[X] planetary unification the Vita city of void teaching

Putting Anexa in a machine spirit tech activates her speciality, which means she is 5% more likely to level up and reach level 10. If her upgraded habilites are the same that was shown before, that means we can get 100 RP from her. Judging how many technologies we have in our to do list, this may be key to get there.
[X] Plan: Space, space, gotta go to space!

I am unwell mentally so this for now.
--[X] Construction: (7,850 BP or VBP)
---[X] Build a new vault, with maximum shielding! (-2000 BP)
---[X] Repair Psychic Shielding on Ship (Repair Bay covers this!)
---[X] Medium Shipyard (-3000 BP, -100 CP)
---[X] 3x Tiny System Monitors (2,850 BP, -150 CP)
Don't we still need 25 BP to pay rent this turn? We only have 2 BP stockpiled currently:
Misc assets:
2 BP of trade goods that Aevon will accept as rent.
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Don't we still need 25 BP to pay rent this turn? We only have 2 BP stockpiled currently:
Thank you, missed the fact that Alectai's plan was missing it. Editing my / Alectai's plan, one moment.

EDIT: Changes done, the following notes are in the plan-post:
EDIT: Alectai had forgotten to pay rent to Aevon, and we only 2 BP of it left. Dropped one Tiny System Monitor, added 50 BP worth of Trade Goods for Aevon (and also actually paying the rent) plus 3 Basic Defence Satellites near our shipyard. Thought about putting them near the space station first, but I don't want them there if the scrapcode manages to infect them. Quite important, considering we would need to do a design action first to make new versions of these with the psychic shielding.
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@meianmaru, on the note of updating our ships with psychic shields here are ports of the existing ship designs. I increased the engines because I can't see a reason not to and added warp drives / void abacii since we will want to take our investment with us.
Basic Defense Satellite (300 void BP, 10 CP). Light Defensive platform, 200x200 meters. Light shield, Light armor, 1 light lance battery.

Tiny system monitor (950 void BP, 50 CP, 1 ship construction slot) Destroyer, 1500x300 meters. 7 gravities of acceleration. Medium armor, Light Shields. 2 Light Macrocannon batteries, 1 light lance battery. High-maneuverability thrusters.

Small system monitor (2375 void BP, 100 CP, 2 ship construction slots) Frigate, 2200x600 meters. 5 gravities of acceleration. Medium armor, Medium Shields. 4x Medium Macrocannons, 1x Medium Lances, 2x Point Defense.
25 RP – Caltrop - Basic Defense Satellite (300 -> 350 VBP, 10 CP). Light Defensive platform, 200x200 meters. Light shield, Light armor, Psychic Shielding (+50), 1 light lance battery.

50 RP – Skirmisher – Scout/Light Escort (950 -> 1,200 VBP, 50 CP, 1 ship construction slot) Destroyer, 1500x300 meters. 7 -> 8 gravities of acceleration (+50). Medium armor, Light Shields. Warp Drive (+50), Void Abacus (+50), Psychic Shields (+100). 2 Light Macrocannon batteries, 1 light lance battery. High-maneuverability thrusters.

100 RP – Guardian – Escort/Patrol (2375 -> 2,925 VBP, 100 CP, 2 ship construction slots) Frigate, 2200x600 meters. 5 -> 7 gravities of acceleration (+150 BP). Warp Drive (+100), Void Abacus (+100), Psychic Shields (+200). Medium armor, Medium Shields. 4x Medium Macrocannons, 1x Medium Lances, 2x Point Defense.

I also created crewed variants without the warp drives if we want to gift some designs to Denva as system monitors
25 RP – Caltrop - Basic Defense Satellite (300 -> 400 VBP, 10 CP). Light Defensive platform, 200x200 meters. Light shield, Light armor, Living Space (+50), Psychic Shielding (+50), 1 light lance battery.

50 RP – Skirmisher – Tiny Monitor (950 -> 1,200 VBP, 50 CP, 1 ship construction slot) Destroyer, 1500x300 meters. 7 -> 8 gravities of acceleration (+50). Medium armor, Light Shields. Living Space (+100), Psychic Shields (+100). 2 Light Macrocannon batteries, 1 light lance battery. High-maneuverability thrusters.

