Voting is open for the next 11 hours, 26 minutes
OK I just got done rereading some of the dangerous shit out there in 40k's Milky Way Galaxy and we need a Pyrokinetic the sooner the better. Some problems can only be solved by Psytech that is gated behind Pyrokinesis.
OK I just got done rereading some of the dangerous shit out there in 40k's Milky Way Galaxy and we need a Pyrokinetic the sooner the better. Some problems can only be solved by Psytech that is gated behind Pyrokinesis.

That is not strictly true as the necrons show, they 'solved' a warp-flavored problem the likes of which makes Chaos pale into insignificance with only material side tech. That said I do think that if we are just looking to kill stuff that is otherwise hard to kill Pyromancy is probably the best way to do so.
That is not strictly true as the necrons show, they 'solved' a warp-flavored problem the likes of which makes Chaos pale into insignificance with only material side tech. That said I do think that if we are just looking to kill stuff that is otherwise hard to kill Pyromancy is probably the best way to do so.

Pyromancy is the Psyker discipline that has Technopathy locked behind it. I don't need a bigger gun, I want better understanding of the interactions between the Warp and Technology because we are playing an AI.
Really? I would have guessed telepathy. Did I miss the GM saying something or is this canon?

It's canon. The Thousand Sons' Cult of the Pyrae were Pyromancers all primarily and they had Technopathy as their signature Cult ability to the point of using Canis Vertex, a Warlord Battle Titan, for their Cult's Symbol on the front gate of their Pyramid instead of a golden statue like the other Cults had.

I don't know if we will just need a Pyromancer, a level 10 Pyromancer, a level 20 Pyromancer, a level 30 Pyromancer or if we will need to have a Psyker that is at their base a Pyromancer to get that ability as an option, but I want it and having as stable a starting Pyromancer as we could get in the early game that is a Zeta means we should be able to get that specialization with enough work if we take Cia now.

Edit: You know what let's check: Hey @Neablis do we need a Psyker who started out as a Pyromancer to have an option to develop Technopathy as they level up? Or is it just a level up that has Pyromancy as a prerequisite?
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That is not strictly true as the necrons show, they 'solved' a warp-flavored problem the likes of which makes Chaos pale into insignificance with only material side tech. That said I do think that if we are just looking to kill stuff that is otherwise hard to kill Pyromancy is probably the best way to do so.
The problem with thinking that we can use the Necrons as a milestone with what we might be accomplish with pure material technology is, as always, that we are talking the Necrons. Even if we have the advantage of playing as an AI, the Necrons have had the advantages of them being a star-faring civilization instead of a lone AI, their Star Gods to boost their technological development (the Void Dragon specifically in this case) while also being basically the gods of the Materium supporting the Necrons against the Warp (and nowdays as captured pokemon as shards), and most importantly? They have had the time to perfect their technology.

Yes, we might be able to loot, steal or maybe even negotiate to get samples of their technology. Even if the last one seems quite unlikely to work. But anything even starting to approach Necron technology in how advanced and effective it is probably endgame-stuff. Meanwhile, we could get much faster and greater results with psykers and psytech here and now.

Also, Warhammer is also sometimes called Herohammer for a reason. Hero units can accomplish things that would be hard or otherwise impossible with faceless (if effective) troops. Well, in the best of worlds the two are working together, so sending both bots (and/or other minions) and our champion(s) will definitely be even better in most scenarios.

And when the two can't work together, it might be because that for some reason we can't use our bots. Maybe, for example, the location is shielded from Vita's signals, which was Vita's worry in the last chapter:
You're half-expecting it to cut off communications but nothing of the sort happens, and you're able to watch out of his eye and listen through his implants as he is led to a sumptuously decorated meeting room adorned with many images of the Imperial Faith, all polished to a shining golden gleam.
So remote-controlled bots might not be a solution available to us always. And independent and thinking bots have the problem of starting to approach being people the more independent they are, in which case I would feel less inclined to just throwing them at a problem as sacrificial pawns.

Which means that I would prefer super-elites that can actually survive such conditions. Or maybe having killer bots stomping around would be too conspicuous. Or a thousand other scenarios where "remote controlled killer bots" isn't the best answer.

And like you said, pyromancy is there for killing stuff that is otherwise hard to kill. Or worse, hard to put permanently down. Which is why I'm starting to prefer it more and more as an option as I think about it.

