I would say it is the most pressing thing ever. Right now all that is standing between us and praising Chaos is a shield that is per the GM worse than equivalent imperial protections. It's going to take a few more layers of research before we can claim to be even somewhat safe and I think that that is going to take psyker help.
My understanding is that (for better and for worse) our protection is more costly and less flexible than local Imperial protections (Machine Spirits), but probably not weaker:

But the key insight that brought it all together was the machine spirits, and the neural nets that you're pretty sure comprise them. If you think of the machine spirits as capable of thinking similar thoughts, then your psionic shield is a similar construct. It is almost the simplest possible thought circuit, and it's busy thinking a single thought as hard and often as possible, and somehow doing that drains energy away into the warp.
Machine Spirits seem like a very clever and cost-effective way to accomplish multiple goals. They seem to be:
  • Intelligent systems that can grow without becoming sapient (though become prone to psychosis when they do)
  • Modular/damage resistant, they become dumber when nodes are removed but aren't damaged
  • Psychoactive, and thus probably capable of resisting or even fighting back against demons, at least to the same degree that normal living creatures can
It's elegant and versatile, but probably not actually better for this specific task.

Hexagrammic/Pentagrammic Wards might be a different matter, based as they are on "lost aerythmetical formulae". (The Tabula Myriad is potentially an example of that more AI-compatible technology being used, since it was able to actually banish a demon).

Could you point out where the exact mechanics saying this? Because all I can find for Active relating to this is "Will level on successful roll, scaled by the importance of the tech."
"Level-ups are accomplished in a few ways - mostly through passive traits at low levels and good rolls/adventures at high levels."

Also, the exact formula for Anexa's passive trait means that the lower-level she is, the greater chance she has of leveling up. Right now her passive action has an 86% chance of causing her to level up (which would increase her RP bonus to +10). That chance drops as she levels, which is why gambling on research will eventually become better than her passive trait (until it changes to something else at level 10).
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Literally in informational, right here.
Yes, I've read it before. Either my eyes are skipping over it, or it is not there. And I'm not speaking about how they level up, I'm speaking about how difficult the roll to level up for an active Action for Anexa is. Especially when compared to passive learning that she has. Or if the exact numbers are even mentioned anywhere beyond "scaled by the importance of the tech."
Yes, I've read it before. Either my eyes are skipping over it, or it is not there. And I'm not speaking about how they level up, I'm speaking about how difficult the roll to level up for an active Action for Anexa is. Especially when compared to passive learning that she has. Or if the exact numbers are even mentioned anywhere beyond "scaled by the importance of the tech."
If I am understanding it right, right now leveling it by passive would take beating a dc of 15 from the 10+5xlevel formula while an active would require beating the dc of 35 for a success on a research action.
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Yes, I've read it before. Either my eyes are skipping over it, or it is not there. And I'm not speaking about how they level up, I'm speaking about how difficult the roll to level up for an active Action for Anexa is. Especially when compared to passive learning that she has. Or if the exact numbers are even mentioned anywhere beyond "scaled by the importance of the tech."
Exact numbers aren't given, but we're explicitly told it's better.

Also, there's no way that "good roll" means "15+", which is what her trait allows right now.
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If I am understanding it right, leveling it by passive would take beating a dc of 15 from the 10+5xlevel formula while an active would require beating the dc of 35 for a success on a research action.
Exact numbers aren't given, but we're explicitly told it's better.

Also, there's no way that "good roll" means "15+", which is what her trait allows right now.
Thank you for the clarifications, will be modifying my plan based on this information. Anexa is going back to school for now (I don't think she will mind).
Wait, I just realized it, I think the dc is the same thanks to our 20 dice bonus for research? Since with that bonus we require to roll 15 to get 35. Unless the dice itself has to roll above 35 which I don't think so? The only reason she did not level from the action this turn was because we put her in a diplomacy action
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Wait, I just realized it, I think the dc is the same thanks to our 20 dice bonus for research? Since with that bonus we require to roll 15 to get 35. Unless the dice itself has to roll above 35 which I don't think so? The only reason se did not level from the action this turn was because we put her in a diplomacy action
...Okay, at this point it is just better to ask. @Neablis sorry to ping you so often, but I kinda need a clarification on this too. I will be using a plan with Anexa on school bench if it is clearly more likely to get her leveled up, but if it is even near-ish, I will be using a plan that will have her actually contributing towards the hacking for the +5 RP and the flavour (and maybe good luck).
Yes, I'm throwing Anexa into helping with figuring out how to haxor the tech the Imperials have (with her amazing +5 RP). She has been a good bean, she deserves something fun.
Uhh, I'm pretty sure Anexa would prefer to keep pilfering our databases for every scrap of knowledge.

She also might get grumpy about not being allowed to ransack your database for a second turn in a row.