100 RP – Guardian – Small Monitor (2375 -> 2,925 VBP, 100 CP, 2 ship construction slots) Frigate, 2200x600 meters. 5 -> 7 gravities of acceleration (+150 BP). Living Space (+200), Psychic Shields (+200). Medium armor, Medium Shields. 4x Medium Macrocannons, 1x Medium Lances, 2x Point Defense.

It would take a single research action to design or two for both, plus 1 more for Void Abacus. If we are doing both versions, Streamlined Ship Design (150 RP) pays for itself. If we are just doing our ships it is still a really good idea to pick up.
-[] Streamlined ship design (150 RP) You can improve your tools for ship design to make it easier to design ships in the future. That might be nice (Halves the RP cost to design new ships, may unlock other ship design improvements)

We can certainly design more specialized ships as well, it just seemed easiest to start with a port of the generalist ships we already have.

This seems like a project for later-ish down the road, possibly even after our first exploration loop out of the system. But depending on our next few turns we could start chipping away at it.
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[X] Plan Unification through collective Research & Fundamental Defensive Research
-[Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] Well, we know what the Imperium uses to measure the magnitude of an individual's psychic power (all this wibbly-wobbly abstract stuff is giving me a headache, I didn't even KNOW I could get one), but the scale seems to go down as well as up, and what's this about a "Null", anyway?
-[X] Construction 1:
--[X] Fix Shields (800 BP)
--[X] Build new vault (2000 BP)
--[X] 2x Deep Space Manufactory (750 void BP, 40 CP) (Total 1,500 VBP, 80 CP)
--[X] 3,550 BP Leftover
---[X] Use left over as needed for [Vault Scrapcode Resistance] -> [Teardown / replacement of any infected factories] -> [Refitting Manufactories to use Machine Spirits]
-[X] Research x2 (400 RP)
--[X] Scrapcode Cleansing (100 RP, boosted if necessary)
--[X] Abacus-Warp interactions (100 RP, boosted if necessary)
--[X] Manufacturing Machine Spirits (55 RP + 45 Anexa RP, boosted if necessary)
---[X] Anexa assists.
--[X] Scrapcode-resistant Psychic shielding (145 RP - any RP needed to boost the prior researches + any leftover RP from discounts)
--[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (Any excess RP from discounts)
-[X] Diplomacy
--[X] Establish a research cooperation between the nations of Devon and Vita, hq situated in Klyssar's Nest as a neutral point between the Nations
---[X] All nations who want to participate in good faith are welcome. Notify the nations that attempted to attack and the neutral stations representatives that this is a 2nd chance for the former. Punishment for Bad faith acts to be decided by the participating nations & station.
---[X] Include guarantees to respect each others sovereignty into the participation terms.
---[X] Mention to the participants that while Vita can't stay around to guide them, that this is a final act of midwivery for the rebirth of humanity that Vita knew and misses. If they work together, they can grow back to the greatness that was before the Imperium of Man.
---[X] Offer BP bribes to support settings up labs.
---[X] offer nonmilitary, non-psychic, non-chaos, non-juvenat tech Vita already has as bribes
---[X] Show them non-chaos researches you could do as potential cooperation topics.
----[X] Military Tech is gated behind them showing cooperation that proves they'd use it against outside threats and not to kill each other. Make sure to mention the spy incident & sound annoyed when doing so. Also the failed attack & sound very annoyed. Gated Tech is released gradually as Trust grows.
----[X] Juvenat is gated behind them cooperating and showing that it would be distributed fairly in a way that doesn't create a class of immortals ruling over mortals.
---[X] Victan Assists
-[X] Anexa Active Action: Research Manufacturing Machine Spirits
-[X] Victan Active Action: Diplomat-Spy, Resolution of greivances and Unification of Denva
-[X] Cia Passive Action: Passive Psyker improvement
-[X] Scrapcode: Keep
[X] Plan: Space, space, gotta go to space!

I'm left wondering if some of that BP shouldn't be reserved as slack for, say, replacements for infected factory equipment, with one or two of the sats being for what's left over.

Hm. Oh well.
[X] Plan: Space, space, gotta go to space!