However on the pyromancy leading to technomancy/technopathy discussion:
It's canon. The Thousand Sons' Cult of the Pyrae were Pyromancers all primarily and they had Technopathy as their signature Cult ability to the point of using Canis Vertex, a Warlord Battle Titan, for their Cult's Symbol on the front gate of their Pyramid instead of a golden statue like the other Cults had.

I don't know if we will just need a Pyromancer, a level 10 Pyromancer, a level 20 Pyromancer, a level 30 Pyromancer or if we will need to have a Psyker that is at their base a Pyromancer to get that ability as an option, but I want it and having as stable a starting Pyromancer as we could get in the early game that is a Zeta means we should be able to get that specialization with enough work if we take Cia now.
Might be best to actually ask @Neablis if we should make that assumption OOC. Because in W40k, I've noticed it is often very much pick-and-choose approach that gets used in fanworks like these. Even if Vita might not know this IC, I'm hoping that we can get some hints in how much we should trust lesser-known pieces of information like this.

EDIT: ah, I see you already asked this from Neablis by an edit, nvm then
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Might be best to actually ask @Neablis if we should make that assumption OOC. Because in W40k, I've noticed it is often very much pick-and-choose approach that gets used in fanworks like these. Even if Vita might not know this IC, I'm hoping that we can get some hints in how much we should trust lesser-known pieces of information like this.

I just finished editing that question into my last post.
I think we will enjoy reading about these more, just rating them:


- Divination, Telekinesis, Pyromancy in that order
Reasoning: Players are human, and humans feel negative events more than an equivalent positive event. A diviner negating a negative event would thus provide 'goodfeels' equal to 5 positive events.

Telekinesis and Pyromancy are equal, but Pyromancy for full use will require combat, dangerous combat at that, which comes with the risk of death and thus large amounts of badfeels. Divination doesn't require quite as much personal risk and thus badfeels.


Cia > Ker > Zenza

Cia is very bubbly. Personality: Winning.
Ker has compatible goals. Personality: It's okay.
Zenza is terrified, but we will probably work on that given time. Personality: Eh, not bad, will improve.

The Dozen weaker psykers don't even show up on my fun prediction, as they basically are nameless. Sads.

So personally I'm going

Ker > Cia = Zenza > Faceless Psykers

In writing preference, but they're actually fairly close.
I'd add that Cia is interesting story-wise, because her specialty and stated goals are at opposite ends from how we've conducted the game so far — we've focused on diplomacy/negotiation/exploration as a first option, and she seems to be a combat-first/action-first person. That could make things well-rounded, or it could create interpersonal conflict.
OK I just got done rereading some of the dangerous shit out there in 40k's Milky Way Galaxy and we need a Pyrokinetic the sooner the better. Some problems can only be solved by Psytech that is gated behind Pyrokinesis.
For Psytech gating we should get the diverse Staff psykers.
Means we have all specializations without costing a Crew Slot.
Really? I would have guessed telepathy. Did I miss the GM saying something or is this canon?
Check out qms answer and the post they quoted to see question:
That's probably telepathy plus lots of psytech and neural augmentation. A similar setup for a pyronancer might let them channel their powers remotely.
Anyway, all that aside, here's the prototype for the plan.

[ ] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!
Copied the plan from @Alectai, because I think it will probably take a while from him before he can get to computer again. On the construction side, it leaves open some CP points open by not maxing manufacturing, giving us some flexibility there if needed. But will still be able to complete the ship with about 1000 BP left for things besides the ship, by taking three construction actions on the next turn. So even if due to some unforseen event, we end up needing more construction? We can always use the last fourth action for construction too if required, though it likely won't come to that.

Also, I added to the prototype plan fixing the Scrapcode Vault. Seems sensible, even with the Daemon probably lacking the necessary energy for a while to do anything major like it tried on this turn.

Moving on to the research, Improved Psychic Shielding, according to Neablis, can potentially be integrated into the flagship design that we already have on a good or better roll. This is time-sensitive, and should be taken now. Here, the relevant quote:
If you do improved psychic shielding you'll only be able to upgrade the shielding in your flagship on a good roll or above, otherwise you'll be stuck with what you designed. Which is solid. Though if you do nested shielding you'll be able to put smaller, upgraded psychic shields inside your ship, like around the control room and crew quarters.
Meanwhile, personal-scale psytech is useful for both our new psyker-bean, as well as a further negotiation tool alongside juvenat and improved shielding if we want to do more diplomacy with the monasteries (meaning trying to acquire more beans). Better medical technology is useful both for better cybernetic augmentations and medical care, as well as unlocking new augmentation technologies.

