Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[x] A representative of a magical state, after all one of the things you want from the local officials is a land deed to the territory the gate is on
-[X] STUNT: "How much do you know of your enslavers, señor? To the unknowing they are often pictured as cartels - addiction peddling murderous parasites on the body of society with powers approaching those of some of legitimate nations" you say, before extending a glove-covered hand for him to shake: "within the confines of that metaphor, you are about to shake the velvet glove of Queen Victoria during the Zenith of British Empire"
--[X] "And if you want more" you smile, enigmatically "get your house in order, and we'll see."

Not a queen, but a representative, but a fey truth at that - we certainly are "the velvet glove over the iron fist" of the Empress of Fivefold courts. With our shintai being appropriately iron fisty. And us being the Empress in question. And our Empire is the over which the sun never sets too (because there is no sun to set)! I am feeling very smug about this little speech. @DragonParadox can we stunt in Molly actually wearing gloves, so as not to leave mundane fingerprints? Ideally, velvet ones. More layers to the joke.
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[x] A representative of a magical state, after all one of the things you want from the local officials is a land deed to the territory the gate is on
-[X] STUNT: "How much do you know of your enslavers, señor? To the unknowing they are often pictured as cartels - addiction peddling murderous parasites on the body of society with powers approaching those of some of legitimate nations" you say, before extending a hand for him to shake: "within the confines of that metaphor, you are about to shake the velvet glove of Queen Victoria during the Zenith of British Empire"
--[X] "And if you want more" you smile, enigmatically "get your house in order, and we'll see."
@DragonParadox can we stunt in Molly actually wearing gloves, so as not to leave mundane fingerprints? Ideally, velvet ones. More layers to the joke.

Sure, makes sense for her to have done that (and I do not really want to write you guys deploying in a full forensic unit to cover up for you which would be the other alternative if she did not wear gloves :V )
There's no reason for the patsies of the red Court to know that we're the head of a magical State also it means nothing to them as a whole and directly tells anyone who they might be in contact with Who We Are. There's just no reason to and opposing justification to tell them anything beyond what they need to know.
[X] An enemy of the Red Court, that is all he and others in his position really need to know
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There's no reason for the patsies of the red Court to know that we're the head of a magical State also it means nothing to them as a whole and directly tells anyone who they might be in contact with Who We Are. There's just no reason to and opposing justification to tell them anything beyond what they need to know.
I can present the following arguments:
1) We need to scare them more than Red Court. Not just in the moment, but strategically. In order to be loyal, they need to know that we are not just an individual, however powerful, but something like an organization.
2) Nation states have far more legitimacy than individual superheroes / murderhobos.
3) Being a representative of a nationstate adds more interest than "don't kill me" to our possible interactions

And we, I think, rather want that territory around the portal.
We need to scare them more than Red Court. Not just in the moment, but strategically. In order to be loyal, they need to know that we are not just an individual, however powerful, but something like an organization.
On this point being a supernatural Nation does nothing because the red court is already that if they think we're just a competitor then "oh I've traded one master for another" rather than "this individual person can literally walk past red Court agents without them stopping them and appear before me and offer me my freedom and they're a direct enemy of the red Court." one of these is significantly more compelling and considerably based on their experience less Sinister than the other.

That's what I meant it means nothing to them because the only example they have is the one that essentially enslaved them with narcotics.

Nation states have far more legitimacy than individual superheroes / murderhobos.
This one is I'm going to say is highly debatable but in the case of dealing with the supernatural vampire infection individual actor / superhero is significantly more legitimate than nation state just based on mythology as a whole and stories everyone has heard before.

Believing that this Van Helsing type figure is here to cleanse vampires is way easier to believe than, I guess magical America is here to help as that's the only thing they could possibly think of considering we speak American English with a Chicago accent.

Being a representative of a nationstate adds more interest than "don't kill me" to our possible interactions
We don't want to add any extra interest don't kill me and we can free you from enslavement from narcotics is enough and the portal is meant to be temporary drawing attention by having an official land deed in South America is the opposite of what we want to be doing and there's nothing stopping us from doing it later. When and if we want to make our position in South America official.
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Sure, makes sense for her to have done that (and I do not really want to write you guys deploying in a full forensic unit to cover up for you which would be the other alternative if she did not wear gloves :V )
Well we could always get Night Shallows Secrets to make forensic teams actively avoid finding any evidence and maybe remove it themself.
[x] A representative of a magical state, after all one of the things you want from the local officials is a land deed to the territory the gate is on
-[X] STUNT: "How much do you know of your enslavers, señor? To the unknowing they are often pictured as cartels - addiction peddling murderous parasites on the body of society with powers approaching those of some of legitimate nations" you say, before extending a glove-covered hand for him to shake: "within the confines of that metaphor, you are about to shake the velvet glove of Queen Victoria during the Zenith of British Empire"
--[X] "And if you want more" you smile, enigmatically "get your house in order, and we'll see."

They already are in breach of Mascarade, being Red Court associates, so no worry on that front. Anyone who serves them out of fear or greed should be quite willing to jump ship if someone gives a better offer, and anyone who serves them out of ideology can join his masters in our reagent storage.
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The biggest questions here are:
1) Are we keeping the portal long term where it is?
2) Are we taking over in some capacity, even if only as an occupation force until the people can reestablish their own government?