@meianmaru, do you think we should mention in the diplomatic action an explanation and reassurance the nations (and enclaves?) about what happened with that space battle with the scrapcode generator, or maybe just say we will abstract/delegate crafting an or multiple appropriate response(s) to Victan?

Just seems like something we should address, even if just in passing and/or with an edited version of the truth (e.g., a simulated attack to test our new ships defences using now "obsolete" craft/weapons), lest we rattle the nations' confidence in our capabilities or just in what we are doing when we are asking them to trust us again.

added warp drives / void abacii

One issue - I don't think we have reverse-engineered how to build more void abacii yet.
[X] Plan: Space, space, gotta go to space!

[X] planetary unification the Vita city of void teaching

[X] Plan Unification through collective Research & Fundamental Defensive Research
sustain conflict with the Imperials for up to thousands of years, eventually making continued Imperial occupation too costly and driving them off an in-system strategically significant planet pre-Great Rift
They didn't drive them off. The Imperium abandoned Denva Primus the same time it abandoned Denva Secundus. About 250 years ago.

Could we offer Juvenat access to the other nations (as well as providing medicine and treatments to the leadership's family members who are suffering from otherwise incurable conditions and diseases as we've done in Aevon) to be the carrot to our demands/desires (reduced fractionslism/infighting, etc.)
Yes, but you can't build more juvenat facilities and have them operate when you leave. You need to either do OMC or juvenat research to make a manned version.

Could minor crew have basic mechanical impacts which can be easily abstracted into the quest's already existing core mechanics - for example, more minor crew (with sufficient workstations and/or augmentations) giving us a higher CP limit (representing minor crew managing things in our stead), maybe just needing either modified "manned" or "manual organic oversight" varients of our equipment/vehicles/etc., or a Mind-Machine-Interface tech to oversee automated constructs, facilities, etc., more like how Vita (as an AI) does?
Hmm. Yeah, expanding your CP limit is probably a good use-case for minor crew.

--[X] 100x improve shields (2000 BP)
Is this for building the new psychic vault?

including low cost improvised efforts like towing and throwing dozens of asteroids at Primus which could be done with civilian Imperial spacecraft
Problem is that this would disrupt mining operations, potentially for a while. Sector command cares a lot more about a steady stream of valuable ore than a ignorable population of barbarian xenos.

One issue - I don't think we have reverse-engineered how to build more void abacii yet.
You can design ships with abacii, you just can't build them until you do the relevant tech.
@meianmaru, on the note of updating our ships with psychic shields here are ports of the existing ship designs. I increased the engines because I can't see a reason not to and added warp drives / void abacii since we will want to take our investment with us.
25 RP – Caltrop - Basic Defense Satellite (300 -> 350 VBP, 10 CP). Light Defensive platform, 200x200 meters. Light shield, Light armor, Psychic Shielding (+50), 1 light lance battery.
25 RP – Caltrop - Basic Defense Satellite (300 -> 400 VBP, 10 CP). Light Defensive platform, 200x200 meters. Light shield, Light armor, Living Space (+50), Psychic Shielding (+50), 1 light lance battery.
Hmmm. We could actually complete one of these on this turn (EDIT: by taking away from the med school research project which would be left incomplete on this turn anyway), and actually use them. Probably a drone version. Then we could complete the manned one on the next turn and give the blueprints to the people of Denva and Kysslar's Nest. @Neablis these are mechanically legal, right? I'm thinking about using the non-manned version in the current plan. (EDIT: ...Or maybe making the manned version now might be for the better, possibly.)

Because once again, I've already ended up editing the plan while the vote is ongoing, so might as well improve it further.
@meianmaru, do you think we should mention in the diplomatic action an explanation and reassurance the nations (and enclaves?) about what happened with that space battle with the scrapcode generator, or maybe just say we will abstract/delegate crafting an or multiple appropriate response(s) to Victan?

