Do you think we should perhaps get a job for Eddard Mormont (the guy we just saved) down south?
There is the idea that marrying Rhea to Bennard's son Benjen might lead to her wanting Bennard in charge of the North, to increase the prestige of her marriage and if we refuse to help Rhea, she might turn againist us.
Ah okay you guys are just cautioning about the dangers of Rhea marrying Benjen, thought you might have been pushing to support Bennard in a succession despute.

Which in case I haven't made my stance obvious, if Benndard rebels against Cregan i'm voting we chop off his head.
...Why would want to support Bennard?

Because if we put him on the throne and he knows that his throne depends upon us, then he's our creature.

And because if we suggest the Stark match, and support Bennard, then Benjen eventually inherits the North, and he's a dullard who might be easily influenced by his wife, who is our firm ally and friend.

A good deal of politics is helping your allies.

From a quest perspective it's also just an interesting divergence.

I mean, it would absolutely create a bad precedent that could come back to bite us later.

And also feel out of character for Rhaenyra for how she has been until now in the Quest, beside that all our closest friends and allies like Alicent or Ser Tarly would really dislike if we backed what they would see as an usurper.

While I think that people buy far too much into the notion of true or real heirs in fantasy novels, my point isn't that this perspective has no merit. It's that the Stark marriage for Rhea shifts the pros and cons significantly toward backing Bennard, and away from backing Cregan. So if we suggest the Stark marriage we should be okay with following through on that.

If we're not going to be okay following through on that, we shouldn't suggest that marriage.

And FWIW I think Tarly would be fine with this -his perspective is basically might makes right IIRC. Alicent would be a harder sell but we could frame it as Cregan being unproven while Bennard was experienced etc.

Ah okay you guys are just cautioning about the dangers of Rhea marrying Benjen, thought you might have been pushing to support Bennard in a succession despute.

Which in case I haven't made my stance obvious, if Benndard rebels against Cregan i'm voting we chop off his head.

I'm for Bennard if Rhea marries Benjen and for Cregan if she marries Ryswell or Bolton. My main point though is that we should acknowledge that now and not do something like suggest the Stark and then support Cregan.
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Or we could not do something that massively undermines our own legitimacy and that is extremely, blatantly self serving to everyone with eyes.

We've already intervened in a succession personally in a way some won't agree with and which can be seen as entirely self-centered, doing it again just proves we're exactly that.
Rhaenyra is studying the laws of Westeros, it would look pretty bad on her if she sides with Bennard in a rebellion/hostile takeover. The good will with other houses would be tainted and others may try to do the same if we support Bennard in a rebellion that might happen.
[] [Rhea] [Romantic] Suggest Maybe she doesn't have to marry, at least not yet, she does have plenty of cousins after all. Maybe she should consider other interests instead.

[] [Shadowcat] Give it to Rhea Royce as a Gift

This pair of options is to the try to draw Rhea (and Alicent) into a potential threesome.
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Because if we put him on the throne and he knows that his throne depends upon us, then he's our creature.

And because if we suggest the Stark match, and support Bennard, then Benjen eventually inherits the North, and he's a dullard who might be easily influenced by his wife, who is our firm ally and friend.

A good deal of politics is helping your allies.

From a quest perspective it's also just an interesting divergence.
Look, I agree it is good politics and interesting to a certain extent, but supporting a genuine usurper who has absolutely no laws or precedents or even likely support among most northern houses is not only likely to get us the disdain of most of the realm, but it also weakens our own position since we're in a very similar position to Cregan as the rightfully declared heir who has people vying for our throne.

Also, Cregan along with Rodrick Dustin and his Winter Wolves arrive late, but when they get to the field they demolish the Green opposition, along with that Cregan as an old man could give Aemon the Dragonknight the best fight of his life and while yes in Canon he does need the Pact of Ice and Fire and some schmoozing from Jacerys, he also didn't know Rhaenyra personally aside from likely rumours that painted her as Maegor the Cruel as a woman.

