[X] "Teach me...!"
"Well, uh, since you're offering and all, do you think you could..." You mumble the last bit, "...Tutor me in swordsmanship?"
Kazuya crosses his arms, listening carefully.
"I... It just feels like, with everything going on, I'm just not doing enough, not helping enough, and I'm not strong enough to do anything." You confide in him, "So, I... I want you to tutor me."
Kazuya blinks at you. "Is that it? I thought you were gonna make me buy you a bunch of weapons and armor."
"What? No, I have my own kit! Why would I make you get all new stuff just to teach me a few things?" You follow him as he begins to walk down the stairs, as does Cerberus.
"Sorry. Force of habit, I guess." He doesn't slow his pace, "So, you wanna be a swordsman?"
"No, Master Kazuya!" Cerberus interjects, "She will be a swordswoman!"
"Well, not yet." He replies, hands in his hoodie's pockets, "She'd be a swordsgirl first."
"...I mean, I guess...?" You barely follow their train of thought, "Hey, can we stop at Mami's before we go... Wherever we're going? I need to get my sword."
"Oh, okay." Kazuya shrugs, taking a sharp left, "Why don't you just keep it on you? You have transdimensional storage set up on your summoning program, right?"
"That's something I can do?!" You shout, making multiple people give you off looks. "Uh, that's an option?"
"Yeah. Stephen might've moved it, but it should still be there." He comments, stopping in front of the stairs to Mami's apartment, "I'll be in Jack Bros.' if you need me."
"Oh, uh, it shouldn't take too long!" You race up the stairs, "I've been working out when I can!"
"Congratulations." Cerberus says, following you up.
"I thought you'd go with your master?" You turn back to face the demon, eyeing him with a little bit of suspicion.
"The weakest of the pack must never be left alone," Cerberus argues, "Lest they become a target."
...Well, it's the thought that counts.
You knock on Mami's door, and--?
"C-Coming!" You hear her voice from behind the door, along with various bumps, thunks, and "ow"s, until...
...The door opens, revealing Mami in casual wear. "Ah, Sayaka! Come in, I was just about to make lunch!"
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