When it comes to Victan, I've come to the same conclusion that seems to be the thread consensus. He is already our diplomacy-hero even with being intrigue-specced, so it makes sense keeping that open as an option elsewhere too. We can never know how long it would take to run into an another potential crewmember who could work as a diplomat.

On psyker-beans: I'm going to go with Cia. I like her, and we are lacking a Champion. This matters. Like I said in an earlier post, Warhammer is also known as Herohammer for a reason. And there are loads of scenarios where "remote controlled killer bots" isn't the best answer. And while I've already given examples before, lets add one more: If and when going against Daemons (the character creation added a Daemonworld to our problems), you really want someone who can actually hurt and maybe even kill them. Instead of just inconveniencing them.

[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!
-[X] Construction x3
--[X] First Construction: (4,850 BP, there's enough lift to make the difference between VBP and BP irrelevant)
---[X] +43 Manufactories (4,300 BP, 2,150 CP), 2 Spaceports (200 BP, 50 CP), 15 Shuttles (300 BP, 75 CP), Trade Goods (50 BP)
--[X] Second Construction (7,000 BP, natch)
---[X] +7 Manufactories (700 BP, 350 CP), 3 Spaceports (300 BP, 75 CP), 35 Shuttles (700 BP, 175 CP). Ship!: 5,300/33,650 BP
--[X] Third Construction (7,350 BP, Natch)
---[X] Scrapcode Vault, 40/50 psychic shielding -> 50/50 psychic shielding (100 BP) repair for 10 BP/point
---[X] Ship!: 12,550/33,650 BP
-[X] Research (200 RP + 40 Anexa RP)
--[X] Improved Psychic Shielding (20 + 40 Anexa RP, Complete!)
--[X] The Basics of Psytech (85,Complete!)
--[X] You don't need no Stinkin' Med School! (50/50, Complete!)
--[X] Introduction to Human Genetics (45/100)

[X] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.
[X] Cia Steblin, confidant pyromancer. Zeta (11)

EDIT: Aaand I'm already editing the plan. Forgot to shift the Scrapcode repair BP away from the ship first. Fixed.

Also, a reminder to everyone: for this vote specifically, the Victan-vote and the psyker-bean-vote are separate from the main plan vote:

Victan Level 10 Upgrade - not part of plan vote

Psyker Aquisition - not part of plan vote

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Time for voting

I like @Alectai's plan, it was designed alongside the winning ship plan and gets us our ship in two turns total with a flex action next turn.
[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!

[X] Kezathi Zenza, troubled seer. Eta (10)
[X] Ker Bemsk, awkard telekinetic. Delta (13)

As for our Psy-bean, when it comes to the best story. I am a huge fan of people overcoming/healing from trauma, which makes me a big fan of Kezathi. It would be a lot of work and AP commitments on our part. It sounds like we would need to start going down the medicine tree to find Therapy/clone a puppy, along with implants to help filter bad thoughts, plus shields small enough she can wear. Also counting in the diplo actions needed to help her adjust and I expect she would easily require ~10 actions over the next 10 turns. All that being said, helping someone come back to themselves would be an excellent story I would love to read.

As @DragonParadox and others have pointed out, there is lots of potential for this to go wrong but it is that risk that will make a good story.

On a mechanical front, divination is the one power we cannot replicate with technology. Yes the other two absolutely have their benefits but divination is unique. Besides dice manipulation the ability to see the future can have lots of mechanical benefits, but my biggest hope on the mechanical front would be countdown timers. Knowing when a bad thing is going to happen, even if we don't know what it is, would be TREMENDOUSLY helpful for our planning.

[x] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.

Victan is easier, he is best diplomat. But seriously 2/3rd's of our turns to date have included a diplomatic action, I want to secure his bonus for other worlds as well.
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[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!
Seems like a solid plan

[X] Ker Bemsk, awkard telekinetic. Delta (13)

I like his motivation and the one thing we can't buy is more raw Psychic power, we can get him a better specialization at turn 10

[X] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.

We are going to be doing a lot more talking than we are James Bond-ing not least because the latter is all the more likely to get Vitcan killed.

On a mechanical front, divination is the one power we cannot replicate with technology. Yes the other two absolutely have their benefits but divination is unique.