So Cregan might be one of our strongest supporters when the Dance starts, and since our Rhaenyra isn't likely to be accused of having her husband murdered and in fact likely have a pretty decent reputation and Cregan has actually met us and seen that we're pretty impressive, he likely won't need a pact to get moving.

This also isn't even mentioning how much more he'll like us if we support him instead of Bennard.

We don't need Benjen to be our creature as the Stark in Winterfell, we already have support and respect from the rightful line of Starks and Cregan is way more competent than Benjen to boot.

Also why are we assuming Rhea would support Benjen and his family's attempted coup? She's in a similar position to us and Cregan and she seems like a decent person, it would be rather on the nose of her.

Edit: Also yes I am biased for Cregan, his name is badass and I use it for all my Mount and Blade characters.
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Or we could not do something that massively undermines our own legitimacy and that is extremely, blatantly self serving to everyone with eyes.

We've already intervened in a succession personally in a way some won't agree with and which can be seen as entirely self-centered, doing it again just proves we're exactly that.

I mean, we're not going to get anywhere if we don't advance our own interests because we don't want to look like we're advancing our interests. Nobody else is going to advance them for us.

Having a reputation of helping our friends is going to make people want to be our friends and allies. I don't think not helping our allies because it could be interpreted as favoritism is a good idea. And nobody is going to want to be allies with us if we base our decisions off of who is a good guy according to the ASOIAF fandom, rather than the alliances we make. Not to mention I think that's kind of boring.

However, if we don't want to go that route, we certainly don't have to. Bennard doesn't have to be the ally of our ally, and then we're free to let things continue on the canon route or to back Cregan without shooting ourselves in the foot. We just shouldn't vote Stark then.
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Bennard Is ambitious, prideful and wanting power maybe we can give him a position later somewhere is the south, have him be forced to rely on us?
[X] [Rhea] [Romantic] Tell her she should follow her heart.

[X] [Shadowcat] Keep for yourself.

Changed. Rhea already did her Duty once, so she can free this Time to choose

Also, this Is our Trophy
We need to keep Alicent relationship Platonic for everyone else, and don't want to give the old Man a heart attack
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I just think spending all that politicing in the north in order to put a different LP in place would be kind of stupid. We have plenty of politics to keep our hands full at the south that such a major investment of time would at the North would probably come at the expense of.

Hell, the north isn't even that critical of a kingdom. Just look how long it took them to get south in canon. There are probably more pressing kingdoms to care about if we really must invest ourself in one like that.
We still have the Wall so don't jinx it, but aside from that.

Yea, We've been pretty impressive if I do say so myself.
Well the Wall will just be an interlude. Which means the next regular turn are the Twins. Can you imagine, a time for House Frey long before Walder. I wonder what the current Lord Frey will be l...


In his youth, Forrest had once been a suitor to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. When Rhaenyra visited the riverlands in 112 AC, he got dubbed "Fool Frey" for boldly asking openly for the Princess of Dragonstone's hand

Well then. I guess that is what we'll see at the Twins.
Bennard Is ambitious, prideful and wanting power maybe we can give him a position later somewhere is the south, have him be forced to rely on us?

I would prefer to give that Mormont we saved, a job in the South. We literally saved his life, he will serve us loyally unlike Bennard who might switch sides, if he gets a better offer.
Well the Wall will just be an interlude. Which means the next regular turn are the Twins. Can you imagine, a time for House Frey long before Walder. I wonder what the current Lord Frey will be l...


Well then. I guess that is what we'll see at the Twins.
IIRC Teen Spirit even confirmed Forest as a romance option.
[X] [Shadowcat] Keep for yourself. ~ Nothing else would make the North look at her with more respect and admiration then the cloak of a slained Shadow Cat. And it's the North they love their warrior women.

For the rest of the realm it will show that Rheanyra is a excellent warrior and huntress. Something that could a long way in the Chauvinist South.

[X] [Rhea] The Stark ~ Ties two of the most impregnatable realms to her side. Both kingdoms that have the highest amount of battle harden men because of internal security threats (Mountain Men and the Free Folk). And it takes Bennard out of the North where he wouldn't be in a situation to attempt his hostile takeover of the Winter Throne.
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