If the answer to at least one of those is yes, then we need to tell the patsies something at least.
The biggest questions here are:
1) Are we keeping the portal long term where it is?
2) Are we taking over in some capacity, even if only as an occupation force until the people can reestablish their own government?

If the answer to at least one of those is yes, then we need to tell the patsies something at least.
Well, to be fair, we can say that later when we determine their loyalty. I agree with you. But I don't think that this vote will break everything.
[x] A representative of a magical state, after all one of the things you want from the local officials is a land deed to the territory the gate is on
-[X] STUNT: "How much do you know of your enslavers, señor? To the unknowing they are often pictured as cartels - addiction peddling murderous parasites on the body of society with powers approaching those of some of legitimate nations" you say, before extending a glove-covered hand for him to shake: "within the confines of that metaphor, you are about to shake the velvet glove of Queen Victoria during the Zenith of British Empire"
--[X] "And if you want more" you smile, enigmatically "get your house in order, and we'll see."
The portal is getting closed at some point.
At some point probably yes, but I have to actually ask - why? Depending on how much we invest and keep investing into its defenses, I'm not sure it presents a meaningful increase in the risk to the Courts, compared to our cyberdevils and other operatives, who should be possessable by Nemesis.
At some point probably yes, but I have to actually ask - why? Depending on how much we invest and keep investing into its defenses, I'm not sure it presents a meaningful increase in the risk to the Courts, compared to our cyberdevils and other operatives, who should be possessable by Nemesis.
To be frank, I'm not willing to have this discussion with you. Perhaps later but fact of the matter is you have told me repeatedly and consistently that it was going to be temporary as an arguing point countless times up until now.
I think when we close the portal, the outer part on Earth can be converted into a black site. And the inner part can be made a base for opening portals in the future.
Are we keeping the portal long term where it is?
Even if we completely take over all of South America leaving this portal open is not really an option unless we establish a new way of opening a portal. It's only kept open because of Malko at the moment the second he's fully revived and willing to walk in the mortal world is the second it closes.

Also I would prefer not to be made a liar because I did vote for the star base/ Fortress options because I believed kind of inherently that the portal situation was going to be temporary and I argued extensively in favor of it under that premise.
Are we taking over in some capacity, even if only as an occupation force until the people can reestablish their own government?
Again we don't need to tell them anything to do this. What about this necessitates telling anyone anything about our government / our standing. These guys with this equipment and these clothes belong to me they are on your side make sure that nothing happens to them or very least you do not get in their way while they are hitting Red targets.

Again the value of being known as a nation state is Highly Questionable. No One Trust countries period end of story. Countries don't have friends or even allies they have interests that align and decouple whrn the powerful interest within that country feel like it. While that's more plainly obvious today than ever before even in the past people in governments around the world know that.

Being a powerful Supernatural agent who has other Supernatural agents is inherently way more trustworthy because people don't immediately jump to oh this is a country that is taking an interest in my country in the land of my country and possibly the lives of my countrymen. They think ah a vampire hunter and their organization or some other Supernatural and their Posse, well at least these ones don't eat people.

Being known officially as Molly Carpenter Head of State in South America who has a land deed is not good. We haven't really established a foothold yet, that's what we're doing right now and you are essentially tipping our hand. Even if we wanted to set up an official presence because yet again we kind of doing that right now, we can do it later when we're in a way better position to do it. Exposing ourselves to literal patsies is maybe not the best plan.
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Opening and closing temporary portals rather than having one open 24/7 makes perfect sense to me.
I just don't like to waste effort and we and our people put a lot of effort into this place. Eyes are the windows to the soul by the way and we made a fort in the shape of an eye lol. Eye-portal to Molly's soul
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 7, 2025 at 2:21 PM, finished with 33 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] An enemy of the Red Court, that is all he and others in his position really need to know
    [x] A representative of a magical state, after all one of the things you want from the local officials is a land deed to the territory the gate is on
    -[X] STUNT: "How much do you know of your enslavers, señor? To the unknowing they are often pictured as cartels - addiction peddling murderous parasites on the body of society with powers approaching those of some of legitimate nations" you say, before extending a glove-covered hand for him to shake: "within the confines of that metaphor, you are about to shake the velvet glove of Queen Victoria during the Zenith of British Empire"
    --[X] "And if you want more" you smile, enigmatically "get your house in order, and we'll see."
    [x] A magical head of state, after all one of the things you want from the local officials is a land deed to the territory the gate is on
    [x] A representative of a magical state, after all one of the things you want from the local officials is a land deed to the territory the gate is on
    -[X] STUNT: "How much do you know of your enslavers, señor? To the unknowing they are often pictured as cartels - addiction peddling murderous parasites on the body of society with powers approaching those of some of legitimate nations" you say, before extending a hand for him to shake: "within the confines of that metaphor, you are about to shake the velvet glove of Queen Victoria during the Zenith of British Empire"
    --[X] "And if you want more" you smile, enigmatically "get your house in order, and we'll see."