Orikan the Diviner would like to know your address... wait no, he already knows it. :V
(I'm not expecting to get the tech anytime soon, just nitpicking in a hopefully funny way)
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Orikan the Diviner would like to know your address... wait no, he already knows it. :V
(I'm not expecting to get the tech anytime soon, just nitpicking in a hopefully funny way)

As a Necron player myself, I am well aware of Orikan's flavor of cheese :V

I wonder if he teaches adjunct classes at space university... would love to learn that brand of space math :)
[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!

[X] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.
[X] Cia Steblin, confidant pyromancer. Zeta (11)

Joke's on you I was already awake, because the dogs won't let me fucking sleep
[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!

[X] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.
[X] Cia Steblin, confidant pyromancer. Zeta (11)
Joke's on you I was already awake, because the dogs won't let me fucking sleep
Oof. Hopefully they will calm down soon.

Also, just noticed: @Neablis your example vote from the earlier is showing up in the vote tally:
Yeah, I can agree with that. Changed the update and also declaring here Crew vote & Victan specialty vote are seperate from major plan vote. So you'll vote like this:

[X] Cia Steblin, confidant pyromancer. Zeta (11)
[X] Diplomat-spy
[X] Plan: Time to take up war-yodeling
Also, @Nightlord256, I'm sorry if this is annoying, but could you possibly change your plan vote to the format others are using? It is for the vote-tally, your full copy of the plan is for some reason showing separate from the others who are using the plan name only -part. Same with the Victan-vote, but that is due to everyone else (including me) just copying the shorter part without the italics.
[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!

[X] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.
[X] Ker Bemsk, awkard telekinetic. Delta (13)
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[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!

[X] Infiltrator: Victan may go on active missions involving stealth & subterfuge to acquire data or objectives that would otherwise be completely unavailable. Unlocks powerful new narrative subterfuge options. Will be boosted by cybernetics research. He starts sneaking around to steal stuff or spy on people. This will do things like give you samples or information that otherwise would be impossible to grab.
[X] Cia Steblin, confidant pyromancer. Zeta (11)
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[X] Plan: Expand your Ship, Vita!
-[X] Construction x3
--[X] First Construction: (4,850 BP, there's enough lift to make the difference between VBP and BP irrelevant)
---[X] +43 Manufactories (4,300 BP, 2,150 CP), 2 Spaceports (200 BP, 50 CP), 15 Shuttles (300 BP, 75 CP), Trade Goods (50 BP)
--[X] Second Construction (7,000 BP, natch)
---[X] +7 Manufactories (700 BP, 350 CP), 3 Spaceports (300 BP, 75 CP), 35 Shuttles (700 BP, 175 CP). Ship!: 5,300/33,650 BP
--[X] Third Construction (7,350 BP, Natch)
---[X] Scrapcode Vault, 40/50 psychic shielding -> 50/50 psychic shielding (100 BP) repair for 10 BP/point
---[X] Ship!: 12,550/33,650 BP
-[X] Research (200 RP + 40 Anexa RP)
--[X] Improved Psychic Shielding (20 + 40 Anexa RP, Complete!)
--[X] The Basics of Psytech (85,Complete!)
--[X] You don't need no Stinkin' Med School! (50/50, Complete!)
--[X] Introduction to Human Genetics (45/100)

[X] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.
[X] Cia Steblin, confidant pyromancer. Zeta (11)
[X] Plan: Improved Manufactories To Build The Ship:

[X] Infiltrator: Victan may go on active missions involving stealth & subterfuge to acquire data or objectives that would otherwise be completely unavailable. Unlocks powerful new narrative subterfuge options. Will be boosted by cybernetics research. He starts sneaking around to steal stuff or spy on people. This will do things like give you samples or information that otherwise would be impossible to grab.

[X] Cia Steblin, confidant pyromancer. Zeta (11)
I have an intrusive thought that kept bugging me, now it can bug the thread go-ers. Combat teleporting Battleship.... Yes. I said it. And to extend that to its 'logical' conclusion. Combat teleporting Fleets. It's rather obvious who I'm voting for, I also think that his dream of seeing the stars simply meshes the best with Vita.

[X] Diplomat-spy: Victan's active action bonus can be applied to all diplomacy rolls, including first contact with a new culture.
[X] Ker Bemsk, awkard telekinetic. Delta (13)
Voting is open for the next 11 hours, 26 minutes