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Considering Kohaku's thoughts on Yumi being a boy earlier as well as Kohaku's new resolution, I bet she's feeling a bit torn.

Her old wish vs her new wish. Yuki vs Yumi lmao
At least until she meets the poor bastard. Major personality divergences there.

Also can't wait for him to start internalizing the differences between this reality and his own. Like how Yumi just casually has the Fiends out for her head.
Also can't wait for him to start internalizing the differences between this reality and his own. Like how Yumi just casually has the Fiends out for her head.
Don't forget that, unlike Shoji and himself, Shoji is one of our best friends. Trios are popular in stories after all.

I just want to see Yuki's reaction to Kohaku and Shoji acting blushy around us.
Like how Yumi just casually has the Fiends out for her head.
That's a difference?

Don't forget that, unlike Shoji and himself, Shoji is one of our best friends. Trios are popular in stories after all.
Don't forget that Yuki thought he and Shoji were best friends before everything went to hell. He'll probably just assume we haven't gotten that far yet.

[X] "Yumi here. This wouldn't be about about a blue haired guy name Yuki would it?"
[X] "Yumi here. This wouldn't be about about a blue haired guy name Yuki would it?"
EX 112: Early.
You glance over at your empty cup, already out of coffee. At least it didn't get cold.

Just keep on the sunny side. You can make it through today, right? After that, you have a day off, and everything that happens with Konishi's bullshit will be some other poor bastard's problem.

Konishi's romp through that cult wasn't all horrible, though. You got some officers transferred over to assist with the guys you arrested, and that's made everything go a lot smoother.

Still, you don't have the facilities to house 70-ish suspects in your jail, so you've been swamped with paperwork since yesterday about transferring some of them to a local correctional facility.

Thankfully, one of the guys from Tokyo decided to handle all the paperwork himself, since "He's used to crazy shit like this". So now, you're out on patrol.

...You wonder if that hole-in-the-wall coffee shop is open this early. It's a little tacky, you'll admit, but their coffee is--

"Oh, you've gotta be shitting me." You grumble as some teenager appears from around the corner, covered in blood. Honestly, it looks like he crawled out of his grave.

You flip your lights on and get out of your car, "If this bastard is with the cult, I'm gonna kill him myself..." You mumble to yourself, then raise your voice, "Hey, kid! You alright?"

The young man slowly turns to you as you approach, his annoyance extremely evident, "What?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"You look pretty banged up, there." You state the obvious, "Not to mention that you're covered in blood. I've got questions, but they can wait until you've gotten medical attention."

He glares at you for a moment, "I'm kinda busy."

You glance at his left arm, which is covered by the same kind of machine Konishi has. He quickly hides it behind his back.

"Let's get you looked at, bud. You look like shit."

"I noticed. Trust me." He snarls, "I don't have time to--"

"You're looking for Konishi, right?" You offer. This seems to get his attention, so you press more, "I can get you in contact with her, but you need to cooperate. Capiche?"

"...Fine." He sighs, stepping a little closer.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 19, 2024 at 8:48 PM, finished with 12 posts and 5 votes.
1013: The Chief Calls!
[X] "He's my traumatized brother!"

"Yumi here," You greet the Chief, "This wouldn't be about a blue-haired boy named Yuki, would it?"

"Damn, and I thought Raido was good." The Chief honestly sounds impressed, "You know this guy?"

"A little-- it's a long story, and I'm kinda still tired--"

"If it's gotta deal with magic, just don't even bother telling me." The Chief groans, "He came stumbling out in the middle of the road, covered in blood and dirt, so I took him to the hospital to get him checked up. He's getting looked at now."

"Hm." You grunt.

"What?" The Chief asks.

"Oh, nothing, I just... Didn't think he was willing to accept help from people." You tell him, "He was kinda prickly when I spoke with him."

"He's trying to be independent for whatever reason," He continues, "But he's misconstruing "independence" for "I'll just do everything myself and then get myself killed". I can sympathize, I was the same way back in the day."

"Wait, really?" You ask, completely caught off guard.

"Yeah." The Chief probably nods, "And let's leave it at that. Look, just swing by when you get a chance, and we can sort this shit out before the sun is up."

[] ????????????????????????????????????
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.

I'm assuming there are at least two hospitals between Mitakihara and Kazamino, hence the request for the Chief to specify which one he's at.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
---[jk] Start humming "Making my way downtown" as you walk, just because.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.






I love part were Milk said "It's Metaphor time" and refantasio all over the place:V

I'll pop in if I'll have time, but Stalker 2 come out and it's actually a Stalker game, so I'll gonna be busy
Remind me, we got a lunch date (Thought Yumi don't know it one)with Kohaku on schedule today right? Or was it dinner?
Lunch. Though that's still in a few hours.
It was never actually specified when we're supposed to be getting pizza. Take a look;
"Yumi, can we go get some pizza tomorrow?" Kohaku asks stiffly, as if she's incredibly nervous.
"...Yeeees...?" You tell her, unsure as to... Well, anything about this conversation.

Kohaku nods, smiling. "See you then."
It's why I wanted to ask Kohaku to clarify that when she woke up, but Yuki has officially derailed that plan.
[X] "Got it. Just tell me which hospital and I'll be right there."
-[X] After he tells you, hang up and address Kohaku, "Boy-Me just turned up and the Chief wants my help dealing with him, so I'm gonna head out. Hopefully this won't take long."
--[X] Warp to the Terminal closest to where you're going, then go the rest of the way on foot.
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