Just seems like something we should address, even if just in passing and/or with an edited version of the truth (e.g., a simulated attack to test our new ships defences using now "obsolete" craft/weapons), lest we rattle the nations' confidence in our capabilities or just in what we are doing when we are asking them to trust us again.
Eh. Probably best to focus more tightly on the main objective of the diplomacy action. Might help directing that unease in getting them united even with a good roll, I'm guessing. So I don't feel like changing the wording, especially at this point.
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[X] Plan Unification & Fundamental Defensive Research
-[Free] Poke around some more in the databases, looking for anything in particular.
--[X] As part of your exploration of the Denva system you will be visiting Denva Prime and hopefully making contact with the Vellkar. Digging through Imperial files looking for more information on them may be helpful.
-[X] This whole thing with Denva is a little annoying, but you should stick around and sort it out. But you'll explore the rest of the Denva system *soon*! (-Wayfarer Proc Chance this turn, +Wayfarer Proc Chance next turn, if allowed?)
-[X] Construction 1:
--[X] Build new vault (2000 BP)
--[X] Repair Psychic Shielding on Ship (Repair Bay covers this!)
--[X] 2x Deep Space Manufactory (750 void BP, 40 CP) (Total 1,500 VBP, 80 CP)
--[X] Void Academy at Klyssars Nest (2000 BP)
--[X] 2,350 BP Leftover
---[X] Use left over as needed for [Vault Scrapcode Resistance] -> [Teardown / replacement of any infected factories] -> [Refitting Manufactories to use Machine Spirits] -> [Bribes and assistance for unification].
-[X] Research x2 (400 RP)
--[X] Scrapcode Cleansing (100 RP, boosted if necessary)
--[X] Abacus-Warp interactions (100 RP, boosted if necessary)
--[X] Manufacturing Machine Spirits (55 RP + 45 Anexa RP, boosted if necessary)
---[X] Anexa assists.
--[X] Efficent Psychic Shielding (145 RP - any RP needed to boost the prior researches + any leftover RP from discounts)
--[X] Ok, maybe there's a point to medical school (Any excess RP from discounts)
-[X] Diplomacy, 1 Action, Denva
--[X] Victan takes the lead, and we assist him. He can reinterpret and modify our agenda below if he feels it necessary.
--[X] Resolve Grievances: Resolving existing grievances present in the populace and leadership that motivate counterproductive actions.
--[X] Broker Unification: Help the planet unify, to manage a unified industrial economy, R&D department, and defense fleet.
--[X] Implement a system of transparency, enforcement, and potential punishment to both protect the nations from abuse, but also to make sure they cooperate.
--[X] Promise up to 5000 BP in assistance next turn to help smooth things along, if they do a good job at the first three. Also warn that we expect to be leaving the system within a decade or two, so they should get their house in order now. We will return eventually, but we're not sure exactly how long it will be - probably 5-15 years.
-[X] Anexa Active Action: Research Manufacturing Machine Spirits
-[X] Victan Active Action: Diplomat-Spy, Resolution of greivances and Unification of Denva
-[X] Cia Passive Action: Passive Psyker improvement
-[X] Scrapcode: Keep
No one even bothered to make a plan where we don't keep the scrap code? Sigh. Well, I've never voted for a winning plan in this quest and I don't intend to start now.

Red team members are trained to command ships, and bots so you don't need to spend all your focus to plan out a ship or bot unit activity cost 25 CP commands 50 CP of units or ships

We'll definitely need organic/machine control for this and the plan makers have a bias against it. I don't think this is going to go anywhere.

although not dramatically threatening enough of an advantage to warrant an exterminatus to wipe the planet clean and then resettle it?

Exterminatus are expensive and my impression is that most planets in most places in the imperium go centuries without any real outside interference to push them to do so.

Sure, but in a fanatically fascist state where elites (particularly in military or governing position) are almost always under pressure to prove and keep re-proving not only their loyalty but "enthusiasm" for and devotion to the cause - lest they risk the potentially lethal (or worse) consequences from their superiors, rivals and the regime's secret police (the Inquistion) for themselves, their families, and anyone they might care about - things like budgetary concerns tend to fall by the wayside.

I think this is probably the case where that pressure is super intense in direct proximity to the superior powers. Out of sight, out of mind is the best way to stay safe for the mid-level manager types like planetary rulers.
We'll definitely need organic/machine control for this and the plan makers have a bias against it. I don't think this is going to go anywhere.

I mean, I do want that, I just don't think it's an immediate priority. I do want to research machine spirits, which is basically a prereq, if we don't want chaos corrupting all the technology we leave behind extremely easily. I do plan to grab OMC in a few turns, once we have machine spirits for manufacturing and installations.