[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight

[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce
[X] [Travel] Ser Raylon Tarly
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[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight

Rhea makes a lot of sense for her marriage prospects given her culture and divorcee status, so both make this easier for her here. It also has a lot of incentives for any Lords with second sons, to create alliances and influence elsewhere. We'll also have more chance to talk given they'll both be the Head of their houses, ect.

The Dragonknight title just makes too much sense, abandoning the Dragon or colour iconography of the Targaryans doesn't seem wise. It's also more catchy and instantly self explanatory, which make a wonderful title.
[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Falcon
[X] [Travel] Rhea Royce
[X] [Travel] Steffon Redfort

Not a big deal for me on which title to get from the smallfolk. More interested in the two people we bring to Winterfell and the Wall. Rhae Royce is our ally so bringing her makes sense and her marrying someone up North can be useful. Steffon Redford reasoning is funny but we really should talk with him and this is a perfect opportunity. Though won't be mad if Gwayne wins one of the spots. Just think Rhae and Steffon should go.
"The heir to house Peake, humiliated by a child and unhorsed by a girl!" Lord Manderly exclaimed with delight. "And at my tourney no less! Oh, what a delight."
I don't think we need to marry a son to have his undying loyalty anymore. Let's marry Torrhen in a few years to further spite the Peake's anyway, and have him inherit there lands after stripping them from the Peake's.

[X] [Travel] Steffon Redfort

The entire bloody reason Steffon Redfort is with Rhaenyra on this progress is for Rhaenyra to be seen interacting with him to establish a personal motivation for appointing him to the commander position without it being an obvious favor to Jeyne for the queen to note and object to. After 3 turns and numerous updates of doing nothing to follow through on that, can we please do so now? If we put it off any longer the late timing of our bonding will make it suspicious.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight
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"But... she's a woman..." Medrick stammered.
Not sure if it's due to tradition being so firmly embedded in his mind, but if nothing else this one line would has made me glad we didn't agree to marry him, he would have likely held us back.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Falcon

[X] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
For those of us worried about Rhea's marriage prospects, consider that she might make an excellent match for Forrest Frey, for basically the same reasons of temperament we, or his canon wife Sabitha Vypren, would. And securing the Twins permits the North to intervene in our favor as well as or better than securing all but the greatest Northern houses. Unless Forrest literally charms the pants off us, I think his marrying Rhea is my preferred outcome.
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Apparently Cole's whole attitude had changed drastically from you match. He seething with barely contained anger and contempt the entire time he spoke with Raylon and nearly refused to buy back his armor at one point.
*deep sigh*
I know it was probably inevitable but I honestly hoped for better. Foolish of me, but still. I'm really wondering where he's gonna end up, since even if he has no chance at getting into the Kingsguard at this point he's so stupidly talented as a knight that he's quite likely to get snatched up by someone to marry their daughter. Though getting unhorsed by a princess is probably not going to do any favors to his rep, I admit.

Peake was apparently even worse. Ser Raylon refused to go into details but apparently Unwin had said some things so vile that the two men very nearly came to blows.
Should have told him to fuck off home without his horse and armor. Not like we need his gold.
For those of us worried about Rhea's marriage prospects, consider that she might make an excellent match for Forrest Frey, for basically the same reasons we would. And securing the Twins permits the North to intervene in our favor as well as or better than securing all but the greatest Northern houses. Unless Forrest literally charms the pants off us, I think his marrying Rhea is my preferred outcome.
This isn't really necessary as the twins aren't essential to the north coming south unless someone manages to plant their army at the trident.

In general, can we stop focusing on Rhea and Gwayne who we have invested multiple actions in and are sufficiently strong allies to have many more chances of spending time with, and actually follow through on a plan we made? For once?
To those voting for the Falcon, please remember we are primarily a Dragon not a Falcon.

Also to those who are voting for The SIlver and The Bold, it seems unlikely you will win, so why not vote for the Dragon Knight?
*deep sigh*
I know it was probably inevitable but I honestly hoped for better. Foolish of me, but still. I'm really wondering where he's gonna end up, since even if he has no chance at getting into the Kingsguard at this point he's so stupidly talented as a knight that he's quite likely to get snatched up by someone to marry their daughter. Though getting unhorsed by a princess is probably not going to do any favors to his rep, I admit.
To be fair this is the guy who told a princess "run away with me" as a landless knight so he's not really all that smart.

Also he got beaten by a girl so naturally he can't just let that slide. The other boys will make fun of him for getting cooties.

God forbid someone points out that the Princess has been training on how to fight as soon as she could walk, has a fucking dragon that she rides on the regular, and has been known to fight (even in a trial by combat no less) and win.

As an aside I don't think he's infatuated with us ala canon, but we can't rule out similar feelings somewhere in that bubbling stew of inadequacy.
[X] [Travel] Steffon Redfort
[ ] [Travel] Gwayne Hightower
[ ] [Travel] Rhea Royce

I don't see a reason to drag poor Ser Tarly into something he's clearly uncomfortable with for no reason, especially when there's at least something to be gained from all of the other options. Buuuuuuut I'm also basically fine with all of the other options? I guess I'll go Steffon for now, since he's furthest behind in the vote, but really I wouldn't mind any of the other three.

[X] [Title] Rhaenyra The Dragon Knight

Falcon is a political headache and we have done quite enough interfering in the Vale's succession. Let's not push our luck.
Silver is eh. Fine I guess but it just doesn't spark enough joy to be worth abandoning the classic targ red and black.
Bold is too easy to twist into a criticism and doesn't have the satisfying alliteration that Ser Barristan would (and still might) benefit from in the future-that-was.

As a side benefit, Dragon Knight could make it a bit awkward for daddy dearest not to knight us, which might come in handy if we run off to Winterfell without a sworn shield.
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*deep sigh*
I know it was probably inevitable but I honestly hoped for better. Foolish of me, but still. I'm really wondering where he's gonna end up, since even if he has no chance at getting into the Kingsguard at this point he's so stupidly talented as a knight that he's quite likely to get snatched up by someone to marry their daughter. Though getting unhorsed by a princess is probably not going to do any favors to his rep, I admit.
Cole is a complicated figure but ultimately Show Cole made too many sexist or just rather wonk remarks that I can't imagine him being the kind of the man who would just take being beaten by a girl very well.

Meanwhile Harwin Strong was the only one to approve of Rhaenyra dragging a Boar back to the hunting camp while covered in it's blood. So I definitely think he would be the type to approve of Warrior Rhaenyra