1. What the hell. I know this said clusterfuck, but I didn't think things would get this bad. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the Counter Force summoned Gandalf the White.
2. You've done an admirable job at balancing so many characters through all the choices people have mad. It was pretty interesting to see Archer suddenly open up regarding Sakura and Zouken's worms, possibly blowing his cover in the process, considering how consistent he was at keeping his distance beforehand. Also love how you weren't afraid to give BB a straight-up villain role and have her wreak havoc.
3. I like how Illya is simultaneously eager for Shirou's affection but also fundamentally the same messed-up girl from Stay Night. A neat way to show how messed up the typical magus line of thought really is.
4. I love your handling of Shirou and how his initial ideals are put through the wringer by the utter carnage of this war. It was nice to see Ayako and him have a real heart-to-heart that showed just how deep their bond really went and how much the people in his life really cared for him. And the time he traced in the temple had some really cool execution with the internal dialogue. Also I feel like he and Archer are going to have words (My sword-loving ass would've voted for him but I am admittedly interested to see the Sixth magic).
5. I am incredibly vindicated at how much agency Ayako has been given ever since she crashed through Raiga's wall in a frilly dress. It's nice to see her assert her place in Shirou's life. I knew she'd pull through.
6. I refuse to believe that Touko, Shishigou, and Kuzuki pulling up to Rin's base isn't as much of a Chekov's Gun as the three(?) different endgame-level threats raring to turn Fuyuki into a city-scale thunderdome.
7. Speaking of which, the whole Saber Alter/Rin/BB ordeal is frankly too crazy for me to even properly comment on. All that has to be said is that I never saw any of it coming.
7. (Maybe) George Washington pulling up had be hyped beyond belief (best servant ftw), and Sauron pulling up has me convinced that we're getting Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White, since we got the Holy Grail's Black Night.