Also, I really think some of you are sleeping on small-craft stealth. It could really help out in stealthily transporting material up into space, or for a surprise attack if we need to fight the Mechanicus.
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...Okay, at this point it is just better to ask. @Neablis sorry to ping you so often, but I kinda need a clarification on this too. I will be using a plan with Anexa on school bench if it is clearly more likely to get her leveled up, but if it is even near-ish, I will be using a plan that will have her actually contributing towards the hacking for the +5 RP and the flavour (and maybe good luck).
Ah, I meant to contribute earlier but I'd left it as a draft.

Her chances of leveling with her passive are 86%. If she does research then it's definitely a lower chance, a rule of thumb for the early levels is that the DC will be about ~20 higher than the education DC. I'm not giving a hard number because it depends on the tech in question, how I choose to write it, etc. In general her helping finish bigger/more impressive techs probably makes her more likely to level. Later on they will get a bit closer, but it turns out there's just a lot to learn, and trying to contribute to cutting edge stuff before she has her fundamentals down is harder and less likely to help her.

An added benefit is if you crit on a research roll with her then she might gain a specialty. I'm not sure if that'll have a mechanical benefit, but it'll likely effect her character, and carry through to adventures and such.
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-[] Small-craft Stealth (100 RP) How do I keep these ships better hidden? Hmm - radar absorption, better chassis design to deflect signals? Hiding or dispersing the drive plume? All good ideas. (Unlocks the ability to design versions of fighters, bombers, boarding craft and shuttles with basic passive stealth. Unlocks advanced passive stealth, basic active stealth and research to apply stealth to both smaller combat bots and larger ships)
small-craft stealth would be very useful considering everything it unlocks and allows us to do
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Should we mention to Aevon that it is possible that the Mechanicusm has at least one orbital-bombardment capable satellite up there?
[X] Plan: Technology is about to go crazy!

I was gonna make my own plan but I actually quite like Alectai's so I'm just gonna vote for that.
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[X] Plan: Technology is about to go crazy!

EDIT: Actually, wait
, I have come around to making an alteration to this. @Questwolf, please remove the list, I'll have the altered version in a jiffy.
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[X] Plan: Technology is about to go crazy!
-[X] [Free] What is the deal with this God-Emperor anyway? It sounds kind of crazy, and there's got to be more to it, right?
-[X] Construction (900 BP)
--[X] 4x Manufactories (-400 BP)
--[X] 1x Underground Basic Biology Lab (-150 BP)
--[X] 6x Underground Anti-Air Defenses (-450 BP)
-[X] Research x3 (600 RP)
--[X] Mechanicus files on the Archenemy (-100 RP)
--[X] In-atmosphere void shields (100 RP)
--[X] What's up with this tech? (-100 RP)
--[X] Let's fix the lag issue (-50 RP)
--[X] System survey (-50 RP)
--[X] Basic Imperial Hacking (-150 RP)
--[X] CONDITIONAL: If we manage to avoid paying a surcharge for Basic Imperial Hacking, do Combat Bot Humanization, Redux (-50 RP), otherwise, pay the surcharge
-[X] [Anexa] Education - Roll to level, difficulty is 10+5xLevel
-[X] Anexa: Juvenat Yes
--[X] Do advise her, however, that this is an option, not something we're demanding she takes. We've gotten the lag cleaned up by now, and we'll be able to make further improvements soon--if you prefer to go full augment? That's your perrogative too, consider this more a 'You have time to do things the way you'd prefer it', rather than a statement one way or the other. You're not in a rush.
-[X] Aevon Mine: Take the "mine disguise" deal
--[X] Do advise them that our defensive envelope--while growing--is not quite ready to handle a full strategic barrage, though a stray cruise missile shouldn't be a problem, but once that happens, the cat's likely going to be out of the bag, and things will get loud very shortly because they'll know damn well we have something to hide. Keep that in mind before you keep poking the bear, because it might just come and maul you before you're ready.
-[X] Aevon Weapons: Yes
--[X] On that note, make sure to take the insights we've gained from studying their tech to at least make them look convincingly Imperial, to further the illusion, if we need BP to do this, don't hesitate to pull from one of the Anti-air Defenses to do it.

The main revision is I'm taking the Psytech introduction off in exchange for Files on the Archenemy and In-Atmo Void Shields. I was convinced by Meianmaru's argument for it, and I'm also squeezing In-Atmo in to give us a safety blanket against orbital strikes, but between having the Hacking online, and the survey done, we should be well suited towards preparing to dislodge their monopoly. I'll be hopefully also taking a time to see if any of our seeds from earlier sprouted in the next report, to hopefully extract them, or if we need to write them off entirely.
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Why do most plans want to give weapons to Aevon? That's not very risky when the mechanicus realizes that there's more going on in Aevon than meets the eye?

and even more so if we are going to do the idea of the mine
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The idea is they are asking for lasguns and plasma pistols. Basically stuff they could have found in an old Imperial arms cache. it's somewhat risky but I think it's worth it.
Yeah, long-las and plasma pistols are uncommon, but not outside the bounds of what you could find in a surviving cache somewhere.

We're also not saturating them with enough that they're likely to show up in huge numbers, and we're also doing the Imperial Tech Analysis so we can probably make them look convincing in that sense.