if a sapient being is observing them. They care about if something is interacting with them. There is no interaction without alteration.

And yet, some interactions don't seem to break quantum superposition. Air molecules or vacuum doesn't make a difference to double-slit experiments.

Plus, you know, you cannot actually test if it makes a difference whether a sapient being os measuring them or not, because it's impossible to set up a situation where a sapient being isn't involved in the measuring.

It's an assumption.

My entire point is that reality does exist outside our observations.

Proven it.

That's the fundamental problem here: you cannot demonstrate reality without observing it.

Like you cannot prove a system of math from within the system. Incompletenrss Theorem, I think?

Second, it's not that the system is both at the same time. It's that there is a certain probability of being one or the other, but we can't know until we have observed it which means interacting with it and thus altering it.

If it's one or the other and we just don't know which yet, it could not interfere with itself. It's not just a particle with probable locations described by a wave function.

I really dislike the idea of "from perception descends reality". It's too Hui. They tried to make everyone perceive the Hui as the greatest, and it being an honour to be part of their 'art'. I don't want Ling Qi believing anything close to that.

The opposite has it's own problems. Running away too hard just gets us into different awfulness, rather than avoiding awfulness.
@Glau, while solipsism is indeed the most logically coherent position, it isnalso an inherently useless one, incapable of producing useful results by itself or making any sort of predictions or judgements.

Plus, the problem of measurement in QM is probably relat3d to the process of decoherence and/or is not actually a problem cause measurement does not exist.

On topic: I think that first insight is better because I thi k presuming existence of objective reality is necessafy for doing anything productive, and at that point truth and future lie, indeed, on the intersection between perception and reality.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
-this insight is meant to lean more toward materialism as was correctly speculated. It is concerned primarily with the intersection where understanding allows and pushes the alteration of material reality

Option 2 "lies and truth are the same" doesn't sit well with me, and I feel like there are a bunch of object lessons in both fiction and reality about why.
[ ] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
-this insight is meant to lean more toward materialism as was correctly speculated. It is concerned primarily with the intersection where understanding allows and pushes the alteration of material reality
[ ] Truth and lies are merely notes within the human register, from them is born perception, from perception descends reality, an orator must wield words as carefully as a master wields their blade.
-this insight leans toward idealism. It is more concerned with the formation of ideals than directly affecting 'facts' on the ground, with a slightly cautious edge toward the danger of the tool you're wielding

I KNEW IT. Lmao that is a good laugh.
[X] The future lies at the intersection between reality and perception. By Communication, perception is changed; by perception, reality shape is carved, chip by chip.
@Glau, while solipsism is indeed the most logically coherent position, it isnalso an inherently useless one, incapable of producing useful results by itself or making any sort of predictions or judgements.

Sure. All you need to get away from it are to make some unprovable assumptions.

Denying that they are assumptions, and they are unprovable, is the issue I have.